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ENDORSE FEDFRAL BANKING COMPANY State Bankers Pledge Aid In Effort to Cut Cotton Acreage 50 Per Cent, Columbia, Nov. 25.--Unanimous en '!orsement of the Federal Internation al Banking Company, the subscription if alpproximately $200,000 of its stock, he recommc-ndation of a 50-per cent eduction in the cotton acreage to be lade effective by (iSCoudaging loans xcept to farilers who follow this sug -ostion and the pledge of support to he State Cmamber of Commerce's !novement to obtain a branch of the Richmond federal reserve bank for ome South Carolina city, were the lore important acts of 200 representa YOU WILL BE TREATED RIGHT AT THIS 3ToQE .! IS IT worth while to sufl ache or poor vision wh can. be had at such small We make a thorough ex without cost, and if gla: them at the lowest possi PERFECT FITTIN( WEAK, l Mr. Enoch Moore, of Oconee, S - w fs iervc., anid miiy limbs seem:ed some su chi feeling, I can hardly "trembl'!es." I was saIllow', had a drt at niEhL 1 read of Ziron and thSugh the same for me. I knew I could at I The Scientifi and very shortly I fell belter, ate anm feeling gradually left me. It was a < seemed to hit the spot." If Mr. Moore had not been benic Itook, he could have gotten his muone druggists ev'erywhere on a money-b Insist upon Ziron Iron Tonic. 1 ing else as good, so refuse imnitatior Ask your druggist for Ziron. A EVER B] Charleston, Miss.-Mrs. - says: "I have never had t< because if I felt headache, d In the mouth, which comes * take a dose or more of Bh4 straighten me out and maka We have used in our family THEDF * andi it certainly Is the best it has not only saved me m<n system in shape, and has many physics do. I recon glad to do so." Black-Drau medicine which you have d< When you feel badly all os taste In your mouth, biliout Thecdford 's Black-Draught. Always !rsist ? tive South Carolina bankers meeting In special session In Columbia today of the Bankers' Association. The bankers by resolution, urged all bankers in the state, both state and national to subscribe for their full quota of stock, 3 per cent of capital and surplus, and where possible 5 per cent, the limit permitted by law. The resolution intended to secure reduction in cotton acreage, said: "It is the sense of the South Caro lina Bankers' Association that the fa ruie:s of the state should reduce the coiton acreage planted next year by 50 per cent and that the banks should discourage .the financing of crops whee c thi 18 not adhered -to." I cost amination of the eyes uses are needed, furnish ble price. GUARANTEED. 1Y rt .7 1 7 ERVOUS C., tells hovy Ziron helped himt: "I to ache as though I was scared-or describe it. I would have weak iggy, worn feeling; didn't rest well t ii it had,: he ped others it might do east try it. I began using Ssept fmeyndte ace, evou n- relie-i o neeed ando fli aythin ot of th ronyee ises garenteedefun blue eiie te-Dauht adi ol live medicine Ivrsw >ney tll hoasu helped ep my toever waskenedg m ~as srd-or ghtcb its the old, relae liek ,l ir havle ae hethers itr td cAttita I Druggis.~ Ilctoaec the wieak! evu (3ANNOT POSTPONE TAX PAYMENT Governor Cooper Replies to Skottowe Wannamaker on TliIs Question as Well as Acreago Reduction. Columbia, Nov. 26.-J. Skottowe Wannamaker, president of the Ameri can Cotton, Association, today made public the following letter which he has received from Governor Cooper: It. has been inlpossib!o for. me to answer your telegram of the first in stant until now. The delay is due 'to the fact that I wanted to give very serious consideration to your sugges tions with reference to postponement of the time for the payment of taxes an0d the reduction of cotton acreage by legislative enactment. "I am1 sure you know of lmy deep interest in the work being done by the Amcrican Cotton Association. The .situalLoltn which confronts the people o1 the South is a serious one. This i, a time, for clear thinking and cour agV ous a:d conservative action. We are facing a loss in the 1920 crop bas:eld on the present market prices. PiIs obvious that people now 'engaged hi agriculture must change their :nei hod of farlinig if they are to ex pc" a iprofitable return for their la bor and mloley invested. I believe the condition of the farmer as a whole iluelh better now than it ,was four or five yearls ago. Time ip'resellt situa tio: Is only It llorary. I tim con vincd that the price of cotton will :materially aIvalce before the produc tion of another cro). 1 am also sure that there must be a re(lcton of cot ton acreage in 1921, and a correspond ing increase in the planting of grain an( other feed and food crops. There must be an increase in the production of cattle, hogs, etc. We must look the situation as it is squarely in the face. We have every natural advant age. I am sure that your organi:a t'on has suItllcicnt intelligenese and courage to lead Our pepole In tile right way. As to Taxes ".\na Vering spccilically your sug :.'tions as to th1e p)osltPoiemnent of the t:nl for the '1vIlent of taxes and e rc(Ileut ion, of ctt ( aireage by eg ' t \ve enactraent I 1. he mat.ter of :' , :Ou h;vc dodlidt;in o'Celooked tIh': fact that the ,hate, in order to m f)t current appropriations in the y : r 1:). 0adt to horrow tilee 11 million' lilarr, whlich is ptyablle (uring -th :onthll; of and February, 1921, ani the :ax levy has been pledged for the payment of these oi.ligations. To odon l timae for the paym tnra of Ib.x(.s woul serious;ly elbrasS the State,. el'edit. 'llder our law iwpr :a:1 manyd fer the pay:llent of hik taxe uStntil the' first of I ocbruary by paying t penlty of one' Ptor cent, and until the first of March by paying a penalty of two per cent. If the tax h: not paid on or before the first of \larch, however, a penalty of seven per (cnt is adde~ld. Thle leglsl:ttr'e wvill be0 ini regular I'es0sion iln am1plle timae to consider this (luestionl. Acr('age Rleducetion.. "1 wVould~ like to submit 50ome vIiws a ho 01n the lplrlO>ed leglslation look lng to Ithe redulctionl of cotton acrie ag~e. It mlay be that such an Act woul d be sustaInled as a 1proper exer cih'e of the pollee pIower'. I am frank to 00y, however, that I have serious dloublts 0n th Is (111estion. .iut whlether suchSi aneat would be constItutional 01r not you will meet with mlany se iOus anld pra'ctlcal dliffleulties in its t'nforcemient. It Is youtr plurpose, asf I tlm!rstandl, to re4duIce the acreage one.. third. If an1 Act Is pansed to this ef fe:'t, and( If such) Act Is held( to be con stillttional, It woltld neCcearily in volve a sulrvey' of eachl farm to deter 011)1 the number of acres liantedl(l dur Inlt 1920. No to knlOl/ the0 numlber eachl Jperson eyld1( lant in 1921. There will (loullesls to pleI Clngaged Inl farinlg ill 1921 who were not 1'o es :taged ii 1920. A Iperson who oJperanted tea plows In 1920 milght increasei to fifiken In 1921. These are only sonme of t he 01uestions1 to he consderedl ill propr 1iig an1 Act of the di charateor unl aldopt iln carrying out your IuosllI~ e, youI mtl, In my OplinlIOn, In the last a nalysi depend upon01 thle goO o fai of the Indlivldual farmer, 0or else some means11 of mfaklng a survey as already Indicated wili be necessar'y. It Is nece'ssary also that any legIslation of a remeldIal character bust have" as Its basis the 511npjort of an IntellIgent pub111 lcoInlon. WIth~out 51uch sllpor't Its enforcement Is to all rpractical plurposes tfIposIble. If you have such support Ill tihe pre'sent case It seems1 to me1 the legIslation Is unnfcessanry. It seems to mie that tile banks of tile State wIll be forced to CO-Operate In tehl1 effor't, and( can largely control the mattelr In a great many Instances. If wo sueed~ed -In -perfectIng tile organ Iaatlon of your Emaport .and Import Corp)oratlon, and continue throughl the State D~epartmenf, of Agriculture, Cltemson College, thle Amerlean ('ottoni tS::oclation nn1(1 111 u...ti Ce l a Development (board, the work whichiIs already under way, I believe we may hope for Immediate and permanent re lief. This condition, in my opinion, requires education, organization, co operation and agitation. "Permit me to say in conclusion that I try never t6 close the door on any question, and if I can be con vinced of the wisdom of your pro posed legislation, I will not hesitate to give my unqualified support. "In reference to certain unfavorable criticism of the work of the A.nericah Cotton Association by newspaper edi torials; this Is always to be ex'pected. There are those who will misunder stand and others who will tuisrepre sent. I am convinced, however, that we need not be disturbed about what this or that newspaper editor may think of our plans and purpcses if we consider well the situation with which we are to deal the remedy which we propose. "I think it unfortunate that there is so much calamity talk throughout the South. We are not bankrupt; we are not helpless; we shall take new cour. age, and make a proper use of our nat. Ural advantages. The State has pro vided already many facilities which have been and will be of material hellp In the present emergency. ;lem son College, through its Extension IDe partment ,the State Department of Agriculture and the Warehous system of the State and intelligent use of these agencies, In connection with the American Cotton Association, your plan for an Export and Import. Corpo ration, it seems to mec, opens the door I to success." MICKIE SAYS AT \ EliC \F Ct ON\9 ONE -MNA -V%4' PAPER Aw O F.utes. \\'CL 81T Aooto'' msi WE GO w hES rve;:e Af.I, e r not~~~~~~D iaefr0efelt' t 4md.0 NOW Rori rurhni if hog h e1tnpan. wh. prv le llo lf' (LIPP JC1 madeoroe vppk'nion One ue trnasnon Is' ntedpi tun HIld14 rece'ipt book of th.'eiompniny as follnws: "Iie celved one wife nfar condition . hope she will psrove. gpod. though she is certatinly n runm one to iook at." World's Work. -Donstrated. "Fiattery," says the office philoso pher, "is a species of eyewash which we use on our next-door neighbor. But. of course, he never tries it on us; he tella us he has too high an opinion of our indgment' to do that!i"-London Answers. Hfiutr NTS.1. eal it b. treatment of ETCH RC.,i.MA. RINGWOR M, TJNT TR orf otiser itchins akin disea.e. Try a 75 conS baas at our ec- . Lauren'i Drug (Co. lT'S E ASY TO0 PiEDVENT COLDS Keep the lIver and kidneys in perfect condition. They thI:row off the germs and make colds impos silei-if in perfect condition. A correct regulator wIll 1)e found DIL. IILTON'S M1FE for thme liver and kidneys immnediate reliet is .given in cases of consitipation, indigestion andl biliousness. It is pleasant to take, excites 't pleasant sense ofa warmtih in the stomach, dliffuising itself (brougli ihe system. Your' druggist yells JDr. Hilton's Life with a "satisfaction ow money rofunded" guarantee. Colds and influenza aro success fully treated by using Miurray's 'Horehound Mfullein and Tar in con junction with Dr. Hilton's Life. Mianufactured by MUlRRAY DRUGO COMPANY. & 8. 1' JEvery poundo good old Luzranne offe comes to you in an air-tight tin can Jhe original goodness is a I there-sealed in! Good o d Luzianne retains its flavor. .ct " tDoes Mce asar" coYfe Wmn. B. Reci(y C.Inc..New Orleans Prncessheatr FrIbidaD c r The greatestalflyerSthe world has ever knon ? .IIIs C , ,'x i~z t1uAHANr: -ifatea'ril entire , . 5I. . hiR c ont"1 o th ,;II tc int to~ahel r WRITh eO CATALOes ro m f t every t e our iraoa r will re Fridy,-Way3r Th gretes flye the ~ r~ wor ld has evrknw. A story of life and thrills above the clouds. See the terrific night battle between planes three trhousand feet in the air. o15e and 30c tro tosn. f. i 5 an FLANTER - TLI.ZE6 p Asason a toil wasted on a soil deficient Whichlant food, or a little money invested - in Planters Fertilizer? Make your choice now. Planters Fcrtilizer doubles your yield andl pavs for itself. Prut oil 80 n 1'epol nud gAmmni a ot ath which ver crop .eed., becauce It contains available Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Poteash la the right proportions. Better place your order for Plartters right now, and avoid delayed delivery. As n d aret Eve yur tow for info mat~ion fre advie ordeso k . for it-It's for your protection. Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. CHIARLESTON, SOUJTH- CARlOLINA (3) * 7