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C. E. Kennedy & Son UNDERTAKERS ...and... EMBALMERS Motor Equipment LAURENS, . . S. C. Colds & Headache "For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, and I have never found any medicine that could take its place," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville, Tenn. Mr. Sta- * cy, who is a Rutherford County farmer recommends Black Draught as a medicine that should be kept in every house hold for use In the prompt treatment of many little ills to pre *vent them fronm developing into serious troubles. a THEDFORD'S a BLACK-DRAUGHT "It touc s the liver and does the work," Mr. Stacy declared. "It is one ot the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. I don't liow what we would do In our family if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved as many doUlls . . I don't see how any family can hardly go with! * out it I know it Is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep in the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am g Anever without it." At all druggists. Accept No Imitations d~rA MMl 3.81 flf Get the ?3WAeOjte Prescription fota( Bilious Battery Get that examination NOW( OLO) 0 ARE your lights dim and yellow? Do yod get a lazy spark? Does the starter labor to throw the engine over? Your battery may show none of these symptoms, and still need looking over. Tuning up the motor and putting grease hi the cups and transmission don't constitute the Spring overhauling. What about the bat tery, the electric heart of the whole works? It may be all right, but 6nd out. When you 'do nced a new battery, you'll be glad to know that Prest-O-Lite is back to pre-war prices and that an allowance will be made on your old battery. Drive around to the Prest-O-Lite Service Station and get the correct dope or your bat tery's condition. That's the common-sense thing to do. A little attention now may save you the price of a new battery later. Harney Electric Co. West Main St. Laurens, S. C. Pull up Uses less than one four-huno where you dredth of its power-reserve for eoo this sign a single start-and the genera tor quickly replaces that. HESUMPTION OF RELATIONS WITH SOVIETE FAR OFF Hughes Tells Gompers That U. S. Can. not Resume Relations at Present TImO, -Washington, April 17.-Secretary Hughes, writing to Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, who asked for a statement of "the facts" regarding Russia, ind cates definitely that there is no pros pect of at resumption of relations with the United States while the Soviet 1)0 litical and economic system remains. The letter of the secretary of state makes direct reply to various state ments characterized as 'propaganda, which contend that resumption of re lations, trade or political, .w-ith the Soviets would open a igreat current of trade of advantage to the United States and that large shipments of Russian gold- have already 'been made to other countries in payment for goods. Soviet Russia, Recretary Hughes de clares, is a ."gigantic economic vacu um," and he adds that "no evidence exists that the unfortunate situation is likely to .be alleviated so long as the present political and economic sys tem continues." Taking up specifically the charge that the scarcity of goods in Russia Is due to the blockade which was re moved July 8, 1920, and the statement that .the demand for manufactured goods in Russia is so 'great and the purchasing power of the Soviets so vast that it is almost impossible to determine the capacity of the Russian market for imports Secretary Hughes wrote: "Though there is almost no limit to the amount and variety of commodi ties urgently needed by Russia, the purchasing power of that country is now at a minimitm, and the demand hans consequently to remain unsatis fled. * * The attitude and action of the present authorities of Russia have tended to undermine its political and economic relations with other coun tries. The Russian people are unable to obtain credit, which might other wise .be based on the vast potential wealth of Russia and are compnelled to .be deprived of commodities imme diately necessary for consumption, raw materials and permanent .produc tive equipments * * * It should not be overlooked that there has been a steady degeneration in events and iii. dustries in Soviet Russia that were not dlependent upon imports of either raw material or partly finished pro ducts nor in .which has there been any shortage of la'bor. * * * Tre can he no relation of the failure of all these industries to blockades or civil war, for most of them require no iinports, and the men mobilized since the So viet revolution were far less in nut her than before the event. "Restrictions on direct -t-rade with Russia were removed by the United States on July 8, 1920. The conclu sion of treaties of peace with the Bal tic states enabled Russia freely to en ter upon01 trade with Europe andl the United States. Bioth American and European goodis have been sold to Russia but the volume of trade has been unimportant, due to the inaabil ity of Russia to 'pay for imports. "It is true that agents purporting to be representatives of the so-called Bolshevist commissariat of foreign trade have placed immense orders for the purchase of goods in the United 'States, Europe andl Asia. It is esti malhtedl that perhaps six and one-half billlon dollars' worth of orders have been booked. But, shlipments as a re suilt of these orders have been made only in small volume because the So viet agents .were unable either to pay cash or to obtain cr'edit so as to in sure the delivery of the goods order ed1." Partial to Gloves. When Eilzabeth was queen of Eng land she was very partial to fine gloves as presents, giving them to her friends and enjoying it very much when they were given to hdr. Renew your health by purifying your system with Q~uick and delightful re lief for biliousness, colds, constipation, headaches, arnd stomach, liver and blood trouzbloe. The genuine are sold only in 35c package. Avoid imitations. BOfDY 6F VICTORIA' TAKEN TO GERMANY Former Emperor, Broken with Sorrow, Takes Leavo -at Train and Returns to Exile. Doorn, Airil. 17.-Never wag con trast between former glory- and pres ent, state of humiliation more accen tuated than when Wilhlcm, the for-m Or German emperor, followed the body of his wife, Augusta Victoria, to the station at Maarn where he entrusted the faithful companion of his grandeur and his sorrow to his sons and friends to take back to the fatherland. The enrperor that wah and the for mer crown prince and other sons pres ent were all attired in full uniform of the Prussian guard, their 'helmets crepe covered. The funeral procession arrived at the little station at Maarn in darkness broken only by the light from a few lam-ps on the railway embankment. First came a huge car with flowers followed by servants, who loaded the wreaaths into the railway carriage. About ten .minutes later the hearse arrived, flashing powerful search lights. It was draped in with black cloth with white cross and 'border. From the next automobile Chaplain Dryander alighted wearing black rohes. Immediately 'behind came an automobile carrying the former em peror and his daughter, Princess Vic toria Louise, which drove on until it reached a shelter of shrubs, hiding it from view. Frederick William, the former crown prince, and Prince Adalbert in long gray mantels walked briskly forward., 6ther members of the family alighted from their cars-Prince Oscar, the Duke of Brunswick, Prince FuersteiA berg, General von Gontard, chief of the household, Countess von Keller and Countess von Rantzau, the staunchest friends of the late empress and ladies in waiting in the old days, and .the court chamberlain, Baron von Spitzenberg. Representatives of queen Wilhel mina of Holland, the dowager queen and the Irince consort, with repre sentatives of the King of Spain and the King of Sweden, and a number of such officials closed the procession. When all had knelt around the cof fin court chaplain, Dr. Dryander, his voice vibrating with emotion, deliv cred a brief oration. The coffiln was then .placed in the railway carriage, which Wilhelm, Fredorick William for a few moment.;. Then the former emperor led the way to the ears in which the other mieibc.rai of Ihe party were to slee; tonight and remain dur ing their Journey. I thanked theimi all and took leave of them. For a brief i;ieriod Wilhelm be came dimly visible to those who had gathered to watch the ceremony, his figure that of a man broken -by sor row. Prnicess Ltuise entered the au tonobile with her father, the door closed and the car glided on, carry Ing the exile back to confinement at Doorn, to face his fate 'without the (levoted wife who until now ha~s share~d his humiliation. Soon after the dleparture of the former emperor', the ex-crown prince left the station precincta and re turned to the castle with the D~uke of Brunswick and others who are stay ing in Holland. The last farewell visit to the funeral car will be 'paid ,tomorrow morning before it proceeds to Potsdam. Those who remainedl on the train to accom pany the body included Prince Adal bert and his .wife, Prince Oscar, Prince Fueuntenberg, Countess von Keller, Countess von Ratzau andh IBaron von Spit zen berg. A service in mourning for the for mer empress was held in D~oorn cas tle thuis morning attended by all the memblers of the former Iim perial household, some of its most intimate friends and several oflicials of thue D~utch government. The service wa.s an affecting one, and (luring its pr~o gress forme ci'mp ieror' Willlim fre quently sobbed and at one iiolnt seemed at the verge of a breakdown. The service was conducted by Dr:. D)ryander, the former court chaplain, who took the text. of his sermon from the tenth verse of thfe second chap;ter of Revelations: "Bo thou faithful until death and I wvill give thee a crown of life." HONEA PATH BOY DRIAOOED) BY ML'LE Loses Life 'When Feet Becomue Enftan gied ini Harnecss oin lrightenied Ani mual. Anderson, April i6.---The 13 year o1(1 son of Cliff L~ollis of near Ilionea Path, (lied late Thursday afternoon as a re sulIt o-f the I inuries received from be ing dIraggedi bf a mule for a mile. Young ILoliis was riding the mule home from work, from which -the harness had not -been taken, when the mule became frightened and throw the young boy to the ground, and his toot got tanglcd in the harness, and lie was dlraggedl -the entire' distance to his home, which -was about. a mile, lie was alive when he was rescued but died nhnorty aftne. Henry Counts' Garage FIRST CLASS SERVICE TELEPHONE 176 I have a stock of used Maxwell parts for models up to 1920..-cheap. Everyone -who has a Washing Machine ought to have one of our Washing 'Machine Drainers that will automatically drain the ma chine whenever it is conveniently near a faucet. IWrite us 'for circular. Also one of our Little Giant Clothes -Reels, which does away with the unsightly clothes line and really is moro or less of an ornament than an eyesofe such as the usual way of hanging out clothes is. Write for circular and price. Columbia Supply Company 828 Gervals Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. OWEN BROS. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. DIDSIGNmE MANUFACTUREMS ERIDCTORS Dealers in everything for the nemeu itery. The largest and beat equipped mon i ' umental mills in the Carolinas. GREEtWOOD. - - - S. C. CALLS ANSWERED DAY AND NIGHT RESIDENCE PHONE 389 DR. O'NEAL JACOBS GRADUATE VETERINARIAN LAURENS, S. C. CLEMSON COLLEGE '08-'12 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY '1G.'20 "AFTER EVERY MEAL Mint leaf, Peppermint or lus cious Juicy fruit, either flavor is a treat for your sweet tooth. And all are equally good for You., Teeth. appetite and digestion all benefit. Your nerves will say "thank You." Your vim will respond. WRIGLEY'S is liked for what it does as well as for its BIG value at the small cost of 5c. The Flavor Lasts 111111Ly A A La