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* ** e0 o *e ae * * * 0e.. * Local and Personal Mention. M.T. L.Ltlof ule guest this we(:.: .e i Ai's0 Ann IC l1 "Vivian .l1f'. retiit-d to the city 3' r e5ildinig I hO -T H c lve : has r'turt.d hiomiie a''. -~' en d*-. 'era months in Wil Cl( - A . . ai t, O f G ree nv il , ha s enwdl- verai days inl the city v l.and .\r .C. .\. t-larl-0. . .\lary' Siullivan left last 'wve k P".\I ,('ll whe-' she will teach m01:0o1 - 'a R: yal, of Al-imtgoimery, d 'I .1 . lohn . Holt a.* il :.,ti we-Ik in (;rcn.;mro N. 1h .\lr. amd .\ir:;. Frani 'iatium. Anl.. illyuff ha-1; retinlied to Ith c 1'ia somne tI:: Willh . \i - . i. ('arti ige, in Ai -\I - iKate' and Ilaitiv 10Ilhelherger' -\ onday for their i'spective hool, the former to teach at. Sharoni, , and th ' latter at Enoree. - :: J. \loor,. .\lars, off Abbeville, sp1ent the( -w(ek-eld in tIhe City with Alirs. .as at the 110m of her parents, .,\r. and Ifs.G.H.%Wilke. Dr. and .\Irs. .1. L. .\larfhall, of 'Gri(enwood. Spent Sunday In the City 'vitli the iatter's iarents, )-. an1d Irs. ;. ii. iial. s 1). Ii. 'ounts, .\Ir. IHenry .ounits nd .\lisa .llldred ( ounts have return e1 :o tie (.Iy aft( r s1 idinig iw i s L il in lien( rsoiville, N. C. I),,. and I. . r eagup and ram *, a ( 1ri-. and AlIrs. II. K. Aihen have retuirn d to the' city afte(-.r i ng the *,m 1erill I lndersonville, N. Uis . ( . skhineor, of .Jacksonville, Flat. formerly .liss AnnieNiae Bryant, of Ureonville, is visiting l. and Mirs. E'rniest Machen for several days. Williaml Rt. .\lCCuenl, jr., has return.. ed to tile City after spending the sum1 'mer season on the Redpath Chuttau qua, circult. Aiss Onivia Riddle has retu riled home after a pleasant visit to Atlanta. Hie was accompanied home by her lity tie nepliew, Master Oscar Riddle, Jr. Miss Lucy Vance -Darlington hias re turned to the city after spending soni time 'with friends and relatives in Al lendale and Orangeburg. Mr. P. A. Mitchell, proprietor of the P1a !ace of Sweets, returned to tile city last week after spending som1e time in Orangeburg with his wife and little son, who arrived just recently. Aliss soule lI'ehelberger has re turned home after spelding the sum 'iner lin Clin ton, where she served 11 relief imaitron at. the Thorn iwell Or Aliss Kathleen Lander, of PIelz'.er, spent tle week-end in the city as the guest of .\iss Sadie Sullivan, w-hile on her way to 'ellnnettsville to lach this year3. Mr. .Nash Philpot has retur'ned to the city after cOntpleting his season's work with the Redpath chautaguqua. Hie wvill be at home several wveeks be fore resuming ils studies at Er'skine college. Mirs. i. W. Laws, after spending the summer wlith1 -her iparents, .\lr3. ando irs. 11. A. Sulliivan, reCturn'ed to her home in lm~isville, Ky., Sat urday. ae compianie'd by her sister,' Aliss Vir ginia Suillivanl, whio wiil visit her for several weeks. AIrs. Rt. 10. Hlabb 'was carriedi to the Steedly hiospiital atl Spartanburg 1)ast wveek to receive treatment at the hands oIf special ists. Mi'. Habbl accompan3)ied her t here, but has returnmed hlome as Alirs. iHabib has dleveloped n1o symp11toms1 to Oecaisioni alarm. Al r. lFran~k 'Cooper, formercily oIf Co.. lambi iia, ait 'ved inl the city3 yesterd(ay to tatke ciharge of the batteiry service d11)et ment of t.he Hanley HI ectrlic Co. Mr. ('ooper! hats had cons ide rabl e ex per'i'enc'e at thle fac:tory and1( comels hiere0 higihly r'cononend01(1ed. Mrs. F . ii. 'Cainie, Miss Caroline F lemuling an31d Al iss Rth 10ai'st erby will leave( thle lat ter' part1 of the we'ek for' Was hi ngt on, i ). ( ., t e spend sever'al days. They ex leet to join .\lr. Caine, Mr 3. Th'ios. I'~aster'by and otheris returnt I ng frain the D)odge factory and r'eturn| wit tliIhem Illrouigh the country 33. (ard Fromt Mr. Franks. I thank my friends throuighout tile counfty for tile handsome vote accor'd ed me in the first primary and will be thankful for' any consideration that is shown me in the second. if you see fit to elect me to this OAilc., I shall ac 4eWpt it as an shonoir and a trust, ever mindifuil of my dutty to thed peopile; 'JIOH N A. 'Fi ANKS. Catrd Fromi Joe. F. Smilth. *Hear'tily appreciating, as I dlo, the Anatgnificent vote accordedi me iast Tuesday, I thank my fiends foi' theiir support. Bly your vote I have beefi -placed in the second race for Sherift and ff theC goodl peoplie of thi Colunty Ace fit to elect me to tis ; oilUc(d, I lprolmie the best serv'ice that I am calu ale of performing. .JOID F. SMITII. Dr. a:id .\lis. WVil Ili I astingsj /1iai, of is city. have annouc , i M:1ge1ent of heir daughitr, Margaret, lo .r. Johi( hie: Cahoun, of Green ood. iThe wdding' is to take place at the lel of I's P aetits on West Alain trt Thur dl y :j v ' October 14th. 0 0 o Alisses Enieand Rlosalik SullI!van -terain d (uit a oin et:of, the~ir friCnds at a delitfitI arly at their homit onl Siullia treeFt. FiLday even. int..The houise was Wa r ily dicCOiated n ld Jt eein vs greatly iljoyed by all pl.ent. ki)l ''Z ice 0a Pand (ak welrc served. ChlildIress-Shi,~i A larriage which emne as a su : to thLir mllanty frientd.' t occu(rred y'steridy afi(r'noonI hO lomel of lcv. lid warid rlm; ill ('liitont, wieti Alisl: .\nitllleIN11i Childr-ess was mmlar ried to Alr. . W. Shell, Rtev. otih inting I te !.Ir csence of several fritelds int11 ately after the cre m1cnly thle bride anld groom too!z thle train for a trip to northern citicr. Ihle bride ik totf".A. tive daug hte r of .\r. antid Airs. W. P-. Childres; while the .1o1 is- a prominent.ll youngbusnes I U ont l) I I " LIiu- 11 us S itn of the city. Itoth of them have a hosi of fricitds ill the city Who will he deeply intc rested in the annone(mn of their noll:rriage. Dough"It y -M3 ye, At r. and .lrs. iD. .\. l0oughty announceI the marriane. ci thoeir daugh:1ter to -- .Mr. W'I le r.AW. .\!oy e on .\londay. Auigust the twenty-third ninctet ih iindred and wny Akron, Oho. Air. and Alrs. i)oughty made their home in -Laurens for several" years alndi their dauighter's marriage is of In tere-t to many of the Younger set of .aurens, as -,1h was .wll and -favor -ably knowti here. havilig attended L2au rens high school, graduating two years 'ter from Akron, South High School. Ar. .loyc is formerly of 1vergreett, Ali.hama, ut t,,the present lime is an employe of the Goodyear Tir and Rubber Co.. Akron, Ohio. PLAV NEXT 'Ill UitSDAY. "tsand" to be (Oiven at. the Opera louse Next. Thursday Evening. At TrinIty-iidge the Nfigit Hefore. "Sand," the local talent. play writ ten by .\iss Rlebecca Dial and being -iveni under her direction inl the inte* st of the ill'iteracy camtpaign in Soith r'rolinvA, will be given at the Lauren:s Opera louse next 'Thi rsday night, ac cor'ding,to thle announnemtent given ouit by those inl charge. lelehcatsals were begnit last h'lut1rsday night and have beetn held nightly since th,.'n wit ia: - 10 intg resutlts. 'lThose whio ha~v( witnei(-sed! the re Ith:3' sals si eak~ of the w o ' of n th t a tho" and; the 'ani' in h!+it pira1ise. Paign againist lilitetney, thet comedy and~ love st raitn -whtieh tun ith trough Ithe pllot make it a mnost pieasing #Ilay to 'wit nes. It is the plan of AMiss i al 1(o give thte play itn sev'eral mtcoiinitiles in thie vilci nity. 'in factI, thte fIirst performi an~lce wvill be givenit 11'Trinity--iidge schtool Wedntesday niightL 'precedintg te shtowing to he givett htere. Ot her plac es In the couinty mtay be visited later. ('tnst of ('haaracters. The fol lowing will be tihe cast of' charactersi: Mir. Anderson - - - 0. 1. baong .\trs. Andersotn - .\ lrs. Jloe Pinnitiey Warren Andt~ersont - StanlIey (Crews .Jimmttie An'dersotn - - -W. 10. .\ieng .\ittinie Niagmra .lones, l'.\i.tteik .\liss lautcita Ilarksda le Ihtick 'pshawv - - R. T. ~\Viilo Sandl(y .ldawton - -- - Allie ~eE' .\ir. Ii. A. itfarringtonl J. ii. Suillivant .\1t. Peybton .- - - I1. .\l. WVolff Truistee anS other113 s. From'd .. liowar id itfoore. To t he Voters of' 1aurens C~outy: I amt very gratefuli for t~he vote thatn rcceived in, Laur ens toun~tty antd take this oiportutiljty to ex-press to the vot flr' of ijatetgs counttty my: ap~preciation and sitterte thanks fotr the sutpport that I reevdh l~uens county otn lth 31st day of Atugust. -in thte first primary. I 'htope to receive a goodl vote int the -second primary, andI if eleet'ed will l19tomise to discharge the laitics of solicitor fathfulliy and feat' lessly. Very resp~ectfutlly, Ji. I[OWARD1 .\iOORI:, Ahli)CleJ. , ., September' 3, 1920. Singing (Clasis Closes. The vocal class taught by Prof. T. P'. Childress at Ilickor'y Tavern, will iC concliuded Sept embier lith. The )tthlic is 'invited to attnd, tbring din Xair antd spendl~ te da~y. Othter sing.. Un' nrn invIted. AJ" LZAPAL1J&4 a Aly VV A~kIM, (IrY'jiy -OLs OPEN. 0Nearly n Thousand Puidis Ritport foj Work inl Wite1 and Colored Schools The gradled s!Chools of the City op (d \'im!;;y mlrnin with a large at tendan e. 0G1 atccouU of the fact tha tho aulitoriumi at the Central schoo hl.- bveen divided teiaporar ily hito elaxs rooms, no opening excrcises were hel( but or'ganizai0tion-worl was miueda 2te ly un1dertaken. Yesterday that a 'otal of 9.;9 1 were ~ ~ ~ ~ y 'noldthIi~t aN of thei-a, 11:u;n ;1n the p;'inilary grade's at thlt rttral sc hoo, ii 164h the high schoo de:uartment, 1'l at the MLen .\il nhool ind] '29. in I he colo :e! mc lI, o! wichel Ilrof'. Thro. "'ander'; is; i I1),. Ifv sa! I tint h c.Xit( .!ted a imici larger errolhilcl witlhin a r'; wei although the eihool ieitWh' s a. of r("Idy ta.xeLd to 1thei' vtinomt. Tlic followin;, i, the cnr"ol "onwm )3 classes: 0'11ttril Sehtol. Primary First G rade ...............(;I F,-: -ond Gra d ................ Third Grad e................ Foteth-Gr: . ........ . ....i Fifrth Grade ................. Sixth Grade ...............IS Seventh (I rade ............1! Total ................... ;! 11igh School Highth G;rade .................; Ninth Grade ..............4! Tol ith C tr;:de . .............N -'ivet h Grade ........,...; T o 21a ................... Fire'1 rad .e ............... (-,~l ra d -. ..... . .. .. ...: . T hir l G rat! ..............; 'ouI-th Gra h ............. 2:, Total ................... i Coloredl .4,hool .............. 2! t G a d T otli) ...................t 9 COU'RT CONVENES WVElDNE-'.1Y, selellmer Termi Of Criminal C'our Convenes Wednesdaly Instead141 o Monday. The Sept ember termii of tle Court o General Sessions will convene nex Wednesday morning, September 151ith .Judge Ernest Moolre presiding. On ac couint of the ilection on Tuesda: the ope'tning wa"s ordered postponv< Iy Judge Moore from Monday unti W'edlesday. The Jury commissioniers laiv drawl the following panel of petit jurors: Lau111rensl T1ownshilp-F. L. Ilrown, Al hert Dial, .ino. If. Cutinintgham, 'C. K flay. Waterloo-.1 no. 11. .\litchell.'.1. Wadi "Iulhertson, Q. .\. Davis, W. L. Stone imiter- -A. .1. Johnson.:. I (I. Young Frank C. Young, G. 11. Dividson, R. .1 McCrary. Dials-S. M. Unil. A. 1P. Cook. W. C Holt, (eo. W0. Rabb, .I. If. Loard:);l1l. suillivan-. G.\.A;hmorv, 11. 0. Aber crombie. C. W. Wasson, Tandy .\l HabbJI, It. It. Davis. Noffz., It. W. trow n, ( . 8. llipp, .1. I1 P [inston. Seuiffletowvn-O. P. G oodwin, TF. WV Wesson. WV. M1. Stevetns, .\1. 1. Lonmg. Ja~cks---L. b. Copeland, W. L. Weiri Teiiial .' m1ct in g of thle Coutnt3 I. Y. P .1'. Convention will he hiek S(eptembIer.I lih. Plantis are bieing made to effect the piermanen t organ izatilon of this conveni on, and dlele. gates fromi all the 11. Y. P. l'.s In thli out a 'it. Y. P. t'. ar( inivlled and es I)e'lalliy urged to come. The follow ini is the p r~gram rot thle mec ti ng: 10:00 A. .\.--Devot ional. how the 11. Y. P. l'. Differs fion Other Organizations; in the C'hurch andit Why thei Neil of the It. Y.'P U~ic. i aaon.CyeF rn Yountig (histianiis in .\lissionary' Activity, and What Will he the ResulItIin the '''hur tchi. Azi le W~of. ford. Solo. Whbat is Rhle Pa stort's )DtIy and Ri,. spoiility' Towa rds the Youing People of is hi(urch. D~r. S. II. TPemuplemnan. "lhow the 11. Y. '. U. .will E;liiate Inactivity and Ineffleerey itn Otr Chutrchies. ..L. llaggott. 11. Y. P. U'. Organization of County Convention. J. 'IL. Ilaggott. II ymnn. Ilenedictilon. Play at TIriit.y-iige. The Iplay "mud," written b~y Miss Rebecca Dial and( nowv being rehearsed by a Lautrens caste, ill he given next WVednesday eveniing at 8 o'clock at Ithe T1rinilty-'Ridge school house. The tro ceeds of the play will be dlevoteid to the campaIgn aguiinst illiteracy in the state. The :public is cordially invited to nttendl. IAURENS, S. C. SOFTh.\lBEIR 8, 1920. ifK I V AUTUI Thoughts of people are autumn to thoughts of in( Soon the chill days of I gatherings of family and living room. What a comfort to knc furnished. Our furniture is guarar distinction. Our fall display is L and finest that we have c most reasonable. We invite you to call z ishes. S. M. & E. I Ovedand E We have secured a good i your Overland Car Repair the shop room formerly o< We sell the Parts and Sumerel M East Main Street Tlo thle VOter'31 of 1 .auren()S 1 louny: Plea1se'I(311 permil me(t e'xpress to the votersi of l,aur3''ns (oiunty myI~ $:im-ere io not1 thanks arni dee(ICp and hiiinib). l) appr- lauhrIien~ ('intion for the4 veriy blge ma.joityI of ('r lIelt, voesl recei(ved in this county3 I Aulgulst n 1101 o ::lst in my race0 for Solicitor'. Your1 vote is an1 I expresiion (of ('onfiden1ce in me1 and1( an3 enfdorsementI of my13 work as8 youlr Solicitorii. JIf re..elec(teid for' a .8 ne'onid term in the next pirlna ry, Iwil 4n e;ndeavor' to futh ei nce03 ''i1 my appre0 eint Ion and( grtittleor tohe1 hiouor ni' =.. 'onferr'ed On me) by ) rendein'itg faithful Iwill Inot .have an1 Oppoui) tyl or Under01 and seeingmany f you ersonllyeutil ed In the aifterI'1 the 0 elcIon. Th'le rail terIm of II. Copeland3(, Ciin al Cout 00onven)en at Abhbeville 14mblicI( auti103 03n Se:ptemInberth anIi id my13 du~ties de- ot-h Ca (iroin mand1 thalit I be in~ at e(3tendane t3)3 ipon ig330I Cr'im Iial out unt i art er the secondl All that ceI '0 pim~iary-' eel of land1( 13 Th'le oflce of Solieitor' is of vilI Iim- .Jacks T1own plortane to every l~itIzen in this ('ir-ill' 015. ('lit. 1 tru'ist Ihbit ev'ery: vo0tr -'will ap-3- by las~ of 'j prec(iate thIs and( v.ot(' In 11he next pi..I lnds of .\1r3s eOspect fully, JI,. Na betrs. TI. i II. S1. BTAACKWT':I,. re(l,-,i,, e W( all andwinterwill bingM.biackt~nSS .1" trins in thes dinin rofodand wN that your roorns are correctly Lteed by the mark of quality and >y far the largest, most complete ,ver shown. Our prices too are tnd see the new styles and fin 4. Wilkes &""CO. allhandc intare nwil ringt bac WresI e R rinm Hoo, in cupied by tE.W Mahrean hvea shon tOu dorthes toor Lndr seChenwmple ann 1Laurens,& C. nre haic and care naow rtead fntors oiCp or. Neato r Rbert rso Hotuer in t et erTorCmpa LUMIAUPLaCOMPNYS.C 3.WESTlERO VA1,3S>STREE I l TCOLUMIA ES.C by vitueo th e Cathority Io o jeto~,O~(p 11' and testa in. o lh 3eesd WES w-G E laSTR T, CLA? ,S. 1'0t'da of It. n Onth, Ielto wlv ots tay i tact.f iehe an par- (S int(a o ~LIc~ h ingeig nd is J~ it t ' 11'aiilni IIand ouS nde o ' othe n nulyorhib'd pri .t G. 4'it oens '~ ti n o aeo the pist by .ol one southdby iandse ofI r A. e salh etetgtt s'1t by lad of t.en. o h0 ash. Puehier t pa fo itoni's f' sle:n aJh Igredt osr~fle'' t owe e c ts bigbein atiI ~it stn from dtot of sahe lat thei ~t(Iho tde o te o i ght (' :per cnt. pran m annaly. Th crdi prton theureduth bby ofn1hs ofrcha I. I~eal(MCO.'lW..CIP qion sI. Istalandsoof..1hnF11,dCu , deceased