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The Cause Is in the Systein, Not on tle Surface. A Good Stimulait iielpE the Blood. Bollus, Ulcers, infected skin and inuscle swellings are all akin. Drive away the boll and it comes again in another place. (Dry up the ulcers and heal the infectgd places and they proiptly return. 'Reduce the swell Ing and it will re-appear. The trouble is in ther blood. implanted in the sys tem. External treatments are only tempo rarily successful. Nothing short of a good tonic will suffice. SarDraS, an excellent compound of inedicinal herbs aiid roots, an excel lent intestinal stimulant will attack the seat of the trouble. .It cleanses the system and blood and drives away imipurities. It cleanses the stomach, liver -and kidneys and na true does the rest. Common laxatives only leave you in worse shape than be fore. A tablespoonful taken before each meal will tone up the system and make a new person of you. Contains no alcohol. Try it awhile. All deal ers and jobbers. Grove's Tateless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and on. riehing the blood. You can soon feel its Strenith enig, Invigorating Effect. Price 60. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF The State of South Carolina, County of Laurens COURT OF COMMON PLEAS B. J. Madden. Plaintiff Against Hattie Boyd, alias Hattie Boyd 1lamp ton, Defendant To the defendant above named: You are hereby Summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is hercewith served upon you, and to scrve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscribers at their office at Lai ens, South Carolina within twenty days after the service hereof; exclu sive of the day of such service; and it you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In ths action wil apply to the Court ,for the relef demanded in the con tllaint. The complaint herein was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court at Laurens, South Carolina, on the 8th day of Oetober, 1920, and is now on file therein. Dated October 8, A. D. 1920. Simpson, Cooper & Babb, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 15-3t P~UT FIGHTING QUALITIES IN YOUR BLOO) if You Are Pale aid Weak, Without Ambition, You Needy Tonic TitY TAKINU PEPTO-MAN(OAN 11ich, IM41 Blood Fights Off Diseaise , and Keeps You Well and Eanbles You to Work With Pleasure Seriou. Mckness often comes when you len . .:pect. You may feel a little oV ert i'M &d. Y'.u haven't been exposed - to contagion, yet all of a sudden You are on your back and in for a siege of sicknss. You; blood did not have fighting Oualitic-. It was weak and thin. Your vitality and powers of resistance were Whn you overdo you use up energy. Your '>.Mod is driveni to (10 more rlpian it. een it becomes clogged with waste. The w;;'te acts like Ipoison. isease inmo atv in your blood( and dominate. Don't !1. yourself get run down. Take that goodl tonic, Pepto-.\angan. it makes ich. red blood that wvill resist nad rout disea.;e germs Pepto~ -Mangan is widely and heartily endlorsedl by physicians. It is effective andl easy to take Comes in either (iquld or' tablet form. 13oth have the same eifect. Sold at any (hng store. But beC sure you get the genine Pepto-.\langan "Gutde'".'' A k for it by t he name and ho i:" th'. fu name, "'Gude'e Pepto .\tr:; . is on the package. - Advertisement. HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS. AND THE RLU Pirst Step in Treatment Is a Briskc Purgative With Calotabs, the Purified andc Refined Calomel Tablets that areo Nausea less, Safo and Sur3. Doetors ha' o found by (xpeorienco that no moeicne for colds andl influ enza een be1) d< pended u pon for fuli ef fectiveness until the liver is made thor oughly active. That is why the first step in tho tren tment is the no w, nausea less colomel tablets called Calotabs, which are free from tho sickening and weakening ef~ets of tho old stylo calo miel. D)octors also point out the fact thant an active liver miay go a long wvay towards preventing influeniza and Is one of the umost important fa-trsq in en nbling the patient to successfully with stand an attack and ward off pneu. nmonia. Ono ('alotab on the tono at bed1 Itine withI a swallow of water-that 's ail. No satts, no( nausea nor the slight est interforence with your ent-ig, pleas ure or vwork. Next uiorning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your r'ystem is purified, and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appetite for brealfr * fast. Druggists sell Calot abs only i original sealed packages, >rice thirty. fIve cents. Your money wil be cheer fully refunded If you do not find them - lnlihtui-( A av WILL 0ONTINUE Department of Justice Carries on. Statement by Scott. Regardless of Dissolution Monday of Fair Price Organizations of Governmient De. partnent. Washington, Oct. 30.--The depart ment of justice will continue its drive on profiteers "-wherever and when ever found" regardless of the dissolu tion Monday of the fair irice organ! zations, according to a statement 'is sued tonight by Robert T. Scott, as sistant to the attorney general who formally Announced the disbanding of the fair price committee. In a view of the organization's work, Mr. Scott claimed credit for the department in forcing down iprices of many cominod ittes. The campaign against exorbitant prices has been of "substantial bene fit" to -the average citizen, Mr. Scott said. iHe added that .more than 2,000 cases had been instituted by the de partment and that scores of these had resulted in 'fines or prison sentences under 'the iprofiteering provisions of the Lover law. The cases remaining on court dockets will be pressed, he snid. and new proceedings started where ev4ence of the law's viola tion Is found. "The objectve of the departnient " Mr. Scott said, "has been first to eliminate the profiteer. And, second to make his fleld less attractive by educating the buying public to the wisdom of sane and sensible buying." ifficilty hss been experienced by the department, according to Mr. Scott, because of the "Judicial doubt" existing as to the constitutionallity of the Lever law. Unfavorable decisions were said to have given profiteers a new grip in some communities but .\lr. Scott believed the legal attacks 'iarted -by the government had served measurably to discourage the wave of profiteoring." M'. Scott said the government ac tivities against price gougers "had accelcrateI and aided rather than re tarded" renewal of the effectiveness of the law of supply and demand. "Another il'portant fac'tor," he said, "has been the action of fair price representatives in inducing pa triotic merchant to effect reductions in prices. Perhaps the most striking illustration of this was the success of the representatives in 'Pennsylvana in convincing oic of tho largest Phila delphia merchants of the wisdom of making a voluntary reduction of all coIllmoditics handled by him. This re dcetion of 20 iper cent. resulted in a general wave of price slashing throughouit the country .from which thle consumer substantially benefited. PoE.\lIth1 WHITE COM1ING IN JIM FOX FILI[ Pearl White, "the marvel of the rieen" Is coinig to the Princess Iheatr'e Friday, being presented by William Fox in a special productlon, "The 'WIite ,i1o," a stirring story of life in New York's~ under'wor'ld. This is heir fi'st big prioduction-she hay !nig hei'etofore dievotedi her sci'een work to seirials. The. stoi'y wvas wriltten by Frank L. 'Packai'd, author of "The Miiracle .\ian," and the scenario is by 10, Lloyd Sheldon. It dleals with Rhoda, a girl Crook olf the slums, who, having seen the light in a startling miracle per' forimned in St. Agnes' Cihui'ch-w heire :he, fathei' is killed trying to r'ob the lpoor' box--dieter'mines to re'foi'm andl lbor' to aid( those in the -.inderwor'ld. A:s a sd ettlemet w'.orker ihe becomes k no .:n by the crook-.s and gangsters as "The White M~oll." "TheSpara, r.notorIous sf u u, 'vh o 1':': arved a long tei'm in it:'1 :'..; & a.-ted. When ''Th eDa :r. :iedir o ftihe gang. tempts tie e'rsdconvict to r'etiurn' to his~ un lav. tul trmadle, "'The Whit e .Moll,"' whoa has; been c'tring for his aged mother, stel)s in and wins the Sparrmow's priomise to go strialght. But she in ciurs the enmity of the Dangler', who de(ter'mines to ''frame'' the Sparr'iow. Then begins a sei'ies of thi'illing ex teriences which, it Is said, make the ptLure one of the most fascinatLing and heartL-appeallng ever screened. 'Tie story, witten In Mr. P'ackatrd's inImitable style, carries an appeal even stronger' than his famous tale, "Th'le Miracle Main." Supporting Miss iWhite are Richard C. Travers, whc pliays the dual role of "The Pug" and "TIhe Adventurer"; Walter' Lewis, J. Thoi'nton flaston, Eva Gordon, WVl 11am lharvey, Geoi'ge 'Patuncefort, Chai'les J. Slatter'y, John P. 'Wade and Johtn 'Woodford. Mr. P. LaDuke, Farmer, Says, "You Bet lHats (inn Bite Th'irough i Metal. "I had feed hins lined with zinc hasi year', rats got through, pre'tty soon1 Wesn out $18. 'A $1 pk,g. of RtAT-SNAF 'lled so many rats thtat I've never heen without it since. Our collie dog nlever' touiched RtAT-SNAP." You try it. Three sizes, 35c, 65c and -$1.25, '01(d and guaranteed by Laurens-Hard ware Co., Putnam's IDrug Store, ahid I Knned sos.w AT WHITE lROUS1 Ballots Mailed to Now Jersey. Mrs Wilson Votes. Mrs. Tumulty Alst -Joins Husband in Forwarding Ex. pression of Choice. WRashington, Oct. 30.-The presideni and Mrs. Wilson voted today in th( presidenltial election. They marked their 'ballots at the White House and -malled them to Princeton, N. J., where the president heretofore has gone each electioni day to vote.; i'r'ne other ballots' were also for. warded to 'New Jersey today from the Whlite -ouse, those voting by mall Including Secretary Tumulty and Mrs. Tumulty, Dr. Stockton Axson, 1 brother of Mr. Wilson's first wife; Charles Swem, the president's privat( stenographer, and other attaches of the %White House. These were the first ballots evei cast by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Tumulty and they were among the first of the great army 'of women enfranchised by the 19th amendment to voto in the 1920 election. The ballots from New Jersey were forwarded to the White House early this week by request. Most members of the president's cabinet ,and many other government oflcials as well asseiployees will ;n to their old homes to personaly cast their ballots. A arge number of federal oillcers and other V4shingtonians, however, will cast thei votes by mailing bal Jots to the places where they maintain residences. Preparations -were being made tbday at the exOctitive offices, of the White House for the receipt of election re turns next Tuesday. The president will 'be ket'informed of the progress of the counting of the ballots by means of wires installed in the execu tive offices communicating with the various Demuocratic headquarters over the country. Four years ago the president went by special traln to Princeton to vote as at that time it was not possible for [hImI to vc& by mall. No Carriage Needed. A Moro wommi '-arries her children On her shotI'hh'rs. where they steady themaselves by clutchif'ier hair. This method of travel leaves the mother's hands free to carry other things. SAVED HIS HORSE Mr. R. L. McIntyre, of Altoona, Ala., says: "Dr. LeGear's Antiseptic Heal ing 1Powder quickly healed some bad wire cuts on my horse. I defy any stranger to find the slightest sear on him."p Dr. LeGear's AdhesIve and Remedy saved this valuable animal. i-ic warns you not to leave a wound, sore or cut exposed, 'but to dust on Dr. LeGear's AntIs-eptic Healing Powder, which in stantly forms an antiseptic protection and promotes l4ealthy healing. In his 28 years of Veterinary 'Prac tice and I4x-pert 'Poultry -Breeding, Dr. LeGear has con-spounded a remedy for every curable allment of stock of poul try. Whenever they require a remedy, it will pay you, as it did Mr. Mcln tyre, to purchase from your dealer the proper 'Dr. LeGear Remedy, on a satisfaction or money back guaran tee. IRP IS IT worbh while to suffer from eye ache,. head ache or poor vision when relief is so near and can. be had at such small cost? We make a thorough examination of the eyes without cost, and if glasses are needed, furnish them at the lowest possible price. PERFECT FITTING GUARANTEED. E O ) I. T;, !U 3Y3 $1,250.000 Serial Sitpreme inl Fifteen 10ptsodes. Di - rected by Richard Stanton, I Story by 1. Lloyd Sheldon. Senarlo by Edward Sedg wick. With an 'All-Star o cast. of Romance? Do you want to be thrilled as you never have been endure the excitement of another reel, yet in tre thrilled since as a boy or girl you first read Jules mendous suspense to know what happens next. Verne, Dumas, Poe or Conan Doyle? Si stupendous is the situation created by the plot If you do, don't miss the first or any succeeding of Bride 13 that it could only be solved by the episodes of BRIDE 13. most powerful actor in the world! BEGININ wit th abuc~in fi' rnso of OUR NAVY, with its dreadnoughts, destroyers, BEGINNING with the abduction for ransom of sbaiesalns lms flesadmn wealthy brides by a cutthroat band of submarine su nes, eaast imp s, ors nd me, pirates from Tripoli, carrying you from palatial through the special courtesy of the Government. homes to the sun-scorched sands of Northern Af- The fierce combats on sea and land, the purskuits rica. Bride 13 piles crisis upon crisis, climax up- by sea, air and land, and hundreds of other ici on climax, thrill upon thrill. dents are made absolutely realistic because enact Each episode leaves you feeling that you could not ed by genuine naval officers, sailors and marines. SEE THIS POWERFUL PICTURE AT THE Princess Theatre ALL SpwruCHOcL CHILDREN FREE O NAY wh is d