University of South Carolina Libraries
SHITH AND WARREN ISSUE STATEMENTS *Irect Collusion" Between Blease and Smith Charged. Denial by Sen. 'ator. 'The -State, Sept. 4th. George Wiarren of Hampton, candi .dabe for the United States senate, yes. terday issued a statement charging a "direct collusion" between Former Gov. Cole L. Blease and Senator 1,. D. .Smith to defeat him. Senator Smith, who will enter the second primary with Warren as his opponent, deniies the charge4 contain ed in Warren's statement, denouncing as "absolutely false" the statemmeit that he was inl any colination in his race for the senate, "except with the people of South Carolina" to serve the m o l'c est of in!o ability. ,ir. Warren also referred to Din triet Attorney Francis I. W'stoii as the "r'0(ui(t calll.aigiI manager of Seaei Solih." and halorged !tate tA sto:. t il n and '>itatiel 'nemy of cverd a d ia'e , wa. la sitor to lt M' . Wari of . Ble-ils. .ltr. We.-:lons I a state gntme a f o itel reting .Mr. rr's IArge..; ayti t hat e 's nlot arha o beenl f-;api:nnn aIe of Senator Smith, and also states that the Implication that ie "negotiat ed a deal 'ith irl. tease"l Is absolute ly false. 'Air. Warrn's statement foliots: "I chlarge a direct collusion betwP Formr Gov. C"ole I . allease anI'd Sena-llt to'l.. D). Funith to de act Ie for the United States senlate. "Time s alliance, made Ill utter despe-. rationi. was c:ffected and~ put Inwo oper ation .l 11 th 10o ) ' ffotll 1o over' comie thie sent:imient which had eenl(0 Created duIII-ng thle campaign In m1y; favor. "T1his campaign I wa-s deterinIedl to! mlake, and dlid make, withlout appeal to! factionlalismvt or facti0onlal pr.1lejud i .1 To d meni, tetis fact, thIousndsI~ Of: *:;:o of th ' )I , -W ' 1iy gave support to my candodacy. "r- c I T I tno blIned by omer Govor lease, wto h his Per Onll sind 'f 'Cole,' lettrs w ere art t oear, Srelith f ar reouns Try One I Then I The best way to know for, Bruinswick Tire is to buy one E That is. *if the very name of: to you, as it is to most men, th; Thousands of mien who have for years, realize that a Brunsi for a mediocre product could n< * Long before the Overland T * of Brunswvick was established. of rubber for fifty years before No concern with such a is thing but the best. For reput be quickly destroyed. This is a practical guarant more than the usual, yet at no Get your first one now. Y 1ueve ALL Brunswicks. THE BRUNSWICK-BAI Atlanta Headquar Sold On An U, Guaran IRBY MOTOI -Lauren days to reach the personal friends of the former guvernor a an 11th haur appeal to factionallm. "This letter was circulated by hand as well as through the malls, and used at 'the polls by workers for Sen ator Smith. ' The actlve suifport of Mr. Blease of the "bandidacy of Senator Smith was with the knowledge and consent of D'enater Smith. "Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Mr. Blease, dated August 6. Son ator Smith, a few days later, expics-. ed in a communication to Mr. -lilease his appreciation of the pt.rmisslon to use the Blease letter. "During the tine of the nalin. out of the hundreds of letters, on the verge of the clectlio, the repitel campaign m.nager o Scnator Smi h. bistrict .\t ronwy Fraicis Ht. Western, a long and Litel'r enemy of Governor Blease, w-hom the latter has repeatedly de lolunccd, va; Ia vlst.oi to the oiice 0. .\,lAr. B 01ease. "The sequenc' of evcnta leading up io the actual ilviing out of tle Blease lt~ttr h>el, in mliy c:pinion. no furthei ..lnatioen. "Another method uwed in the pnrate attenpt to Ceeet Senator Smith was the ci reulation around the polls of rei)orts that I was a HIeasite, these being circulated among strong anti Blease men and that I was running on a wet platforn, financed by the liquor interests. This, I charge, was a deliberate and premeditated distor tion of facts. "My idea has been, and (till is, to enthuse my friends with the knowl edge that a new day has dawned in Scuth Carolina politics, a new day in which demagogic tirades shou d give way to logical discussions of funda mental principles of government. .\ly opponents are Still living in the past of oild ainimosities engendered an( fo teed by factional bitterness. "Im in lt h second race. The light en. ly fists ate doubled. I an in the fight. And I will win." Senator Snith's reply, issued after bt' publication of .\t.. Warren's state meent, follows: "...v..1..ust been Fihown a political I advert ieiment of .\lr. George Warren, wh.ich1 was published in the 'Charleston lrunswick Decide yourself the superiority of the ind compare it. Brunswick isn't sufficient proog it here is an extraordinary tire, known the name of Brunswick vick Tire has to be the best -. !ver bear this historic name. rail became famous, the House It was one of the chief users; automobiles came into use. tory could afford to offer any mtions are built slowly, but can se that Brunswick Tires offer dded cost, u'll not be satisfied until you .g CLLENDER CO. 38Luckie St. pI dimited Mileage ~ee BasIL t COMPANY. American of this date and iwhich hat no doubt bein' sent to the press gen erally. I denounge am absolutely false the statement -that I am in any com lbination In my race for the senate ex cept with the people of South 'Carolina to serve them -to the best of my abil. ity. "Mr. Warren, in a desperate effonI to win, is attemlpting to revive fac. tionalisin in this state. The effort will be rebuked by our people as un worthy of any one seeking the suf frage of the people of South Carolina at this day and time. What I want and will get Is the great majority o! the votes of the united pleople of thik state, whatever may have been thelt former political affillations. ".\lr. Warren has evidently pur pose'ly distorted the facts. They are as follo.vr: On my returnI to my hoic Ii Lynchhtitrg August 1, I receiverl thc iollowing letter to which I repli ed a givcn below: "'Coluimbla, S. C., .\ugust 6, 190. "'Hlon. E. ). Smith. "'Lynchibirg, S. C. "'Dear Sir: "'I am reliably infor:ned that It being pelt stently circulated in cer tain counties of this state that I air taking an interest in the presetit sena. torial canipalign against your renomi nation. '1 (10 not know -that you care vetr much ab1out'. the' matter as to how I srin', ncr that anybody else does, biu I do not care to be put in a false pori tion. and it is for this reason that I an addressing you this comiunica tion. "'I am taking no part ipl poliLies for or agA.nst anybody, and I do not know that I shall even vote :n thc coming l)rimaly. When asked I havc frankly stated that with the lresenl senatorial candidates, in my opinion, you shottld be ieomioiIin ated. "1 have had no conve:sat ion witl yolu within the last f'w yeari, and have not s'en you eve1 to tcak t yott. only to sh1a1ke' haifb, with youl once within the l:a-:t th%1 y-a: no0 have I had any'y:Iiaanbati-m fro): allyon(e v. ho is inter i e-. i Y i yot i li'am:u sot Wi."li h ll i*10.i I I w. sol~tion: *:in o i :. t es I ;. i . 'o, .a to whehe it\\lldo ou an '(ood or lam. 0 ist ;' 'Cole 12. ilease.' "To w\hich I repitiV lls: "'Colbi a, on . C., Aui gu t '. , 1 12e):.11-2 .\Main 1tr et "a lonora l 'i le 12. I:a , g "'Dear -Iir: "'l vo3 n imdy. Ieturn i .n 'iar found Your ter of . I ha med by (;eiyg arenu. August 2ully troci.t a thli mtiV n h at ;roInja mIknowh for your x':.Ain ta ; 1. a:. Tn. a'>It i abso el al'. aen ian. tatll t to the contazowy is w1 0ithlot foundapoln.c nong rer exstas fbethern aus. dI suseie . ny coarn thiatGovnor "Ueae i iStingso :tl tertoacsI nume o istfricnd attorey Ld~ mycandidacy stteer ysteray Iop ofth htertli was showr(:~el antc mIsel by George Warren, us 2,at (tt rtlepaign metgat .\enck':- h " no ofati on ii 1)1 g!o nti' rac Itnd I apprite~ t'he 4vtesI of aloi 0 Demoe clats., If90 it. p le .\ 2r. 'are fua ca ttemt to 11~ reive aton 4).ms. ams d ourti i .Io ofop t whee not.loe exist that l i priv'0&'lige, buti when Ohe Jige. futher an dm chr:ist ra witanrco biation peIo lpetiob,i toi aso lt e ly' Frnci on Wes ditondirc allttIone lso issuedai atatent ydesterday in "Irhe them been ownfor statem(lnt issued byve o\r Gefoge' Warred.a a d1itfrte 'ni Statesl annaeed)n weh he refer- to mn e ash rpted * * ** . ** * * * .NADDEN HEWS. * Madden, Sept. 6.--'4he Dicey Lang ston Comedy Company .has come to life again. It is very much alive, for on Monday night, September 13th at Madden Station on .the vacant lot next to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudgens, its second effort will take place. FOlght o'clock will see the be ginning of the first act. "Brother Josiah" will 'be staged with practical ly all of the old company in the parts of the city broker, his fdmily, and the eccentric farmer and his faithful wife, Jemina, who pay an unexpected vi3it 'o the rich brother's home. And there by hang-4 a most amusing chain of v'ents 'which ctlminlate in the final utimph of "Bllrother Josiahl". The cast of characters Is as follows: Wilington Armstrong, the rich city broker - Rev. G. E. Vermillioi Peistake, confidential adviser to Arm strong - - Mr. Paul Fiinley Mirs. Wellington Armstrong, .\liss Kathleen Martin Gladys Armstrong, liss JIuanita Niartin 'Tilliam LeBlone, friend of the Arm stIoIgs - Lieut. .1. W. Wotford Ilenry Nemcoibe. accepted suitor of Gladys Armstrong, Mr. Byron Brown. "Brother Josiah", the Countrified brother of Wellington Armstrong, Mr. 13. Y. Culbertson. Joens, the butler, Mr'. Harold Culbertson JI'mimna. wife of Josiah. Miss Carrie Lanlgston Ben,iamin Diutler Armstrong, son of J emlima an ml Josiah, .Mr. Lawree Taylor. Ier~kia Arm tro :- on o', .hmlima Rea yI . I andic e D Th tle(r batfu.' cheaer ad te maerias b %5.0, $9,5 a nd $0.0, \oa Sit Scalvlus i alS Silk ad Tric,0ne. Coat Sis Thed Vlylies n mo:l Sntta I(t a's.rnb. al arl e f ie d to nl. m.0 :m.00P, m:i.5E) andl $5J.tco. Sweaters son,. and~ ouri salhes areC alrteadyv ' ,'. $.00 nn) td tap, Special Values in Silk Ui CASH and Jos14h, Mr. Ed Moore. The popular prices of 50c for grown ups and 35c for children, will be charged for the privilege of seeing this master production, the proceeds to go to the bench fund of -the Now Prospect Baptist church. Come and laugh with us .and at us! Time: Monday night, Sept. 13th, at 8 o'clock. Good Tires an SOLI Vincent I Lauren M1 M Mir Fall j Minter Co. I ment Store r Complete L Goods. September is getting ready fo leges. No neec come here whei all the family at consistent with Squality. See the New Ready-to-Wee he ldrice.$ are P@ !( tinles andi Ve - M~r il-l~)I' ir~ersirtsri lalol >a .\i- dii er Com DEPARTMENT S' Laurens, S. C. Place: M dden Station. Play: "brother Josiah". Habitual Constipation Cured 'in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specia prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for H40It Constipation. It relieves promptly I should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 d to induce regular action. It Stimulates Regulates. 9 Very Pleasant to Take. per bottle. year d .Tubes BY lotor Co. s, S. C. Cash Depart 4ow Showing ine of Fall a busy month, c schools and col to worry; just 'e we can outfit the lowest prices our standard of Things in Our Lr Department nery Department Hfats are now on dIiplay. No . \ias *PadigetI, .\I iss .\ary Pelte '. 1. Armns trong, will be gladl to is departmHent. Silk Waists hi of '> iautifi G(eorgette W\aists pe-tit-Chine \\1a.tints Son sale at Middy Suits iks! Silks! .v priecrl at $I.9S per yard,. T OR E