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NEW EARL OF GALLOWAY Lor i G r-s, a tan of the soilts Guars, wh14 1 11o thrl :: the, a : Is father hats just b1--orno the twetlfth earl of Galloway. lie was takeon 1,ris oner while badfly wounditil in the re trent from M ns in the_ (,rlyranh of the- war, anal 1:ks heith0 b y the. tebe MoL Itrdi n:, Ien I I, -1: Mthl-s it'nlurne-(1 ':h1 a1-, : nn pri no- r. I Io is- a -iero a f tI : it! .. the ScttshR yal lfpemso (fSta . -n N-iGroeer% ifore T CC: t---T t NJ~K '7- - and ac er / %r/':c c INIRAC ASSCATION WoCEr ORi i CAdLL onII the undergn edf tor a inmaion: you may dere~k about our plan o~'.~y f inurnc fr.ri tWe insureli- you propertyi agaistde any company i eitance. .Reembr, e re repre to prove::u to.yo..' and. - wtInsrnei h conie of: EdgfildLares, alda Lexington Richlnd, alhou, an Spartanbur. Greevile, Pckes, amberg, arn well Claendo, Suter Lee Ksaw Cheteried, ancstr.~ A.O rann', . . ..Mt.CamlS. . .ViR.i, Olak CALL.. .n Grenodrs.n Ab.u Woungblod ..n..HodesS.C J.traerton ..E WIN Clumbia, O.C 1.GHTNNG anolson.. ..EdeaperdS tha RemmbrHe.eWreartoedWteroro. C. Our AC.cato iaes... now ..Bated t.o AGenwoo, GrenodMcoCik CJan.ried L.19Anatr Five Minute Chats on Our Presidents By JAMES MORGAN (Copyright, 1'Z2. by Jareskw Morgan.) FIRST IN WAR AND PEACE 1775-June 15, appointed com mander in chief. 1781-Oct. 15, received the sur render of Cornwallis at Yorktown. 1788-Dec. 23, surrendered his commission to congress. 1789-April 30, inaugurated first president, aged fifty seven. 1793-March 4, inaugprated a second time. 1796-September, Farewell ad dress. 1797-March 4, retired. 1799-Dec. 14, died. T IE choice of Washington to be comniiander in chief of the Revo lution Is on of the mysterious but happy accidents of history. Nothing in the deeds of this militia colonel, who had lost every fight that he had fought, pointed him out as the one and only man to meet the armies of the greatest empire in the world. Noth in, In the words of this farmer, who never made a speech, Inspired the congress at Phi ladelphia to turn to hirn by unaninuils consent as the leader of the yoin: natirm. Yet l'atric.ek lenry test lied that this sl h ent inemiber was "the greatest nian" In nn assemiblage which Lord Chat ,tw George Washington. ham deelared never had its superior anywhere in history. As he went to the front, Ie met a courier on a lathrerl horse, hearing the (rcladful news (o, .l unker 11111. ''1)1(1 the militia fight?" was all he wish d to know. "Yes." "Then the liberties of the country tire safe." Although it is Faf1i that Washington never in ilis life read but one look on the art of war, he knhf that If the poorple would only stand up to the i:ing's regulars, they (:01uld lose every battle an d still defeat an enerny who was 8,000 miles from his ba se. Thue Rievol utlon was not won by the swordl of Was~hingtoni, hbut by his in dlomnitalie chlaracter. It wafs hits ebar act 'r, 51lowly biu ilt uip by i overt y aindl struggle., which hadu given him fromi the' st arit til- leader'shi Ip ('ver men0 w'hio talk'd raore ; yes, and whoa kniew~ 'I he inviitb(e firt itude ofi 1 peoplde, tl- kmii's ;nn ant ii' .lavy3 atol his of thie :.000 linmtud, huniIILrinfi, shiv ('ringr, raiez'i'l ('oat iwtails ot Va:lley F'orge w ;rest (l from t he BritIish (ro~wn tin emIpire grea ter than i I alie cotn (Iuiest s madle by'3 Naphotlon's grandi At the last, as the Amearica ns leapi ed IUritish redoutbts at Yorktiowvn, Wash andi well donite. :rinig mei( tOy hOrse."' TPhi wvar was over, but thle noblest v'ictoryv was yet to come)). Iliivinig re celveil the surrendoer sword of Corn wall Iis, Wasin mgton strren dered his to the hieople whoi~ had1 enitrusted it to lim i and w(ent hack to his fiam, from whnleh lie was cal led to becorne the first presiden t of thle repmbliIc. No president has been more bi tterly a hused t han the first. Ilis caiilnet (Iuarreled until Jlefferson, his secre'tary of state, resIgnedl, pind his next se'cre tary, Edmund Randlolphi, basely be tr-ayed hIm. ils vice president, JTohn Adbams, called hIm "an old1 mutton hend," who hadT "not been found out only because he kept his mouth shut." "Trreachlerouls In prIvate friendship and a hypocrite In pulhic life," Thomas Pnine pronouncedl hIm. Retnause he re fused~to take the side of revolutionary F~ranet), "10,000 persons In the'streets4 of P'hlladelphia''-then tihe capital "threatened to drag Washington out of hIs house." .John Adums tells us. NotwIthstanding the outbursts of partIsanship, he retained the confl dence of thne country to the las.'t, when the people at the inauguration of his successor followed the retiring presl (lont Into the street and left the new president all but deserted. The long task of the hormesick exile from Mount Vernon wes done. Hie hadl found the Unicn~ P theory and he had1( left it a tact. Hie haul foundl the United States nnner ,ntil he hna1 left t a rock * * * * * * * * * . . . * * * CLINTON NEWS * * * * * S * * S S S * * * * Clinton, May 1.-Mrs. Abel, of Chester, is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. J. Lee Young. Miss Bertha Bultman, of Sumter, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Helen Bultman. Mr. Marion Scott. of BishopvIlle, szpent the week-end with Mr. and ~\lrs. W. E. Owens. M1isses Myra Leaman, Floride Rudd and Helen Uultman spent last Thurs day and Friday In Rock Hill. Mesdanies Julia Griflini, J. I. Co'e land and W. 1. Farr, spent several days last week at Rock 11111. Mrs. Emma Glenn, of Spartanburg. is spending the week in town with relatives. Mr. Tom Glenn, of Savannah. Ga.. npent the week-end with friends an-1 relatives. M1iss Emmninie Young spent last week with friends at llrenau Cole:e. Mrs. Cyrus Bailcy and daunhters OF op CAR We Sell You Wait 0 .ItXWill I 10 lb. Ba 25 lb. Ba Good Gr; Chum Sa Pink Salh Large Ca Good Ric Grits, pes Compour Karo Syr Large Ca Full Line Faii Yoi T HE C. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming, in Augusta. Miss Blanche Turner spent the week-end in Gaffney with her parents. M1iss Grace Porter is visiting lt Pickens this week. Aliss Dorcas Mason delightfully en tertained the "Tuesday Club" last week. After a pleasant hour of fancy work the hostess served a delicious salad course, to the following: Mes daies Reece Young, J. F. Jacobs, Jr., Kenneth 13urdette, W. 13. Owens, Jr., W. C. Bailey and J. A. Chandler. Another Still Captured Sheriff Reid, Deputy Hicks Owings and Rural Policeman Andy I. Boyd capturnd the remains of another still near .Mt. Gallagher church Monday af ternoon, destroyinug a conidenser. othe-r Paraphernalia and taking in charge 1 about half a gallon of whiskey. P. C. Moore, a white ian, in . hose barn the still was found, was arrested and later released on bond. Engraved Cards and Invitations. Advertiser Printing Co. l5 ANNOI ening of a Grocer TI U 6YTERwm"Lj Next Door i FRID"AY, I for Cash, Hav Bookk n Yourself V --We 'ay People for Miles At Thi A FE W OPEN .g Sugar. .g Sugar - . ade Rvastedl Coffee, (Limit 2 lbs. simon. 'non . .n Tpmatoes. :e, 4 pounds. - pound. ad Lard, 8 lb. Bucke up, gallon. n Sliced Pineapples Other Articles Lcy and Staple Gi Are Invited to Visi ARRYTE S. N. CRI11 PUTNAM'S HAT DYE ALL COLORS POWE DRUG CO. JNCING L Self Service V Store iE :o City Hall VAY 15th. -e No Delivery and No eeping Give You the Saving in Cost Around to Come and Trade s Store ING SPECIALS . . 75c . . $1.87 per lb. . . 12 1-2c to Customer) .9 - . 12c . . 12c - . 3c * . 94c - . 65c . . 34c in Proportion. roceries, Fruits and Produce t Us in Outr New Store. RIA GROCERY P., Manager