University of South Carolina Libraries
t e _bbertiser Subscription Price $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance Published by Al)VEISt'rIN( PlUNTIN( COMPANY Iaturens, S. C. Advertising !rates on Application. Obituaries and Cards of Tha.nks: Ono Cent at Word. Elntered at the postoflice at Laurens, S. C., as second class mail matter. LAUitE NS, S. C. ("I'. 27, 1112U It is the duty of patriotic citiens to go to the polls next Tuesday and vote. The general election is of no particu lar interest in this state, as the nom inees of the Democratic party on the state ticket will be elected for a cer tainty and the state will go overwhelm ingly Democratic as usual, but voting is a duty which we shoud not avoid. Seud In Subseript ins AIr. C. A. Power, chairman in charge of subscriptions for the cotton corpo ration, asks that all soliciting commit tees send in their reports immediately so that a county report may be sent to Columba. t uanti Tuesday morn ing the total amount reported as sub scribed in the county was the equiv alent of about S:5.000 in cotton, Lib erty Bonds and cash Although the League of Nations is supposed to he the issue in the elec tion next Tuesday, partisan politicians have so distorted the facts of the cov enant aiid brought other issues promi nently to the front that a real senti ment on the league will hardly be ex pressed at the polls. Nevertheless the fate of the league hangs in the balance and its fate will be decided along with the other issues. The financial strin gency of the past few months is doubt less having more effect on the cam Claign than the league of nations and the labor vote will not he a negligible factor. Whatever may be the outcome of the election, the Democrats may co)fort thmcsluves in the thohght that tlie have trird in c; ate :a :trong; v.:!i l '." inst ''te devat:: ai(na of " li1 ht. w-trs :-H"., the : il the'f l t t.:a b e h flda (.h dao ofa mia.lul Hfik-: Olulti' in Wa'1shlington i.'.c et, l lilk:s I., Owini, right hov.. to z-lrily thil ii dil agrehen lion of f ,e rive :iroi .;i tice. spent a few up n W hin~onhetweek try in:, t(' fiy 1':( man:tlee of Flouth1 Caro. l 1 .it' ir -" ' "On tin,, (allie W ati :. .11nt ('; in :h1' ('oniy} (1 :Ir asau t and hm ..'! icy un:m then Ie, mi off W\V Ii er 1:.i (liton bt ,even year.-s alga. I Col. Owings went. iip with extradition papers sirned by (;iv. Cooper, but Cal lie hired a coule of Washiington law yers and succeeded in staying in his adopted home for a while long er at least. The proceedings necessitated some dlelay, s'o the Laure'ns pcace oml .eir t~ok the occasion to look over the city tor a spell. Amioflg others wvhion1 lie visited lin his rounds was Elator N. it. l)ial. or rather he ti edl to visit him andl failed. The Renlator was then in Newv York working in the interest of the ctjtton farmers andl naturally couald not be seen at such a distance. Fironi what he could learn, he saidl, the senator was making thinags fly aroundl W'ashinlgtonl !'nd( if anything (enn lie donii( to help1 te pr1( icof totton. Sena tor' imal will do0 it. Theio dlepty. '.hleriiff taid lie dlid ntie get toi see Proit ident Wilson. bit riisked( hon 4ye 0n the W it lrouisi and ihai is abot as far WO~l-'N\ I) -.l(.\bllt'SGIN .\d teri iser Htal-<ed to, Pil I . The l411i t ) ~ iimer i t m a) '' n. it - .n tia bihet l1' A-N v. beit I iTimii ain(t toi work an t at hen ii i. . .stilt are bt eforhie th l e nd olii f thi.~ not giv 1 n t his werk. but w.ill Ibe in eliadid in thle list next w((k, after whieh th' fundl will lie closed. 'n. lDal snt an iurgent reltiest foir mor(4e I)emocxratie doellar s. 1(e said that he is dlisappoinitedl at thle ('(nt'ri he1ltions' fromi this (aiunlty and state. I bis te'legr'ami follows: niaste C (ox meeting Irere last night. P'rospects brIghter. Kindly ask D~em ceratsa toC get busy and ra ise more fends. Am disappholited at Laiurens coun ty aind State. Am nwriting barn amett to ha ndle anothter 'On tibution for nie. Please hurry. N. 13. 'bial. ('onraibtut boats toi ilhute. lre(v liusly repI4;orted ...........8 I .00 W,. b. Gr'ay ................... 1.00 Mrs. .M. D). Gray ................1.00 Miss Hfaftti Gray ...............1.00 Mitts Willoua (ray ..............1.00 J. F. tI~rton ............. , 1.00 0. C. Cox ..................... 1.00 Through W. I. MeCuen 'P. E. Cannon ..... ....... 1.00 G . F. Little ... ..... ... . ....... 1.00 .1 A. W oi'iord .................. 1.00 H1. ;. I\ell (y ................ 1.00 '1'hrough1 L. C. Jail' II. It. ontin haml ............. 1.00 11. D. -:tellgried. II P iladelph ia .. 1.00 .\\. 'Tu rn r. Nor folk. .... 1.00 'Thirougi: \Woini's ('ommittee, numes to be given later ..... 1.I.00 'T'otal to (late ............... $314.00 * LANFOID * Lanford, Oct. 23.-Sunday was the last appointment of Rev. J. T. .iller, completing his four years' ministry. Ie will go to Conference soon and be changed elesewhere. HiS colgrega tions were very much attached to himt and regret to see him leave, The Rural Improvement association met Friday afternoon. About. 25 la dies Were present. We had the pleas ure of having Aliss Minnie Wallace, the Laurens county organizer, and Miss )aisy Hlarris-, home demonstra tor. The subject discussed by Miss lilariris. Mirs. Wallrep, .\rs. Fleming, irs. Iliggins and Mi's. Cox was "What is the )uty of American Wo men as ('itizens?" Rerfesh~ ments eon sisting of a salad course, cake and iced igrape juice were served by the commnittce, Aliss Nina Lewis, princi Pal; Airs. W. B. Wright and Alrs. . . (ox. The woman's inissionar'y union met Sattiurday afternoon. A large number were present and planned for a mis sionary rally in November. Miss Elizabeth Beebe, of Macon, Ga.; Mid I,. N. Ferguson of West Point, Ga.; Mlr. and Mir-. IIenry Ferguson, of Spa'tanburig, and Al 's. Lou Ferguson and little daughter, of Laurens, were guests of .\r. and Mrs. .1. S. Iliggins Sunday. .lrs. I'thel Lan ford and Ruby Mel and \rs. Wlatlter Odell and little (laughter, Nell, silent 'Tuesday with Air. and .lMrs. L2aurens Patterson. M1r. It. W. Johnston and family of Arcadia, sp nt Sunday with their I a rents, Mr. and .lrs. 1. 1). Jolnson. 3!!t-:,cs Muth and Nann;i' .\1:. Lan fourd and .\r. Iticrhard .\Iooe a ml lit ti( ren. spie.t Sunday with .l r. and \hr . G;..J. L~anford. Al'. an( I .rs. ('larenc (; ai. -. at tended ;'r-ies at WIt 'ior t' e' k Sun -i" Ain f \r. ::d .\rs. Vowt'er i a;(rn:. Iter.i' It. W\. T o .o r vle has been called to ihe 1- astolate of Warrior ('reek; (11l1irh ftur next year. .lis. .1. W. Johnson and little son. Iiarvy .lichael, are In Ilendersonville sin'din(itig soImie tile witi .\i l.. Prank Itanldal. A committee froi r( t; on the ('otton1 Ex port1 corporation earne uip Thursday ni ht. Onl. a few citizens were out to hear them. Ilad it been known we would have had a crowd, foi' we have heardl several who are in terested andi somec have several bales of cottoni to subscm'ibe to the c'orpoira tion, Airs. J. l. ('ooley hast returnedl home after an extended visit to Washington, Newv York, Knoxville' andl othier points of lnter'est, r'epoi'ting a vei'y dlightIfuli timle. Aliss Pearl Itawliison. the Centrial tea('her,. visi tedl .\liss J en nie Ilii rgeiss Alr. Hurii-es- froem .\lannino a:' Joni lih< weiek ''ld wvi t i- sister, .\lis, x.Th oth . t ta k n g v - i un ad it e lto tr st; s p ioV(ii(. thr andiFo F Dupil 1(1 hi s'hiool ti se5(ssion thant ('ver before The teachler is for thlis te irn arie Alitis laiga ret. Ileks, of W'arie Shoals, pinfcipial; Miss Willie Ci i-ess of Laurieins, interme'fl(diat(.; Al is's Owen Wright, of Gireenville, and( Aliss l'ea.l llenders'on, of Griay Conurt, primai'y teachle rs. The facuity of I lckoiry Tav~ernr school will (enter'tain the mothers; of the school (listricet Fi'idaty aft ernoonf at foimi o'clock ini the pr'incipal'9 roomi, aind a full attendance is ur-gedl. thisi is to be "Get Acqtalnted" mneel.. ing. LAND SALE The State of South Carolina County of -Laurens in Court of Common Pleas J. M. litts, Plaintiff Vs. Graby, Watson and Bl Watson, Defendants '1'ursuant to a Decree of The (onrt iI the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at 110urens, C. 11., S. C., on Salesday in November next, being Monday tile Ist lay of the month, ditring the legal hoiltrs for such sales, the follow in'g de ncribed property, to wit: All that lot, piece, or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the town of Clinton, in the (ounty of Lauretns, and State of South Carolina, containing four and one half ("1 1-2) acres more or less, bounded on the North by lands now or formerly of ,Ewell Dendy, on the East by lands now or formerly of B. M. Henry, on the South by lands now or formerly of Joe Suber and on the West by public road from Clinton -to Woodruif. Terms of Sale: Purchaser to pay roi papers and stameps. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be re-sold on same or some stubse tuent Salesday un siame terms, at risk of former purchaser. C. A. POWIh1t, C. C. C. P. and G. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, this Oct. 9, 1920. 13-3t When ('on Feel Out of Sorts and Sete 'T'hings With a D1ull Eye LOOK TO YOUt 1100) Pa1le ('omplexions, languid Feelings, llowered VItality, Need More Red Blood. itke 'epto-Miangnn. So many people spend week after week feeling lown and out. They never stop to think that something really is the matter. They satisfy theimselves by saying, 'Oh. I'm not sick. I'll be all right tomorrow." And tomorrow comes again and :gain. Stil they feel depressed and langu id, scarcely able to get around. If you don't feel like yoursef, you re not yourself. If you are weak and Dale, your bood needs strengthening. You should know about Pepto--Man lan, that famous blood tonic. Physi ians recommend it and prescribe it because it contains just the ingredi Lints needed to iake .red blood. It renews your energy, puts you where rot ough t to be. llegin with it today. ('t the tablets if they will be more 'onieiu'nt 'o take than t'i ! liilltid. Both have '-l same iiel'eiinal proper c(s. ltIt lie sare you get the genuine lopto-.\langant. Ask fo. " ude's" and be sure that the ruii naiie, (:i'e. I'ito-0.ul'i m ,1i.'' is on theiC le:cha'. It il D 31 l I . .11 'l1 (t' STA'' i:11-": NT "I have sufered for fou r year frit)iO rhiidiiiitalisnta and Conistipation. Not long ago I saw an ad. in the pa "el r wilh a iree coti 'oin attached. I .lpe;cd it out and got a free bottle of ilE-(T-.\A. I took it according to di 'ti.n and about the foirith I day my 1,wnicll.!isml left me. I had also sur .. d aron constipation which was re ,v'. I have only taken o (e bottle, I never felt better in my life than do now. For years I have taken different .; of medicine, but 1 can honestly that IU'tTCO-M A has done mie more hood than anything I have ever taken. 'I think itl-CI'--.\iA sliould he ree ittmm1ended to every sufferer from rheumatism for I know it is what they teed to mlake then well. I want this It te published so others will know 'at It N-CI'- .\A has done for me, and hat. it will do for the ... I never ex 't to lbe without IbE-CUJ-MA again. Signed) J1. S. Justice, Dutrh am, N. C." Tlit-CU-MA is sod on a tour days' --antee 'by Powe IDrug Co. andI all toodl (rug stor'es at $1.20 andl tax. I'sedl ('airs ('hueap.-aWe have a few used carts ont hand whlich we will sell heapa. F'ords, O)ver'lands, anid I .lax nelvs. lFromt two to eight hundriled .\Iiiin Strieet. 152- 1 -pu Wtonsl, l or Stale. \\'e have a ''at' load( ofi waigonsi andti a half cr of hug eies wichaw arV now olTerinig tot a Vpice. TI. 11. Sumerrel, Fi-t .li t r I . l lt--pd ~! lN, ~ .tY.\17i f: l'h'\ Itl l'.\SS.S d 1.(41 S edneda il) Aate t eron lie im ; yl'rely (oiltnredb e. A.nea .Me(' wat, I . (Mopad, whtto tt', tai .141 : 1.' aitith 'e h oeof' Sw'ge:'t ~ \r . l.n Ni. ich .rIo Ii ghi., I i r -tI)nhet'Outom,, 'l~toats tt111(h.oln .n Ilin hlt nu t' Shpa 'd th'a accids (ntl biurn Irnf Co. N.Cher husand.hain bIou itThut'o rs agto. onha t'e hil ng I'Citydnetedtb lier. (A.gher a ri.h ohr ' Im n-af the ir i.\et'ydiat lu .iih. for actite'al ofbearrs atere bad wo anyted.1s liiho(epy t.'A. gretvhe. dea. 101(1n o, d.lauh teran. brteriW.a hoeren, Itt s trwniad by0 a . iStth'. Thde, hor l'eBion Ch.,N.tC., her hubn. hvn Cleanses the 'System, Purifies th Blood, Stimulates the Stomach ani 'ones Duavn the Temper. Laver hear them say: "Poor fellov h--1s.liver is out of shape?" Mayb they say it of you when you feel blut mean, despondent; and maybe they'r right. A stomach out of order, a sluggis Siver and11( a nagging Indigest Ion or dlys ppsia surely will affect your equilib ,rium. It is a reason rather than a excuse for "flying off the handle." Watch your feelings. When the ear ly morning finds you mean and cross think of your liver, kidneys and stom achm. They need ceansing. Your di gestion needs assistance. I Stop your rash eating, regulat your habits and help your stomac and liver along with SarDraS, -an A-. Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bloo Tonic. 'Contains no alcohol. It is a scientific 'preparation of med einal roots and herbs esi:)ecially pre pared to invigorate the liver and kid neys, cleanse the blood and digestiv system and help the stomach in per forming Its duty. A tablespoonfu ftefore each meal will (1o the worl Common laxatives only leave you Ii worse condition than before. Sar DlraS clcansca the stomach, liver an kidneys and nature does the rest. Al ealers and jobbers. Bottled Healta GREY ROCK 5 ALE (tI;xtrai Wet) Delicious and guaranteed to re lieve dyspepsia and indigestion Made with the celebrnt ed (41I'V 110(K Min-~ ' cmi Water. Write for / waoter booklet. Order a case today from your grocer. SW Redu We dne: The low pri have brought t we are thankfi During t'he prices even 1 make it worth1 Visit us bef SWITZ G~A1P B ,,5 t z! AN1IFhRMLNIl r M CHILDREN i 'STOMACH and 8OWELS he, Etc. A NT.rcRcr I WUY t nU " ei( t Cb KUYKNDAI (UIMICA! (0. MAN'S BEST AGE d A man is as old as his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in t performing their functions. Keep , your vital organs healthy with GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates t.0R ctiol sday, No ices which we plac4 is tremendous busi iil. Week, the Last week of 'the s swer on many ar while to buy now, are the sale closes. ER COi~ iurens, S. You Do More Work, lou are more ambitious and you get more mjoyment out of everything when your flood is in good condition. Impurities in he blood have a very depressing effect on ' ho system, causing weakness, laziness, iervousness and sickness. 3ROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC estores Energy and Vitality by Purifying mad Enriching the Blood. When you feel. ts strengthening, invigorating effect, see tow it brings color to the cheeks and how t improves the appetite, you will then ippreciate its true tonic value. JROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC' s not a patent medicine, it is simply RON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. lo pleasant even children like it. The flood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON o Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop rtles never fail to drive out impurities In he blood. ;ho Strength-Creating jower of GROVE'S PAS'I'ELESS Chill TONIC has made it he'favorite tonic in thoueanis of homes. dore. than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S 'ASTELESS Chill TONIC when a nember of their family had Malaria or toeded a body-building, strength-giving once.e The formula is just the same to . and you can get it from any drug ore. (th:*per bottle. Notice of Final Setlemenrt. Take notlee that on October ;0th, !120. at ten o'clock a. mn. the undr igned will make an accounting of teir actings and doings as admiist ra at's of the estate of Rufus T. Dunlap, eceased, before O. G. Thompson udge of Probate for the 'County of ,aurens in said State at hire office at "aurens, South Carolina, arnd at. said ime and place will apply to said udge for a flnal discharge.. All per ons indebted to said estate are re uired to make payment to the untder igned and all persons holding claims gainst said estate are notilled to pre ent the same to the undersigned duly roven or they will be forever barred. Virs. Annie H. Dunlap Richard S. Dunlap, Administrators. Sept. 27th, 1920. 9-5t-A Sal.e v. 3rd don our stock ness, for which Best ale we will cut titles and will 4PANY C