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VOLUME XXXVI. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1920. NUMBER 8 KI.lLD IN A NilERISON STlMI!E Well Known thisiness 31an1 (if Eleeiric. City Shot to Death by C. It. Ilerring. Had ,ist lieturnied from Eastern Anderson, Sept. I.-Clarence 1. Tolly, prominent citizen of Aiderson, ald part owner of one of the largest furniture stores of the section, was ,shot and almost instantly killed about 5:15 o'clock his afternoon In a rear room1 of his store by C. I. Herring, a Young white man who had been in tihe emiiploy of the firm for some years as a truck driver. Herring was arrested immediately after the shoot-ing, and placed in the county Jail for trial upon a charge of murder. He is said to have made a statement tonight admitting the shoot ing, and indicating that the act was a result of alleged domestic troubles. An inquest will be held tomorrow mc rn Ing. Mr. Tolly had retirned to Anderson about 3 o'clock this afternoon from Baltimore, where he had been under going trealment. t Johns Hopkins hospital. li, went ilrst to his home, and after splending a short. tint there, went to the G. P. Tolly & Son fttrniittre Nto re, in wlich he was a partner. I~e had been iI the Store only a short ti me and had not seen his two broth'?1s, when Ihe cntered one of the rear roomis of the' stor. There he was met by Ierring. and after a short conversa Uion betwcen the two. Herring pro duced a pistol and commeniced firing, several shots taking' effect. Hearing shooting, brothers of .ir. Tolly Ilm Iediately went to the scene and found imi dyling. lie expired in a few min tiles. liuothers of the dead man tonight ;aid they %new of no reasoni for the :;!oot-ing. alld had no knowledge of any had feeling between iet'ming'and his eiployer. Herring, who is a young married m1an, appeared calm in his cell at the Jail tonight, and discussed lthe shoot ing with officers and others,. He has bol)n emIployed by the ftirniture firn !ri t th)* irve years. Thf Sho-ting of ir. Tolly caused a - ifound stna tlon throughoUtt tihis s-ctlon. The deceased w'as regarded as one of Anderson's leading itsiness men. Hle was for soie years county chairmitan of the Cenocratic party, took an wtive hand in political a and civiC afiairs, and was at the tine of his death forelan of the county grand jury. He was forty-two years of age. lie is survived by his wife, who was Miss l.eln White. and by three clill dren; also by two brothers George M. 'Tolly and William Tolly, who are partners in the furniture store here, and by one sister, Mrs. William Wil cox, of Eulberton, Ga. Card of Thanks. Permit rme to expresA to the voters of Laurens county, through the col unsi of your paper, my deepest grati oide for their liberal suffrage and sup ilort on August 31st. Those who kpow moe best liatronized mu most an1 ' :-htoutld indeed be glad to bef'omn het teri neotlninted 'with all. Isih to ray that I amt in the see ondo race for thle I louse of Representa I ives, and that it was with the samte sp'iri't of sc rvice for my oeunty that promtited me to en tet t he race as t hat wih ih characterized my servIce of my 'ottuntry duiring thle recent World War. ' shall br grateful for a continuance or the FO'd -will and( esteemtt of my fel. lo's voic. anid wish to thank them in adtvaneii for thle suppiort r shall re er'ive at t heir handifs oin ep'temertit 141th. W. l10bTWOOD [11 LL.RD. Card of Trhanks. To the Voltrs of thte Fourth Congres sional District: I deCslre to e'xpress to my frlendls my sutcere appreciation for theit loyal sntpport in my race ofr Congress. shiall always remember their kindness and shalh never cease to be grateful to them. I etideavored to conduct a cleani campaign utpon a high lplane, making a fair fight on my merits 'and discussing national, issnes of vital importance. I believe that tVhe people approve of such a catmpaign. ' am also proud of the tact that I carnec throu~h this camtimign with 'the friendship or my opponents. I shall now devote my time to my law practice apd 1.ooking after the in terest of my cliente,, Very sincerely, A. K. UlIIJ WOW AGAIN right at the very b< Not only in the fullest range v ill lead the mode. Agair the very begining of the se placed at fair figurss for rea New Suits for Autumn Wear Your eyes will see the attractiveness of their styling, but it is on the expertness of i our buyers that you feel assured of the ,faithfulness of their workmanship, the ,lasting service in each stitch, the per manence of exprsesion in the correctness of cutting and shaping, and the durableness in wear of the materials selected for their absolute Phrity and -perfection. For such completeness of value the prices are re markably reasonable. Suits of Tricotine. Velours, Serges and Llama Cloth in Black, Navy and Brown. Price $35.00 to 085.00. (iCe 2ginning of the Fall, our showings of I of authentic styles, but in the earlie t, we enable our friends to select the -ason, so that they may have the utmc I value in assured quality and workma Brilliancy and Beauty in the New Fall Dresses Your delight will be great at the exceedin gy bright and cheerful harmonies in color, the gayety in the trimmings and the youthful styling of the new dresses. There is a sweet becomingness to the narrow, straight, slim lines of the tailored types of costumes which will vie in favor with the dainty desmodels, whose smart sim piiyrenders them as desirable gance recommends them for thea-. teror innr war.And the price markngs akethis start of the season a memorable one. Dresses made of Tricotine, Serge, Satin and Satin Charmeuse in Black, Navy and Brown. Priced from $18.50 to $100.00. A Good Place to Tradle V' SV9 -ashionable wear are complete. st showings of the styles which ir fall and winter wear, right at st of service, for our prices are inship. New Coats and Wraps for Fall You will admire the soft -fabrics, the clinging youthful lines, the graceful drap ings---but you may also know that if we show it, the garment has had to pass the rigid test of honest and careful workman ship in every detail of making and cutting. From each standpoint, whether of style, of material or of manufacture, each gar ment has been selected for its individual superiority, giving you a guarantee of ut most value for every dollar of cost. Ladies' Coats made of Velours, Kersey and Silvertones, Browns, Navy and Rein deer. Price $25.00 to $65.00.