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* JONES N'E'WS. Jones, -Marchi 12.-The tenderes Syll)atby of everyone goes out to ir and Mrs. H. L. Rasor in the recen loss of their daughter, Annie, fron influenza. Our efficient Supervisor, Tommi Hodges, is looking after the roads It this esction. In the death of our cousin, Jame: Travis Medlock, Greenwood count3 and South Carolina lost one of he1 best citizens. Hlo was the peer o any man. A more high-toned, honor able, -Christian gentleman never lived What a rich legacy lie has left lih beloved ones. 1-s bereaved famil: have the profound sympathy of ever3 one. Mliss hmala Jones Is with her par ents, 'Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones, unti the influenza subsides in her school Mrs. W. T. Jones, Jr., and children Sara, Iloward and Jack, of Columbia were the guests of 'Dr. and Mrs. W. 'T Jones last week. We are indebted to the followini friends for recent kind favors: Thos Odell, Langdon Boland, Robert ited, den, Allen Arnold, John Medlock, Wm Sligh, ir. 'Lindsay, NIac -Morrison 'Warner Phillips and 'W. 1-. Hill. Ware .Shoals is paying the highes price for cotton and is drawing it fron every direction. We are very grateful to Mr. Phil lips for having worked the Dixie High -way road so nicely. We recently met the followiil friends, S. E. asor of Mountville 'Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Smnitlh, David an Casper Smith of Waterloo, Thoina: Finley of Honea Path, Re. and Afra Edgar Davis of Ninety Six, Mr. an Mirs. Jas W. Sproles and Col. Henr3 Tillman of Greenwood, Clarence an Carlwee Martin of Laurens, Dr. C. W Cason of Hodges, Thos. Coopel, .i\' and Mrs. Jerry Martin of .Mt. Gal lagher and .1. B. Mcuen and H. Ii Gray of Williamston. Mr. Olli0 rNlison recently visite Columbia. CONSPIIRACY Oli ARGE AGAINST COAL 31E (In4iefIllent lfliought Il. IniaiilinapOl Court Naming Many Operators aiu Miners. ihianapolis, March 11.--An indict, ment charging conspiracy in violatio of the Lever fuel control act and th4 federal criminal code, naming 12- con Oi)erators and miners as defendants ,was returned in federal court her< late today by a special grand jur which has been'investigating the coa inquiry since December 17, 1919. Mor than half of the defendants are opera tors, it is said. Bond was flied by United States Dr, iet Judge A. B. Anderson at $10,001 in some of the cases and at $5,000 Ih others. The defendants will be ar raigned on May 5. Names of those in dicted will not he made public tnti they are arrestedi. It is learnedh thal many of the charges have no connec tion with thie bituminous coal strike It was iearnedi that practically al facing charges are residents of thi central compel)titive flild. Sin Against Politics. Ward( 1'cill ilein-"his here' edl. first timing we know, they'll lhe v'otin to suil the'irsei'ves."- Life, . without qiuestionm{f Hunti'a Salve Ifails in the treatment of Ecuma, Tetter.Rinawarrn.Itche Don't become diecurai ed becaume oilher treatmenta falled. Hunt'aSalve has relievetd hundreds or auch esa You enn't lose on olaf Money Bacle Guara~ntee. TFry it at our risk TODAY. PrIce 75c For sal. locally by' auronsi ihrug C'o. Larens, S. C. MG. GODSON WAGNS USEGS OF CAL.OME Says Drug Acts Like Dyni mit4 on Liver and You Lose a Day's Work, There's no reason why a person shiouki ,take sickening, salivating calomel wher la few cents bumys a large bottle of Dod eon's Liver Tone-a perfect substitute for calomnel. It IR a pleasant, vegetable liquid whicl will star t yourF liver just as surely ai italomnei, but it. doesn't make you slel< and can not salivate. Chiidren anid growvn folks can takt Dodsoni's Liver Tone, because it is per fectly harmless. Calomiel is a dangerous drug. It 1I mercury and attacks your bones. Take a (lose of nasty calomel toda'y and yom will feel weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spioonful of Dodson's Liver Tone in steatd and yoil will wake up feelhing greaf N~'o more blilouisncss, constipation, slug gishness, hecadaiche, coated tongue or son stomach. Yoyr druggist says if yom don't find D~odiion's Liver Tone acts bet ter than horrible calomel your mioney I ~waiting for you, * *.* .** *4* ***- e * * * 1* *, IONOR ROLL * * * *e*** * * ** * * * * * ** * Laurens Cit.y Schools. * . Elventhl Grade--ighly distin guished; Monteith Caine, Edna Rid die, lElizabeth Senn; Distinguished: Sarah Dunlap, Rosa Gray, Harriette 3 Hughes, Nelle Long, Mary Roper, An nie Laurie Thompson, Annie Wade; (Proficient: Lois Taylor. Tenth Grade-Highly Distinguished: 0ula Burns, Rosalie Srullivan; Dis tinguished: 'Caroline Holmes, Ruby Martin, Nancy Meng, Jessie Moore, Nelle Senn, Eimie 'Lou Washington, Harry Woodside; Proficient: James Hurns, Ibu1ther i Chancy, CaroIinp -Franks, Sara Power. Ninth Grade-1Highly Distinguished: Martin Teague, Verinelle Caine, Mar garet Coleman, 'Nelle Jones, liula Mac Martin, Sara Eliza Swygert, Grace Taylor; 'Distinguished: Herman Tay lor, 'Rebecca Adams, Ruth 'hobo, Martha IDula, Allie Gosnell, Martha Miller 'Holler, Louise Smith, Jeanie Wright; Proficient: William Albright Doran Bramlett, Cecil Brown, Joe Holmes, Rufus Satterwhite, Frank Wade, Lunette Barnette, Lois Fuller, Toccoa Gray, Ruth Watson. Eighth Grade, 'Latin Section-, igh ly Distinguished: none; Distinguished: Joe Bagwell, Mary Copeland, Sara Katherine aUrksdale, largaret Knight, Ellen Langston, Alliene Miller, Ruth Sullivan, Winifred Sitgreaves, Roy Gaston, Wyatt Waldrep; Proficient.: Minnie iPatton, Kathrine Meng, (Carl Thompson. 'Eighth Grade, Commercial Section, Hlighly Distinguished: none; Distin guished: Ruby Templeton, Fred Clif I ton, Ray Goodwin; 'Proficient: Douglas Brown, Addle Lou Sexton, Louise 'Saxon, Cornella Machen. First Grade-4llighly Distinguished: Sarah Ridile, Margaret McCravy, lmi ly Babb, ''lemegiene Teague; Distin guished: Frank. Bramlett, R. A. Mar tin, John Thomas Todd, Dorothy Sit I greaves, John Emory 1lloller, Theron Miller, Charles Vincent, Jack Halle, 'Leon Nichols, Louise Smith, Louise Taylor, Charles Hicks, Haskell San ders; lroficient: Edwin Owings, S.arah Dendy, Louie Cromer, Bernard Lever, Julia (Brown, Rosa Irby, Ray Flowers. 'Second Grade -'llighly Distin guishecd: none; Distinguished: Pail Jones, Marshall Smith, Clarence -Phil pot, )orothy Norwood, Sarah Dorroh, Rolfe Ilughes, John Owings; Profic ient: Mary 'Ellen Owens, Bertha Fink heiner, Mabel Trotter, HIuhes itoun tree, Mary tHelen Vincent, William Roff, Mildred Mysong. Third- Grade-Highly Distinguished: none; Distinguished: Jack Babb, Emi ly Taylor, James 'Dunklin, Martha Franks; Proficient: Bertha Barnette, Mary Hamilton, Mattle Belle Martin, Vester Oglesby, Laura Reid, Sarah Sul livan, Frances S.witzer. -Fourth Grade: .hlighly 'Distinguished: none; Distinguished: Mary Anderson, Mabel (Barton, Fannie Rosenthal. -Robt. Moore; 'Proficient: Emily 'Franks, Claudia Irby, Minnie Moore, Cladie B. Whitlock, Margaret Woodside, 'Il[er bert Oglesby. Fourth andl Fifth Grades-I:Highly Distinguished: ,William IBramnlett e; Distinguished: Frank Baker, .Jonles Martin, Oscar Blabb, Bruce T1hompson, Hienr~y .Williams, John K. Taylor, Wil liam Crews; ProfIcient : Franvi~s illlis, Plnckney Sullivan, Cyrus Kitchens. Fifth Grade-- H ighiy hlistinguished: none; Di1st inguished : Col lyar harks dlale, Harriet 'Bishop, -Lucile Hawk ins, Harlow Mahaffey, Mittie Lee Martin, M~artha 'Power, Amarlyyis Smith; Pro ficient: 'Mary Avery, Clara Sexton. Sixth Graie-Hiighly Distinguished: Ira Mae IHunter, 'bila Rickman, Ger trudie Sexton; Distinguished: ,James Anderson, tHerman Barton, Miller Mc Cuon, Willie 11. D~uncan, IEdith Hl lams, ,Hattie Miller, Anita Miller, Eloise 'Miier, Incez Motes, D~rusilla Owings, Sarah Richey, Nettle Tfolli son ; 'Profieient: Mary -Lou Ferguson. Sixth and Seventh Grades-H ighly D)istinguishedi: 'Hilda Taylor, Rose Rosenthal; Distinguishcd: L~ouise Mc Cord, Ruth Oglesby, Ada Catherine Owing,;, IRuby Todd, Perrln 'Wright, J .ames 'Machen, D~avid Power, Earl Rid die, 'Layton WValdrep, Pierce Martin; Proficient: Mary W'ade, William P~ow er. Seventh Grade - CHighly Distin guished: Paul Philpot, .Janie I lolmes D Iavis, Sidney -Hlolmes; 11)1st ingu ished: Horace Nichols, George Wright, Frank 'Rop~er, Cothran McCravy, Nannie *Franks, Marie (Gene Gray, Clara Boyd; -Proficient: Harold Hudgens, Sverett Thomas, Mary 0.. Holler, 'Lila Mae Jamnieson, Katherine Hlicks, Sara Chlil dIress, Margaret Humbert, Margie Chancy, Thomas (Watson. Lau rens Mill Schmooi. First Grade-Ditsingu shedi: Marvin Quinton, Ilma Davis; Proficient: Nel lie Casey, Marguerite Jamieson. . Tihird G aeyofMlnt Ralph Hail, -Oaadwn anyMyCasey, Macey Davis, 'Decimir Qulnton. Fourth Girade--Distinguished: Mary I Ball; Pi'ofileat: eGorge Nelson, Mary Cubhtfn Martha Cutibartonn UXPRESS CHARGE a MAY E' REATER 6 &Anerlcan Company Would Raise Ante. Must Spend IIg Sum11. (Washington, March 13.-Inereased exiress charges, ranging from 10 to 75 per cent. and estimated to yield $25,000,000 additional revenue annual ly were asked by the American Ex press company In a petition Illed to day with the interstate commerce com mission. Increased cost of conducting its bus Iness as well as the urgent need for more. complete facilities and equip ment was giver by the compimy as grounds for asking additional revenue Expeiditures of "niany millions of dollars" was necessary, the petition said, and additional funds could not be obtained under the present rates. The company estimated its delicit for 1919 at $22,036,000 for the last six nionths of 1918 at $15,723,000. A deficit "even greater than for the correspond ing period of 1910" was declared prob able for January and February of this yCalr. While ex-ilaining that previous rate increases added approximately $12, 000,000 to the annual revenue, the com pany said this money was given imi mediately to employees in the shape of increased wages. Granting of extra wages for overtime oil the basis of all eight hlouir day was said to have resulted in a monthly outlay of $1,022, 000 as icoiared to less than $50,000 before the eight hour day and over time pay were given. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Mame "Bayer;" is on Genuine Aspirin-say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirii" in a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Ijandy tin boxes of 12 tablets coet few cents. Aspirin iq trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie acidegter of Salicylicacid. The Those wi pose whic our new wonder ti so quickly being the Our one g Glenbroo] to any oti would b< as such. In buildir no compr< and mnech to meet ti fection wi as the id were strP PAIGE-D] GUS3AKU CORETS FOR LADIES WHO CARE "They Lace in Front" Every Gossard Corset represents corset economy regardless of its price ---its superior wearing service alone is worth the price of the garment. No woman is so poor she cannot afford a Gossard. No woman is so rich she cannot af ford to practice true correct economy as it is interpreted in these original, unequaled Gossard front lacing Cor sets. Thousands of women are wearing Gossard front lace Corsets, and have the satisfaction of knowing the service and comfort a Gossard gives wearer. Price from 'f $3.50 to $7.50 AIM A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Yie.A3d Beau/gfil Car /1fmer&a Ideal Five-Passenger Car io know the lofty pur- The best evidence of the success hinspired the building of of our efforts is the Glenbrook Paige Glenbrook do not itself iat this Light Six model gaind te dstintio of Powered with a six-cyl~nder motor gained the distinction of --of original Paige design and ideal five-passenger car. built in the Paigz' shops-and reat aim was to make the equally well equipped i body and c so obviously superior chassis, this latest member of the ier car of its class that it Paige family has brought to recognized at once American motorists new stand ards of dependability andc g it threfrewe ade omy in five passenger motor cars. )mises. Beauty, comfort See the Glenbrook-and ride in inical excellence all had it. You will then have first-hand i- high standard of per- knowledge of the qualities which ich we had established have justly entitled this new Paige eac toward which we model to be called "the ideal five ring, passenger otor car"c. TROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, Michigan RBY MOTOR COMPANY Laurens, S. C. mica exc llnc al had.t 0110li, 11"f.111,