University of South Carolina Libraries
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * H0LLy (110E N*EWS I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Holly Grove, April I.-luch Inter ost has b)eeti taken in the Sabbath school established tin oir section re ceitly. .lMrs. .lMarthta Anderson, of Green wood, is visiting -her nieces, Mrs. Adair aud \irs. Blenjamin. h'lie school at Bailey's closed April 15th with a basket picnic. It was an enjoyable occasion, the whole neigh borhood turning out with no othe r object than having a good itle. Before dlinner Supeintendentl of Educlatilon. Mr. It. T. Wilson, who was one of the guests of the occasion, gave a talk ot "Cultivating the Noble and Beaul tiful in Life". Among other things :he, said that we are living in a ma .terialistic age and i;>arents itld teach in training children alang prac tien iites often neglect to give life the "finer touch". Mr. Wilson's ad dress was followed by a talk frot .list; Katin i'ie I lagiist, to Parents f lit iIportance of looking after the ialth of their chiltren, that it is im I)ossiblIe for children to be at theIr .hest inteilectually if )iysically unfit. Sie -altaii that .h wolid be pleased t ) . (I .\ t ,o .4 11V :11e v. I e 2 i I tani w e t aic t in4- I a aI y, hI - i ne d (f, 11 1 h t 1 d) k: slioy bu t 's I h I a m v Itti i other term. To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-T'RATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should he rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of 1ayest' Healing honey in sVie throat combhied with the healing effect of Grove's -Pen-Trate salve through the pores of the skini soon stops a cough. cost of thencconcblne: tra Scartoniand th Just ask your druggist for hlAYES' HEALING HONEY. "e" Were ii"a Terrific m Read how Mrs. Albert Gregory, of R. F. D). No. of 1, Biluford, Ill.,.got rid of u g her ills. "'During . . . I - was awfully weak . .. *My pains were terrific. I sid t thought I would die. the bearng-down pains were o actually so severe I could X not stand the pressure of miy hands on fhe lower ,art of my stomach. * simply felt as if life was Jfor bitt a short time. My E husband was worried . ., SOne evening, wvhile read ing the Birthday Alma Scase similar to mine, and * *went straight for some Cardui for me to try. The Woman's Tonic 3U "I took it faithfully and Sthe results were jinmedi. ate," adds Mrs. Gregory. "I continued to get bet. ter, all my ills left me, EUand I went through .. . with no further trouble. 'My baby was fat and ~3strong, and myselH--thank SGod-ant once more hale and hearty, can walk miles, do my work, thotigh 44 years old, feel * like a new person. All I . i owe to Carduf." For.. . many years Cardul has been found helpful In buIldIng up the system whent run down by dIs orders peculiar to womien. Take Car dui 1.82 "" "" EXTRAVAGANT, AT LEAST (The Colton Acreage Committee, Memphis, Tenn.) Money put into the new crop to protect old debts is throwing good money after bad--extravagant, to say the least, for cotton can be bought right now for less than it can be grown. Unless the price of cotton advances, it will cost more to produce cotton this year than it can be sold for. Middling cotton is quoted at 11 i-2c, but Iost. of the cottoi Se'lling today is going at prices around 5c 'to Sc a pound. Cotton being bought at 5C to Sc is not the lowest grades, but is good cot ton, representing excellent spinning qualities. The prico of middling cotton is misleading. Somie middling cotton may b selling at almost 11 1-2c, but the real market is on cotton that is bring ing not more than Sc per pound. In comparison -therewith, the quotation on middling should not be over 9e. I-ither midding is too high or grades below middling are too low in price, intrinsic differences considered. Now, what is the use of attempting -to opay debts by operating a business continuously -t a loss? If there Is no hope for a profit, but a certainty of a loss, any pilrudlent businmess man would stop the loss by closing up shop, if he could, until there was some prospect of a proiltable business. We know of one man who owns a plantation. That man has not got tire nerve to go into the imlarket and pay Se a poun1(d for 1,000 bales of cotton, bullt he does inteind thi; year to 1plant for 1,000 bales of CottOl aid Ie adiits that he d(oes not expect to produce that cotton for less than 13 l-2c at pound. Wouldn't it be a whale lot letter 'or lat mitan t; let hi; farm l!!; out and buy% 1.000 bales of eoltonl a' No. lper pound, scle:t the exact kinds of cotton that be wants, the kinis ht he thinksl will he m1ost .alalhie next fall, and store t"ico away until fall :1111 all it i:s laintitig for ]9''1? If Ie plantis for 1,010 hal"'s, lie does no know iow Imiany hales he will produce, lie (toes ilot know wiat the l:oll weevil will do1) to it, nor storms, nor1 what will h.1ppen becau.e of the mt1anty vici. itud t(s to w':hicl the (rop:) is sisceptible. an(d l:st, but not least, he doeR rot know what grade of cotton ite will produc(. lie only -knvy thiat bi.; A tton iS ('nsting him not less 1 han 1:8 -2c an( that he could 'have o ght tontvi ot hi; owl S le('tioni, atp:roxitately the average in grade of an1y crop he tmay lope to produite, at Se a polild. h'lfe re is anitother tin111g about it .whlen you bu1y collol already in exist(ce, and put it away iIn ite manneitllr spoken of in the foregoing: every transact ion of that kind will con1triuilte to advacinhig the price of ottol. Ont tle other lhantd, every maiitiotial bale of Cottoni produced this year will contribute towards depressing tle prive of Cotton. liere we have certainty oin ote hantd, and oi the other hand, uncertainty. It is not a case of Scylla and "harybdi. Oin ote han1d there is safety, on the ot her, certain destruction, and 'Ve are1 itt posiion to choose al'solitely and gulide our owII colurse. Yet we choose (liberatlly the course that leads to disaster. Wiant is the answer? Somte imy say it. is liecessary to phlit (otton to hold their farming organtiza I ont togethor. Others that they cain borrow money to miake a new crop. btt cannot hor'row timoley to hiold( the old One, nor bort;cw to buy Cotton. If a hanker, er an1y other soutree of credit. is able to loan money to imake ai w crop, he is able to loan money )to hold Cottotn and Iie is able to loani m1totney to those \ ho wish to buty Cottoni. lie is risking very mut1ch less to loan mon 1y en ottonl at St. a n~oundl thanll hit is oil enttoln t 1. i -n 1 , mn .f a Se tie is loaning for a puriose that will contitilte to an advance in the niarket, whIl at 13 1-2c lie is loan ing to contribunte to certain depression. Now and then the fa rmer has been acensed of poor hitsiness j idgient. I lt if it he a fact that the farnmr cnn borrow money to make a new erop c : 1- , ulit is utniable to borrow itoney to hold onl to or to actirie cotton at Se or 9c, then the haiker and not the farimer is at fanlIt. Cotton! is not ready now at any price. ('otton has ceased to he a as crop. I1tt even if it could lie sold at cu rrent prices a crop high einough in grade to bring more than 9c a pound average, wonIld he the exception. That being the case, if it costs 13 1-2c a poind to gro w cotton there is 41 certini loss of I -2 a ipoutind to begin with, If cotton does not go up. A decline of .1 1-2c a pound frot 9c would put the pri e down to .1ti-i it II-2c, a remote os sibility. \hy pay I3v a 1pound for cottoti that can he bought for Se or Ilie? STIRANDEl 1:1 IIAVS PLAN I)ET.ILS FOR PARllTY IS ltES(1-:1) 4,.:PM AN Ti CI Tl'l'O ' 'hieng-fo iroker aid Four Othei a'rs Collitt k.As!oli 34"t. at lt's Head Found ol Lonely h1ey by Setnplaine Ii itarters Io Deltie Or a I'lloI.tI I s, April Il tixed ttdlitary Miami, April 22.---\Vehb ,1ay, ( 'hi-atid ClVil 00111 issiOli ti c today at the cago brokert and sportsmnant, ai ity leadfin iters of Marsl Ioehi at of four. 'vere brought back to ?liaiIded tle dtails for the late this afternoon frot Gun Cay, off m1lli ary and ecotloi Ic Oica n izi t lo Of tie I iahIamnta Islands, where they had Ceria ty tert tnt, \-; t cIt will be been stranded for 1:1 days, living priti- tlt t.d att May I tthe vtint cipally ol fish. does tiot \ ry ott Ile. - \ith Jay were hiIs wifev, Chai-les It.atatiots oligat lm Dl-shliel. iresidetnt of the Desliel Mo. liottt5 I lcttt, Ittitist Fot the tor coimpIany of licago, hi.; wife, a;111 liberaitee t-cl-iow!. \vill have for a 11n 91r0 servant.'o :(11lil A. Tree weeks wo thtev pitt off frm le lie'iat, ioteu.,t t i it le Miamil itn the speedlwt. &ttc .1. tot a r lar. Al. Ilri.tI otl . ta v will ot pIleasirt'e Il to .\liiini, in the ha- 01I. details of t.l plan to hama Islands, 15.itiles frot here. 'The- Hil p i li mill trlp across was withoit incident, hut stet, inl tliir confCe eite at by * line, on the return the party tmtet a roui 1! Alatslal Fol \%ill tot ac sea and the little ||5-foot boat was in. ciilpatiy l'villt Itilnt to capable of bat ttling its way throudh the rolling .waves. Whet abolit 15 enotal lestlckem anI M1iti11 on itil miles oit, Jay attelliptd to titrn his Itaty ineasittes and alSo AL seydotiX, boat back to Himia, bit Was carried a fltancipI expert l eist, to tle south. Finally lie Imanged chief of lie (ii It, and Yvex Ie steer Into the key where the party Trocque, iiniste of 1pailic w otksa. went ashore. 'T'lere they fotun d one The Coll)lsolo adopted two te white man and a handfiu of natives. Ports Of tile tal'O e ts concern For almost a fortnight, without a lng tlte delItoitation of tie tertltory change of clothing,, tle party waited, to be occnpled ill(I (le effectIves nec daily watching tle sea for some boat essary to the operation, Wltlcht contaI to hall to carry thIem back to Ftlorida. ftxed by the Mobilization of tte class Friends of the party, wlo have of 1919. tmade this thelr winter hoie, becalm e 7'I teports, excl ilvely 0cOnO_ alartned and the days went by and MW t, re adopted first--concernig their ap 1)pr'ehienslons .Were increaseui wtAkIjig oi yesterday when Captain Charles les aeltl adinlttstratloi, nnd ttit(l---the of the steamer Corsair, reported Itat feeditg of (le pomilatlos nd t It e lie had passed the little boat at. sea families of Ine wotkes. Comit on hIs trihp from Rimini to Allaini. tees will b) forle(l to tilage the At dawn .today. three seaplanes were produtfoi and d1stilitl of coal sent out to conbI the coast and Is- and ndtuthrl prolucti alld also lands. Circling low Over Oin Cay the customs atl financial adinhalstra shortly after noon, the pilot of one tlon. discerned a figure frantically waving General Weyganl, acting as general a white rag. Descending and making secretary or staff, for the m1xed corn his way Inland, he caime ipontile mission, Is putting the finishing party. Tattered and torn -and wIth- touchen on the rcport tonigltt and III out a change of clothing during the will be handed Over to Premier fortnight, they told a thrilling tale of frIand torow night Or Saturday their ;hardships and efforts to lnd morning. food enough to keel) alive until res cued. To Cure a Cold In One Daay Take LAXATIVE JJROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It . Engraved Cards and Invitations. slops te CougI and Headache and works off the AdvertlIer Printing Co. Cold. . W. ROVES signature on ach box. 30. BOLD ROBBEltY IN HIEAlRT OF CICAGO 1ianitond SaIesman Robbed of Genms Valued at $260,000 on 15th tSory. Chicago, April 2?.--:Lured to a lowelY rihop iII the heart of the doin LOwn district at noon tday by wllt 'ie l)oiice declare to h'ave been a decoy letter, a dianond salesman was robbed )f gems valued at $200,000. Two robbers invaded the oflice of Julius J. 11eingold, on the fifteenth loor of a building at Aladison street Ind Wabasii Avenue while lIerov Present, of the firm of tPhilip Present id Son, of' Rochester, N. Y., was (is jlaying his wares. They bound and ragged Rleingold an( Present and es ,aped with unset diatonds the sales nan carried with him. After an investigation, the police letained ileingold for <iestioning and irrested his brother, Leo. Present ;aid thatl he Caneto Chicago froimi De rolt Sunday and calhl(d on lIelngold )n Tuesday when lie was reqluested .to 'all again. Thursday night, he sald, le received a written miessage hearling he naie of IRelti .old, reil esting himII o call this mnIng. lleingol dealeel ,miat ho had writ-tei any suchi message. It was Whille Present was in Mein old's ollice that the two armed m0n ntered and took the wallets contain rg i.; dia m)Iolids. W01113 GIVE Ol'T Ilo'u.ework is hard enough %vwhen ealt iy. lovey womian Who Is hav Ig backiclie. Ilue atnd nervous spells, l;zy hteadtheM and kidliy or blad ter trolthles. !A ol1d he glad to heev hi., lautreng WolniaI's eXve'rience: r ". L. lilitblle, 125 hlolmes St., 'yS: "K Iine troiul We got the 1upper 'iand of metl several years ago al I elit iiserable. Aly hack and Should rels it an if there were a heavy weight ti them, and aggravating ijils took he life and amiihltion olit of toe. I had >iiding dizzy. speAls and everythint*, xoild turn black before my yes. \lornings I was so Iamtue and Sore I -01d hardly dress. Wheni I hent over. lhid to h1ol(d oil to something and ieadaches would often come on and I hought my .head would split. .'ly id cys didn't act as they shotild, eiliter. got D1onn1's Kiney Pills at the Powe )rig Co. and they soon put tmy kld leys in good condition. I used Doan's ind they entirely cilred 'ime of Ihe roulble." 6o at. all dealer.i' Foster-M I111bu In .o., -sfr ., ltlTalo, N. Y. Coldsi Cause Grip and Influenza .AXATIVE PROMO QUININE Tablets remove the mueThero is only one "Uromo Quinine. .W. GROV'S vignaturo on box. q0c. $5.00 GE Ask tc We] $5.00 Shipped from factory in easy-to handle sections. Quickly and easlly erected by our simple instructions. Absolutely rigid and weather tight. S-Double walls in most designs. En during. Delightfpjl to live In. Designs changed to suit yottr ideas, without charge, If general size retained. Sketches supplied /* free. State kind of house you want to build and we will send spe cial suggestions and free illustrated booklet which gives designs, floor plans, descriptions and money-sav Ing prices. DIXIE HOUSE COMPANY NORT0 Ce ROVE sN Ae WAUTuMOBILE We are the Largest Painters and Top Builders in South Carolina Send us your work and get the best work that can be done. Prices on Request---All Work Guaranteed We do 85 per cent. of the work in Greenville, and we want the business of Laurens. Fred H. Plexico (incorporated) Phone 254 Greenville, S. C. $5.00 NTLEM EN see $5.00 Oxfords %.l leathers U1 sizes Al widths Lb Clardy Co. Laurens, S. C. Good Place to Trade -V0 * $5.00