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******* ** **,* *** * CROSS HILL IWS. * ****** ** ** *** * **** Cross Hill, Feb. 16.-There is much sympathy felt and expressed here for Dr. Iugh B. Senn who has recently lost one of his eyes. Some time ago his right eye became severely and Painfully- affected, causing much suf fering and great anxiety. He went to Greenwood for treatment where he re mained -in the hospital under special treatment two or three -weeks. After suffering the loss of his sight in this organ he returned home for a few days when it was decided by his physilians that it would be best to remove the ball -to prevent further spread of the affection. Last week lie went to the Chester Hospital for this purpose. The 6peration was performed Friday night' and a message from Mrs. Benn Satur day stated that he is doing very well. It is thought his left eye can be saved from injury. His father, Dr. Senn of Xewberry County, 'and other physi clans, as well as Mrs. Senn, were with him. It is hopad now that his pain and any other injury will cease. Mr. W. H. Leaman, one of the sales men in J. H. 'Rasor's grocery depart ment, has been iuite sick for several days. It was thought at first he was affected with sciatic rheumatism but a further examination revealed the Possibility that some other comilica tions may exist. It is hoped now that whatever the trouble it may yield to the treatment of attending physicians. M1r. Gcorge Boozer, who has been quite feeble for some time, is thought to be somewhat .improved. Miss Carry Goodnian, a trained nurse, is with him. We learn that there are a few cases of flu in this section, but as yet it has not reached any serious degree of danger. Mr. lHugh Miller Leaman of Colum bia has been spending a few days here with his mother's family. Mr. Rufus F. Walker, one of our iWe A4Bs Beauz Motc Refert< We have been w three years of earni to the developmer cylinder motor. For we have been fore have good x - -that we have e standard of exce performance. Owners ofhe nex 4 plant in most un power and flexibi only in superlatir ability and low o acknowledged as fact, from every considered as litti elation inmotor 1 The Paige Glenbi investment of S among five-passe S Its position of pri to the approval F by motorists in the country. E ssex, Six-' s; Larcmt ?1 Six-42. Complete Li PAIGE-DETROIT ) _____ DETROI'1I IRBY MC Laurer splendid carpenters and musicians, | lifs accepted a position as salesman in the grocery department of Lealnan k 'Compaby where he is found to be as polite and efflcient as in other voca tions. Mr. Jesse tWells has been right sick for several days'and we understand he has an attack of flu, but we have not C consulted his physician In regard to I the matter. Ir. J. B. Pinson is -having two new C tenant houses erected on his farm, t one of which is about completed and I the other is progressing well toward 3 a condition for occupancy. 'Mr. Robertson Turner, who owns I two good dwellings here, situated on t small farms, -has iioved from the one in which he has lived for several I years, to the other nearer the cross roads and Mr. J. A. Leopard now oc- c cupies the former plage. These chang es were made in January after the latter dwelling 'had been considerably I improved. - - ____________] W. 0. W. Meeting. To the Members of Pecan Camp, No. 237, Gray Court, S. C. Our camp will hold its next regu lar meeting on Wednesday evening, Feb. 25th at 7:30 P. M. There will be work in all degrees. In addition to this it is very necessary that all mem bers hulding Sov. certificates, see the clerk at that time or before. There are over 300 of our members who hold Sov. certificates. So far only about 125 have seen the clerk and chosen their aptions. It is of vital interest to the other 175 that they attend to this at once as the time for selecting options expireb .March 1st. This is the fourth appeal we have made to you, and we hope you -will not fail to respond this time before the time expires, as it is much better to choose your own option than to let the iSov. Camp do so. Let all members 40 years of age and under bring policies with them. J. E. JOHNSON, Clerk, Gray Court, Feb. 16, 1920. Zd car iry*meria >rists Itasa .ation ell repaid for the est effort devoted it of our new six told-and there eason to believe stablished a new llence in engine rPaigeGlenbrook :ylinder power4 usual terms. Its lity are talked of vres. Its depend perating cost are remarkable. In standpoint, it is e short of "a rev uilding." -ook stands as an the highest type ager motor cars. mience testifies 'estowed upon it every section of r ,nt, Si55; Glenbrook, t riegof Enclosed Cars. c C WOTOR CAR CO. ',_Michigan )TOR Co. IS, s. . I] C 4'SWAIN DEFENDS' WILSON'S ACTION ocal Attorney Charges Forner Sec retary Lansing with Being an Im. perialist. Greenville, Feb. 16.-Agreeing thor ughly with the views of Dr. 0. 0. 'letcher on questions of constitution 1 practice involved in the resignation f Secretary of State Robt. JLansing ut going even further by stating that ,ansing is evidently an Imperialist, J. . McSwain, attorney at the local bar, ik an interview yesterday further de ended President Wilson by asserting hat he has stood squarely in the way >f the designs of militarists and im erialists. Capt. McSwain concurred in the pinion expressed by Dr. Fletchor in lunday's News to the effect that Presi lent Wilson was right in taking the teps which resulted in Secretary ansing's res.ignation. Like . Dr. e&6tchcr, Capt. McSwain had for many lears been . careful and close student f the fundamentaj principles of gov rnments of the world, having tpaid lose attention to the trend of events LIong this line since studying -Presi lent Wilson's tekt-book in college 25 'ears ago. Capt. -Mc-Swain said that he agreed vith Dr. Fletcher on the' important lucstion of constitutional practice in rolved because "An error is often re ,orded for a precedent and many an ither error by the same example will 'ush into the state," or, to use Ten iyson, even in a constitutional country ike this "Freedom broadens slowly Iown from !precedent to precedent." "I think, however, that there Is something more important than the natter of usurping presidential pre 'ogative," said Capt. -McSwain. '"Lan sing's course at the peace conference tnd his diplomatic correspondence with Mexico during the president's ill iess indicate that he is an imperialist. Being an imperialist lie would natural ly favor intervention in Mexico. 'iWoodrow (Wilson has saved the !ountry from intervention by his firm itand to allow Mex!io the same oppor unity to work out internal affairs '' at vas laid down as the basis of on' 1 hc fourteen points upon which i. irmistice and peace are ba' Capt. deSwain continued, "I predict ;hat, if here is a change from Democratic to tepublican administration i'y thii year flction that there will be intervention n Mexico within two years after the ,hange. "The Republican party being gener illy dominated by capitalistic interests vill go to the rescue of these American !apitalists who have invested their nillions in Mexico expecting to make arger profits there by cheap labor and lieapi mineral rights. "I, for one. am opposed to war with lexico to make good such invest en''ts," Capt. McSwain continued. ex flilining that American citizens (o not lave to travel in Mexico and can stay )mt until the Country settles down. "Of tourse, if the M exican nation mail 'ests a deliberate intention to violate )ur rIghts it would be our dluty to pro ect our rights at any cost. fuI we vould be slow to destr'oy the c'onfl lence of the. 'Latin rcnublics ef Cen ral and South America mer'a!y to uarantee investments made during he 'Diaz regime. "'rhe fathe-'a aind mothers aml y'oune; mnen of America." Capt. Mc.Swahu said n conclusion, "can thank Woodrowv Vilson that bones of American sol hoers are not now bleaching in the lkali deserts of Mexico." ITATE ('lAIIRMkN TlAI1RS P'OLIT!('S ohn GaOry Evans Says ('ox Stronig Mant. Open Minid M(eetinlg. Spartanburg, Feb. i3.-Flormer Goy m'nor' John Gary Evans, member' of the ational 'Demiocratic committee for' louth Carolina, .who has recently re urined from Washington, dIiscussedl in general way todiay national polities. Ie expressedl the opinion that Gover or' Cox of Ohio, was a str'ong man in he Democratic list of candidates foi' resident and said that iSouth .Caro na, in so farn as he has been able to tudy the situation, is ccntcering on no inn for' the Democratic nomination. "It is my opinion," said the ex-gov rnor, "That a Western or Central Vester'n man will be selected at the an Francisco convention. 'Who he will o is another question. Ohio is a ivotal state. Governor Cox has car ied it twice by large majority. IHe a big man and po:ular outside his tate as well as in it. He mIght make ne strongest candidate the Demnocr'ats ould name, since lie stands the hest hance of defeating Mr'. 'Iarding in is owvn state. "Ohio hias a new strong man in enator' Pomerene, who lins shown imself to be an able statesnman. -1 do ot knowv whether therme wvill be a con ast between these two Ohiolans. f so, it would probably eliminate them oth." When asked about .Mr. Hoover's bancey, the ex-governor said that Mr. loover was undoubtedly capable in usiness and wvell posted in world af fairs, but he said that no one knows where he stands in Politics and that until he was better known to the dele- a gates who attended the convention and i his views on national and internation- ( al problems were more clearly out lined, it could not be said that he was a 'probability' at 'San Francisco." "I think that it will be an open con vention at San Francisco," he said. i Aoll YOu afkew THE chief considerat v a cozy, artistic hom and decorate it Let your home reflect y choice of correct and harm whatever your needs, be st have proven their worth protect as well as to beaul Have stood the test of time and will give you longes No matter the surface-there Is Every Purpose, a number o economically use yourself. Laurens Ha Laurent Well! She terd: A Word Wells The 'The representatives of the party .will !ather there with open minds, but E vith the fixed purpose of naming a c nan worthy of holding the office and me who promises success at the polls. 1 ks for South Carolina and the South is far as I have been able to study the iltuation there is no diwposition on the )art of the people to center on any nan. on in the creation of o- ts the way you paint our own taste by the onlous color effects. But ire to sPecify Paits that , because you paint to :Ify. for more than fif ty years3 t service at lowest cost. a Pee Gee Paint Produzct for f them you can easily and rodware Co. ,P S. C. tie le Clardy C. One-Pice ko,( "Delegates will be elected from the tate and if by the time of the state onvention, on the third 'Wednesday in Jay, pubilc ofilnion shall have settled ipon a candidate, these delegates will .eflect the sentiment of the party in 3outh Carolina when they reach the !onvention floor. That has always >ecn the practice and it will be fol owed this year." I., --Ask For Theew Free-j PntBooks "Hfomes e;;d HOW to PsinitThm Contains many beauti ful illusj-trntions of attractively painited Coomes, !shows floor planp, gics rpcciic.ttcrs nd I itelll how to aclect the :righ-t co!-n.. "The Modern Mtthod ofDe,-i".. Thisi beuutifully ilhtstrr, ed tlo 'live.s thle latest and bedt idlea.% ora the decoration of inter ic: w l .. ceiling:. It s / n e .' rooms designed hy L:,ing stt.s , givinig eat eictasfrt.. taining harmonio-ti c ui r .t n :..h Pee Gete FL ATKOA T. "The Modern Mc:hod of 1 'iming Wood"---If you intend to biud C [ refinish your ho bc, hia bookles. will becv of rf !? hel t y. It cont.aina 20 ,:oley plite2 Of Gishi;!ed Woo3 pancle, and fnivo practi-El advice how to take care of your ' floore and wo dw.rkr. u Peoaste-Gaulbert Co., Inc. LOUiSVILL. . Y. Rather! our Suffcient ~mpany