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NAMES OF DRAFT EVADERS TO BE PUBLISH E) inst OpiporMnity OliVen to Escape Na. tion-Wide Publicatiou of -Namos. Final Cheek of Lists Being tme. Washington, March 18.-A last op -0ortuniity for selective .servilce law evaders to escape 'broadcast publica tion of their names as deserters dur ing the World War was given .Adjubant General Harris of the army. Persons who have rcason to believe that they 'Will bc charged with evad Ing the draft but who did not actually -do so, the adjutant ogeneral announc ed, may escape the odium of being pub licly branded as a deserter unjustly by communicating all the facts of the case to him without delay. The final check of the draft evader lists is now being completed by former nembers of the local draft boards. By the'end of the month the -war department expects to begin mak ing the lists public through the news paipes and 'by furnish'ing copies to city, state and federal police, detec tilve agencies, the American Legion and other rpatriotlc societies. In addition Secretary Weccs will ask Congress when it reconvenes to provide funds to enable the war de partment to pay a reward of $50 to any person who delivers to tihe mili tary amth orities a deserter from the draft. Fuds on hand now do not per mit paying the full reward. The department's I.t of drafi evad er rich as origmnally reported to the provost marshal general number ed2 nearly 190,000 iimmes, has been re duced1 by careful cheeli'eing and by the appreien -ion of ev-ader s to aloroxi mately 150,000 names. The final lists by draft districts are nov being tab ulated by the adjutant general's oillee. Of the list of nearly half a million names originally compiled It ws., later found that more than 151,000 had actually served honorably In the armed forces of this country, or the allies. By July 15, 1919 nearly 1G.1, 000 of those on the original list had been .apprehended by the military or civil authorities, leaving ain actual bal nnce on that (late of about i 74,000 napies. Since then approximately 13, 000 more names have been eliminaterd on the basis of information obtained from various sources and the careful BUR $3.00 DIluncan Bed S)i'( lduig Bros. Silks and clear thle ,dhelve";. $1.50 Meni's Druess Shirt $2.00 Meni's Dress Shir $3.00 .\le's D~1ress .Shir $4.00) .lleni 's Dress Shlit CLOSTNG OUT $25.00) Menu's Dre'ss Sui $90.00) .Men's Dress Sni $'15.00) Me's' Dress Sui $40o.00 .\le's Dres Sui $45.00 .M1en 's; D res'; Mu .1,200 pairms Sam p rs and -1 al(' re'od-break inmg i or, inenlo w---Slomen at :i0* \'i'lk N Save tor b and 11oh............ $1.50) se Whit e Cu ps a $1.50) large Wash Bowl 90e covered Sleak ish, Odd lot of Crockery, si 1 lt 35c dress ging hams on sale this wee at 15 cents a yar< Limited 10 yards to customer. All Good 20c Tall Can Saln '10c Eat Fish Now ______ rI checking of official war service rec ords. As a last check to provent as far us possible branding innocent men as -do seteters, the dartment had the lists carefully checked by tho local board members, the adjutant generals of the states and oflicials of the navy and marine corps. The reports as finally checked at tihese sourc.n are now be ing pirepired for publication in the final lists. "EVElYBODY TAL1S coTTON BUT I NOTHIENG DONE" Commens Gov. .. A. Cooper on the Necessity for Cotton Acreage Itedue tion. Columbli, March 19.-"It sometimies seems to me that Mark Twain's com ment on the weather 'is applicable to catton-everybody talks about it, but nothing is done," said Governor Cooper in an interview on the'cotton situation, with espeet-al reference to the necessity for- acreage reduction. "I am convinced that a drastic cut in acreage Is necessary for our prosper-i. ty," he continued. "And this redue tion muitst not e1) a tere matter of propaganda, 4but an actual curtailment, and a very large one, of the amount of cotton produced during the year 1921. It will not sufflice to talk about It, something must be done. I know there are many who will not agree to this. but it seenms to me that we are faice to face wvith the iowetrful lowiv of su'ipply and demand. and 'that laiw is operating. That's Just outr -trouble; it is operat Ing, and the supply of cotton is -great ly In excess of the present denmind. "hI'll world's con mI ption of cottonl can ber calculated with faitr accuracy. Many such calculations, and unohiased ones, have beeni ade. The only con clusion to be reached is that should the farmers of the .South 1)le up an othe' latrge cotton crop Ott top of the cotton now on hand, tle result would be another year of meagre prlces for this, our most Important agricultural product. There is no reason to look fot any sudden full revival of indust ry in Eiropce, hence the European demand, can scarcely become suflilciently great to offset the effect of the tremendous supply of cotton now existing. "I know that many farmers are con pelled to plint cot ten. Some do not know much about diversilleation. (in 1d; to e the tables $1.98 Satin", -$1.0 qjuafly; to ts .... .... .... ....$2.48 MEN'S CLOTH'IING Ls $17.50 Ott Lot~s of Shoe's ott sal' >rie's $1.48, $1.95, $2.89, $3.418 Black rau * ... ....19c spcmoney ............1.0c ....... .... ....25cI T1rosureilure for giugh I. . . . . . . . . . . 5 I itdaousoers.. ...$ . w nteks at 1- i Th-iESE 10n happily, cotton Is with as an inherit anco, a tradition, a necessity and all that. But notwithstanding the man ner in which 'thihi crop is interwoven with dur lives, Iwo caln effect a reduc tion In acroage so impressive that buy e of cotton will foresee a- return to normalcy, and bogin to offer .more at tilactive prices for the now bedraggled King Cotton. "A merchaint who has unusually large supply of certain goods on hand, and little demand for these goods, would certainly not set about to pro cure more of the wares that already clutter his shelves. The l'armer's sit uation Is analogous to this. "The wise course for us to pursue is to raise as much food as ipossible, and as little cotton as ,we can gct along with." INXPILOSION ROCKS SOUTH SIDE OF CHICAGO Grain Dust Exploded in Elevator and Ioes Great 'Damage. Chicago, March 19.-An explosion of grain dust rocked the entire southern section of. Chicargo early tonight, wrecked one of the -world's largest grain elevators and broke every win dow within a radius of a mile. Of the nine watchmen who were trapped in the strueture by the blast, one Is known to be dead and four are missing. The elevator, which consisted of a series of steel and concrIete towers, Vas located in the southern outskirts of the city on the banks of the Cali met river. It was guilt at a cost of more than $10,000,000 and was operat ed by the Armour Grain Company. The explosion was diue. it 'was said by oflicials who made an early in q'uiry, to a fire that started In a load ing chute. The blaze set iIre to the dust llied air and the resulting blast rent amunder the big tower, reloi thousands of bushels of grain. So great was the force of the cx plosion that It hurled great concrete blocks for hu(ndreds of feet and de railed a freight ti'ain which was standing on a track beside the eleva tor. The fow men In the elevator are thought to have 'been trapped by the flood of blazing grain, but up until a late hour tonight only one body ha d been taken from the ruin';. Pour oth er's are known to have escapedf. WT ioys' Overalls, good It denlims, to elefar tables a 1 lot MTen's heavy Work eleara the tablles ... 50e h~ad and bassie Clot fuli patterns, to clearhi Biarker's H orse anid CattII 20e bott1.1e Lemion Extra anteed pure) .... .. 45e 1)ottle Lemion IExtria an teced purie) .... .. 31 eakes (1 5e) Vrenael tin I for' lessa mney.. ... f;0e sack Honey D~ew Sill haico( .. .. ...... . 35e saiek H oney 1Dew Sin hacco ...... .... . sell gobdls at. si * MILL] drIten's IlIts litale' iln I t imorel'. Tihe Ii it(st |1 Jat $1.25 men's un on sale this week at 49 cents each. Limited 4 to a customer. -eatly Reduced Price ARE RED HOT RI C. BUR No. 2 Store 210 West L ~o. 2 Store North Sie of Heavy damage was caused -in near by tvowns by the explosion. Windows Were shattered in Hammond, Whiting and 10ast Chicago. The heaviest. stiff forer twas Whiting and where it was raworted every imindow in the down town 'business district was broken. The property loss there, accqrding to merchants, will reach $100,000. Normally about 5,000 bushels of grain are stored -in the elevator, 'but at the time of the blast there :were about 500,000 bushels. This was do stroyed -by the fire. The explosion took place Just af ter 150 employees had (tilt for the day. According to one eye-witness, there were three separate exploslons, the last being the most severe. The explosions tore the entire top off the elevator. This was of 1-ight steel concrete construction and was through the upper part of the elevator, like the mouth of a great cannor. So great was the force of the blast, however, :that the tower Itself was spattered, -great Ipleces of concrete from -its sides .being thrown in all di rections. Early estimates put the pro perty loss at more than $6,000,000. SMALL NEGRO BOY HILLS, PLAYMATE Boys Nine and Teo Years of Atre Shoot One Twelve Years Ohl. Sumter, aMrch 17.--The play of three little negro boys ended in a tragedy Sunday afternoon. One of the little playmates 'is dead from a gun :;hot woudil ai(d the other two are in the county jail, each trying to fasten the killing on the other. Tihe shooting occurred at Stateburg, about 12 miles fromi town. No witnesses of the oc curPreice have 'been found. From the loys the following meagre details have belen learnied: One little boyi was running after the other twIo withl a sli ngshot and lad cmased them into a louase. Ifere one of the two i:cked up a loaded shotgun whicl wias leaning in the ,corner, and fired both barrels at the )oy with the slingshot, who was stand ing In the door. Botlth load. took ef fect In. the head of the child andi death was instanltaincous. The dead boy was Charlie Wh it aker, aged 12. The twvo others are Willie Thomas, age nine, -and Thomas Singlotary, aged ten. From the time Sheriff Hlurs.t took charge of the small boys and brought LT B -avy blue t 98c and $ .2 Shirts, to n Powders 2'I0C et (guar ,(guar'-35 lath Soap oking To.. 50 okinig TPo-n t see how we canii >rrIy us.4 NERY of bies1('' andur ('hil >ll wor rVi'Ioomi)s iln iii . .$1.98, $2.50 uip t o $5.89 All shoes on sale this week at one third off. Any shoe in the house. s. All Prices With CORD BREAKIN( NS& aurens Street, Old Stanc the Square, in Burns Bic then) Into town they have stuck to Habitual Constipation Cured their tale, each -.insisting that It was in 14 to 21 Days the other who fired the gun. "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relievc promptly but Many Miles of Wi-" should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days One liim(lred 1id sevilteam m11les to induco regular action. It Stimulates and of wire are used in mnakligi a 12-kiet Regulates f, Very Pleasant to Take. 00c wire-bound gun. per bottle. C) C< C CdDra . ystem of 0 Wit Fire and burglar proof vaults and stacks of gold in ths United States Federal Reserve Banks make your money safe when it is in our bank. We shall be glad to have you come in and talk busi ness with us. When you want financial advice come in and consult us. It will be a pleasure to serve you. We add 4 per cent. interest. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. The Enterprise National Bank N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier A RGAIN len's and Boys' I fats, samples and odd lots, Red Hot prive .... .... .... .. .... ....98c All Hoys' Snits going at 1cl'ord-breaking prices. Mlothers! Nowv is youri chance to dress up the boy3s for a li ttle money. $10.00 suiLt . .$6.00 1 lot l aadies' Shirt Waists. A few of a kind, some 'worth upl to $2.00 in this lot, to clear the shelvyes...... .... .... .... .... .... ....98c 1 lot Men's Overalls, good heavy weight Blue D eu n, $3.00 value, to c'lear the tables . .$1.25 I lot .\en's Overalls, becst union made, heavy blue de(1 ns, $3.50 valutes, to clear the talbles . .$1.89 -35r box 'a per aindI Envelopes for..... .... ....25c 1 lot1 Sea lslandl, special per yard...... .... ....8c 1 lot :30h Sea Ixsand-Druiiid L . L,., best nuade, at per yar iu.... ......... .... .......12 1-2c 5.00)1~' Laies' Ox fords, whiite reiginiski n--GCood year hand se1 twedI, oin sale at .... .......... .. ..$3.49 1 lot 30e (shirt ing) Chleviots on sale this week at 15c a vard. imi ted 1 2 yards to a cust omer'. 1 lot 25w A proni Iiinghams on sale this week at 10c a yard' . L imnit ed 1 0 yards to a en stoamer. 1 lot :35 IIk Bleching on sale this week at 15c a ya rd. (imiutd 1c yat)vrds to( a entstomerci. 5)l h' an'eyx stiped Shiin lg on sale this week at. 25c 'i yardn. Limited( !) yar'ds to a cumstomier'. la s t 1 (' spooil Thiread oni sale this week at 5c. L ini'ited G spools to a cnstomer. 25' enna Qiue'mn Tal cm n P owder i.............10c Sc box .\at dhes, spei'ial .... ......... .........5c 9-4 eppeel heetng, All boys' suits in the soldat 1.U a ard on house 40 per cent off sale this week at 48c a thswek yard. Irawn as Lots are Closed Out. PRICES wO 6 Packages Washing e Powder 25c This Week