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'1-!* . 1 0 T D~ o.L 1(vel. ' 7Irrswith lovst miuga dl i (the naturrd acid o it t o * a::2 ItI -.-q -.,e n :-C rsh " ac U I I No Worms i a 'Ieaty child All children troubledt with worms hanve gin ut, hanihy color, which indlicates pomr bloodi, and ct:, n rule, th ere is more or loss stomaich disturbanc G V 'STASTELESS chill TONIC given-c l ar for twvo or thiree wei hi will enr..ichk the( p1.!,d iro, prove tihe digestion, c~n eta; a G ne::c!," :r': E clning Toinic to thewe sse .Nzture w'1l th, threw;N Oil'or dispel t he worms, ned Owe Cib11 will ' ..erfect I . ilth. Ilh-aiant to :: Ce iwr but, soi rd , cotinn 110 170 ares, mieg t 21 crs 9 miLesof L GG icre nielndna 360 cres nea Boy's 20 a eG ie Onrraedb '32i aecre~ and ne. Ta Vrn.~i lulj hl All aclren tobeat wofit Lauremtin 137byclrwi o acus ear Gr00,any Coit r 143tl'r aclreso I'~ t~iiin reille rsi 103~i crs at\II~lS Muntill e.NC i~ ~ll rO hr goodo be' c fa il rm t I1.eha yto. rices ~tlt an terms ri' sIl rloa alltinds~g of1 5Oae nice lw stoeare I bu ardslelal kinds < Onall andrse ane oles 75are as fLaurm 1S. C. I)FGION JS OPPOSED TO SECESSION inistrtics )elegates to Fight Move for lIonus. State Executive Committee Lauded. New.berry .Next Conven. tion City. Spartanburg, June 15.-The South Carolina department of the American Legion .in convention .hero today went on record as being opposed to with draiwal from the national organization and as opposed to the legion's agitat ing a cash bonus for ex-service men. Delegates to the national convention were instructed to use every effort to have the national convention repudi ate the activities of the national ex ecutive committee in regard to the cash bonus. A resolution was passed commend ing the zeal of the executive commit tee ill endeavoring to maintain sitrict adh-eece to the basic prilciples unl derlying the inception and birth of the American Legion. The session r of the convenion were veely throighoul the lday. 'ITe lu: tionl of, withI(lrawal from the na.tionlal irganizatin, which was takei up m thc tulornling session,. provoked4 hevatev (lisenilanim at liinic. Th im nu-qu lion, which camne u11 d rin the atr non011 ;:kssion was also very lively. Formellr G;ov. (1). ". lley-ward dlelivered4 an in1spir-iing addrevSS a1 the mlornliing 'ess il1l. 'Thir were tbout Intll (elegate(s, rep.. resentingInarly very post inl Sotht Carolina, oin ti floor of tie c(onlvenII tioni hall. .\t '2 o'clock in, the after, noon1 the ex-ser-vice Itent gailtereI alt the chambervi of commller-ce hblfing., whevre thley enjoymed a lunlcheonl toln deredi Iletti by tille chabilier of com - Intvitationts for th nlext contveintiol w(wer extende(i by Greenvile lanl New berry. A movement to make Columbia the permantenti meeting place of Ilte conlven1tion was defeated. G. 11. Maiton. of (;Iieiville, was electd(I ('omtialniet' of the South Car-o lina (partment, and Newberry was -selectedI as the( nevxt conivention (.ity. .1. Lyles Glenn, of Chester, was electei vice coimmantier; Prof. Frantk W. lt'ailrley, of the l'liver'sity of South Carolinla, sitt ibtorian;. Dr. .J. W. Prazor. Spartanhurlg, '-haplainl. 'IT' following were lallied oni the 4'X(*'tivtei\I' colmmittee: irst ditrict., .1. G. Diinkins, Alanniing; Secold d1is trict, 11. 1. Hlly, Ailien; Thiid Is irict'. Hiarry 11. iiughes, Wal hall; Foulrt h dIistIrict, W. F. IRober-tson,. (;reenviliie Sixth ditsrict, Hi. Kamin ski, Georgetown: Seventh distrt'ict, S. P. liondges, columbia. The two mem hirs at large are lei'ry C. Tillman, of wrcswood, and It. 11. F lon, Flor The14 followiner wecrc electedi dle fga- t the n ational convenion w. thI, .\ p rienn1 l in . -0hich m :es i ( Id hif Sipombcr 2i7 : Thani it.Sproll. Port \Iill: .1..'un d A. n : : ! .. ureLarens urer. acre tract near H ickory ;, near 0. P. Goodwin's. irt. County, near Lebanon (Jals. [ shall bfl glad to show ght. aity property for sale. t on East Main street. af stocks. t Real Estate dealer in . WOLFF, s. c. Camden; E. W. Middleton, Charles ton; Jin Shephard, Edgelleid; Ben 'M. S!awyer, Columbia; Bernard Manning, Spartanburg; '1. 1. Ellerbee, .lan ning; Douglas Featherstone, Green wood; llenry C. Moore, Gaffney. Following are the resolutions adopt ed: "Whereas, the South Carolina de partment, American Legion, did not deem it wise to concur In the recom mendation of its executive committee lookng toward the withdra-wal of orir branch from the national organization, and "Whereas, the state executive com mittee was actuated by the highest ideals and impelled by sincerest mo tives, and "Whereas, their goal in endeavoring to maintain the honor and integrity of the Legion is both patriotic and com mendable. "Be it now therefore resolved, by the South Carolila branch Aimerican 1,e gion , inl conivention duly asseibled: 'First, That the South Caroliinh state eXectitive commitittee hv coi mclnded for tl ir' zeal inl endeavorin! to llaiitalin s-trict adherelnce to the bas'-iv princph-snderying the incep. liont and birthl of thec American ! l.t'giont. "Sccond. t hat the tIalks of tile con Ventlionl hit ex1(ealed O utl for thevir faIiithfIl servite and ti-ir great sac i licvs whi ichI they have miade it their I.ervi c( Io 11h4 1 , gionl. 'Whiereas, tie American 1egioin was; fo ndiltdu u toll tt principle's of tuniself. ishne. and patliotisii, and c'ai fill fill its niissji)n in flis (out ryl.' oily, % by r-etuainling true to thee pinipls amtd "\\'l'i'as, the Anit'zican Legion at its first annual eoiveilion reallirmti'ed its adlierenice to these iprincipl s I)' declaring that it would not 'ask for legislation in its seillIsh interests,' and "Whereas, the national execltiv comimlittee has, contrary to the funda menttal irinliples of tle ltgion, a res olution of the jiational contveni ion and to the comparative negl eel of the wotinded and disabled, openly, activt I yand aggrssively agitated and de manded a cash honis for all ex-ser vir mntl, regardltss of disahility, low%. I therefore " e i 't resolvel by lii' Soith ( 'alo lina departint i.i the Aioe-ican Lc gion il convention assembled, " irst, Thal we condein in thi strongest t'erms stch activities of thei national exe-'ative comnmittee as in consistent with tila, principles and ideals upon which the American Iv gioin is founded and In flagrant disre gard of the action of tie nitionai (-on vention duly and solfcinily expressed inl its reou i i on the subject. "-'conid, Tlmt it is the sense of this body that I"' stat' debi yals to th oat inaI cI o; Ive I tio irepudiate Itl' tctiv it's of th nai t iol1 N I i I i ve c noitIII h.mi rf1rr1d if and ' ..h te r : - tilprv t fUrti - m'l i ' s t t n i S' i lt f ' i h tn or It2'm t i-nan e Ot liprmedcWiho t ,it wion mia -t onven ~ tin here li tnight ftt er-t lin dt.r- ing thei iiot'i eague o toitoi Itwifitou wee'- 4 conviion i was astori my utrh-a'in in;t ofii th fedeiotrat iona h-.-im iindse ibtoi, thttl weate iota tih Ilu lt ito 'e ien a ult;m e b'i'a 0' lib-ty i n l mCtaint'anng orer ('il (ill t'oli'inged i highi lost. of l hivingrin. Jlin ofpfood antI cthitiw ntive Itl lavci idit'ly fo I\ igli ! to ut i anilo oeration thf I 'lad iC I'nni byio t flit' nv tin tat is 'i-n falrain rga i h :nuzilti aprovedt by' itacontinh Sbonventi'i o demands: C(-~l;' t VICTIltY MEIDALS I BE DISTItIBUTED Nearly Five 3illion Medals for Men Who Were Members of Armed Fore. eS. Washington, June 20.-Distribution of 4,765,000 Victory medals to Ime, bers of the army, navy and marine corps who were in service between April G, 1917, and November 11, 1918, will begin tomorrow. In addition to the medal Itself, the war department has authorized the issuance of thir teenl "combat or major operation clasps," and a Defensive Sector clasI)" to be worn on a ribbon with the modal and flive overseas service clasps for troops not entitled to the battle insignia. Among the major operation clasps the MAeuse-Argonne offensive leads in point of numbers, department records showing that 1,208,350 men are en litled to tiL decoration: the St. Mihiel drive is second, w% ith -).-,7,750 and the .\isne-Marm' third, vith 277,X80. e irsIt viictory medal was :;vented inl Februmlary to P'resident Wil n as ommandcriin chief of Othe na ion' military and ntaval forces. Havens of Tower of London. The ravens are an instlitition in the Tower of London, althoimli there Is no record that they are one (if its h istorie feanares. One Of the yeoman warders has charge of the rn yeas, giving e.1. a particular nume, such as . mes Crow, thief," if it suits the charactur of thle bird. M 3ONSW BUCK Iuiout questionif Huint's salve fail- I,- tle treatment of zeina. etter Ringworm, itch, etc Don t bec'Orne ditcoltraged be. :nue other treami ents fniled u4%l ',Sailve is reieved hun dieil of such cave.. You can't '(t on our Money Back Gunpantee. Ta y it at our risk ro',A Y Price 7,c at Lairens Drug Co.. Laurens, S. C. mm~( i I' oftnwnee Anale of a Maxweli. they have run aiway fro: Butt in any "piece whui hills, turns, cur roadls enter ito the geun they do( not outrun a The reason for thisi steels in a Maxwell. Tl to Maxwell's own fo make possible construe ing great strength with The lightness of er. -s a Maxwell to with umorcecase and lest Carol: FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 2nd day of July, 1920, 1 will render a final ac count of my act,; and doings as A ministrator of the estate of Eliza I'ichner, deceased, in the office of tile Judge of Probate of Laurens coun ty, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and on the same day will apply for a final dis Charge from my trust as Administra torl. Any person indebted to said estate Is notliid and required to make pay ment oil that date; and all persons having claims against *will Present them on or before said date, duly proven or be forever jarred. w. c. WjiHT.\NmuN,, Administra-tor. June 2, 1920. 46-45t-A NNd musiel n 'olms the soi b 1) INpro'eIc in tll uprem41h pl euo- insi t r1-al si rengt h11 ophitly (.f Ohe \\eaver l'inn, Ill st'vle ilfl t he piaill I'm, Yoi ultility 0, the \\eaver. with the , O'Daniel Clinton 1ItI . I,<l~ .j ... . sis of the "Road of a te to its spec r ears have comec down a 'road speed" control, as.cend mai~ke more tim aight 8tretch of roadway. n1 a Maxwell. The strength .a Maxwell to st~ :>f..going" ...n. . nor bettr, side ves or rough ie. era11 average, I te rtaxwell. I te makes spee~d a s the special cannot, and thmu 1ey are made average its "ro rmulae, anid breaking the sp tight rein-t This ability i lih 'ih. of many that the weight friendships dail take a turn of them to dati Slowing up, 500,000. ina Auto Compa Y. MILAM. Managme NOTIUE. A public meeting of those citizens who return real or personal property in the school district of the town of Laurens, will be held In the court house, Friday, June 25th, at 11 a. m., for the purpose of levying a tax fvor maintaining, the public-Pchools In the town .,of Laurel . for 'th;.e chola stic year, 1920-192'. By orderoef 'Board of T s, 0. B. I Il ", C. f."ROPF)R, rinan. Secretary. , 47-3t Plies Cured In to 4 Daid Drugilat refund money If PX20 OlNTMNr fai.. to cure ling. Milti D ce or Pr- A odlg Piles. . inatly relieves JtchIlg Ile-% at, you onap resful eeu after the htat epoilcat on. Prica c of ile Skilled pi'nist ax-is of Wevrsupreluney' . thee explain tihe vonldelrful Ir 11in one eihie lthe g'reate 4)einil presti-v it will bring.l & Reid S.C. Speed" al steels hilt undler better a hill as well, and over a rough piece of its steels enables and equally as well, rains, roadl uneCven. >rds, a Maxwell then a larger car evens up) to a high ad sped" without medI Jaws. ii a Maxwell is one is Winning new r. Nearly 400,000 3; in another year WY