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NOTlICE OF EIUCTION State of South Carolinn, County of Laurens. Notice of Special Election on the Question of Issuing Coupon Ilonds of the City of Laurens In the Sum of *20,000 for Sewerage Extension and .Improvement of the Sewerage System. Whereas, a written petition of a ma jority of the freeholders of the City of Laurens, as appears from the tax books of said City, has been filed with the City Council of the City of Lau rens, asking that an election be held :nwsaid City of ;Laurens, at which shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said City the question of issuing coupon bonds of the City of Laurens in the sum of $20,000, payable within forty years from the date of issue, and bearing a rate of interest not er ceeding six (6) iper cent per annum, for the purpose of sewerage extension and improvement of the sewerage sys tem in said City; and, Whereas, the 'City Council of the City of Laurens has duly considered .said petition, canvassed the sanc, and found it to be in proper form, and signed by the required number of free holders as prescribed by the Consti tution and Statute Laws of the State of South Carolina, made and provided in such cases, and upon consideration thereof adopted an Ordinance and Resolution dated 14th day of July, 1921 'that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the queston of said bonds shall be sulbmlitted to the tiuali fled, duly registered electors of said City of L1aurens, at a Special Election to be held in and -for the said City of Laurens on the 23rd day of August, 1921. NOW T1- EliNFAO'UE, Notice is here by given that a Special Election will be held in the City of Laurens on the 23rd day of August, 1921, upon the question <,f issuing bonds of the City of Laurens in the sum of $20,000. pay able within forty years from date of issue, and bearing interest at not ex ceedivg six (6) per cent per annum, for the purpose of Sewerage 1'xten sion and Improvement of the Sewerage System of the City of Laurens. Said election shall be held at the following places: Ward 1, at City Clerk's Ofice; Ward 2, at Switzer's Store; Ward 3, at Laurens Cotton Mills Store; Ward 4, at Davis-Roper 'Co. Store; Ward 5, at Jones-Taylor liardware Co. Store; Ward 6. at City Power House; that the rDollowing have been appointed managers to onduct the said election: Ward 1, J. E. Tolli-on, J. B. Thomp son, W. T. Burns; Ward 2, John Swit zer, olhn M1. Cunningham, .1. 1). Sex ton; Wa.rd :1, Walter Hellams, S. J. Avery. Willie Powers; Ward .1, 10. W. Martin, J. C. Wasson, J. W. Fowler; Ward 5. 'R. F. Jones, Fred Fuller, R. 11. Owens; Ward 6, T. Mack Roper, E. Wv. Macien, 1iE. T. Todd. At gsaid election the ipolls shall he opened at 8 o'clock In the Forenoon and closed at 4 o'clock In the after noon. At said election only the quali fled, regirtered electors of the City of Laurens shall be entitled to vote. That he hallots shall have printed upon them the question to be submit ted and the words "'CS" and "NO", and the elector favoring the issue of said bonds shall vote a ballot. con taining the word "yes", and tile Me( ior against the issue of said bonds thall vote a blot containing the word "no". By order of the City Council of thev said City of Lauirens, this 1.1th day of July, 1921. .JNO. A. FRANKS. Attest: Mayor. STANIAY W. (IEWS, Clerk and Treasirer. To Cure a Cold In One Day 'Take LAXATIVE JIROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It stops the Coughi and lleadache and works off the~ Cold. E. W. GRoVE'S signature on eacth box. 30c. Hlupmobile The Car Everlasting Ellis Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, S. C. Saves Drucdgery! SLet Red Devil li1ij!Id SLye help out on the mean, tire some k itchen n I jobs, Put a little '.' in the water that -~ soaks the dishes, li~f iron pots, pans ' a n '1 skillets. ..i t I n saves scouring. --1 It does the work Rinse the tin ware, knives, forks and spoons in water madec soft with it...Makes ' * glassware gleam. Purifies while it tleanses. / Your Grocer Sells It T . D DEVIL YE Sure is Srng! ALLEGED SHORTAGE INCREAStR TO $4,500 Bond of J. IV. Stalnaker, Postmaster at Ninety Six Also Itaised to $5,000. Further investigations have shown 'the alleged shortage of J. W. Stal naker, l)ostnaster at Ninety Six to 'be $4,500, and his bond1 has been increased to $5,000, according to the followin), from the Abbeville Press and Banner, Stalnaker having -been given a hearing in Abbeville: J. W. Stalnaker, postmaster at Nine ty 'Six, Greenwood county, was lodged in the Abbeville county jail late Alon day afteinoon on a charge of emoez blenent of federal funds. II 'was brought to Abbeville by Post 0111ce Inspector Mansileld and Deputy Mar shal Adams who had prevlously car ried him to Greenwood, -but in the ab sence from the city of the United States Commissioner of -that county he was brought before United States Com -missioner C. E. Williamson. Mr. Wil liamson held a hearing immediately after the arrival of offlicers with Stal naker and bound him over io federal court under $4,000 .bond. Before bond could be arranged, Mr. Williamson received this morning a wire from the post oflice inspector who has been ongaged in making an addi -tional check of Stainaker's accounts to .the effect that later discourses had increased the shortage from $3,200 to approximately $4,500 and Mr. William .on increased the bond to $5,000. Tlt! original checking began following com plaint by mail order houses that money paid Stalnaker by their customers in payment on C. 0. D. packages had not been remitted. At the hearing Inspec tor Mansfield testilled as to the short age and Stainaker admitted the mis aippropriation of the postoilice funds to private purposes, saying that he had paid personal debts with the money and that he had intended to replace the amount as soon as he became able. Stalnaker has been postmaster at Ninety Six for slightly more than a year. I-is mother is acting in his place while he is away. lie is about 27 years old and married. * JONES NEWS * .Jones, July 29.-Though somewhat late we wish to add our tribute of re. sle i to the memory of ort brother in-law, Mr. Willis illudgetns, of Wil liamston, who recently passed away. Iln al of the relations of life he tmeas ut red up to the full performanee of Iis dtty. Ills sorely bereaved family have 0111' teldetrest sympathy. In the recent death of Ilon. Get. S. .iower, of Newberry, Soiti (ar1tollia lost a prominient an( dist inguitshed cit izen. lIe was an able stateian, (i nealt jurist. Il'ast Grand Master of the Grand [Lodge of Masons, and a genial, \ra rm-htea rted Christ ian gentlemant. In common with his host of friends, I sitncerly regret his degarture an11d telt derly sympathize witih his bereaved famnily. .\lr. F. 1. (Catlleerry, of Woodrauff, recentiy visIted his son, wh'lo has ('harg of0 II Wart' ShoI(:-.l farm i. Mrts. I loamer StIll, of M\arshtall, N. C., is v'isiting Iter father,' W. C. Mlanleya', andt famtily. We atre indebCItedi :o M1'ssas. Caopet' ('ousini. Mliss . \iarty Jiotnes, atl i\lt. lFr~anW [Fitonba, (If Antdrews, whod' were'( tarrit'ed trecenitly. We arae itndebtedl to Mtl. Timrn ock Sa t teri'eld fotr a itice tmelonIt. Dra. 0. P. WVest, of G reenw~ood, was htete prtofessiontal11y, last Mlonday. We were so sorrty to haar ot the Su~ddent dleathi ont the '2.-th inist., of oatr warmtt frit'end, .\lri. Frtanik Smitht, (If Don aldls. :I wo~as a genial, comaniionable, wita'm-hear'ted gentileman and was hteld in t he highest esteem 1by all of his ac < tait atnt('es. We symi~a t hize I tnder ly with hais family int thteir sudden and~ (ovetlwhelmingly 5(ore hlereavemtent. Our schtool mate atnd warmtt ftienud, lion. Ifcotrge C. 'Illodges, (If Greenwood, wats in Ware Shoals last ''Tesdany, and was warmitly greeted bly htis frienids. .\Pr. W. Tr. ,Jones,.Jr'.. and famtily were thte recent guests of Ma'. Wiley Watkinis We "a'. (lad ntl1So' Io that IPresidet I larding is inter'estin g htimsel f int be half of the farmet's who htave been so shamefullyI) antd otIrageouIsly tr'eatedl by heartless speculators who have (1e prtessed the price ot cot tont below the cost of prtodutc~ion. and broaught so muchl sutffer'ing uipon thte South i. 'It is high time tflat sonme slepls were taken bty the government to raise tt h rIce of cotton and rel-ieve the unforttunate condition that exists thraoughout the cotton states. 'We recently met, the following friends: 'Robert MeCuen, of Laurtents; 'float, T1. .1. Iteacham and 5. C. Riley, or Riloys; our cousin, Douglas Smith, ot Greeniville; Riohert Redden of ~w. iangsville; John Culbeortson, or Mt. Olive; ndel het TEllu of Clmnton. CORONER SERVES PAPER ON SHELIFF Exercises Ancient Right. Davis Wants Possession of Seized Property. Columbia, July 26.--Not often is the coroner of a county called upon to exercise his ancient rbght of aerv Ing notices on the sheriff of the same county, 'but yesterday Coroner J. B. Scott did that very .thing on Sheriff T. A. !Heise. The summons upon the. sheriff was filed by the attorneys of 'Walter M. Davis, doing .business under the name of the -Davis 'Wholesale company. The affidavit accompanying the summons was to recover possession of personal property which, the plaintiff alleges, was seized by Sheriff Heise. The plaintiff alleges -that Sheriff .Heise and H1. W. iDesPortes, county jailer, withhold from him certain proI)erty which they allege "was used or Intended to be used by the plain tiff in violation of the prohibition law," though 'the plaintiff denies that the goods 'were used or were Intended to be used for that purpose. The property in question consista of 35 eases of eight ounce bottles of peach and sic gallons of peach ex @Ant Th 22--34 Two Pai 22-35 Five Pas 22-36 Three P 22--37 Five Pas All Priusj F. Cord 'iruj Standa~ Su s lfor Spwji WII R RTT tract, 106 dozen assorted lemon and vanilla extracts, 12 dozen two ounco lemon extract, one ounce size; '12 dozen tiwo ounce castor oil, -three dozen epsom salts, two gross two ounce Jamaica giner, two gross two ounce diarrhoea remedy, three dozen eight ounce wine of pepsin, 50 16 gallon kegs of -sweet cider, four 50 barrels of sweet cider, one 60 gallon barrel of cola extract and various oth er ayruips, ext ruots, vinegar and other goods. The value.of .the property is givein as $600. The sheriff and the county Jailer are called upon to submit an answer to the afildavit within 20 days. NOTICE OF :IMECTION State of South Carolina, County of Laurens. Notice of Special Election on the Question of Issuing Coupon Bonds of the City of Laurens In the Sum of $70,000 for Water Works Extension and Improvement. Whereas, a writen petition of a ma jority of the free-holders of the City of Laurens, as appears from the tax books of said city, has been filed with the City Council of the 'City of Lau rens, asking that an eletinn be held in said City of Laurens, at which shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said City tho question of touncing e New B -A Thoroughbred Tfhe n< Four, Co:nplcting is a th< the Famed Buick of its n:V Line Down every q comnfor charact The ad line co size all the nar The 'Bu ick Valve- T he el in-Hecad Engine Valve-i A 'Power 'Plant tion of That Has Proved buildin Itself.-- standar Every< pliant. balance The eq the quw ' Two o the Bui Even t} and wo itywhi< A Great Car, ObvioE Prices Make It An produc Even Greater Value Four e only be ing ski] produc of a ce and ser Pricshe Bi senger Roadster 8 3 newest ;enger Touring - 97 servedi' assenger Coupe - 1475 automo engecr Sedan - - 1650 pae 0. B. Flint, Michigan W ith w rd Equipment ont all Modals ment, eations: antd Dili'very Datn, butor8, Ernest IA Laurens, S. C. DE 2 A UTO~T~Tnunny A P n issuing cotupon 'bonds of the City o Laurens in the sun of $70,000, pay able within forty years from the date of issue, and bearing a rate of inter est not exceeding six (6) percent. p01 annum, for the 'urpoae of , Watel Works Improvement and Extension In said City; and, Whereas, the said City Council o: the said City of Laurens has duly considered said petition, canvasse< the same, and found it to be in propel form, and signed by the required number of freeholders as prescribed by the Constitution and Statute LawP of the State of South Carolina. mad< and proilded in such cases, and upon consideration thereof adopted an Ordinance and Resolution dated 14t0 day of uJiy, 1921 that the iprayer o the petition be granted, and that the 'euetion of said bonds shall be sub mitted to the qualified, duly register ed electors of said City of Laurens, a a Special Election to be held in an< for the said City of Laurens on th< 23rd day of August, 1921. NOW, THIliiFOR'E, Notice'is here by given that a Special Election wil be held in the City of Laurens on thi 23rd day of August, 1921 upon th( question of issuing bonds of the Cit: of Laurens in the sum of $70,000, pay able within forty years front date o issue, and bearing interest at not ex cending six (0) percent. per annuni for the purpose of Water Works In provement and Extonsion in said City Said election shall be held at the fol VALVE-IN-HEA II i Jf 1 MOTO A' Four-Cylinder Buick, hei >roughblred-a pedigreed ca :o the vry last detail, this new ality of enduring serviceab , ~i and ditictv apeaacet riz Buick automobiles. vent of th is new Four imakes1 nplete. It offers to purchasers the quality and service that e" uick." gine, of course, is of the tin X--Headl type. The year--after Buick's engineering skill and~ n Valve-in-Ilead motors assu i of performance obtainale te )ther unit is; of a quality equa rThe whole assembIly constitt d chassisw~hich is oftypical Bui< uipmnent of Cord Tires is mer lity which characterizes the ei pen and two closed body typ ck built c/assisr comprise the n, te most casual inspection of the rkmanship will reveal that full r :h motorists have learned toassoc sly a high grade automobile-a tion-theI prices listed below r yen greater. A value such as cause of the combination of I 1 devoted to the one ideal of tion facilities developed over ra ntury, and Buick's nation-wi vice organization. iick Motor Company is prou, It has the faith of long exp addition to its line. It places r the Buick guarantee carried bile produced. That its coni IS manifested not only bhr th hich motorists have awaited but also the advance orders p dealers, and the general publi ~. Machen A LER Phone 399 ITIUI I .T--i VT T T ' Vr T TT lowing places: Ward 1, at City Clerk's Office; Wurd 2, at Switzer's Store; Ward 3, at Laurens Cotton Mills Store: Ward 4. at Davis-Roper Co. Store; Ward 6, at Jones-Taylor Co. Store; and 'Ward 6. at City Power House; that the following have been alvpointed managers to conduct the said election: Ward 1, J. E. Tollison, J. B. Thompson, W. I. Burns; -Ward 2, John Switzer, John 1H. Cunningham, J. D. Sexton; Ward 3, Walter Hellams,i S. J. Avery, 'Willie Powers; Ward 4, 1. W. Martin, J. C. Wasson, J. W. Fow ler; Ward 5, R. F. Jones, Fred Fuller, R. 'B. Owens; 'Ward 6, T. Mack Roper, E. W. .Machon, and G. T. Todd. At said election the polls shall be opened at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and closed at 4 o'clock in the after noon. At said election only qualified, registered electors of the City of -Lau rens shall .be entitled to vote. That the ballots shall have printed upon I them the question to be submitted and the words "yes" and "no", and the elector favoring the issue of said k bonds shall vote a ballot containing I the word "yes", and the elector against the issue of said bonds shall vote a ballot containing the word -3y order of the City Council of the said City of 1aurens, this 14th day of July, 1921. JNO. A. FRANKS, l Atst: , Mayor. STANLEY W. OREWS, clerk and Treasurer. D CARS e announced, r well worthy niodel possesses ility, complete iat have always he Buick 1922 of a car of this to) to imake up Ie-testedl Buick 'ear conlcntra experien)ce in -es the highest dlay. I to the power Ites a perfectly :k construction. ely evidence of itire car. :s mounted on wv series. letails of design neasure of qual late with Buick. genuine Buick riake this great this is possible lick engineer quality, Buick early a quarter deC distribution I of the Buick erience in this upon it unre by every Buick idence is well keen interest his announce aced by distri C. I')