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* TABLETS- ~ MtTonlight- Getai Tomoi-row rel Right I25'Box LAURENS DRUG 00., Laurens, 8. ( For That Sluggish Feeing, The fmousra aInd herbalj rema edy that gently removes health - lestlriofng pbt sons and wastW . from the systenm AVYOU Dr6' st' A COLD? FOR PROMPT RELIEF TAKE I TAB.ET EVERY 2 HOURS FIRST DAY- ,3 TABLETS DAILY THEREAFTER (WITH WATE R) U ASPI I ITRAM bolAft mt"smS*O DOES NOT DERANGE THE STOMACH INVENTIVE GENIUS ROS CALOMEL OF NAUSEA AND DANGER Doctori' Favorite Medicine Nov Purified and Refined from Al Objectionable Effects. "Calo tabs"-the New Name. What will litunon ingoniuity do next -mokeless powd-r, vireless telegraihy horseless carriages, colorless iodine. taste less quinine.-now I(mts naie-aless calo) mipl. ''he now illprovemenlt called "Calo tab" is now mn sale al drutzgstor.s. F-or hiliousniess, cmot ipatio and1114 indi getion the n1. l l t ati blet, is a prae tivally perfect reiedy11* . as evidencved b)3 the fact that tihe in aufacttrers have au thor izi all uigits toe re'fundl the prier if thei.uitomri, is eOt "ierfectly deilighted' with ('ilales. f ine tablet at lhetitne will al Ywallow~ eef wate-thbat's atll.. No taste inig youir li ver is lihoroueghly~ ch-an'.ed am youet are feeling line. with a heartyi appe 1 bot youri butsiness. ('alotabs are nolt sthl inl hulk. (;et ari (criginali wack age, sealIedc. I 'rice, thirty Mohl by 1It-frens Drui Co. UEEEEEEEEEEmEEE Indigestion's Pangs --come from lack of pepsin and other digestive juices in the stomach. FoodI lies oin it, heavy andi undigest ed. Soon it sours and not only cauises the pains of in digestion but poisons the whole system as well. helps the stomach produce its own digestive juices. It b u i I da strength for the s t o m a c h. The stomach, when strengthened, easily digests the food. The suf ferer gets immediate and permanent relief. Write for our free booklet which reproduces the testi mony of 55 men and wonmen who, before a United States Court, swore as to the merits of this wonder med icine. l.eral ~ittle $1.00 (6 for $5.N(t at any druig st(,re or perepaid on receipt of prtice. THlE SUL-FERRO-SOL Co. Desk A Montgomery, Ala anSuumusuuuuuum DO3ESTIC ISSUES TIhEME OF ADDIEss Governor Coolidge Urges Nation to Solve the Problem of Jieconstrup. tion. Northampton, Mass., July 27.-Gov ernor Coolidge, in an address formal ly acce )ting the Riepublican nomina tion for vice president at notification ceremonies here today urged the country to summon Its forces -to solve the problems of reconstruction. le devoted the greater part of his ad dress to a discussion of domestic is sues, but called first for "a return to a thorough peace basis because that is the fundaniontal American basis," and before domestic problems can be solved, he added, there must be a re. turn from "the voluntary autocracy," established in the emergency of war. to a government as exercised under the doctrine of the separation of powers. In (iseusslig the league of nations, the governor commended the 'ltepub lican senators for their opposition to the covenant without reservations as suhbnitted by th1 i'resident, terninug "the league in that form subversive of the traditions an(d the independ ence of Anierica," but the Republican party, he added. "aipproves i(the prin ciples of agreement anong nations to preseirve peace. and pledges itself to the making of such an agreeim.'t, pr'serving American indepenrenee and rights as mwell, and ieet every dty America owe-s tq humanity. - The oxrcises werel held on Allen Pield, the ai thletic ground of Sm1ith College, at 3 o'clock th!!i afternoon, before a crowd of several thousand whiich stood throughout the program, apparently unmindful of the scorch ing rays of the sunl which had turned tie ideal summer day of the morning into one of uncomfortable sultrIness. The Governor spoke from a mound which formed a natural platformn and stoot under a canopy flanked at either side by the Stars and Stripes and the state flag of M assach usets. With hin oin the platform were Seniator Lodge, former Seinato- Join W. -Wcks, of Massachusetts. and other party lead ers. A touch of the picturesque was ladded when an airplane flew low and(] iropped upowers uon the field. Governor Coolidge's declaration in behalf of woman's suffrage was the signal for anl en thusia stic demonstra tion. lie said that lie hald always voted for it, bit did not regard it as a party question. The Republican iarty, he 5aki. "stands pledged to list its endeavors to hasteen ratification, which I trust will 1be at once accom plished."' h'lie address of notifilation was de livered by (Goverior Edwin '. lor. tow of Keitu icky. FORY K1111,:' "CO" |-:lehteen Year Old Fi-:Ier lIy)att l'ais lle-atlh l'Innity for .I Iurdir of Ai a '% Ili-eman, ii jytar old l'lmiir I lyatt, the, c-onvicte: Slayel' of l'atrolmani ()'lirin, o1 Roc-hester,. was lo t to deg.t h ini t hi i-etr ie (-hailr at Sing Siing j't-aum to. -night. I lyatt entere th--u Ile deathl i lc ihmbe ti shouts of I oodbye"1111 fro the- oithi -iimttes oif thle death hioutsi, "Goodt by,-, hioys,' lie call- i-an rturn as hii calmilty walkeid to thei chai r, accomi panied lby thei iter.A. N. l'eterseni Proitest.ant (-hiallain of th ri-tson. Ilyatt *"as ihe youngest jier50on Ov'e hplt to deth In Sing Sing prison. ii' ha)d noft reaiched~ his i-ighutee(nthi birthI (lay whe-n lie shot andm kIlli'd thle hloch ester police-man aft er an exchange o irvol veir shiots. iilriinn his iunprisonmeont in ti< death house Ily3atti was coniit~a tha Governor SinithI would commun lte4 hi: senti(-nce and lie did not give up~ hoji until the last. If the rover-nor gIVEs ime a (-hanti for life. I will make good," lie sai' 'airlieri in the day. Ii atts moothlier'- rsen ted'( a piet it iou to (ovyerntoi Si th, h-a irig the namrie: of se-veralI of thle ji uos w ho convict it the young man in lier efforts -to olbtair ('l 1m11n y, bitt the govern- d~)i~eclti ne to Interv-ne. Iiis miothrci, M\rs. Thomas Douighty3 and a brother and~ a sister tuaid a fare well visit to him thIs evening. Nille a'i l'oliceman ilo liis ter, N. Y., -,Jiily' 29.- liyat shoti anrd killed I'oI Icrman Willlim 1I O'i',ilen on thr. night (if .lay 2, 1919, ii a trevolver- duierl after O"Itrilen h ad suar tirisedi hIm in the act of burigtalriin a hos1e Onl (hiarsori a vonu1. 113-at. alttmpfitted to 'sc'apte but was5 stopipe by a shot firm a detectivye. No Worms lia a i1eafthy Child All chlldre~n troubled with wor-ms have an uir healthy cotor, which indicates poor blood, and as rule, there ie mere or lerns stomach dlsturbanco GitOVE'S TASTELESS chIll TONIC g~ven regularl for two or three weeks trill enrich ther l;'ood, irr pirovei the digestion. and act rus a General Strengtl eninguu Tonic to the wholeo syrtemn. Naturec wi t be throw off or dispel the wirms, arid t he Chlildr willt i in w'rf' I~ thm hoe ...a. .o ,.a.,. m,. .e. bot..u WALSH PLEDGES ' SUPPOI' TO COX Massachusetts Senator Who Opposes League Unamended Promises Loyal Aid. Dayton, 0., July 29.-Governor Cox, 'Domocratic presidential standard bearer, today was pledged the vigor ous and unqualified support of Sena tor David 4. 'Walsh, of Massachusetts, a leader among the senate Democrats who differed from the administration on the league oll nations and who fought for reservations. Senator RWalsh arrived here unex peteedly today and was Guovrnor Cox's guest at dinner before leaving for the east. ' ... , )'.i "I shall aid in every possible way to secure {Governor Cox's election," said Air I'Walsh. "I voted for himi from the first at San Francisco and sholl continue my 'most loyal and vig orous aid." Senator Walsh said he had not learned lovernor Cox's position re garding reservations and other de tails in the league controversy, adding that he had not come here to discuss or advise with the candidate on that r any other auhject. lie called sole ly to talk over campaign affairs. he said, with 1). .1. .lahoney, Governor Cox's son-in-law, and while here the governor insisted umpol tonight's visit to Trall's End. 'E'ven should he an( the governor 1 differ on the league, Senator Walsh said, lie still would support the govemor Vnthitisiastical "Ile was the most progressive an(] liberal candidate in the field at San Francisco," .\Mr. Walsh addeed. -The senator was the sole visitor at Trail's end today. le arrived just whei Governor Cox was finishing the first rough draft of his acceptance ad dress, and preparing to be the guest of honor here tomorrow at the "home coming" and noni-political celebration. Governor -ox dIg all day on his slpcech of acceptance on August 7. of the ipartEy nonfination. 'le aims to hold it within eight lewspaper col imis or 9,600 words and might he able to re" :ce it somewhat. 1lope th' the leagtue would not he the campaih, s paramount issue was epressed by Senator Walsh, who led A big How Firestoi puts the mil in - and the p roves it-n at YOUR e Ipense. No other tul on so big a s Cab Compai Tubes exclus service of th< -improvem< arrived at. By close wa tubes in sert instances, thi definite. Itho successful effort in the platform committee at San Francisco for thi words in the Ileague plank statIng that the party does not oppose reser vations making America's obligatiom clear and more specific. "I hope we can devote more atten tion to American questions," said tht senator to friends here, asserting thal opposition to profiteering should b( stressed The senator declared to visitors that he still favored league covenant reservations and would never vote for the league without reservations to ar ticle 10. The Republicans, he predict ed, nvould seek to make reservation of Article 10 their principal light and he said Governor Cox should be "very careful" what positoinl he took. Senator Walsh predicted .the Irish questions would not be campaign is sites. "I -don't think they will Ilgure at all," he said. "People of Irish blood will vote just as they always have, lepiblican or 'Democratic, as Amer icans, regardless of their views on Iriish independence." Laurets Offilers Praised. Some Belton people had been charged with speeding in -aiurens county, and as I was a nohlicer, and from 1,aurens, they came to me and told me their troubles. 1 informed .thei they wvould be treated nice, for I know they were not guilty, but it was a mistake. So they were to ap pear at l1aurens, -but came back and one of them called on mc. I asked him how he came out. "Alright," le said, "they just took our word for it. I never have seen better pecople in all my life. We were strangers and the sheriff invited us into his offie just like he always knew us. They are fine oflicers." That's all. Now, I will say that makes me feel good. J. C. IIENDIEHSON, Belton, .July 29. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially. preparod Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates ^ Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle, Escale: 3,200 ie es 6( tes in the world are road tested cale as Firestones. The Yellow~ iy of Chicago uzses Firestone ively on its 800 taxi cahs. Th( :se tubes is checked constantly :nts and developments arc tching of a large number o: rice-not confined to isolatec e conclusions are accurate anc rui GASOLINE ENGINE DRAG S Do work of 6 to 10 men-Level without stopping Engine. Gasoline for catalogue. All 'Equipped with Bosch Magneto. COLUMBIA SUPPI 823 WEST GER'AIS STRE. 45-tt J. J.Mcs Candidate for Congress, asks of Constructive .easures, includini 3. Education, vocational and prak 2. Farm development and good ro 3. ExPose and prevent profiteorIn 4. Economy and reducing Federal 5. .Stop encroachments of Federal G. Stop "Pork Darre!" polities. IIE ASKS EVlI'Y' CITiZEN To 11 J. HOWARI OF ABBE CANDIDATE FC Born and r-aised in Greenwvo hury and Ware Shoals, ' attend Sehool, gradiated from Clemnsor perience as lawyer; representeId 11111re Ior' eight consecutive yeal plrimary an( after these eitght, y Senator from Abbeville County Couity Chairman of Abbeville rc1or1 as a lawyer, as a public s( road te tubes S cn fte Fret. Firesthcnets the manship into tubes by organi manufacturing organization c on a profit-sharing basis. rAnd then subjects the finisi' this big-scale road test--in oi more for your tube money a out of your tires. And yet Fi cost no more than the ordine OI bes AWS AND SAW RIGS. controlled Clutch-Stops saw Engines 2 to 12 H. P. Send . COMPANY T T, CO4UMBIA, S. C. WAIN your support on his platform tical. ads. job-holders. Power. 1)I'P. ) MOORE VILLE IR SOLICITOR od County, near both Cokes ed Cokesbu ry Con ference College. Twelve years ex Abbeville County inl Legis -s. elected each time in first ears of service elected State in 1918 without opposition. County. uinning upon my rvant and as a man. ost on stonle Universal 34x4 naterils into ing experts at orld's; rubber best in work ring the crack f the industry ed product to der to get you nkd more miles restone Tubes ry kind.