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** * Local and Personal Mention. ** * *** * * * *- * * * * * * * * 0*S is'Miss Jeanette Miller, of dreanville, is vgtn gasA~aJ Sli Svan.' -. Miss Bess .hildress returned, home lastl Wkdnest~ar after a klolfghtfdl visit'to Winnsboro. Nt.1 (Boyce IR.- Clardy, who' is now livhi at .Mullins, has been visiting relat-.ves here for several days. Miks Virginia 'Barksdale left few days'pgo for the University of Virgin la to take the summer' course In teaclhng. Mrs. T. C. Switzef and little daugh ter, 1atherine, have returned home af ter Asiting relatives in Baltimore for severl weeks. Mini4 Harriet 'H. Sullivan left Satur day for New 'Rochelle, N. Y., -where she lias secured a tutoring position for the rest of the summer. Misses Lucia and Annie Simpson ar rived -yesterday from Jacksonville, Florida, to be present at the Fuller Stout wedding next week. Mr. Joseph .H. Sullivan leaves today for a visit to his ldaughter, Mrs. W. 11. 'Whitley, at Alberniarle, 'N. C., and other points in Nort-h Carolina. 'Dr. G. C. Alliright, 'Dr. T. -L. Tim 'merman -andDr. Clifton Jones attend ed the meeting of the State Dental association In Columbia last week. Mr. J. C. Burdette, a former resi dent of the county, now living at Cli max, Ga., has been visiting relatives at Lanford S-tation And othnr part n( the county for severt weeks, Miss Ev. Taylor"' *bo has been at tending the South Carolina Epworth League conference, returned Monday, reporting a very good meeting and much 'god fwork xione during itbe .past year. Miss Pansy Clarke, of Anderson, is .the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom -Hen derson on 'South Harper street. An other guest exlected by Mr. and Mrs. Ilenderson the latter part of the weck is Miss'.lary Dallas, of 'Florida. Mrs. J. Moore Mars and little daugh ter have returned to their home In Abbeville after visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. AWilkes for several weeks. They were accompanied by 'Miss Pattie time. Mrs. T. M. Wilson and Miss Addle AWilson, of Lake City, have retuy'ned to their home after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Wilson's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 1B. qiodes, of Gray Court. They were accompanied home by Miss it tic Owings, Janie Harris and Nell Rid dle of Laurens. W. tHastings 'Dial, Jr., iwho has been in the service of the ,United States Shipping BDoard for about a year and has visited many ports on both sides of the Atlantic, is at home on a furlough of several weeks. He expects td be sent on a cruise to China and Japan when his furlough is Complete(. Mr. and Mrs. John Law Anderson, -after visiting the formneris parents, R1ev. and Mirs. W. flay Anderson for several days, have gone to Gibson, N. C., to visit .\lrs. Anderson's -parents. From there they will go to Abbeville, where M\r. Anders~on plans! to go into business very soon. il~ri. J1. M. Fewvell, remuemberedl here as the principal of the Watts .\lls school, is visitinig ini the city for a few days. 'Dr. Fewvell received his M. D. (degree this year, but will accepit a year's hospital work at .Philadelphia before settling dowvn to practice. lie is undecided as yet where he avill lo cate. + SOCIETY. + Mr it-Cope)land, Friends in the city will be interest ed to 'earn of the marriage of Miss Nona Martin to Mr. William D. Cope landl, of Clinton. Trho wedding oc curredl Thursday afternoon at five o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cheatham. The home wvas pret tily decorated and only the immediate families were present to witness the ceremony, which swas performed by Dr. J. R. Jester. After the ceremony Mdr. and Mrs. Copoland left for the enountainls of North Carolina. -They will make their home in Clinton where 'Mr. Copeland is in business.--Green Wood Index-Journal. Stone-Cash. A quiet home wedding was solemn ized on Wednesday, June 16, at the home of Mrs. Jeremiah Stone, near .. IPrtnceton, .when her daughter, F~ellcia .gnes, becamn the bride of C. B. Cash, of Gaffney. Rev. N. M. Harrison per Sformed the ceremony, using the ring service, in the presence of a few reia tives and friends. The house was '' tastefully, but simply deoorated in ferns and cut flowers, the color , scheme being green and White. 'The ~'.brido coefeoat ui, ith' ac 'Ile' tet A *Good Furni tur is the Most Economical Good Furniture renders a permanent and essential service. Furniture of character bought today will be as good fifteen or twenty years in the future as it now; and yet it costs but little more than that of the doubtful make. We will handle nothing but good Furniture, and whether simple pieces at a moderrte price, or the more elaborate t, pe, you may feel sure that it is of cor rect design and of a quality of material and workmanship that will endure years and years of service. We have -never shown so large or so fine a line of Home Furnishings as we now have on exhibit. We will consider it a privilege to show you through our store at any time. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes &Co. theAl vally an fers. of~~~~i Mrs. Jeema Stn adiia t imestoneM Colege Th gro Isth son ofMr. an Mrs. . R.ICsh, o Gaffny, ad is pro isingyoun busnesma_ H i coneced it freshmens wr e b ri e d roes the broe edadh ri a o h rdl ma. UigIh m rsi e rn sr- o u li c esres t i ci aie ro a t h h thera d v all e a hic her ha p coupa m scllegrm wsgvn b c, h nrae cr mil' ws PI r.~'oli agtro Ar n l s at wek Tn itI j wtrc v anrs acco.lCrisheof gr d aeoGrnecenviltly Mse;arl 1v 1 P a~n ) 1. f S m e. o a' olge f te cas f '9 ~ r. 1 a c iiy ~ t' ~ C Mr. and Mr. E.d Mr. Cash, of ahG fWaftefntnoeeyte w ddn;a ~ae~ y telinit h rdl er hr h m. h sa vr ata- ti camnl at ody atr bua n e Mr. Co le is o nre f W ter ihloo;c o, .. P oth r, I. L te c uc, *a d to eh r iil h y e ii. o d i o f M. a d lt. Afe n itletlg c net thMaiss l Mryow u detontu-telit a aMnd101 'Mre.ndt ok g ess I m ditl r pir d to teMr.yretW o o he P plr Spigillingis-la O~ 51 as S1'el wion.h ofIonls MtsElaK ht, ~ae ttefoto h ih h m ftebies mteo etco m nt n sagalaeo u Thn ofiNr thCi a Prefsre wodbouiyothebierltind wlans er. M. n rs churcIhas iih hs (l'' of ng s vea am s o F ry Tw h tereo Mrs..11 G ipufyrenile a Prnis fGrevilGloaaos-rreetit,'o m er mog th eoft le rcevthtreieers orC Mr.y ban e- thes brid -Csof E a c;if th rdaRoD'woet--ot o o i g et e' tt h e-j o ns i he d'~e a ans h ii lado Smtr of W re S oals Mr and Mrs. J. C Miecs A ed t e e a ndv al o ite Clrk. M'idan, te brd gomls s vrl as hi etnti n w s A ah pry h ii(-lc a * Garrett-RowlandMr.'and of . Robter, andgtenmai R of i.adM-.R wanerrab'dlthi rod tAdt'oS . hr wedaing tW~dne~ay Ovenn~ botn v si n so elnsI a e din wit' or-s W o.M. H ny W o a d Ms di ~ lo il iro' N s ulr a ter o Mrs. Guy S .Garrtt, o.tithe ted irst v eil ofrtha e w in cp pol ftigony~a hto isgom acmaidhmo i ap land, of Sumter. bide L.M ose , and P.rc ooh, am r.e, Cs- bet WoL.N c nsa, u e sx e wsh t ~ i' u' m n Thoichreb beatifuly ecrat- ottd M. le'yo g ode theed (arn - t eooka hc h m f te h-Ie o rd lc.ta k t h re d 1( eg br ed bou th alar n parnl ashontonhe ir lae tt he ot gav this ris- NcoghtC is.ay Ble Fle, w os vd lligtesik es ad dah o u ed a~ou th alar n pramd fbb n edialy ot of the altar. n yam the farrn asat de by ol afe scil vnt fths ek, hs en.W ren M Sep n. t~xki~' a atik"n~~i~'uo undr hebridesmaids andl hig ro ther, eering eaie fte cniatn ate.te rcpet o ay pttcs is'IFf n Il~ R