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Kill That Cold With "CASCARA* QUINI NE FOR AND Colds, Coughs oML a Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours -- Relieves Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT LAND SURVEYING EXAMPLE Sarmter A.-" I iave sold my lower place an un(1 CIist havot* it 1 Urveyed I who slit id I "et to do the work ? I 'armer 11.---''1B. 1R. Todd, of coutrse.' li'rmer A.--' s, I would JI refler himl,. yut his .lharges seem91 I lit tle high.' Iearmer lI.-"Seems high, otly. I sol myI, olt homte pIlace atInl felt just ig: yVoi do. So I got anIother s rI vyor . It took this other IHiihit f Io r days to do the joh aid ht inade a inistaike of t wevlve' acre s. I Ona1lly had to '-et TIorbtl to do the whole job, over atd it toolk him ly Iwo tlas to tido it rightiI. Sin"iCg mIe $1.2(0).(H) 111\I(.le-ll YI(1t)t' 11.\\':" St'[i' \'I\~; TI() I)() .\''T 10l); lilI TI'I AT | litS:T AN\I) .\\'()11) I ''l'il!Eii I*Nl'rsNid: .\NI) I)iss\TISV.\('Tl()N. B. R. T. TODD9 Engr. ( Yf\S~J~7 ]t'.:a{l' .L i( E :'!Gi. r..\ l !'l". . . .u " /.i.t (<I Ii aI. . SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS For Dlack, Tan ,O lori Dark Brown TIlE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., B3UFFALO, N.Y. Automoile, uretyBond Can insure old style and new system cotton gins. Also cotton, either at home or in warehouse. Phone Me and I Will -Do the Rest PHONES 126 386 Laurens, S. C. Plans for Organization of Twelve Mil. lien Dollar Cotton Export Corpora. tion Adopted at Meeting of Bankers aid liepresentat ives of l'otton in. tercests ll(d in Washintionr. Washington, Oct. 21. -l'Tans for tiro organization of a $ i ,((00,000O cotton expo! t arid ciro finianclag corporation were a(lolted at a -Ietiig here Ilat today of hankhers and repreltcntatives of cotton interests attending the con-, Ventiii of the Anferican Bankers' As sociation. Tihe meeting approved suggestions contained in a report of a committee, headed by Robert F. Maddox, Atlanta banker, to move at once in the direc tion of preliminary steps toward or ganizinig the corporation. Tentative arrangements provide for the pay ment of half of the capital stock or an Initial working fund of $5,000,000 capital, and $1,000,000 surplus. Capital subscription, the plan sug gests, will be based on an assessment of $1 a bale on cotton raised in the respective states thereby making the organization one of far-reaching in fluence throughout all territory which has had difliculty in financing the movement of the cotton crop. The decision to call for tihe Initial -pay ment of only half of the total calpital means therefore that. the su-bscrip tions will be prorated among the pur chasers of stock on the basis of 50 cents per bale. Inder Etige Act It was' made clear by speakers at the meeting that the putrposes of the corporation which will be org anizel under the Edge act a'mending the federal reserve act is not to hold the cotton crop bilt to in1sur the con mod ity be iuoved "at a time when tire iarket is stagnant. i'nder p rovisiotr. of the Edge act, th corporation is enabled to hattile ade acIceit ances ar ln t0ient of the purchasr to the Laoulilitit of ten times it,, napital and sirpIjl us or, in t11 cat"( o'f th(' ar-op(io i coirprairL tion ill ;:..i"y err l t c :!cin , rce tnces o;f ( .( (:1'. :< 'ha :'.: 'a . i Lllriraiii (if :1 lii *' ad,' Ii I)) aIhml madii tIlr were' ialienrIton nia 1!01 .1Id( 11;('1'! V.ire iitli2at inir~ that : . ial ion of the ir or ai w<+'( im n 01 'cliailtly oi i'n tih e .a y for '(e ,.:le ()f ("0tion in i':urope he the ' e'naild i r -Iil ' tei il at tihrt'( ' to fol(' No d iP;l I'ron i t 'he co:::mitra inr iflora ied th:e' in at'ndalice( at the enating tLit it Woahl makhe "no i ItaGatant pritom ises, but that i oied Ilat the r' taiishnl it of surch a (1o:'ipo'-atil \f'o'Jbi he "Of trn1 nduirl:: lwnerl(dfit" to tie -'outl. 'Tim( nter)tin i was tohl also t I th 11i. cur'a t ion w l no I at prove a "r'te(i for all ills." althoug it would make possila the provirdonls for 1a1 1rk < I tiuni in t itmi o f ( e n y a st ir s tire aiotton~ produit~rr, ar now las: ing Iiroutghl. Alit ho1 .. h1 tie corroratt 1'-1 1 ; in thle f rire (xtendi it.s p ra-i( l tiin:s to 10th r cotlodfities, those in attend ntil+ uti."d that it devote t:s re.:oure es ' tir:-t to thIe Lutrlin oft~ i i.i d rdd aon Thie w::v was lelt ipen,1 hian ye r, for :apir enilaiara~'itIi andl !aa - t))Sl J))deca~ t r r id. a! a'i bu -i a.- wa he Go cndty o he nfo id a hIu l a r beln (' Ih h a \been av i ah f ir t aa naoh a i srisan I e n ii all."lh a. lird . ld'- e Ray addl tat thr ted : 7.i on rdu a l .aein of~ axt n b that they wo( i no p or a ien haId rule of h ding: a ot--ai -aoto al' movement* to organlize al lre''and marke' the aittn IcL:ro (an tlarbli'm nt ofLii~ cotto wdr rtart ioue. '.lo be m(at intied bya thestate. Stataii. isaOd. 2.- 1'e avn h .oto I( xchanirel~ and1 avnnah irar - proposal1'. o the Amfr(ei , ti ankerfs'"0 Assnain~ foradthe oiah rganto ofa Okit ~ilahom ~a l C it, - Ofla.,i Oit. (i Sdov. J. L .l irAl. iie rte thh;aternoton 4) int ia taletra m Ottoti I riden 5t ison t et('f thL lltt C ie cot ton crr" i lo hse tu, maetolte bynatire state Sih ofi Georgia Oct. reIs-in Savpproval o a lnt ofa/e Anexport ane ' $1r ?.tiOrti iaton to nttnce off-h h(d e , Ii i . .. ,m CILINA BUILDING IX1TILE PLANTS lail'actuirig of ('ottoni Ileing Pro nltied. Nieh Tells of Plans1. 1111 Never Beconto Coimpetitor of 'nlied Sltates in Large Field. Greenville, Oct. 21.---A luncheon which wt(a addressed by President Nieh, of the Chinese chamber of com llerce, and head of the oldest )ottQn mill I.n China, was attended today by visitors to the Southern Textile expo sition and by Greenville citizens. Dr. Louis J. 'Matos, -chemist for the National Aniline and Chemical com pany of New York, also made an ad dre.4s, telling the story of America's progress in dye making since the out break of the war in 1914'. Dr. W. I. Cathcart of -the Corn Products Re fining company also 4poke. The fall convention of the Southern Textile ,association starts tomorrow to continue through Saturday. To day's attendance made another record but the exposition management ex pects the largest attendance tonor row and Saturday. In his address Mr. 'Nieh said that within the piat year the Ciinesle have Ipurchased e(uilpment for 4i5 cotton iills from the United States and 'plans to purchase a great deal snore. China now is familiar with American textile imaclhinery an( will go to no other nation to make its purchases, lie stat ed. One of .America's leading cotton expert.' is now in China to teach the Ileople there how to develop in the growing of cotton. 'Ihe (ottoni .\ill Owners association of ('ima, Mr. Nich said, is 'perfecting an Ol irgaization to promote and pro tec't cotton growing. Thirty experi inIa1 stations liav' been established lndel'r th' supervision of the Aneri (ann expert, and( cottonl of a 1111(1h be4 Ilr grale* than111 form3eli'y w\as us3ed is he'ilm;. grown"1. Wlitin thel pmrt. year1 tihl' linlcuber" of 2:indl''.; iln hi:1 count ry v i h s bI'en v'ir ,indy1t douhhl'. Alr. Niebh s:id. 'Thel 1nn'rIl:1 nlow runnllin:; to ab)out ,30 - 1111. \'i in a s-hort \ bile the 11u11er v Ill likely re'ach ::.000O.000l. A\S ihe in d(:Gry develoi , C1'hina will ("ome1 to '3' i . :(or'l' a1n1 inore for sp1p11lis. Th'is in; (Onine(tition with1 Atilt,: isca and p:i 'is'ubi(irly \ ith IlIe Il wvilI inl no wise injure .-m1'!"' 's busine.;. Alt. Nic'h dleclared, bult ;-n tihe olheri hnl, sllotild incr ealse' t he I. of this natio1n ini a n imIb'r oft ways. A; more niill: art' built in ('hina:( ;1i nior!e of that ('nina ry's poor are l\!I enil oyni/)'11'b patyinlg good wages;(', he o'i::umiption of coltton goods wvill w' r r t ('hn li l::hig n n(': hloilo, to Sil3 lyItv. 'i'1si-3 should n 'th dob I lin3 141 lig of \i,' r'(iC expo't' to ('hilna. * .'e ('enn ni l:1ll to ke- o:e i\tht4 he devel I: l," .\ r. 'i ll aid. Rio P*le' ased wa14 \ s .r Niel' Willit the .1:3 31i On that h' litn!:ounc d l that ie plan0s to 'have1 anl txposition modeled t this 01ne' Iheb in ('hina .t'h13ini \a i,3hi1!1ah3 that the. pl- 'i( o3' have hnical01 (3' t te 4:l i : e similar3 hittwt(131d33 tiona3dly ~3l 11titution: -M' Nh1'h :I bl14 (ht is4j here' p-itrliular gl'eg1t42I $8.74 . 'h . 113 I itoii (I503, C ni li 1)1 O u wI 'i$ ' Of.l5O bu. i'i (ofn I'onittee li tween i nneV(I1 ed 'tat intn, ()t. 2. fo Ttate Coti. l ec u W-ut'Of :eie toimthca Na-1Iii 131o11a:aen ('i le (w0113n iues.1 plce at'3111. :11 (.7131,1t;;.:U. and (a l oIei Ptaemet; Clih&d 6oa 'vt 1h4 Day r of the iis s rof o f~~.w -l epresentatives by1 0 W E N BROS. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. DLSlG'NERlS MANUFACTURE*S ERECTORS Dealers in everything for the "'me tery. The largest and best equipped mon -- umental mills in the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, - - S. C. Const ation If you are its victim, try P strengthening y o u r di (I e gestive and eliminative organs with Nature's Remedy --it's better than S erious ills laxatives. NR Today---Keeps the Doctor Away One of the world's grdatest scien- gans-promotes good digestion, caused tists says that rmore than 90% of all the body to get the nourishment from - human ills can be traced directly or all the food you eat, gives you a good, Indirectly to constipation. ]1ow many' hearty appetite, strengthens the liver, sufferers realize this? overcomes biliousness, regulates kid Most of them continually doso them- ney and bowel action and gives the selves with so-called laxative pills, whole body a thorough cleaning calomel, oil, purges and cathar- out. tics and force bowel action. To j And NR does this without a do that is a mistake. It weak- A sign of griping, pain or un ens the bowels and liver and 'easantness. It works gently, makes constant dosing neces- mnut promptly and thoroughly. sary._ In a few days you notice the ihy don't ub hreal result. You begin to feet Way t uver gic right to- that you are living again, with new and to overcome your constipation strength, new energy, vim and pep ad get your system in such shape Mi ginger. You soon find your that constant drugging will be un- bowels acting regularly without help. cessary? You can do so if you get Fwery Nature's Remedy (Ni Tablets) 25cblts box of Nature's Remedy ( N it 'lrNaue Rmd(RTbt) abletsb of ature emedy Night and prove this. It is the bust bowel a kand take ono each night for medicine that you can use and costs NR Tablets do inuch more than to last twenty-live days. Nature's merely cause pleasant, easy bowel ac- Remedy (Nit Tablets) is sold, guar tion. 't'his mnedicino nets upon the anteed and recommended by your digestive as well as eliminativo or- druggist.. NR I iPALE PEOPLE .iron is a ionic me:i!icine for pale, w eak, ie. ius people. Its suc in ti trcatmUrent of conditions of simple aer and general debility 1: been in thousands of ca:es of men, woien and children. :Xiron cont'ains no d;angerous, habit-forming drugs. It is a safe, mild tonic, compo;ndcd in ac:ordabce with modern medical science, by chemi.'ts of higlh p1harmaaceutical skill. The Scetfc Irn Tonic Mr;n me -.d w~ e ,g aeu o h e ei S a etI ned wrie .h tZrn e;Igtere p rine a ehlflt tes I "K w--vr nrv - h - a edcelr o peieadw o Ziron nnyh men id wupn acislin fitenefit Soldey druveiotsaoni, .1' ~~~~ton~~~ Ziifaftruin.g1i lrepcin smyb henltor otcon. J v' ~'r rn'v~~ul~aUbad i ~aac ets of ptite and accordingt '' '~' i~::;dlmn;> ~ x.~tl of/:r Olatsid i 'n veryi itspecd 9 be' ii t p~c~ ; iia ver to mon fo u adforn itCl. ~ /o, Fn irstcnC'U t im e i!th a ftie uodb dritso it sle idfuu i tirs in - ol our deaer's tho w il fC'()idi it -with our uarantee fe hind it - gio o ol Luiannebri. GelriciousFa Wm. B.oc R eol C ouinc.NewOre A jou deaer's~jouwill. ro nd ...or Salce By....a LOOE LEAF D LEDGRS