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FORIMER EM:PEROC SAWS MOEl WOOD W1i1lliam Breaks Own lievord fin Num ber of Logs. Excited Over News. Anornugen, 1lolland, March 1.-T--1he tidings of the German couiter-revolti tion caused a great stir and much ten sion in Bentitnck 'where fortner ;Eim peror William resides; and the people .in the castle stayed up until n very late hour Saturday night awaiting further news. -Willial llohleizollein spelt part of1 the day in the garden where le paced up and down. seemingly absorbed iln deep thought. Illis excitemieiti foun d utterance in tIhe eonergy with which he .,awed wood. Thie corresponldent learns that yesterlday he beal.t his own record in Ihe numblier of logs in I waini. Theli nlews of the( coritert~-revahdtion~ which did iiot. reach tit people of .\III renlt'lgen unt Sil Satiday .vening ii not se l to rau e the ioetcefu1 village fromi its usual state of S-undtlay rest. xet for I hli efact that ti orc ' four niiitaly police from the ieigh boring villhige oi \'eviuted~aa I erci atdd PC ' 1i M i I Ie Iit i 0 iOf V ' I I A I I1 I id to ! ordinary ,guard, onsistin hU 20 c1ta1esno Ipecial Ilelasires have iwin takent here. .\ilitary police are t olli ai n 1' hei ivia.; of t hI ast Ile . .s far a illth ('Ten i tleaond has Iveenl to leaIrnl, the formrl acin w iror is lt i'mt Ilr ttme htuial rol - W ieringen,1, IIol land (, .\larch . aoirmiler Crown il l'riei rederick Wil Hiam, onl hearling or (te counter-revo-. lItionl i ll G rm lia y becamllie li mi excited. ie motored several It'ime inl to hlie village in an eldeavol. to leirnI if 11ur'i gomilaster l'ereooml had il'r Hews froy, Berlin. The Hlague, Mlarch 1I.- The Am Sterdaml Telegraalf today Says: "With the evening boat today there arrived a hosom oiend pof forte Crown wII Prince rderick William. Fr liheti IZoebelitz, tlo slayed wit h yrdri Willim ll durI ngC tie it0 mlloniths of is exile. re con es st-raighlt fo iri, h o t crownl prine wet to mehilnlh hror. Th1 adjua of tn lrederick :Williaml says, this visil as; nothing to do) with present ocurrences. Again, Swat toe Fly. Th 1ubOf bento ria capable of being qartked by one bonse Iy vities fromn .~ t u,0C, ommllnce ar nu-,1111iner tilI~ C;1d(1 'aan thsps hichl is mlost nume1u1urin thle seontml sof te year whn61 vihlmics ar- likely to oe curt will play~ it great part in, pr-even-. tion and sprePd o ny malady. NEN Allies' Unity Mean: All Guarantees By GEORGES CLEMENCEAU, Rot If Great Brit and France remain j INS which exceeds all onl paper. If oneI not think of the it We arrived I gravity of the prol: theml. When figh in agreement, each try. But it is niot estern Newspajer .l to calclate and settle each one's share. We have all interest of our countries, but never li standi ing bein lost sight of. 1 further to Say that tie Special interests of vacl respect'd : there eliuiiot );C a truaiqil iot reco !nlized. I have heen sometimes reproacht The "amne reproach has1 beenl nuie lga 1 am1 eahn inl the knowledge--and I a been guided inl stating my Opinions o1 except by the Sin gle idlea that tile na11ti right, first of all, to have their natioi those im iis recoili led ecl to the ot iispired by connon interest. I Shall not lose sight of tile peace to follow its progress until my last bi at least to do all in my power for ti if by misfortlule tile elements of disc rible the thought the best blood o soldiers, should be shed in vain for h .11118. ELIZA L. 'OOK(. Wilow of e1114 Late .iraham1iii ('4(1k Diid it Ier Home Near Foiniai n inn1 Saitrliday. .\lrs. Eliza 1b. Cook, widowv of te Ia1e Abraham Cook, died at her hointe iealr Fountain I11111 on Saturday. a1l Iwas buried 1.iin1day at. lethanly B;ap I ist church of which she was m)!t o the fonilders and artr me s. Mrs. Cook was in her 71ih year and had boeen inl failing health for .o'mlet tile. but she grew rapidly wors' last week and the end caie quiely1 on Saturday at 3 p. iml. 11(for)le he'r mnarriage4, Mrs. Cook was Miss EIl',iza Glenn of Spartanhurg coity, where she had a largo con nection of relatives, Including two sui viving sisters, Mrs. 1'. 13. Snow and f the future is the Cl rily at some distant tir irst in its superior desi iing the puise of m g as a distinct departmer tas struck a chord of br luality has been its domina ality has found expression :r and its mechanical advar if ted in performance as it r. ew minutes of time RoII] 5 Peace Exceeding Put on Paper. iring President Peace Conference. ain, the United States, Italy, Japan united, there is a guarantee of peace those guarantees which can be put lay these nations are separated I lare iisfortunes which may result. tore somewhat disconcerted by the lems set and the difficulty of settling ting the enemy all necessarily were joyfully giving his life for his coun necessarily the same when one meets ealie the fruits of victory and to lefended what we believed to he the is the necessity of a common under believe that we tre all agreed today I nationality must he consid-ered andI Europe ;f the rightr of each one are d for makinig too many coicessions. inst, olier lieals of governments, but Im sure 'oui alt are--of never having inl the coluisions wie have reached, ois who shet Iso much blood had the Im cla iis satisfied and then to have I and embod ied in one great peace we ar1) cOmplItiln al sh all continue enth. I shall try by all good wishes V solidity Of that peace, for, indeed, >rd should arise among you, how ter f the eivilived world, the blood of our )pes that would not he realized. \'s. Victolia El more, 1'of Gier. .\iost. of Mi's. Cook's life was sipe'n in the conuiuntillity of lie' hoie. ii 1Laui'eis coillity, where she devoted . I'lrge share of her tieli and ithoughl lo her family and neiglibors. Si x'd: ictive inl cliirchi i( Suiday schtoo work and was miuch beloved fo' lie altptim ist ic and1(l chtritable dispositLioi and detds. A large gathbering of rela lives and friends, from Ureen ville 1-11enls and Spartanhurllg counities, .1 the funeral, gave evildenet of thei esteem and affection. The exercise were Cond 'i eed .by llev. .1. 1'. . ole man. . rs. Cook is suri'vived by the follow Ing children, Who wNer'e present at he death: J. 13. Cook, Fotint-ain Inn; . 1 Cook, hopkins; Mrs. 0. I. Martl Washington, 1). C.; and Mrs. SaIll . Stewart, of Pountain in. xalmers, the car with ne have become real .gn, to lead the way otordom to faster r it, the Chal oad appeal. nt note. in its classic icements. It is radiant in ina sand bar or J. Y. MILU MICKIE SAYS VA49va -tbcoml A. o koe1" w -st, AoS %% 1s MOSTr \lJXuAS\.S REtoPk'b '1MV PAN1 Doing His Duty. 0801060g)',, 'to~wRENASI 1-'ather2--aNow Iny so'~, i'iin going to give yoll Soie good advl(e. Soine (lly you'llI wish Y u(11 Ilu I 1 iken it. It's the sane ad'Ivice I wilsh I 1 I itken when lily dhad gave it to tai."-1,ife. S.0. S. If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Sick ileadache, bil iousess:, c'oa ted t ongnie. or sour, gassy stomnlh--ai way1 trace this to torpid li ver; de layed, frenvting food inl the bowels. Poisonous mitter clo.'ged in the in testines. instead of heini cast out of the systmln is re-absolbed into tlhe i blood. .When this poison reaches the r delicate brain tissie it cau1ses coniges 1tion and that. dull, throbbing, slekcen Ing headache. - Cascarets inimediately cleaise the soaIil, relove tile Hour, undigested and foul gases, take the ex(ess bile from tie liver and carry out all the constilated waste matter and pols Ons Inl the bowels. A Cascatret tonight will sure1y straighten you out by morning. They work while yolu sleep. IERS the hot spot. In it i ities of the present. o future improveme rogress. Striking ii THE CH-L career des It is the h< terming in lowswung Chalmers cars for l' on a hill will COnl JTO CI LERS (M, Manager Tha An astr -- the belief th center of thQ 00 000 degrees C6it The Why are VA fl1avo"rs like the pyramiids Of Ecsypt? Because they are .long- lasting. And WRIGLEY'S Is a beneficial as well as. long-lasting treat. It het appetite and digestion, keeps teeth clean and breath sweet, allays thirst. CHEW (T AFTER EVERY .MEAL Sealed Tight ,-M Kept Right A10 MODEL deals which seemed intended for The chief aim of its builders has nts by changing staid tendencies i personality, sound in principle, ALMERS marks a climax in a oted to creating the new. ,rald of an advanced make---a de fluence in establishing the snappy, body on a mechanically perfect chassis which is the vogue in motor )20. vince you we are correct. [YMPANY Lamens, S. C