University of South Carolina Libraries
Ebe bber tiger Subscription Price Is $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance. Published by ADVElTISING Pit1NTING COMPANY Laurens, S. C. Advertising Rates on Application. Obituaries and Cards of Thanks: One C(nt a Word. Entered at the postoillce at Laurens, S. C., as second class mail matter. LAURENS, S. 1., MAVItIl 10, 1920. STAT' TAXES. The app'opriation bill of the state legislature looks to be a pretty large one this year' and is a large one, but it would be well to consider what the ml)oney is to be spent for before con dening it. Even after a study of this kind it Is possible that sensible and patliotic men will doubt the wis doi of such large cxplienlditires. Without mentioniig the items in de tail it may be pointed out ifirst that nei aly $1,.l0,000 of the $6,000,000 t)ap prioplrialion goes for education, ehari table institutions, the mentally afflict (d, the care of eri mi nals and for pen sionIS. Of this the state colleges and training schools receive over a mil lion and a half, .while common schools receive nearly a mnillion, tlie latter' he ing left largely to local spil)port. Add edl to thi:; $1 ,.'ti30)0 is another half million for health, ioads and the i diciary, leaving a little over a million dollars for Ihe expenses of the "state .enili ment' and a few smaller interi ests for whic'h the state nrvs. South Carolina has committed itself to a br'oad policy towards ceucation, the carie of Ile iinsane and inir and towrIl'd its Coifederale soldiers. In these social atilviii's the larger part. of the state's tax funds .ire expended, the allnilts for administat ion ex plelss iln Columbia being coinmpara tively small, though, of course, it is possible that they niight ,'be madte simailer, t'nless we would favor a ettr'tailmlent of the(se. activities W e Cannot reasolnably find fault with ihe app) 1) ropria'ltinion as it stooI whell passed. {'oipar'isolls of appiopiationis foir itate colleges of higher leainlg and11 for common shiools are not fair, be cause tihe colleg(es' art necessarily state instituitions.' and( mu1st hto suppor-ted by it alone, wi'ile the schools hear a IOre local character and may depend i1on cal taxat 1ion for supporlt. 1111t., it is possible that a lavish stpIpori of state Colle'gs for i ghei learni ng may inl tline iriov harmfiulin through tit, unfair ompetition they ceate for de iloilinationa an(d eidovetd colleges. We do tiot believe Ithat it will lrove to the best interest of Ithe state to give ie r own rollges such financil adva n 1,1". a V(e F ovr --nominat ,ional colleges as to endaing'er the existen(e and good o'work of the latter. The denonina tional schools ar~e doing flne work Nw o min uch less m1on)ey thaln the state (ollegos, hut tIhere is a liim it to th ir dev'ot anll 111d unldur '. [I oe ('iirs toi us that thie ex tanision tif the staLte0(0 ogos ('ould( well lit slac(kenied durling the nex t few years while thei ('h1urith schools are ablIe to ge't on a sounider' footiing. A "Seailtier". Wese' by thle Newb''r'y ObI t hatiitnterp ii;Ing citLy have biooght a new road iiacine with the What kind (of a contriapt ion is that anywa~'.y? Somthinlig io s('a'e the it'in of Otthe1 st reet whlen tie dust beginis to fly ?--twanrens Ad A s(c'iieri is somiethinfg to scarify, ~o a i'oadl rcariifier natu ratlly is stome lhing to scariiifv rOadls. We have nevei stetn ((ne, bit imiagine it must he in t'inded't to s('aify harId pl aces soi they taun lbt miadt' smioothi by thie drag. We inighit illutst rate for' the benefit of our este('(m1ed ('ontempiorarly: Year vs ag1-o, befor'' hie enn remember 101, ('tlluntr'y doctors and0( city onues too, w0 slip' (arried( ai smnall cootriapltilon al'ouit the size' and~ shiape of a sinailI terrapin, that they used( in "('upping' patients. Tlhey woulId priess It domwn on the s'tomach~l, 01' other tinart n~eedling attt tion, anid tonch a smnailI spring, Ithat released abou11t a hl f idozen knvye~s wilth a snap11, pr1oduinig about the same result as wvold the cIlaws of ant anigry' cat. TPhent the dloctor would pult aI bui'ning rag or' papeur in a large tumn biler, to explel the air. and put the tuile~ltr over t he scarfied pilace Land iet it draw-and it did(! One can r'eadily 1)01lieve thle conltrap lion was calcuilated to "scare" the average* patIent as wvell as to scat him.--Newherry Obser'ver. NOWI IN SENMSION JIerruy Nim))pson1, vIolation of priohi!. bitioni law; six m)oniths 01' $500; sen tence susptended to $200 on cotnditlons. I'ihbert. Johns;on, Clarence Madden and M~aic.n) \1itch elI, thriowinog rocka into passen 'er train; El bertt Johnson, ~one year; Clarence Madden, twvo years, and MarIon Mitchell, two years, Sen -inena nuasnnad nagainst Iflbert John sOn du ing good behavior on account. of his youth and recent death of his father. Sentence suspended on the other two after six months. Alack Oxie, alias Floyd Turner, house-breaking and larceny, having stolen suit of clothes and other ar ticles to the valute in excess of $50.00, two years. Presentment of the Grand Jury. The presentment of the grand Jury is as follows: To His tllonor, the Hon. T. S. Sease, Presiding Judge: We have passed on all bills handed us by the Solicitor. Thuis being the first session of the Court for this year, we have not had opportunity of looking into public af fairs of the County, but have alppoint ed committees as follows: On County ollicers, on schools, roads and bridges, county home, jail, chain gang, and ublite buildings, which committees will, In thle time betweenl this and another presentment, perform i these duties and make known their find ings in a future report. We would recommend that the Mag Istrates of the County investigate carefully cases sent up to Court, to be surc that the testimony warrants an investigation. We would also recom mnend that where a case is sent 11l) to this Couirt that a bond be reqtitir ed that will more nearly guarantee the appearance of the defendant or to pro tect the County from loss on account of' isufileient su1rety. The Supervisor's report has been tiled with us and we have exanineld same varefully. We f1id that a num ber of )ri(lges in the County are oit of reiair, and the Supervisor informs us that Ie will reach thesc as early as ossible unuder prevailing conditions. hle report shows very little funds available for this work at this timlie. We would recommend that the roads he relledled where it can be doIe by sitraightening and placing sfalme oil tile proper grades. The proper drailing of the roads to prevent wash ing out is, in our opinion, very im port at. This report also shows that aboit forty itiles of road has beeil (op-soiled. -We regret that the "Flu" which is 11oW -o prevalent, has it) som extent inteirferred with tie sch-.O wnw' of ourll county. Iluit froin1 person01al 01, servatiOs the schools (.f a ou' co) inty are (doing sd'plen(did work. S.Feral is. tricts have voted extra levies to make the schools more eficient and also to build more enmm1illodiols school hotises in which to teach. It is our opinion that thle cemipU sory eduheation1 law is being enforced Ji In le counlty, .which has added 1111111 hers of childrel on 1h0 olls of the scllools, who have heretofo .- 'k di - juived of regilar aticidalce. In conclusion we dei' 0 Illink the Presiding Judge an.d the cou rt of ficials for. the colrtesles shown us: all of which is most respectfilly sub 1mitted. T1. F. HA1B, Forenan. Money4' f'or Adult Nehools, Inl re'slionse to the letters senlt Out to thle farmers of the county asking for a coilnribut ion of one dlollar toward an amlount of mione~y to lie used~ as5 Prizes 0or the whlite schools1 of t he'((1 out y w ho organized an adllt school 10or illiter ates, tile followvinug menl 4' ~i resoned: Jno1. D) .W. Watts, RI. 1. Grany, F. J. Ox ingas,.J. hi. Power', I. it. Ilakely. Wallac(e, T. TP. Wood, S. if. Gloggans, 'W. I". Stewar't, W. A. Htaidwin, WV. C. Wharton, Ar'temlus Long, F. W. Little, C. 1. Owings. As no schloOl for wmhite illiter'ates w'as org*..anlized'( this money wAillI be re tUrinedb1. to these mlenl. Thir1 kinIdness ill gIving it is greatly apprieciated. Several color'ed schools have been olganIliz/ed and1( hav donb~e spl endid wor) k. M\iss .\linnie Waliace. MICKIE SAYS QAM4 A2EE, OUGM, KAb6, ~4 Mt'4 * .. * *** * * * * * * * * $* * * * * ~* * ANNOUNCEMENTS. * . * .I hereby announce myself a candi ilate for 'Clerk of Court of Laurens County subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. E. A. SULLIVAN, Jr. * s* s* * s* * e ' a * SPECIAL NOTICES. Lost-J4ast Tuesday an overcoat. Reward for its return or information as to its whereabouts. A. L. Mahaf fey. 34-1t For Sale-One dining room set con sisting of sideboard, extension table itd twelve chairs. C. -D. Barksdale. 34-It Calibage -Plants -200,000 shipped plants, 40c per hundred. Phone 230. Beu. J. Madden. 04-2t-pd Lost--About ten days ago mone where In the city, a string of pearl beads, with white gold clasp and smnIall dialindil set. Finder please re turn to this oille, and receive reward. 34-1t For Sale-Two good mules, one two horse wagon and one second hand buggy. Mrs. 13. F. Posey. 34-1t-pd Imst, Strayed or Stolen-One liver id white spotted muale hound, slight ly dish faced, and animwers to. name of 'Buck". Small reward will bQ paid for his return. J. McC. Barksdale. 341-lt Lost-Automobile crank for Cole ar. -Reward if returned to W. 11. Dial. 34-1t-pd For Sale-4Hlgh grade 3-4 Angus Imll, 12 months oid. -Several Iico Sin le Comb Rhode Island Red Cockerels. Dakdale Stock Farm, J. B. Hlumbert, Prop., Ware Shoals. 34-4t tet Mlore Eggs-10. J. Reefer's More H, g Tonic makes layers out of loaf L-IS. :,ve your lIttle chicks from white diarrhoea .with Reefer's Ready lelief. Two 'packages More MEgg Tonic for $1.00, or one package of More Egg Tonie and one package Ready Relief tor $1.00. Mrs. 1-1. D. Loimias, Agent, GIray ('o1rt. 34-2t-pd Wainted To RIelnt-Good sized build ig on or near public s(Iuare of Lau rens; also a dwelling house on one oif the suburbs. File this adv away anid write me the first opening. 'P. 0. Box Il, 10Enoree, S. C. 34-it-pd Wllaited-You to attend our auctilon sale, Friday, March 12th, 1920, one o'clock P. M., on out' farm four miles southw.est of Union, South Carolina. Fifty-three registered, big type, pro lHic Duroc.-Jersey bred sows, opcn -I.Its and boars. IEvery one imuned against Cholera and Swine Plague. Sale will be held rain or shine, in moderni sales barn. -1Barbecue dinner, music and a general good time. Auto moblc transportation to and from the farm. 10verything free but the hogs. Sardis Farm, Incorporated, P. J. P1arham1, President. : 31-It linse W1iring-Cet our prices be fore letting your contract. *'Phone 277 anid rpresentative will call. We wire for eity or fire insurance iisletion. Trotter & Ili'1'. 31 i-5t-pd Fort Rent, Chenp-For standing rent or shares, good tiwo horse farm, two mu11iles and tools. See .1. M. Philpot. 34-5t-chg. For Sale-Peveral thousand cream colored pressed brick. Apply to 1E. -P. Ilinter. 34-tf For Sahlt-llees and bie gums. 13 stands, $3.50 per stand or the 1:1 stanlds for $39.00. A. L. liramlett, Laurens, Route 1. 344-1t-pd liemsattching aid Picothig-Attach ment works on any make sewing ma ohine. 'Price $2.50. Mutual Sales Co., Box 934, C;harloite, N. C. 314-It-pd For Sale-Case 9-18 h. p. tractor, In perfect shape. Not used over 15 to 20 (lays. Only reason for selling, want larger triactor. IR. V. I rby. 34-It For Sale--We have just receivedl a good shipment of Amnerican rubber tire top buggies. Come in and choose y'ours'. T. 11. Snumerel. 31-I1t--)( For' Sale-P~urie WVann a maker C leve land Big lioll Cotton Seed. Pure as p)ossible and have been runtI thrtotigh a gradler separating all faulty anid ima tire sceed. Price $2.010 a bushel. Seed not gradeld, $1.75 ner~ bushel. Money, eash; and seed delivered at M. A. Sunm (irel's farm. See T. 11. Buimer~iel or M. A. Sumer'el. 314-It-pd lords For' Sale-We still have two( mor0e new For'dh for sale, also some good second lind Fordts for as low as $150. 'T. 13. Sumerel. '34-it-pd ('nirs W1atshed-- Come to TI. I. Sm erel's garage to htave your e'ar wvasht 'To Rent-or' oin shares, one-horse farm, mtIle and a (juar'ter from court house. C. D). Mloseley. 34-1t Munles'----ianve sold most of last week's shipmont of multes, but expect another lot last of thIs week. Come and see them. W. HI. Wharton. 27-tf Notice-McDaniels 01(1 mill on Reedy Rivet' ia soliting corn to grind. lrIntding dlays Tuesday, Thursday and Satur'days. 'T. .). lBrissey, MIller. 31--5t-pd Notlie-Jau rens Trutst Company will pay you 6 per cent inter'est for your money. 15-tt Frmost. Prioof ('abbage Plant a.-For immuiediate shipment, extr'a fine stocky plants. IEar'ly Jersey, Char'leston WakefIeld, Succession, Flat Dutch. By e:xpr'ess--1l,000, $2.00; 2,000, $3.50; 5,000, $7.50. Prepaidl mail, 300, $1.00; 500, $1.50; 1,000, $2.50. Send tot' price list Sweet potato, tomato and( other pilantsa. Parker' Farms, Monultr'ie, Ga. 32-4t-chd. L~ife Insurne'-See D.. E. T1odd, at laurenQfs r'ust C'ompany for good old 113n0 life insurance. 27-tf Notice-We have now room for 200 mocre hcales of cottoni. Merchants & Farmuers Bonded WVarohoutse. S t-tf Notie.'Owing to high cost of mna terials, etc., wvill have to advance thme prie of ice 10 (cns per 10 hundred. Lou rens~ Ice Factory. 33:-?m,-pd Wnitedl-All your 'lhens, r'ooster9i, fr'ier, geeso anid ducks. Armsttrong's Market. 33-5t-pd Colds Causo Grip and influenzis LAXATIVE lIROMO QtJININE Tableta reino* the cause. There io ofily One "bhrdino Q~uminie," s!. W. GmOVr'a sima~nrn oabc m@,. W. CARLISLE BOLT Surveyor Satisfaction Guaranteed Terms Reasonable 1030 Chestnut Street LAURENS, S. C. The Quinine 'hat Does Not Affoct the HoL Because of Its tonic and laxative effect, LAX A. T1VU DROMO QUIIN ]te better tihan ordinat) Quinine and does not cause nervousness not rnglng In head. Remember the full natuts anJ for the signature of . IV. GROVE. 30c. G&ASOLINE SYSTEMS Oil Tanks and Pumps, Air Coin pressors, Computing Scales, Floor Fslcales, Shiow 'Cases, Account Reg isters, Rebuilt Cash Registers, Safes, Store Fixtures. TIE HA3itILToN SALES CO. Col'lmb', S. C. C. C. Featherstone W. B. Knight FEATHERSTON1E & KNIGHT Attorneys at Law Laurens, S. C. All Business Intrusted to Our Care Will Have Prompt and Careful Atten. tion. Offlee over Palietto Bank Mr. Featherstone will spend Wednes day of each week in Laurens. The Laurens Drug Co., Laurens, S. C. Dr. T. L. Timmerman. DENTIST Laurens, South Carolina Office in Peoples Bank Building UNDERTAKING C. E. KENNEDY & SON Undertakers and Embalmers Calls answered any hour day or night Simpson, Cooper & Babb Attorneys at Law. Wili Practice in all State Courts Prompt Attention Given All Business Blackwell & Sullivan ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Business Money to Loan on Real Estate Telephone 850 Office in Simmons Building W. M. NASH SURVE"OR Terracing :: Leveling NOTARY PUBLIC Gray Court, S. C. 0. Langdon Long ATTORNEY AT LAW Enterprise National Bank Building All 'Legal Business Given Prompt Attention HIDES! Ship your Hides to me. I also buy Scrap Iron and other metals. Also Beeswax. Ask for prices. We will quote prices on application. E. BOGERRO Greenwood. S. C. CLYDE T. FRANKS Agent For Ashepoo Fertilizer Few Equals and No Superiors Also Few Farms for Sale Farmers! See Me at FARMERS NATIONAL. BANK L aurens, S. C. O W E N BROS.-MARBLE & GRANITE CO. DESIONERS - MANUFACTURERS EDRECTORS -- - Dealers in everything for the -eme tery. The largest and best equipped mou * # umental mills in the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, - S. C. Staple and Fancy Groceries I beg to announce to my friends in tqwn and country that I have opened a Staple and Fancy Gcocery Store in one of the new brick buildings on the old Robinson Hotel property and will be glad te serve them in my line. Always the best goods carried and a square deal guaranteed. Prices right. Bring me your butter and eggs. W. R. BROWN II Tractor Demonstration A field demonstration of the famous Cleveland Caterpillar Tractor will be given next Friday Afternoon, March 12th. ON THE Ford Franks Farm On the Old Road to Clinton All farmers and 'others interested in modern and economical methods of plowing are invited to attend. flarney Electric Co. DRESSY SHIRTS We have just received a shipment of the prettiest and niftiest shirts that anyone would like to see. Shirts for old and young, We direct especial attention to a beautiful lot of silk shirts bought for particular dressers, at $15 each. Come and see them, young men. H. TERRY Ready-to-Wear, Dry Goods, Notions, Haberdashery and Shos: 1 110i