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LAST BLOW AT CAPITALISM Lenrneve Beautiful Scheme Puts End to AlI Possibility of Laying Away Any Money. Among the many strange fruits of the war is the fliat national legislation on record that frankly champions th6 Prodigal Son and makes frugality not only undesirable, but also impractica blo. This law, according to recent uews from Copenhagen, has been pro mnulgated by-yes, of course-by the inspired statesmen of the Soviets. They are issuing a new currency that's guaranteed to be specific cure for ill the ills of capitalism. A differ ent series of notes comues out each ilionth and every series has a different color. B1esides, a glorious innovation in finance Is brought to pass through the proviso that every note becomes null, vold, Invalid, absolutely worthless at the expiration of tlie month for which it wa' enitted. JResult: The soclal millennium! All July wages, salary, profits, or income received in pale green July currency must be paid out by July 31. It can't be exchanged after that date for t ", glowing pluk of August's issue; and, furthermnoro, it will seldomn )e accept ed at its full face value, even In July, by any concern not thoroughly soviol. Ized. Thus all of Comrade Lenine's oflicial, commercial, Industrial, or agi cultural undertakings are assured of ample savings, the creation of capital becones thenceforth lmpossible.-New York Nvening Post. TO WALK ACROSS COUNTRY Famous Swiss Pedestrian Will Make Exhaustive Study of Men and Conditions in America. Dr. Maxime Leuret, the Swiss globe trotting walker, recently arrived in this country. Dr. Leuret, a graduate in medleine of the University of Berne, has trol the huamble path of the pedes tikin through sot' .31.00) miles in Europe and the two Anmerleas, ob serves th- Boston Transcript. Since tv started his walking campaign in 1014 he has worn out over 100 stout an(d well-nide pairs of shoes--102, to be exact. Seeking new worlds to conquer Dr. Leuret now proposes to walk across the continent from New York to San Francisco. Moreover, it is a "pa-y-as you-go" 'affair with the (listinguislied Swiss pedestrian. Spurning a walk ing trip with all expenses pak(, lie Is determined to earn the expenses of his transcontinental venture by such occasional and temporary jobs as may liappen to turn up. Dr. Louret will meet and study In their homes and villages all the types that make up the great Aimerlean family. Ie will learn by actual con tact, and not by reading a geography, the country's topographical features. Odd Beer Labels. In certain American circles where .bottled beer would readily circulate as money, if tho laws were more oblig ing, immediate approval will greet the 'late achievement of ain strian brew ery. Title concern happens to be the "Krone" brewery, and that name means "crown" in erman. Also the present cost of such a label as the brewery has been pasting on its bot tied product is 10 swiss centihes approxImately 2 Amerlean cents . I normal times. But the brewery Is now cutting down expenses and delighting coninoisseuris by decorating each quart bottle with a one-crow~n note ait a cost of 7j% coat lnes. "GOone Are the Old Days." Wo are all slaves. WVrlsts were made for manacles. One daly ba2ck at the ( after ai vacation and we are going throuOtgh al11 the told muotionA with as muclh facility as if there iiever had been a lapse inlto Elyxium. Yea, the perl Is mightier than the mashie, the typewriter mor-e po(tent( than the rae Quet, and as for the "call of the wild," Its "ur2go" is not (compai~rable with the information that "tihe boss wiants to see you." It was all very fine while it laistedl. Ihut its purpowse was to miako the harness feel a bit lighter. And unless you had a voea tion, thiere (0ould not he0 such Iiig as ? v'acaition.--Clncinnatl TIimes-Star. SIde Whiskers In London. The London exquisite is dloing his bost to cultivate side whiskers, a fash Ion that w'as somewhat frowned1 upon a few years ago wvhen Lord R1ocksar ago atteinpted its resurrection1. But th 't was in the dlays hofore the war, fadii probably it 1s aSi a change from -the regulation military mustache -of the last ive or six years that iiritl.ih young men of today are growing tufts of hair In front of their ears with most ' hideous result. Acc.denfts Take Heavy Toll. 'Every year' 11,.t37,000 pber'sorm. an' ~hurt in vairIous kindus of accidhents. anid 150,000 are killed. 'flit's aclinidig to the statistics of the hetalth dnd aec figur'es aire ave-rages. Tlhe' inmtvance men say thle "personal enarelossness of the A merican is to 'blame'' maid that speedl Is thle present phligue. Too Quiet. "Enjoy your vacation ?" "Not mucli. WVent to one af those adver'tisedi gullet littlii places w~here yucan get ai good rest." "Not a bit. It w~as really quiet." ifl If we could only shed a fw proiltcorst I 1 OGS ONCE CALLED.,VERMIN Only in Comparatively Recent Years Wave They Received Recognition Under English Laws. Our laws regarding dog bites, which Judge Cluer declares .to be full of anointlies, are all of modern date, S6ays Tit-Bits. There seems to be no reference to dogs in any law passed before the accession of Queen Victoria. In a case heard by Mr. Justice Eliot in 1535 it was ruled that dogs were vermin, and for that reason the church would not degrade Itself by taking tithes pf then. Nor was a dog the subject of inrceny at common law, the ruling be ing that "a man shall not hanug for a dog." Parliament first began to notice dogs, in 1838, by passing a statute increas. Ing "the resources of civilization" against the lawless doings of Irish crs. Ten years later, (log ilghtlig, bull halting and bear balting were prohib ited by parliament. letween 1854 and 1882 no fewer than eight statutes were passed regulating the coiidition and social status of the log, one of which placed him in a position of a tax Iayer. In addition to tiese which applied throughout the United King dlom-a special act wats framed to curl) the sheep-worrying propensities of (logs In Scotland. WOULD SELL AT THAT PRICE Broker Declined to Wait for Any Further Advance in Quotations on Preptred Foods. A prominent curl) broker, wishing to make his lunch period as brief as possible, forsook his accustomed res taurant, a very exclusive place, for i "trust system" buffet. Glancing up at the price board, he noted "Pot lioast Beef with Corn \Inilins, 30 cents," which he ordered. ks he "self-served" himself to a vacant lact at one of the tables, lie again turned his gaze to the board, where ie noticed an attendant was now do ng some sleight-of-hand work. With much astonishment he beheld :he 30, denoting the price of "P. R. 13. vith C. M. common" dexterously !hanged to a 35. When he had suffl Aently recovered from the shock, with ilIate of victuals in hand, he ap iroaehedI the food trader, and indig iantly Inquired as to the cause of the mudden change in price. "Why, I bought this hgrdly three inutes ago," he protested, "when it ,vts quoted 30." The lunch room profiteer smartly an iwered, "I know, but the asked price . now 35." "Well," shot back the broker, "I sup )ose there's every indication of a fur her rise, but I guess I'll get out now. rou can sell this for me at thatt pri'e md keel) you; commission out of the )roceers."-'ValI Street Journal. Lrnded Freak Fish. A wearied marine monster blundered nto the net of a San Diego, Cal., fish 'rzman not long ago. On being pulled nro the fishing smack by the aston shed captain, it was found to nmnuro little more than 15 feet long, and in enernl configuration to resemble a hark, reports Popular Mechanicsi Mag zifne. Its upper jaw was surmounted, owever, by a clumsy-ooking horn of olId hone. A month after its destrue t.on in a fertilizer plant, a rominent cientist notified the flihing captain hat lie had entight a female of the pecles basking shark, of which only ix are known to have been taken d'ar ag the history of the- waid's fishilag ad ustr-y. Rear Beer for The JRavarian br'ewe-ries are- tryr umne the- production o:f beer wtth an Icoholic con tent of eight per cent, ccor-dinig to a statement madh. en - lugust 5 by the Bavarian mniniister of A-lculture, foflowlahg his return fr'on nieeting in Bierli, where tl'e gen' ral food situntion of the- natfort hrt een disenssod and eert'aih plans for he future agreed on betwveen' tiw' na lonal and state aucthorikibs. ~e aliso aid that the da-i1y bread rntibn was o be raised from 200 gramrs tes 200 ontrol of the egg marke't vms to be Iroppied in Octoe*r. Fleet to Hurnt Sponges Ther eniornious rise in ricevs of rponges hns induceIf rtaii'n sha rwners; o construct nrnny new craft f'ar sponge' cathecring, the fleet setinig forth from sfax, the sponge market, nnihers ome 00) vessels thii year, ta c'ontrast o 80 In previows campaigns, wurite;i.: 3nitocd States Consul Cookinghamn cf P'unis. The sponges gathered durina he summer campaign now in progruss. willl, it Is expected, bring at least 110. Erancs per kilo to the 8fax niarket. Woman Water CarrIer. 'The '9fellaba," the woman wanter enrrier, for centuries an lnstitutimn in thce fioly land, is threatoned witth ex tinction heeiuse of t-he use of.' wa'ter carts, gr-owvr.g popunlar through, the de0 mnndls of sanitary mesurces. The pictur iesqute wa ter earrier, gil d., ing along the strenets in her colorfut costume, with a vaiso of water hal ancedi on her hed, may soon become a Innoiy. New Anuiseptic Discovered. At Bellevue hospital, New York, they are using a new antiseptic, discover-ed by. F'. A. Mardon, a graduiate ni-se, who has been workcing on it for 25 years. It 1a called chlorsal and is similar to severmal othnr ant'.eeptics, but has the great advantage ov-er them of not being affected by' expollire to the acr. X-Rayed a Mummy. An English scientist has taken an X-ray picture of the band of an Egypt tan princess of the encond dynasty (about 4500 B. 0.), taken through the wrappings of her mumminfied remains, showing all the bones with great clear, ness, and a ring on the tird finger. 'Found Sevep Rats Dead In Bin Next Mornng" Robert Woodruft says: "My 'prem ses were lnfesked 'with rats. I tried AT-SNAP on Triend's reconmnenda-. ion. Next nor ing found seven dead 'ats in bin, twqf near feed box, three n stall. Fou nA large number since. qo smell fronq dead rats-RAT-SNAP irys them up/ Best thing I have ever ised." sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.25. 3old and guaranteed by Lauruns Hard vare Co., Putnam Drug Store, and . E. Kennedy & Son. Money back without question If HI'S Iva fails in the tetmentsof ITCH ECZHMA. ING NWORM, TETTER or other Itching skin diseases. Try a IF$ cent box at our risk&. Lnurens Drug Co. Spec Thurs< Specials in 40-inch Crepe de Chin $3.50 value, special 36-inch Taffeta (black < 32-inch Romper Cloth, 36-inch black and white 27-inch best grade Dref 27-inch <lest grade Apr 32-inch Shirt Madras, r Yard-wide Pajama Ch Extra good quality Cui 27-inch Red Star DiapE 81x90 Mohawk.Sheets.. Big lot' Voil Shirt Wais Big lot Silk Hose, in b] regular $3.00 value, White Washa Cotton, Sati There is nothing 'wash petticoats either or for picnics, outings, tifully, and are very et *choice in Cottons, Sati: tins. All are made in scalloped and hematich shadow proof and have $1.50, 4 Shoe DJ Big reduction on fords in our entire stot our shoes and oxfords, to our customers. We many styles in our oxf regardless of cost in sweep. One lot Ladies' Oxfords, Siipp tworth from $5.00 to $7.50, One lot Ladies' fine Patent Iso $lo.0oo.... .... ...... Ali Howard and Foster Shoes We have .ilust. received a new Gray Suede Slippers, 1)rl< .D A 01 L AURENS, Ask For Hay Sizes Froi VANCI Wholesale Distril al L F< lay, Frid Piece Goods e, all colors; our regular ------------$1.75 only), special $1.50 peciaL ------------ 25c Percale.. ------- ---29c s Gingham ------- 19c )n Checks .-.._15c egular 65c value,----.35e acks --------------.. 21c tain Goods -...25c r Cloth, 10: yard bolt $1.96 ..-...- ....-. -$1.59 ts, all sizes ---------.50c ack, brown and white, our special-----------...... $1.59 ble Petticoats in nette and Satin more practical than white for wear around the house, etc. They launder beau onomical. We have your nettes (imported) and Sa straight line effects with ed bottoms, liberally cut, non-rip plackets. 3.50, $5.00 epartment every pair of shoes and ox k. We give 1-3 off on all which means a big saving have decided to close out ords and have made prices order to make a clean ers andl U Pmps In all leathers, ---........ .... ........ ..$88 'ither Oxfords and Pumps, worth - ... .... .... .... .... .... ..3.99 aind Oxfords, regular $15.00 val ie, .... .... .... .... ....8.34 to'$10.00 lot of Satin, Black !$utde, and ' :ea from .. ... ..$7.7& to $10.00 VIS-R i JTFITTERS FOR T -A Tampa Cigars "Made in Tampa" 10 Cents, to 3 For 50, Cents =-CLA RDY CO. mvtors Greenville, S. C.. owPrice~s lay & Saturday Extra Special Big shipment of Voiles, Organdies and Swisses just unpacked. These] are less than half the old price. Speial Special One case extra large two-thread Turkish Tow els. Special price, each.-------........39c Clothing Department Men, Young Men and Boys We are still offering our entire stock of Cloth ing at one-half price, which is far below manu facturer's cost. We advise you to buy now. SHIRTS Every Shirt in the House Half Price A Real Bargain in Shirts No shirts laid aside---every shirt in the house half price. Now is the time to buy your spring and summer needs. $10.00 Crepe de Chine Shirts, now ------.. $5.90 8.00 Crepe de Chine Shirts, now.-------- $4.00 7.50 Crepe de Chine Shirts, now -- - $3.75 6.50 Crepe de Chine Shirts, now------- $3.25 6.00 Silk Shirts now -----.- --------- $3.00 5.00 Silk Shirts now--------------- $2.50 4.00 Madras, with Silk stripe, now ------ $2.00 3.50 Madras, with Silk stripe, now ------ $1.75 3.00 Madras, with Silk stripe, dow ----- $1.50 2.50 Madras, with Silk stripe, now ..-- $1.25 2.00 Percale and Madras Shirts now-.. $1,00 SIPER CO. 'HE WHOLE FAMILY SOUTH CAROLINA