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VOLUME XXXVI. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1921. AMERICA WENT 1 SAVE SEI American Ambassador Delivers First Address Since Prosenting Creden. thil. Belittles iden Amerleas 314). tive in Entering War was AltrutiA-le. -London, May 19.-The American am t1assador, George Illarvey, in his first Ileech since presenting his creden tials, declared tonight thdt Amflerlcan armed forces came to !Eurci.le in .the World War ;olcly to save the United States and not to save Ettroi)ean oppodcd to (erniany, as some had con tended. Mr. larvey's address, which was de livered at a dinner given by the i gz'im -Society in his honor, attracted especial interest, coming as it did at a time whcai the probable attitude of the Ulnl:d States toward the tense polit ieal situation in lEurope is arousing lively speculation, and as the first au thorized expression of the American viewpoint. Mr. Harvey paid tribute to the PIl. grims as the most distinctive link in the chain of blood relationship be tween the British and American peo 1fie and on of the most potent agen ces of olvilization. Their activities, h1 said, had been a sustained labor of love and patrotism which only now i'ere beginnin; to fructify in an ear nest desire and determination on the part of both peoples to blow away *mists of in isconstruction and misun derstanding, which far too long had 'hidden the:r true natures, one fromt the other. The outstanding attri.butes of Presi dent Harding, Mr. Harvey said, are breadth of vision, greatness of heart, fidt'lity to his race no less than to his clan, and no more to his family thin to his ancestry, drawn from all parts of the United Kingdom. Mr. Ilarvey declared these were sufficient indica toiis and reasons why Mr. Harding felt in the very fibre of his being at this crucial period that friendliness and good will should exist always be tween the peoples of the great Inglish speaking nations and why he now. 1pledges unfaltering co-operation in achieving that aspiration. Nothing could be more futile, more ddlusive and more mischevious, le said, to pretend that the Americans' 1proffer of a helping hand was attrib ttable primarily to "a tender suscep tibility." "it is not," Mr. Harv'ey declared, "M1y country stands re-ady to work with yours, because, first: it is to our own interest to do so; and secondly: because it is to tie advantage of both. "We deceive ourselves occasionally. Even to this day at rare intervals an ebtllient sophomore seeks applause by shouting that 'we won the wa'.' Far more prevalent unltil recently was the impression that we Iwent to walr to rescue humanity from all kinds of melnacing perils. "Not a few remail convinced that we sent our young soldiers acro.- to save this kingdomi, France and Italy. That is not a fact. \,e sent. themi solely to save tihe (United States~ of Amerien, andl mlost reiuctanitly and laggardly at that. "We were not too proutd tq flight, whatever' that may mean. We' were not afraid to fight. That is the real truth of the matter. So, we came along toward thle end andl helped you .andl your allies to shorten the war. Th-at is all weo dlid and that is all we claim1 to have (lone." D~iscussing what he called the "sen tient pecrilous present" Amnbassador liarvey saidi: "For years I hrave heard it pro claImed that war *hetwceen Great Britain and Amierica had ceased to be conceivabie. * * * No resuncl~tion of ar'medl conflict is unimaginable. Any (lay may witness a reneveal of the Wqr' of tile hlosen, any (lay the clash of the .Blue and tihe (Gray in the swamps of Vir'ginia. "lBut so unlikely are suclh happen~ ings that the suggestion, even though it incr'edibly were made, would evoke no more than a dletisive smile. But it is onie thing to stamp) constantly upon an absurd notion, and another tihing to never think of it at all. 'Woaw the qiuestion rises, have not .our' countries roeaced a point with re spect to the remotest possib~ility of a conflict thlat justifies our' forigetting it as completely as the battles of Bios worth Field Atnd Appomattox have faded from our recollection? "Such, I ami happy to rdiport faith rO WAR TO X, SAYS HARVEY ffully in the teeth of -all the mischief makers and scandal mongers of both nations, has become the settled con Viction of our people, and I 1ho)e and doubt not, of yours. S"Ikicause the President has exem pIlifcd his avowal of obligations, it must not be inferred that he pr!))oses to becole an international meddler," continued the ambassador. "Ie would be the last to intervene or be drawn nlto ally llatter of no concern to his own country, Lut also no one realizes more clearly than he that the United States is, of necessity, deeply interest ed in proper economic adjustments and the just settlement of matters of world wide importance under discussion and desires helpfully to coc;Oeate." "There still scems to linger in the minds of many here the impression that in some way or other, by hook or crook, unwittingly, iurely, unrwil lingly, America may yet be guilde(d in to the League of Nations. Let me show you how utterly absurd such a notion is. "I need not recall the long contest waged between tile two .branches of our government over this proposal. I need hardly mention that the conflict became so sharp that even the treaty went by the board, to the end that to day, paradoxically enough, Amerlr: continues to be technically at war, bu actually at peace, while Europe is nomina'lly at peace, but according to all reports, is not wholly free from the cl'ash of arms. "Finally, the question of America's participation in -the League came be fore tile )ecile, wo decided by a ma jority of seven millions. "It follows, then, that the present government could not, without -be its . creators and masters, and wil'l not, I can assure you, have anything w-hatsoever to do with the League or any commission or commit tee appointed by it or responsible to it directly or indirectly, opeily or furtively." * DIALS NEWS e e e ... e e ** C0C** ee Dials, May 23.-The school at this place came to a close Friday, May 13th. after terminating one of the most sue cessful terms in its history. On Mon day evening the closing exercises toe.: place, a splendid 'program of soing.3, (ialogues and recitations being relld cred. During the evening a number of p rizes were awarded. For tho highest average throughout the year, Miss Hattie Abercromibie was presented with the gold medal. Miss Lucille Campbell was presented with a prize also, her's being for essay work. In the primary departmem, .Iohn larris and Eva Graylot re ceivedi handsonle rewards of merits for tile splendid exork they hmad donew. The medal -and prizes were (delivered to tile recipients by tile Rev. C. WV. Watson, who presented them In his uisual pleas ing and happ~y manner. Miss Cecil Owings and1( .\iss Alvah Stoddard have now been teaching tile Dials schlool for ai numnber of years, and it is quite( a comilliment to their abiility thlat thley have -both1 been re eleoted for thle comin-g session. .\isses Laura Hiellama anld Dewey Armstrong are on an extended visit to relatives in Honoa Pathl. Mr. and Mrs. Roberson, of Lake City, Were week-end visitors of homefolks hero. Theo members of tile Epworth League of Green Pond came down Wednesday evening and gave a Mothers' Day pr1o -gram in the church at this iplace. Trhe program was qutite a varied and inter esting one tnd greatly enjoyed by all present. Tile Leaguers of Diais wvere gl-ad to lwelcome suchl enthlusiastie workers as tile Green Pondc "lhunch" seem to be, and trust they wvill come again andl present an Epworth League program at 112lais. Miss Pearl H-endlerson, who was one of the teachers at Hickory Tavern, is now at tile home of heCr pafrent, enijoy lag tihe summer vacation, tile school having recently closedi. Misses I rene, Hess andl Anna Wal lace, of Shiloh, were visitors of Miss Emma 'Harris 'Wednesday. Mr. Joe lirowniee -and Misses Fannie and Saloi D). Brownice were tile guiests of their sister, Mrs. 1W. S. Holt, of Thekorv Tavern.. Saturday. MIss Cecil Owings and brother, I. 11., at Tigersville, and will spend the sum- A Cold Snap In Siberia. A "0NIQ ,ere visitors in Gireenville, last week. mer months with her .parents, Mr. and iA some parts of Siberia most of the rove's Tasteless chili Tonic restores M. and Mrs. Conway Gay ai( little Mrs. Late Heide'son. foad sold In shops is In a frozen state, Energy and Vitality by Purifying and solivent Snday with -rs. Cray's Iss Alattio Simmons, of Greenville, milk being sold in long sticks and meat Enriching the Blood. When you feel its parents, M.. and Al's. Sain Curry. is si ending a few days with homefolks hacked with axes. The men walk strengthening, invigorating effect, see how u here. around with beards caked with ice, it brings color to tie cfctks and how Mr. and Aia. Jess wenderson andoFu nn and women Incased wholly in wool or Miss Iofia Al T en.d sonl wee the faT e Re . Chambers, o Fourain i, fur. No children are to be seen In the i improves the appetite, you will then y uests of . T. i. rapbenl nand fain- preached at Dials -4atilay io'iflI9, streets, the cold is so intense. appreciate its true tonic value. ily Sunday. in the interest of the Christian educa- Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply ss 11ly. 'IThoniason hias returiner tionl inovmient. The address was full Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So Mier hoime after bringing to a setcof facts and inspl rat.on and no aofllbt Tin in United States. pleasant even children like it. The blood sfi' lose ftei brning Croek suoof facts aid irateri n andhe 0 com nty Only 68 tons of tin, nearly ill of it needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to essii close tlhe Tonhy Creek tcrool. will aid maerteally in the coaiiitY obtv- hied from Alask, was inined In Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and orsn Sute H endeison has leturned going oher the top)Ii this gieat move- the Utited States li the last year. Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor rni'- the North (Meenvillc high schoolent. Aore than 82,000 toins was imported. ating Effect. 60c. COAL SHORTAGiE IMPEINDING1 Place Your 'Order Now and Be Sure of Your Winter's Need WHAT IS BEING SAID ABOUT COAL NO i I N PH? ' WA GE (I'lIT: JolIIi L. Iewis. presidnIt of the ers. Numrous niines i( now closed becauie the presenit Uited ine \W orker ahs sllys ' ' niai' s ard now workiing inarket price is )elowN tille (lost of production. T'he best bition unilder a seale fixed by the I. S. Coal Coanilssion, created by inous coal is'being ofTered on contraxt at $3.50 to $4.00 at Ihe i lie iresident. Tfhese wage sche(dules wvero writteli into an ine. 'lhe -efeet- of exports on the su1pp' is -probleiati'al agt'eerneit between miners and operators which1 will not termll- but it is a fat Ih1at 1 ah da wilihoi buiiin' brilgs the ioliin inate until .lahei 31, 1922,. There an be no ilodifiatitionl or I' y i' ler a801 so11 (.011 '1 rtage. I 'srs of both bitiumiiouis abro'fition of this agr'eeillelt ill iln a v Coal produing district and ti 1111 -lrcit C are lriged to biui coall nlow, when the pries without distitrbiii- the iitegi'i y of the contraet. throlluglioit are low and there are vorable i'onditions for iveries the iation. The I it n Iited .Mine \\ orkers will resist anly atteipt to di lt'i l the e inanim 111 ity of' its preseit ('oi j i' e t r iolill rehI tions-'roduietion eosis at the 'prselt tinie are sichi as 14 110WV I'lRDITTION 1. IALING BEltllI) l'1 I'VIO\'8, enable eoal to be produe itnd furnished the constini. i pub- Y I SA : l'irodueliol of hitilminoms 'oal di'ing the first 102 .ie at prieo.s relatively loweri thanl anly other hasiv or essential working' days of tf'i present year-129,012.000 tons is not nnodity. I R8 OF ( 'O'A L Sl()'A) N(O)T I)EL A-YV otily more li'an 25 per eent behind the %vcars 1917, 18 and 20, PI'R'IIA8tI 0I1'ON TiE TII EOfY Ol IIl'E TII.\T )u it is over 9,000,000 tonls or' 6 lper elt behidli the year ANY IIE''CTION OF WAGE'S WILL B1E A(:C'EI'T E1) 1919. a year of depression. aceordinig to th ii . S. Geological BY 11IIE 3HINERS. Survey. BlV ;llS--N0'l T~ s\lN2'I. NEIl'D: Says Senla EPPECT OF IRRITIS,-II'RItK E: Exporlts are.( be-giningt S -(TI 'ILTINTlNE) ayvea etl I he elh'et of' t' 'l itishl inlers' sie'ike, savs the..'. 8. ( >- or D n 1 Ikin. Il ow to bak th " ('0l b 'it il' s trike logieal Surm'vey. The strike b)e(Jmii oI April 1. and4 at first -x- isne t lrave and i e p hien ' o nt t tisdlittle inflluenice on Amnerican exports. )it t.he( histl two (11verint It ha b een Cl"The 'ject oll iiet co wee-ks of A pril, howeverl. exprtsatbuptonl Rorads inereal-o ini adi nibe e( nrss. Tu esnfr hil<m sharp'l. Ibitring tIihe week endted April 311th, 230,713 net tois 1 nncts itrf o bvisly with) th1ree 'acltors. inn21 of sft oal erechuned t Athanie ortsfogshipnei toard of 20,000 ininers ;rc ouit of' einploynient. 2 -r or' soft 'oal WN'l'( (1liti alt 'Atlitc pora)ts iOq sllillill i f) taiiily~ iiies- the puxiic olje 011~ tairts lyili. Iil it', slippxi' rall foreig'n countlries. Th'lis was m1arly three tilines al.. 11meh ais uny nlsthpbbsontatlyi ini i f durit li ng l week ended A pril 2nd. a weekly rate qn-ater thini at giete'.hi stti'-ail l or a1 lllli'k('t anid ani aillt l tovfw tic' llaW'i"g time sinee the ill of 1920. whei fion'ii lieas atok of 1 iat andeig1 uil te to irwd ilwts ha n1 heaviest. Total d niil iIgss for export and fonign bullik-ril ill 11n ' I lof the n aion' s a iiithel l w ni d rei n l I mih were 322,1(9 tons, an ini-raiSe over th plrcedin' week 40f t a1 uo etleads % 'den w il hey m 11bi 112,3(6 toils andlI -a we'1ekly rate slightly in e'x4es of that at - ly a to aduatell - . ihe. That will m ear, f-ined last Sept ember. i ee o ftes-aldca oieo atya ('OAk L 1l012S.\l21i SiEE -111 EIIOI'EAN DE'1 - A WARTNING 01,' I.\lf'EN'l)INC; ('OA l 811011'l'.\ E 1 (<. .D\1: -With England's stoek fast dliiniishinig aiml 1he ios- II. .\Al1K'MIAN, l'IIESi I)ENT lILIINOls ('ETllt\- It is -wn:', ef <haimag'~e to the mline~s durling the st iike per'i, b. ('arnes(Sty', hioped Ghat ('Oil deaiileris anild ('onsumersl have 11it o ~t for' AIle' ix exipor'tr b-ehevei'''t thlatI i Europe' w; 1 buy iiui .h of' gottoil the l(ssons1 taul ghit bly ('OHa shoi'tages of i'ecent yearis, ol Im - Ami erica . ILoenIal1( nlistiI a''lh i (of Ibitum11ixnois part1ic ul arly' thle one of' 1920). Thei (se'51 shortages wereP' pro are1 i puasing l for() f 1tmnedie nfeeds and1)1 tlnmh o~f te ) 01a mn uil b liitet i i fthyer I),tl 1isllear th t nes Ioa deal poss~'ibility' of fuirther reduciI(tionl of' pii(s iunder lilt stoid ila l(t'c to lay h iQ necessary fall nd41 winitr isuppIlie s allother t akenx by .J'ohnt 1~l ' Leis, pres'Cidenit of' tile I 1'ni Mine Work K oa l 5Whortalge will lbe lbroutghxt about. We Are Ready to Serve You Now . Do Not Delay Too Long EichelbergerBrs Phone 33