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VOLUME XXXVI. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1920. NUMBER 3 FOIRMER JNBIANA GOVERNOR KILLED J. Frank Hanly and Two Prominent Ohloans Die When Auto Is Struck by Tralii. Dennison, 0., Aug, l.-J. Frank Hlanly, former governor of Indiana, and candidate for president on the prohibition ticket -in 1916, and Dr. and irs. C. M. d3aker, of Kilgore, Ohio, were killed six miles from here early today when a Pennsylvania freight train struck the automobile in which the party were driving to Kilgore. All three suffered fractured skulls and crushed bodies and none of the three recovered consciousness after being brought to a local hospital. Mr. Hanly died at 9 a. i.; Mrs. 'aker at 11:30 a. i. and her husband at 5:30 ip. ml. Dr. and Mrs. Baker had met Mr. H-anly in Dennison at 6:30 this norn Ing and iw re driving him to their home in Kilgore, twenty miles froim here. The automobile drove across thi Pen nsytlvania tracks btck -of onc freight train and directly in front of another. The automobile was struek equarely. Mr. lanly was en route to Carroll ton where he was to have delivered ai address tomorrow. He had intended spending the day with the Bakers a their home in Kilgore. Sketch of Hanly's Life. Indianapolis, Ind.. Aug. 1.-Formel Gov. J. Frank Hanly of Indiana, wlh was killed in an automobile acciden near Dennison, Ohio, today, was bor April 4, 1863, in a log cabin in liam rpaign, county, Illinois. He secured hi: education by workiig his -way througl the Eastern Illinois Normal school a Danville, Illinois. He taught schoo for several years following his gradu ation from the Illinois Normal schoo and studied law during his spar time. In 1889. he was admitted to th .Warren county (Indiana) bar and be gan the practice of law at Williams port, Indiana. A year later, he wa nokninated and elected to the Indian state senate where he at once took front rank as a debater and forceft legislator. In 1894, he was nominate by the Republicans of the Ninth Ir diana district for congress and wa elected by a majority of more tha five -thousand. In the fall of 1896, h moved t, [a Fayette, Indiana, wher lie formed a jpartnership in the prac tice of law 'with State Senator Will I AVood. 9 year later, he was a cand date for United States senator on til Republican ticket against Senator A bert Beveridge, but lost the nomini tion In the Republican caucus by few votes. In August, 1903, Mr. Hanly decide to become a candidate for the Repul liean nomination of governor. Wh< the convention met he was nominate unanimously on the second ballot, I was elected in 1.904, by almost 85,0' plurality. the largest ever given gubernatorial candidate *by eith party in Indiana. W~hen his term as, governor expir< in 1909, he became an active worker the ProhibItion casie andI for the ft lowing five years toured the count at the .head of a body of Prohibitil lecturers, known as the "flying squ dron." In JTune, 1913, the "flying squ dron foundation" was incorporat with Mr. Hianly at its head, a through it he has since directed t Prohibition fight. In 1916;, he was the unsuccessi eandidcate of thew Prohibition party I president. lHe .was active in the Pi hibition fight in Ohio and in v'aric 1)arts of the country where attem1 were made to have the present P ,bibition lawv declared unconstituth al. lie was the publisher of two 4papi in IndIianapolis, the National EnIu er, a weekly paiper, which he fou1 MAXWELL HOUE COFFEE ,0 ed In 1915, and the Indianapolis Com- c mercial, a daily paper. f .He represented the drys before the t United States supreme court in the Ohio cases in w'hich the constitution ality ol 'the iNational (Prohibition q amendment was sustained as well as the validity of the Volstead act for its enforcement. ('1IL)EiS WELFARE. Valuable Conference Held at Gray Court Wednesday and Thursday of Last Week. (ray Court, Aug. 2.--A children's health conference, planned and ar ranged for -by the efficient county trained nurse, Miss Minnie Rogers, was held at the Gray Court-Owings school building on July 27 and 28th, from 9 to o'clock both days. ' Other nurses giving their services to the conference were Miss Murphy, district superNsor; Miss iFannie Boulware, of Laurens, and Mrs. W. T. Pace, of Gray Court. The physicians of the town, espec ially Drs. Rogers and Pace (Dr. Bea son being kept away on account of business), stood by so loyally, gave their services so freely, and their time so willingly. A free examination was offered ev ery child in the territory from the age of three months to six years, and 108 children were, examined. Two records were made of the results of every examination, one put on file in Mliss Rogers' office, and one given t, the parents of the child. During both days, at least 300 came to the con ference, others as onlookers or as partici)ants. Dr. Cornell, baby specialist of Co Sumbia, was present and not onDy hel:,ed with the examination but gave most helpful talks both days on the care of children from Infancy through the second year. Dr. Carpenter, of Greenville, was to have been present on Tuesday after noon to make an address on "T' Rights of Children," but a mistake in the date caused the conference to miss this treat. 'Helpful pastors were in evidence everywhore, and plenty of good liter ature on child welfare was on hand for general distribution. The pretty .white baby bed, made of an ordinary laundry basket, invited to peaceful slumbers, and the special e ice-box, "just for baby's milk," made of a lard tub and a large tin bucket, showed what can be done at little cost. Other exhibits there were, too, of interest to the mothers and house keepers. Miss Daisy Harris had for inspection and exaniination a can ning outfit, and some speelmen cans of fruit, that even to look at made d one's "mouth water." Special thanks for the splendid suc cess of the conference are due the irses, the home 'physicians, Dr. Cornell, Mrs. R. L. Gray, publicity chairman, and the zealous members of aher committees. aWe feel that owing to the great interest manifested, much good has already been done, and that this is but an earnest of the untold benefits to the future citizens of our towns and communities. "An Interested Mothuer." a a- JI(HIWAY IJUILDEIlS dMEET IN ANDER~sON hie lDiscuss Ro4adls to be Takeni Inic State System. Figures by) Langley Anderson, August 2.-The statt 0or highway commission held a meeting e. here today and a large crowd of mer og of the county were present. ,R. Ghood ts wyn Rhuett, chairman of the commis .o sion, made a short talk. lie stated tha n- similar meetings were to be held evel the state to ascertain the needs o irs the different counties, and to find th r- roads In Anderson county to be con id- sidered in the state system. They are Anderson to IPendleton and' courit: line; Anderson to Blelton, .Honea Pati to Peizer, Anderson to the Georgi state line at some point on the river. J1. Roy Pennell, formerly state high Sway engineer, said millions of dollar were being spent in carrying out plan of the old commission, and that th present commission could not chang ithose plans iwithout throwing awa Smuch of the work already finishet and now under construction. Many suggestions of different road wvere made to the commission. bi nothing 'definite was settled. C. 1 Cueton and a delegation from Pich ns couuty requested that the road rom Liberty to Pickens be included I1 he highway system. The members of the highway com. alssion present were: R. Goodwyr thett, chairman; Robert E. Ligon, An. lerson; A. B. tLangley, Columbia; rank Manning, Jr., -Barnwell; C. If loorelleld, engineer; and L. H. Thor. ,s, secretary. A. 13. Langley said the automobile: n the state represented an outlay o 108,000,000, 50 per cent of the Invest d capital of the state, and that goo< oads were necessary to conserve thl: tart of the reRources of the state [he average value of an automobile i: 1,275 and the average length of ser ,ice three years. The cost of upkeel in present roads is about 25 to 30 pe ent of the value of the car. Mr. Langley then gave some sta Istles In the use of gasoline, sayinj he state cdnsumed last year apl)proxi nately $10,000,000 worth and that duir ng the first six months of this yea 1',000,000, gallons, which will brin he sum up to between $16,000,00 Ind $18,000,000, and that auto dealer iad estimated that good roads woul These performances q They are pot a surpri was never shown by , Some of the hardei equivalent to 7 years Some were on origin Many were owner cal day work, to break t] Women piloted some new marks for fast t there any important ECONOMY W'ith 49 cars In ev( miles oper hour and 18.9 miles per gall 21 cars -were sent 4 Connecticut, some course, averaging I 000 miles service A liastings, Neb. 'm aging 28 miles per Four wvomen dIrove return averaging 2 madie the round ti an average' of 23 I' RELIABILITY Reliability which lI en gasoline mileag stop motor perfor runs. An E:ssex which h frocm Columinbuts, 01 hours, 40 minutes. Another Essex tha' -andl Fort Kent, on trips <within a wer An Essex which h roundi~ tipl bet weel route of grades at water sut mply. witI all sealed It aver. Literally hundreds c actly what you may not so vividly estabi . Phone 274 .jsave 33 per cent of gasoline and up keep expenses. Card of Thanks. -Ve 'wish to thank our friends for the many kindnesses shown us dur ing the iiineis and deatn of our lov Ing husband and father. May God's richest blessings rest upon you a,11. Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Children. i "Bat-Snp Bents the Best Trap Ever 3ade," Mrs. Emily Shanii Says. "Mly husband bought $2 trap. I bought a 50c box of 'RAT-SNAIP. The tral) only caught 3 rats but RATL SNAP killed 2 In a week. I'm never without RAr NAVP. Reckon I could - not raise eh t without it." RAT >SNAiP' comes In cakes. Three sizes, r 25c, 50e, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Laurens Iiardware Co., Putnam's Drug Store and Kennedy lros. Babb Reunion. . The annual reunion uf the late Mel r meth and Mahulda Babb family wiil .be held at Rabun Creek Baptist ( church, August 25, 1920. All are urged to come and bring rl well-41lled baskets. 1hat Is 1 >r Essex Note the Range 4 Performances All f how what to expect of the Ess se to the more than 40,000 Essi mny other car. t tests were made by Essei of average driving. l tires that had done from 15,1 s---owner driven--taken witho ie speed, reliability and econor of the runs that showed as hig ime over long distance driving ear quality left for Essex to. pr ry type of performance of from 5 to 72 over all kinds of roads the average was Dn. >n an average 216-mile economy run in over mountains and others on a level 8.7 miles per gallon. One cat' with 35, veraged 21.2 miles per gallon. oman drove 109 mIles to Lincoln aver gallon from Los Angeles to San F'rancisco and 2.3 miles per gallon and another Essex p between the two cities. 8-16 miles, with lles 1)er gallon. a a ilarge factor' in car economy than ev e was prIovenl in every locality in non inances and in long distance Inter-city ad seen 16,000 miles ser'vice was driven o to 'Washington, D). C., 4013 mIles, In i t. had set the best time between Boston the CanadIan Border, made four' rounds k, totaling 4,052 miles ad previously gone 28,000 miles made a San F'ransisco and ios Angeles over a d mountain spiasses, fretiuently far from its gear shift levers, hood and radiator ged 22.8 miles per' gallon. f tests like these were made in expect from the Essex you buy ished its performance? >AMS NV DEA NOTICE OF ELECTION. otate of South Carolina, County -of Laurens. Whereas, petitions signed by a lega Lumber of the quali'fied electors anl ree-holders residing in Scuffletowi chool district No. 2, Laurens coun y, South Carolina, asking for an elec Ion upon the qucstion of voting at tdditional 4 mill tax upon the proper y in said school district, to be use( or school puflposes, have been filet vith the county board of education in election is hereby ordered upoi maid question, said election to be heli in the 18th day of August. 1920, at thi ;chool building in said district, unde he management of the trustees o aid school district. Only such electors as return .real o )ersonal property for taxation an' who exhibit their taUx receipts ani registration certilcates as required 1i the general election shall be allowei to vote. Those favoring the 4 mill additiona tax shall vote a ballot containing th word "YKS" written or printed there The Quinine That Does Not Affect the He Decntnse of Its tonic and laxative effect,.LAXA TIVVE nRO0MO QUININE is better than ordinar QrI nine and does not cause nervousness no ritintin in head. Remember the full namft an 'ol for the signature of E. V. GROVE. 301 rhere L to Pro >f its Nation-Wide dade in One Week ex you will get. 3x owners, although their e4 : cars that had already trai )09 to 20,000 miles. ut special preparation fromr iy marks of their localities. h as 28 miles to the gallo1 where men with many cars ve? SPEED The inter-city records fo now held by Essex. From Buffalo, N .Y. to 1 An Essex did it in 80 m The St. Louis to Kansas by Essex in 11) hours, from Yakimna, Wash. to Moutntalns In 4 hours, *timne by 1 hour, 44 minul HILL-CLIMBS In every section Essex s miost dliflicul t hills. The Rim 0' theO World 5,000 feet in 8.8 miles 0 17 mitutes, 23 seconds, Thle 31st Street hill in 6 an Essex on highl. No the Trildien Street hill a miles per. hour andl the loadl 16f locks up) hill. NON-STOP MOTO] At many points non-stc (luring wvhich the car wi try and inter-city ruini slpeed but in no ease period of test. Scores< opleration for 144 110ur1 -3361 hours-was madle all parts of the country. r. Can you place equal con LOTOR LER on. Those against the .1 mill addition al tax shall vote a ballot containing the word "NO" written or printed thereon. Polls shall open at the hour of 8 o'clock in the forenoon and shall remain open until the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon when they I shall be closed, and the ballots count ed. Tle trustees shall report. the result of the election to the county auditor and county superintendent of educa tion within ten days thoreafter R. T. .WfljSON, Supt. 3-2t-A By order of County Board. r I After you .eat-always take ATONIC E F 2R YOURSTO S AM ,Instantly relieves Heatburn. Bloated Cas Feeling. Stope indigestion. food souring re peating. and all the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC Is the best remedy. Tons of thou.r eande wonderfully benefited. Positively gusr. V anteed to please or we will refund monew. 1t Call and g0% 0 big bo" today, To;& WiU GeM Laurens Drug Co., Laurens, S. 0. eft ve iual in so many instances reled over 35,000 miles their ordinary day to 1 of gasoline. They set hesitate to venture. Is r time in nearly all localities are ochester the distance is SS miles. nutes. City record, 303 miles was taken 17 minutes. Another Essex went Seattle, 180.1 miles over Cascade 6 minutes, lowering the railroad es et. new performanlce marks on the In California, a climb of nearly ver mountain roads, was made in beating all previous records Vashington, D. C., was climbed b~y other car had (1one that. And on n Wlssex iwent over the top) at 51 ame car towed a 6-ton truck with ii motor performances were made is for a greater time used In coun ing. No attempt was madeo at ras the motor stoppied durIng the sf citIes saw the E0ssex in consitant .At one point a two weeks test of a motor in constant operation. What they reveal is ex idence in any car that has Co. Laurens. S. C.