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* * LANFORD e* *** oe * * * * e e e ee Lanford, Nov. 1.-The weather con tinues balmy and ideal for the gath ering of the fleecy sta'ple. Misses Burgess and Chapman at tended the State fair at Columbia Thursday, Friday and Saturday return ing Monday to their school. Miss Car rie Fowler and Mrs. C. D. Cox taught school for them during their stay in the capital city. T4ere will be a Iiallowe'en enter tainment given at the school house next Friday night. The public is cor-' dially invited to attend and enjoy the merrriment of the occasion. The pro gram consist. of apiropriate songs, with drilis. recitations. "ghost de bate" and fortune telling. fee cream 'will be served by the Rural Improve ment Association. No admission will be charged to enter but leave all the money you wan-will be accepted by the witches to help out the school. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cox and family and Mr. and Mrs. 3Iarrion 'Bryson, of Owings were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Garrett last Sunday. Mr. Louis -Lanford of Furman Uni versity, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Lanford The announcement of the approach ing marriage of Miss Lottie Cooper to Mr. J. H. Wilburn will be of much in terest to their many friends. -.1 ml'es Watson Says, "I'll Never Forget WhQn Father's Hogs Got Cholera. One morning he found 20 hogs iid and several sick. 'He called in Vet. who after dissecting a rat ,xht en the premises. decided that rodents had conveyed germs. ince then I am never without RAT 'NAP. It's the surest. quickets rat .troyer I know." Three sizes 35c, - and $1.25. Sold and guaranteed Laurens Hardware Co., Putnam's i :g Store, and Kennedy Bros. WOM)3AN'S CASE AMAZES LAURENS A business man's wife could not i.ew or read without sharp pains in r eyes. For years her eyes were '-t and weak. Finally she tried sin Ple witchhozel, camphor, hydrastis, rtc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash. The result prqduced by a single bottle .imazed everyone. -We guarantee a 'Imall bottle 'Lavoptik to hel[p ANY CASE, weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FIEE. Putnam Drug Store. MANNING URGES COTTON SUPPORT Former Governor Speaks in Little Rock Detalls of Plan. Corporation Expects to Raise Ten Million Dol. lars for Use in Export. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 26.-Support of the $10,000,000 cotton export corpo ration to function under the direction of the American Cotton association and toward which $912,000 already has been susbscribed was urged by former Gov. R. I. 'Manning of South Carolina in an address at the confer ence o fthe Arkansas division of the American Cotton association here this afternoon. The corporation, Mr. Manning ex plained. is expected to export for manufacture abroad the low grade cotton, which this year has proved almost a total loss to Southern cot ton growers because of the extremely low prices offered for it. The corporation, he said will prac tically eliminate the middleman, and although organized along the same lines as the corporation proposed last week by the American Bankers asso ciation will not confik t with it. Stock In the corporation is being sold at $10 i share, and an effort will be made to livide this stock between 1,000,000 persons. Nathan Adams of Dallas, Texas, president of the Texas division of the 2otton association. said the Southern rarmer must not depend on the fed 2ral reserve system to finance him but :ust depend upon his own resources. Other speakers today included lov-elect T. C. McRae of Arkansas, J. R. Alexander, president of $the Arkan ,as division of the cottin association and B. F. McLeod of Columbia, S. C., hairman of the finance committee of the association. All speakers urged the holding of the present cotton crop, reduction of acreage and organization for storing cotton so that it might be marketed over a period of 12 months. Night riding and lawlessness in an effort to prevent ginning and market ing of cotton were condemned by the speakers. Water Themselves. Potted plants water themselves when pinced on a new dish to hold water, in the center of the cover of which is an opening holding a sponge through which the water rises into the holes in the flitnr na U Colds & Headache "For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, -a and I have never found any medicine that could take its place," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville, Tenn. Mr. Sta cy, who Is a Rutherford County farmer, recommends Black Draught as a medicine that should be kept in every house hold for use In the prompt treatment of many little ills to pre vent them from developing into serious troubles. THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT "It touc es the liver and does the work," Mr. Stacy declared. "It is one of the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. I don't know what we would do in our family if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved as many dollars . . . I don't see how any family can hardly go with out it. I know it Is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep in the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am iever without it." At all druggists. U * Accept No Imitations Ronan oUUcmmaaunannanua i FOR YOUR BLOOD To be healthy and strong, you must have a certain amount of Iran in your blood. When your blood lacks iron, nothing can take its place --and you are bound to suffer for iron until you get it. Pale, weak, nervous people, who suffer from headaches, indigestion, rheumatic pains, lack of appetite, and who feel tired, worn-out and depressed, probably neod iron in their blood and should take The Scientific Iron Tonic Mr. A. R. Erwin writes from Ocilia, Ga.: "I am a an of 65 have taken very little medicine of any kind. Two yeast ago I got a palo in my back, pains in the muscles of my arm and leg; do appetite, very weak, languld, depressed, no energy, nervous and Irritable . . , I took three bottles of Ziron, and got all righL" Oet a b ot i n on ,02 t e l st bette f Wne"gu nmey will be ref1unded.for*aS ood d!rugii sl =rss a 1210111. * * OWINGS * * C**Ce ** ***ee ** o * ee * Everybody who enjoys a good turkey dinner will be glad to hear of the plans of the Owings Floral Society for No vember 12. For several years this so ciety has sbrved to the public, dinners which have been a credit to the ladies and have been well attended and en joyed by all. This fall wil not be an exception, but rather we hope to have the best day we have ever had. Come and have a good time with your friends. There -is aways a good crowd from Laurens. Conic up Laurens we always welcome you. Remember the date, Nov. 12. The many friends of .ir. F. R. Ow ings will be sorry to hear that he is very ill. Still confined to his bed. Miss Daisy Putnam who has a posi tion in Spartanburg, spent Sunday with her mother, 'Mrs. Mary Putnam. Allss BJeuah 1Bryson who is teaching in Simpsonville, spent the week end with home roiks. Mr. Lloyd Wood of Fountain Inn, but formerly of this place was greet Ing old friends here Sunday. Air. ii0rskine Stoddard who is attend ing Wofford was a recent visitor to home folks Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Owings of Woodruff visited at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Owings last week. The iallowe'en party given at the Gray Court-Owings school house, Fri day evening was quite a success. Everybody had a jolly, good time. Messrs. Ross Templeton and Grice 'Hunt who are in 'Presbyterian College at Clinton have been visiting home folks. Prof. S. C. Gambrell enjoyed the State fair in Columbia last week. He reported a splendid fair and a good time. MIr. C. B. Owings had the misfortune of losing by fire quite a good deal of feed stuff and buildings at his dairy recently. The fire was caused by a short circuiL -His Delco plant was put out of commission, and now he is having the milking done by hand. The loss is estimated at $3,000 with no in surance. LIFE SENTENCE FOR YOUNG MAN Fred lIemhploy Convicted of Murder Charge. Mercy Recommended. Spartanburg, Oct. 30.-After two and one-half hours deliberation the jury in the case of A. Fred Hempley, young Inman farmer, charged with the murder of Don Beckoff, local au tomobile dealer, brought in a verdict of guilty with a recommendatioh to mercy. Judge Townsend immediately sentenced -lempley to the state peni tentiary for the remainder of his natural life. The convicted man stood in the lock with a debonair demeanor while sentence was ';passed and then went qluietly to his ceil, In the coun-ty jail, where he has been sinec his ar '"st on September 16. The entire day was consumed by arguments of counsel, three attorneys speaking for the state, while two addressed the jury in Hlempley's behalf. Judge ndh's charge consumed more than 30o minmutes. The verdict marked the end of a tralI that has attracted more interest p~ossibly than any other casqe in the history of Spartanburg county. The court room was packed from the' mo ment the trial began Trhursay morn ing, and h und reds were unable to get in. .1 empley's friends andi relatives were in constant attendlance upion the trial and appeared con fident that the young farmer would be acqummitted. 'rie. defendant was rep~resentedi by C'ongressnman Sanm J. Nicholls and Cciil ('. Wyche, while Solicitor Black wood was assisted by C. IErskine D~an lel and James W. Mackey, the latter from Marshall, .\ ich., where the mur deerd man opierated anm automlobile business similar to that in this city. t Lady in Ch'iicau'o Tielemrraphs for Rt-mSnap. Red .\irs. -Phillips' wire: "Yoneli's .>xterminator' Co., Westfield. -N. J. Rush $3 worth of RAT-SNAP'' Later rec'dl following letter: "RtAT-SNAP arrived. it rid our house of rats in time. Juset moved here from Pa., w'here I used RAT-GSNAP with great resumlts." Three nizes, 35c, 65c and $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by I~ur ens -Hardware Co., 'Putnam's 'Drug store, and Kennedy Bros. FINAL SETTLEMENT' Take notice that on the Grd day of 'December, 1920, I will render a final account of my act~s and doings as ex ecutor of the estate of A. J. Elmore, deceased, in the offic of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county, at 11 o'clock, a. m. and on the same day will apply for a 'final discharge from my trust as executor. Any person indebted to saiid estate is notified and required -to make pay ment on that date; and all personu having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven or be for'ever barred. W. B Johnson, Executor, Nov. 3rd, 1920. Almo Prof. Alvin Burton Cooley Physchologist & Healer Will Lecture At The Laurens Court House Thursday Night November 4th 8 P. M. The Public is Invited After the lecture he will remain until Satur day night for any consultation and will be seen in the Armory Hall above J. M. Phil pot's store. A4/MT TH4T 4'IvA . etlv zej PuT u 4/ ri.n 4~ 6 eA STOIe r14'Sff7 iACH T H YOIStS O II/N/K / WATCH THIS SPACE each week and we will tell you in a new and interesting way the latest nev s from our store. We have just been fortunate enough to secure a series of cartoon ads, by one of the world's famous cartooriists, in which he will portray to you each week the merits of our exclusive stock of high-grade haidware and the ad vantages of trading with us. [on't fail to watch this space. Jones=Taylor Hardware Co.