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BROWN AND OX-BLOOD SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES-SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES Also PASTES and LIQUIDS for Black, Tan and White Shoes THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO. 1. Y. 04..01 Dixie Fabricated Bungalows givo every man a chance to own his own cosy, substantial, endurable, weathor-proof, enjoyable home. Four wall-layer construction with dead air space between effects Insulation against Summer heat and Winter cold. Shipped In easy-to-handle sections-quickly erected by any handy man, by plans wo furnish. What you save In rent will soon pay for a Dixie Fabricated Bungalow. DIXIE HOUSE COMPANY . CHARLESTON. 8. C. Write for Illut's- .~ tratod evatalog of Dixie Houeeu priced f r o m I -~ $364 to S3800. full floor plans, specificatios and pri. o4s n Shipmnents Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Feel Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. L 0 YOU enjoy your meals? Eat Ala., who writes: "I had stomach trou without the dread of the after ble. When I would go to cat, I would effects? turn sick. I took one bottle of Ziron, and it cured me. Amn always ready Lac'. of appetite, and a disgrecable, for my meals and enjoy them. I think sick-ah-the-stomach feeling after meals, it is a fine medicine." usually indicate that your digestive If ycur food hurta you, If your appe. orgas ae nt wrkin prpery.As tite is p~oor, if you are pale, weak and organs are not working properly. symptoms a result, you will feel weak, lose weight that Indicate your system needs help, and lack the energy that is to be do- try Zirou. It will put Iron into your rived from well-digested food. blood and help build you up. 'ake it accordling to directions, and if not A valuable help in correcting such benefited by the first bottle, the money tonditions is mentioned by the IRev. back guarantee will protect you. 1b. K. McKenzen, of Route 1, Section, Awk your druggist trn ik okoebtl fZrn and itcrdm.Amawy4ed fo ymasadeno hm hn A ii~o~on lrc kalc t ior atine dci ne."~ at erel taoni~ ilr 1'run-dwn,\nd havorthe asymtm trfornll il utionitoyu licrz 'w ~~i - loode andceseid yrou up5 Tkei accordng totirectinscancifnno b ak guacanter willjprtec yu To .,~ i Tire .. M~~i):Ci ~a rdnileag c erddt nMle Ties And F)heI reo -a tDe?-ir f'm bhei tire mieded ncese;fom5 Uniorm~-.e mih! f has been~ accorlihed me ;nr ---Ow l e !- Car ds M in a yttr tieo ! myce otiaw'h e aie. Th con Uctr trM!er .ri er,.ta cc ho caure him no t &:.dicd tec~e niilie iecs n r. it NwtheMilrwnb Regod Maer Youd o-:: F obrself a Gmar o- h,.oa Viyuron cn.Th Mtoer Car the tireurfntheS.ay. Ce~r n tera Qtread anoeth, wiovtht fcnm~e cut, on n aa~eefc.!AA Road~~ sigdeatre d,9muhkecog nd d. no caf eroses ow the. Rcrdgloi M ad. eers tell nm Lauens S.r thC.ntreo ~ . RV.l CodLas rp n nlez ORAUNE IS $12,000 TO GOOD; STOLEN BABE IS YET GONE George Coughlin Pays Mig Sun ln Dark, Then Realizes Hle's Been Badger Hunting. Norristown, Pa., June 17.-The po lice again today took up the search for 13-months-old Blakeley Coughlin, stolen from his crib on June 2. At the same time they were looking for a person known only as the "Crank" who swindled George H. Coughlin, the baby's father, of $12,000, which was demanded for the return of the little fellow. After receiving several letters and telelihone calls from "The Crank," Coughlin became convinced he was the abductor and asked the police to withdraw from the case so he per sonally could negotiate with the writ er. "The Crank" at first demanded only $6,000 ransom, but later doubled it. On Monday lie called Mr. Cough linl on the telephone, and gave him instruetions where to leave the ioney. -Te acquiesced in a re(litest of the father that another man not con nected with tle police department ac coipatiy himi to the spot, but desig nated Ulh-y sholid not go to the place heoroe Illidnight and that -they must deposit tie Csh and drive away wN'ith out making the si-gitest attempt to discover his identity. 'T'lhe child would be retulrned in a taxicab, "Tle Crank" sald, within 2.1 hours. Mr. Cough lin said he hiad coiplied with every demand of the kidnapper and felt confident the baby would be returned Tuesday night. Both lie and Mrs. Coughlin remained up all night. At three o'clock the next afternoon lie drove to the spot where ie left the money and found it gone. Ile then gave ipl hlopeo, lie sali, and realized that lie had been defrauded. lie placed the case in the hands of the authori ties last night and announced lie had abandoned all desire of deAling (if retly with the abductors, whd had been promised immunity If the child was returned. .With the latest developments in the case, both the police and the Cough lins have abandoned the theory that the baby was kidnapped for ransom. They are inclined to believe that re venge was tie motive. uiaries iuiier, chief of the Norristown police, said lie had a definite clue and expected results within a day or two. POL LO(lOCK T10 STA N) ON BI PIA1FOlM Forier Senator Aniounce for U. S. Senate on Plattori Adopt(led at Fris. co. olnibia, .June 21j.-Senator Pol lock, who Satulrday announced his can. didaey for tle United States senate agaiist Senator E,. ). QSmithli, mia1de a stal.iiiemi regarding his 1latformi. which lihe says is to be the same a, that adolptedI at the national Demo crati c(olivetion at Sani Frianelisco. Ini ad ditlonl to i'. P ol lock, th ree oilier (iandidlates led their' camlpai'gn pledge.; Saturditay. I. W. iliackcwood, 'f Sitanhmullulg, fori solicitor; .hlack ii. '.i.lhso:i. Sitartanhburg. for conigiess. and I). W. .l(('askill, of C'amdeni, fot ri lroa d 'ommiss ion. Thiis miaktes touri 'a ndliates for'u rilrtoadl comm )isision, iFrankt WA. Shiealy, thle iticumbent, 1) L.Sniitht an 111it. L. Aloss, of Cohlumbia. and .\i'. \le('asklll. Theli (iandidaltes for' stale otlices wvil! ;ipeakI first In ( 'olumiInbia; the cenndi daftes lor the senate will speak tirt in~ St. The tme( fot' filing cam :31 gl ;d(ges expires at noon .\on - ('iy, In maltking lil; annitountcement for lie son;,dIe, .\t'. P'olol ek states-t hat lie will maoke the campaign of the Isat'. I fe'l conftident," .'' r. P'oliock s tat ed Sa.turday, "'that the inational 1D)m ertie conventlin whlih meets thitl 'hctform~ of pr'lilples anld plicies ini the intere ct of thle great masses of bjthe)peole, and~ that all trute D~emo.. (rats ennt stand( upon0 the idat form, asevry c andidal e for lihe ailate In ibil. sta: c ite m st. I to"l cotnfideni ItIhatI lie party will take on backward steps, lut thalit it. will advi se ~ isey fot' the preseati andi will eiuggest proper0 meani tires for thew futuri te good of thle jeo pie of thle countrmy. I 'pon thait platt fortm I shiall stand.'' .r. Pollock expressed lis appr'ecia 'Ion of the election two years ago to the unexpired ter'm of the late Sena tot' illmtan, and( said: "Miy term of those three months ser'vice wvas so shiot that I could not etxpect to Imaike a recordh commensturate withi the hon or done me, biut I cr'ave tile oplpor tunity of serving for' one full term at least in the sen'ate, ,wher'e I believe is the gr'eatest field 'articutlarly foi' r'eal service to mankind." Mir. Pololek states that lie (lees not propose to spendl mutch money in mak lag the campaign. Hie will not have any hieadquar'ters and wi'll not send otit letter's. lie st-ates that lie prto poses mer'ely to appear in person and to stand "on lisa character and fitness for the noaition." ILLITERACY FIGHT * FOR THIS SU3MEli qyrite-Your-Name Classes" and "Lay. By". Sc1ools4 to be Formed. Teaci 1,OOo. The campaign for' a literate Stat( being conducted by the State depart ment of education and" the illiteracy 3ommission, will be continued will increased vigor during the summer rho two outstanding features of th( work will be the orgatrization ol "Write-Your-Name Classes" and gli 'SLay-by'4 schools; the first, for th< purpose of teaching every voter t( iign his name to the Democratic clut rolls and the second, for the i)urp6sc )f teaching at least 10,000 men an( ivomen to read and write. The "Lay-by" schools in which ovei ;,000 adults were enrolled last yeai will be reorganized ini August, whici lias been selected as the time besi suited for tho adults because ther nany of the best teachers in the statt can be secured for one month' teaching and because that Is the vaca. With these wC vites vou,to i delights you zianne.Try it its flavor--ke money saver "Goes'2% LUZL OIIARAM:)*I* -If. Rfter urttagentire c gtie n.I Ite IV 1 11rutei V t re cttuyour $'.U 0 , i e i sw ceisi ii, ti-ectiv. ' ur i w ', laui 11!o! mione)y vuu vi~hd (..r it. l Af *" ills" Without lotor Oil in the crank cas 'ike a steep grade. The "4 TRUE LUBRICANT--r r the terrific heat that ,y are temporary in service Motor Oil is the supreme rity of its value 'to the last dr< roves the performance of yot. l MANY MORE MILES to th, NOMY in "GREEN FLAG"]1 ities and its economy, you mu s than to buy any other recog LAG" dealer and have your cra ft-traveled route, and make no You wilt be amnizd at the in o use. .sts no mor, to begin witih Cost. lese in time end plied by the foliowing well-knowi de 3. C., WV. M. AB3ERCROMB ~iford Station, S. C.; MEAl N, FEnnren. M. C - WATEIPOYEII BILL * BECOMES A LAW Signed by'Wilson, who Falls to Sign Itesolution Designed to Aid Present Paper Situation. iWashington, June 18.-fIrhe water power development bill, ten years In the making, finally has become law. Announcement that President Wil son had signed the measure prior to Jiune 11, was made late today at the White House. At the same time it was announced that he had failed to sign the joint resolution repealing most of the war time laws, and the Underwood resolution providing for negotiations with Canada relative to the embargo on the shipment of wood pulp to the United States. Another bli which failed to receive the president's approval would have authorized the war department to transfer motor equipment to the de partment of agriculture for road con struetion and other iwork Ilesides the water power measure tlie president signed several bills passed in the closing days of the re evnt session of congress. They includ ed an act. authorizing the enlistment in the military forces of non-speaking English citizens and aliens; anl act paying for a set of false teeth for Michael MeGarvey and five 'bridge l'Is. No ex,.iknation of the delay :n an notlioning the presideit's approv" of tlie wni r *.vr measure wias made. Tel White louse statement said: "I'e president having been advised by the attorney general in a formal opinion that the adjournment of con v.ress does not deprive him of the ten days allowed by the constit;Won for the eona.lerat;ion of a measure. but only in ':ase of dsapproval of the opportunllity to return the measure with his reasons to the house in which it originated, has signed the following bills, each within the ten day period, of course. The bills not signed failed to become law under the usual prac tice." "1 Got Real 3l1ad Wieni I Lost My Set tin;r Hen," Mrs. Himmummana. "I went Into the hen house one mor'ilng and found my favorite setter dead. I got real mad. Went to the store, bought some RAT-SNAP and in a week I got six (lead rats. Everybody who raises poultry should keep HAT SNA]P." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.03. S~)cld and guaranteed by Laurens lardware Co., Putnam's Drug Store an:I Kennedy Bros. "Take the H With "GREEN FLAG" N worried look when you str engine cool because it is a loes not break down und .ase of ordinary oils, which your motor. Green Flag cant.. It carries the full integ It increases the power and impi runs smoother and quieter, and ITY, PROTECTION and ECO) To understand its *uperior qual out. It costs no more to do thi Do this! Go to the "GREEN F "GREEN FLAG". Then drive over some famillar, operation and power of your car. Is such a good all pinade for you t sa "k or ren Fla W. P. HUDGENS, Laurens, D. PARSON'3I GARAGE, Lai Inn. 8. C., C3LAUmDN PA TT() tion 'inonlh for the majorify of U11l PeOpleA - k. A lg Any teacher holding. a valid teach or's certificate or any person recom mended to the State superintendent of education by- the county superin tendent of education in writing may organize a school. The minimum term 'will be 12 meetings of not less than one hour and a half for each meeting. The maximum term, will be 20 meet ings. Teachers will be paid $1 an hour provided at least 10 pupils are enrolled with an average attendance of flive. Any teacher may teach two separate groups. It Is possible by this plan for a teacher to make $100 for the scholastic month. TFjghtcen countis have already notified the State department that they plan to put on an intensive cam paigii. County organizers are being employed whose duty it is to work in co-operation with the county su)erin tendent of education for the promo tion of the work. The State pays the teachers. >rds the store in he vor that -good old Lu soon and note ep in mind this "ood old Luzianne 7easr" AlN NE New Oileans e y da CAEN FLG"kepsth e ou do't aveoto wie." It rould be generated by the , and jeapordize the lif~e of test of efficiency in Lubri >p. Lr motor. "Picks up" quicker, a gallon. Thus you have QUAL W4otor Oil. at give "GREEN FLAG" a try. nized Motor Oil. Dk ease drained, and r.rdled whi to of the thrilling difference in the 'provemnent, and mighty glad ther4 IE CO. Laurens, S. C., R. F, )OR'S ATO O , Fonn'.an