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GREE4nVILLE FAR ON il1I Slayer of Asa -linkenshelt Escaped Probably to Uei(tticky and Has Not leei.Located. #ilayer and Victim -Togethe~lIght-Before'. Greenville,. Nov. 7-,As a result of the killing at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon of Aya Flinkenshelt, 44, at his home on tLe Laurens road, Sheriff Sam 1). Willis andshis deputies are search ing for James E. Salmon, 26, on a charge of murder. Up to a late hour last night no word lad been received from Sheriff Willis, who had taken up the trail and was traveling by auto in another state in search of the young man. A full de scription of Salmon was wired to offl cers in cities and towns throughout (ne state and section. Deputies in Greenville spent the aternoon and night working on the case, but no in formation further than .sone which they said strengthened the belief that Salmon was the man foand. The man surc:ected Is from Morgah ton, N. C., near Asheville, add had been in Greenville, but -three or foNUT days. Unconfirmed Information reach ing the sheriff was to to the effect that lie, with .Flinkenshelt and a wotnat whose ident-ity has not been pbsitively established were togetyr on Th'irsday night. The theory has been advanced by some officers that ro'bbery was not the motive of the Crime, nTivhough the guilty man took cash 'amounting to about $300 .from the ' Plinkenslielt home after the killing; litit this belief has likewise not receblell confirmation in the shape of evideInce. According to witnesses who were at the Flinkenshelt home when the shoot in.g occurred a young man drove up to the house abon't 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. In 'the car which was an Overland Four -or a Ford, was a young woman, who remained in lnr seat while the mant went to'fhe Finkelshell home. The man walked to the house whleh ia situated down a lone sone 20t ya rds from 'the main highway, and en t(I'('(l. i-i'ma. 12-year old daughter of PlF Ikenishelt, told 'ofilcers that tihe young man first. asked for a ii-h whch sh up- ld Victoria Pru-Iitt, I liegro ((1 , th4enit "ali-d Flini'. nenshell at the youllg inas direction, and the' owner of the 'holse, and the sma f....1m1 oi viich it Is sitoated, aiki(ar cd. After a iollient' con versationi the witne'sses said that the young 111 drew a pistol and ordered Fun ken shelt t. wa to a tree several yardi from the house. Searlied Ilin. LIarriy, 1-1-year-old soin of Flinken shelt, wvho was in a field picking cot ton near the - house, said that he saw the young man search his father at the point of the gun, and then -niarc1 him back to the house. On returning to the houst-, it 1 Sathered from reports reaching ofil ccirs that the two -went inito a 'front roonm. After a brief period of time, three or flyve shots rang out and Flilkenzshelt dropped to the floordAlead The young mnan, it is alleged, thien en-* tered a bedroomi in which Mirs. Flink ensehilt .a1(1il in b~ed, hiaving ireoen conllfined to thle room for somie time. 'lie thlen forced heri to give til the roil of' ill s whichi were kept in the bed she soon regainedi heir sense, lie ('ause of her neCrvous collapse, othicrA (lidt inot (iueStioni hitr chisely (1i' e'gard1( to t he ailfalir. Afterci getting back into his ear, thle you ng mant is believed to have tuirned dir'ection he had -driven t6 the Fliinken shelt honde. The house in which thc killing occurred ia hardly half .a .mile beyond the city limits and stands on a hill not far beynd the 1home1 of the late Sheriff Hlendirix Rector. Fought Womnan One new bit of eridenco in rego.rd to thle affair, andl one which cauaed officers to believe Salmon to be -the man, was the disclosure obtained by 2horiff 'Willis yesterday .afternoon that Salmon forced Miss Amber Robinson to give himi her pistol h~alf an houri before the Flinkensh'lt sihoYt;;:.. Al ias Roinsion. Vh Ii:)I e "; .'; he" siste'r at Dunicani, tol the jier ; ilk:t1 Salmon, wvho Ivfa:' aiLmost .. 1: -. for' a gur. lie did!111 no tat, i.he sid, for her to give him the gun peaceably, but made 11er (d0 it by main force. Salmion mloved to the D~uncan yillage three (lays ago0 and1 obtained (utetrs ini p Hale street home, and~ there lie became acquainted with Atias 'Robin son. -Salmon assignied no0 reaston, she saidl, for wanting the ,gun. , Boarded Train I bate retports reaching Greenville last night wereo to the effect- that a man aniswering Salmon's description had bought a ticket for a Kentucky point andl had boarded a train In Spartanbuirg hI the afternoon, anid that the man wvho dlid thn A'h(oting herc EE KILLED LAURNS ROAD left his woman companion in or near Greer immediately upon reaching that town. -It was also reported that the amount of which Mrs. Finkelshelt was robbed was nearer $500 than $300. SALMON YET MISSING No Trace Vound in Kentucky of Man Wanted. Greenville, Nov. 7.--Officers here who believe that - James . Salmon, young man wanted for the killing on F iday of Aea Flinkenshelt, thrmer, is i the vicinity of Louisville, Ky., stated tonight that officers in Louis ville report that they have been un able as yet to get any trace of him. Sh~riff Willis today returned from Morganton, N. C., the home of Salmon where he has been working on the case for the past two days The wo ni who went to the Fleckenshelt house with Salmon, Mrs. Alice Aiken, is still be'ing helq as a witness and ofincerd state that they do not expect to bring charges against her. "IP I WERE KING; DUE; FARNUM IN GREAT ROLE 'William Farnum, the popular Wil lam 'Fox star, is coming to th'e Prin cess Theatre next Tuesday in one of the most stirring roles of his career. It is that of Francois Villon, the fa mous vagabond in Justin Iluntly Mc Carthy's book and play ,"If I -Were King"--a role made taTnous on the stage by E. 'l. Sothern. 'Mr. 'Varnumn has given to the screen nan'y of the most important pictures shown in the last few years. Ills dual role *In "A Tale of Two Cities," Charles Dijkens' famous story, is still heing shown throughout the United States anld Great Britain and on the contV nelnt. It is indeed a classic in mnonm i;!cture art. Another among Farimn'a innumleraIll( big ;icetures ii "ies 3Ti hrables, whV ich.. I like "A Talc of' Twc Cities," vill helhovn and re'howni foi vea)-. -ls-, "liders of the Pu11rp1i P ai!" mid his "Rainbow Trail il"rew :w0Cke d houises wherever showi. lan-::r Switzer of the Pirlincess T'heatre puts If -Were liiig at. th top of the 1bt. of all lear'numt1 pictlres. DOCTOR'S T WITH D Fierce Battle Wi 1 Brought Health i and a Message lions of AT SEVENTY-FOUR lIE WEIGHS FORTY POUNDS MORE THAN AT F'IFTN While a Practising Physician in 1898 Dr Reon Was Unable to Eat and~ Drinli and HI:md to WVash Out is tomiaci Threo Times Daily-Decided to Do vote Romiainder of Life to Rtelive His IOwn Oondition Which 1o ~Iid Wit11 R-11 and Now Is Hale and Hearty. Althlough his life was despaihred of twenty-t wo years ago by some of the count-y 's foremost authorit'i.s on -abom nAh troubles, of which he .'had been ai sufferer for more than ten years, TDr, II. V. Reese today, at seventy-four yens of age, weighs forty ponnds mxore thii1 lhe ha. -ever weighied, is hale and1 hearty and posessesC more vigor than weost meni oIf fifty., It wats in 1 898 thait Dr. Reese, thlen ai priact ing phiysiciani of Hu mntington, WA. Vn,, 'was1 told there was no hop.e for his recov'ery. H Iis coniditilon at that te wras no crit ical t hat it wan im possihte for' him uto1 ret a in itlher food or drink in his sI t-neh, and1( when, a fter going os long asi pbossible withou'it any ,iouiiiishmient, lie woul d finally e'it or' drinuk somethiing lie would1 have to wash out hiis st omnteh be fore lie lhad hardlyv swnflowedl a s -conid mounthIiful. lIn faet, IDr. Reese 's condition fi nally requiliredu thle watshing out of hiis stomneh two and three t imes daily. In adldit in to stonmneh troublo Dr. Reese stuffered front severe liver and kiidney t roubles, which generally accompany 'A fter lie had sought relief through every knowna agency of the medical pro feeslonu and hiad spent the major portion of his eantings for many -years pro vious, Dr. Reese finally determined to snenid bis remaininw days ini nu )nrlmant. *LAM * LANFORD 9 'Lanford, Nov. 8.-The dHallowe'en iparty at the school house was 'well at tended last Friday night. The witch drill, songs, recitations, were all ap propriate for the occasion and the de bate on the subject of ghosts or no ghosts was real good. Messrs. Vernoi Cox and John .l. Fleming represented the afflirmative; Messrs. 'Charlie Lanford and Dwight Patterson the negative. The judges decided i favor of the affirmative. The ice cream and other stunts brought in a neat little suni for the improvement of the school. The trustees want all the patrons to know that the coiptil sory attendance of all the children will begin next Monday morning, Nov. 15th and all children under 14 years of age will Pe expected to attend reg ularly for the time required by the law aid it will -be strictly enforced. We hope all iwill take notice and rov ern theiseves accordingly. Mr. J. M. -Fleming will open ip his mill next week and will serve the public every day in the week from now on which will be a convenience to the public in general. 'Miss Rawlinson, -the teacher at Cen tral oipent the week end with Miss Jen tile Burgess. Misses Nina Lewis, Jennie Burgess and Pearl Chapman, and Nora Cannon attended the teachers' meeting at Laurens last Saturday Misn Carrie .Lou Higgins and Miss Inez Melboth of Union spent the week end with Mr. and MIrs. .1. S. Higgins. Born to .\r. and M\rs. Ltaurens Holms, a son. Nov. 4, 1920. Miss Grace I)eShields of Lander Coll1ge, spent the week end with Pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. De'lhields. Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Trance of Spartan bnrg spent the week end with r. and rs. .1. 11. Hunter. Nlr. and Mrs. W. Booth XK'night and Mr. and Mirs. ])on Burns were guests of Mrs. 0. l. Fowler Sunday. 1'. P. Laiike. Farier, Say. "You Ie' liis i n ille rou-I ha '1etal. I .d feed bins lined with zine la: 3(ar rats -ot tftr ougih loret ty sooni o 1%;. Ak 11p:.g. of RAl.-N.\ I' m : A :s thAt I've ticv : wi out ::ince. Our' collie dco r u-he RA-SNP."You t:' aon: .I'lanteed lby iaurens I bird -~c no y . i litn 's I)l.ig Store, and ennlldy Bros. HRILLING S' 'EATH WAS th Grim Spectre o Dr. H. Y. Reese of Hope to Mil Sufferers. intg uipont~ rimsilf in ani enideavortt to di1 cover a irimedy for .tomachl, Iive'r andi k idney~~ itubes. 'fteri monthis ofr hteat growV.ingi. worsie, lit. UHeese fina'lly hit at 'iThe fas' e lForunlau R-!l, t ht r m !tly r'vestocredl blhath 1 t. lDr. lltt'oe lhts b~eeni pero:ed r lFo'ietnIa R- 11 to putt htis iretntdy on thi inark etI, alrieauidy 'ompounded ath'itt a p rice w'it hini thle featch of' t'veryote. Tis heIn hats dlone, amii any ieadinig druiig'iai will exphiin to -aufferets the iiierits omf Thec Reese F'orub Rl-11.Thils great mei.dicinec in iiot a so-called pten't mediinie, hut thie intgreudieit, one wcrsmore of which arc p~reueiribed by every phys'iciani daily, are prited with each botte. Anuyone saffering front indigest ion, ntervoinancas, rhtetumatiun, backach e, lunbago, sonr stomac'h, 'heartbuirnt, ui na ry, k idnuey, or liver 'hiubes of any kind will tdo well 1o talk foveri their casei4 withi their druggist today. it does not ,eost onie piennyu to dlo ti andt 'yoiu iare undel(r nto olilgat10n w.hattevor. Rheumatism Mrs. Blair Move if Treatment of Several Doctors Was With out., Result, butt After Taking The Reese Formula R-11, Woman Now Can Do Hecr Own Housework. MrA. E. T. Blair, of Kitta 11111, Ohio, suffered so. soverely from rhioutatiamu that at times she- could not nmove her' htarrtis or feet, Shte hogan takiing Rleese JFormnia R-. t1 with, * uch ?oemarkablo results that she can now (10 her own housework. In sneaking- of hm.r Mr. Blair Princess Theatre,'' FRIDAY November litliL e c-roamin ach I mn o is lritant career Present WILLIAM FARNUM IF IWERE KNG Sc~t Sjyhl CTke romance that charmedtke tr This is an extraordinary picture in seven reels showing the versatile Farnurn in one of his greateat films. Oi account of the great expense of secur'ing this pic ture the adnissioe price v ill be 15c and 30c W. M. SWTZER, Manager MMERMJM~GTlmmW.9MEMWOMMURV W= AX* Stomach Troublie Physkian- Use Relieved by R--11 R E ve FEVAn After Doctors Ga cxRbAd !sei R--1 1 Every Diay A L r U ELL I~Greait Tconic Teb'.uilds System,P ifs the Brod -nd Pjun Sna)p in Your Step. li Failea GTANDS TCD'AY IN -ansM. Long, (if 42.- No.rth, CLeems r St., Irnton, O i,' an~ emloe o fth e Union iron l ai t teel ( a ny, has to saIfT eleesie F-orwahrl~ 1? -11: int ii : l outr ini Porit mo t idI not elp e a it. hav.tak n n! Stolle rl i e otito h . 1 ;i iItl oli 'ilnu.|i I I il isti g - in i every rep' ; I 1 i te'u. o clros thea s menetel More byw Th ae l) i iy i )(,W' Pi niRte artil o r emu nend Th i:,yal te r e ') Ri n h ia i ili'1ei Medicies an Says ufferrs Ne d ". tee 1t h 4 I,, aimane ia isS hire . dorfi RmedyCan e ha. a b::hai t rin 1 , li er toi at httl tel in ,~~.,,,h . i i it I i I u '4 ha byil .'e~lievin hu -, lv e thinS li 1 i tI i (4 no'.tI m Ijxt aik hible ' lll*: :I I '', | h 4 . :4 14 ( a tio ( osle t your' druggli stile g o day :44g ito4: e itt 0 r o n es mle i of this' wnader'l itoniet nel body. u ' to th \ l :j ~ il 1 11 btue ibl li hI. Igat lii vr -nie i , ut ''ti s' r ma a1liii l iompany -iI ~ b n'lh it hi lI I ~l 4 7ut:o , . I' fI\-a. I es, m Ree'(IVsetiorlla R-Oiii~i 11 hn. by o a ll Othe in ~ es e e Poorn 'n pi e ru e me Cag n b e a d. oi li t h e -- -atii;t(i,'.' 1 o - ll a 1 conserva~n was akig amodiino tl~ (111 hitu hu you o u ~h stren ( t h hi JONES S* 55....... e oe ee ee ee Jones, S. C., Nov. -5.-tRev. Strickland is attending conference at Union. He has been very faithful in the perform ance of -his duties as pastor of the Princeton circuit and we hop le will be returned to us for another year. Bo1-n unto Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Her ring 1st inst. a son. Walter and [Frank Jones attended the State Fair. Mr. J. A. Hill recently visited Green wood and Abbeville. Hon. J. F. Morrison attended the re cent reunion of the Morrison family at the home of tile late Lafayette Mlorri son, of Donalds. Our venerable friend, Mr. Milton Golden, a veteran of the civil war, though in his 80th year is still in good hecalth, Mr. B. F. Bookett, an aged peddler oi crutches will appreciate the pat ronage of his friends. .M1r. Frank Odell of Danville, Va., is visiting -his parents, Mr and Mrs.'New ton Odell. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITI PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates & Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. SUMMONS FOt RELIEF The State of South Carolina, County of Laureus COURT OF COMAON P1AS 13. J. Madden, Plaintiff Against laittie lloyd, allas H-attle Boyd Hamp ton, Defendant To the defendant above named: You are hereby Sumnioned and re riuhred to answer the complaint in this action qf which a coy .is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copty of your answer to said comllaint on the subscribers at their office at Laur1 ens, South Carolina within twenty days after the service hereof; exclu sive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the comnpiint within the time aiforesaid, the pilntiiff inl ths action wil apply to the Court for the relef delaldel in the comlt 11laint. .Thev complilainlt herein wvasi flied In th. olice of Ithe Clerk of tl'is Court t !.:hur'ns, olith 'ari'olilna, oi the N1i dIay; of Oehr, 19240, an!od ; now on fitherein). Diatdc O)tober S. A. 1). 1:21. Simpson, ('1 Cop & Iauhh, Pi lint iff' A ttorin - V. RUGGLE VICTORIOUS Local Drug Stores Buy Big Quanti ties of Wonder ful Remedy Laro urchasos of The Reese Formiula R-1Are Made to Meet the Big De mand for Great Tonic and Body Builder. P'utInami Drug Stor'e and Laurt ens D rug al the. (o her' leaoding141 pho.niesiC of thi? ity 41il scion have purchan1(l, i r i'lnt i~ (5iort ieso i h ? i i 2 ilFrm l' r'it ii mf t l~~t e It hvi--s 11 4in l temo fm .4 i'o'iie r remes(ly, iiort d-kb olitv liedl il it S ielre . be nratiui 4 i i' s t. s ieae wher uretiadley doprcito te 'thrat tof ye .<ctirtetl Jonit an boy Islde an d ean ti stappn n ithemse itIes wive *jfficiel propran titi<to mt 'lt The~l. (*es Forme'4 pR-i ltis t he resuflt a ttremedyefr giomnch liv''er' ads kiney fainled. Evronofteigdet' sid 'I its prepaation is irecib'hed, .ams, fey patil lys everal hoctor ea ntg trune ailmen41114 i, beeus of stheitc fad syteat e they pav teen pen pitivety to bel th bean for lits aon 1on1 th organk reititi teee t orni a Th ueortytof The its orula r-lits in teae askil itl and sentife!a illannr ing rih teo thr and ren gldlyugivae it.binedouo mgrent ateac dofese. It ornul this todayo tat R-ny godasri suted ne