University of South Carolina Libraries
NO'IVE Tr (ON'iAv'TOIts. Pioltdii ('arolina '4tate 1 it hway .lee partittent, F. A. Projtect No. Si, Lato retts County. 13(ids will be reteivedi at 12 o'clock Ilool, 1riday, i'bi-ta ry 1tih. 1920, at the ofliev of lainels Collntiy .liigh Way Commissiot. SAtun 8. C., for Ihe coln t I Fel ion of 1 1. 1I iiles of top soil road of Ihe ilerditont high Way bet weel 1aa1.ien antd ''o1llutitill The work consists of appiroxitally 6.(;:I eibi ards of execavationl, t0. 539 (1thie yar(is of top soil. 2.2 acres h'aring and gruhintg, 171.2 cubIC i"" concret( in hiiead walls, .12 eliblc yards class "A" (olncrete inl Ctii vert, 1.176 potIlIds steel rI tieinforvem llt aintall he n ces-sary iv eivrs oposLau I ist b accotkpanied b)y cert .iti heck rl'. F'i ve lionI i dre ($K)1111 lh"Alars. nmude payable to chitir nitat of ll tretis Co;nt1y liighway Ilm111 issin. I' Ian . spelifientions an proposal forios are oti liie at oillec of Laurens ('onn1y ii gihway Conimis sion, iIaurls, S. C.. anl at the ollice of 01he 6.1ta Ie IighIt.. I y i'ngitieer, ('olumbllia. S C. Promiintl liarlliie Sinuer 3Iakes4 a1 IHii .11 L~eap Yearl 111,1111net. S lit on. S. ( .. .lall. *'S . 114 iltl. - .\t a .eap 'ar i; 'Il't ,ivef by the biusiie(s- and professiolal. wonlien of 0'1lit el 4in ilt evtliligl of ..lan1ita'-y %'71, :ln the 'oule Cial 1 ('l oh { l011 (1n hii-Z oity, abhout (.%o jluindred banl lirvters heinig inl atteinlane. .,r .1. IrviI Co'lteithan1, Stilerintenildenit of the l'icdnont Imalmratories. 111c., was one of i leading& enitrtiners. lie hias :I in:lI nitien-1t harilone voice andl was dowi fil tie protIlanit to sitig his far rtt Song, "l da Ph al of .\lne." The n1111t1io14 tteelnI of this ntiinihter W ini.; by enthusia. 'ie p htihttse. Oni I4' rt liditiol of thle l n 1he :-IorC was 4So insislent tha .li. ('olina was IoIc'vi 'o respol ld, hllt havilg no oit ilr 1ninsic at hland hev repeatled li( ah ir 1ill1v. 1ha 1i t . word.. to an orig Ita! na t n xp'test iv' 1 of, his (It 0ti1h siasa ovel' O it' illerit: oft ott of the .rti le: .4 1tan11fartlint'd hv htis; voml pany D4all4ur ld.n n " H llow. I' nl yol. Ovar. old i en fee 4411.v .1nch night anld dity Iiust yotied li ol i 4 initdic11 e. I .\ay latia tine save you. \'hen th till o'ertakes yoit, T11 141 tweeitifroal; 'il rest yo t using Ellca pi no." ke dle ss 4o a th.1 V 11P It I r41 - 'piioded with a roar of' appIlase, the moe i44 ntiisitic heent owit t to untn11ililee of anlother 1Ph1 pi'lldtil ic. Inost of thetu .%\re uising Etiecatpitle 1 a 11 otIction i4' n114 lsIt in4t4 iiza inl .\r. C'olonuin1 thlerebyv :adbed I') his reputat .Iion 1:4 iln olitertlainler andl at ah . aneiv thile vinlienalel his ri1111 to all eotual (.elebrity v as Itn 4,nt1erprisi tig in11blic-ity Inanl. Not 11nat1y Iluen caln !in11 praise( of a p~roprietary remelley at I a t Social flinetionl and1( "get Tw. wnith Iht. If the reader of this i.'I wsy adveUrtIisetIient wotild sharts ilhe e1nthaslIt i fl .l t . 'oltw an andI lis Clinton alidiettee for "Dbear. Old Etlla pin r i may h 1 1u.L at .-nW thet' jar a-li abhaing dor by a111 frain t iall itI rers. P'iEditont I :I bo:al ories. I nc., Ilinion, !4. C.- --Adiv. the Gulne That Does Not Affect theHead strm .e fte tonic nnd In:ative effect, iAXA TIVW hie O oQU WINI F, etter tCatiotli-nay Qiie anliof does Not cause nervousness not iig u head. Remnemnber fie fuinatme nd or *he signatue of E. IV, GROV. 30c. 4.ETTERI . TH4AiiI 14'10 Ne4. hr 414 . ron-11411 pe-a n a.- 11.414. Ar 3 Suro'eons14 4 to44~' iii 'ior it (a44 Cold tI: and :tI''t Compi li.4' Whil 1Yo W it at144' Count-4401 er4I4Re ief ' Doe Not1 Come 41)l4. Delihtfu Tas'te.i , I immed4' lit -* i ' . ~ . pit. al t' he14~ . ' wo * 4 1o , I' 40.1 ' .h 'reliever an -~l'! 4'f4 1. lie ue t an14 ritost 14 4nI '4444! I by414 the4 h ih tio In'.ul a Iii e c ohl :nnd con SHIP SINKS AT SEA: ('11EWI IS RES('UED Occupants Take to Lifebotns When iloat Goes 'Down. l-i'mily of ('liC . tainl onl Board.0 Wilmintgton, N. c., 310.- -Rescue of the crow of the .\lieiero, nit Amer ican tanker, belonging to the Cuban Distilling Comtpany, which sank .lon day off the Carolina coast, was ef fectei yestetrday afternoon by the Su (.osa, also of the saeit compaI., ac cording to vireless mttessages received here from that ship tonight. The et'ow took to lifeboats when the MIel-1 ero sank. The mve:sage.ts picked up1) by the wire Mess sttiont he were rom membe's of the crew of the .\lielero to their relatives telling of their reseue. ('aplain lHarold C. Simmons, of1 the Mijelero, which satled from llaltimore for Cuba, .1anuary I ith, took with himi his wife, as stewardess, and his son, larold, Jr.. years old, who signed playfully as cabin boy, and AuIryey Simmions. 3 years old. A letter was receivedt a few days ago, by .\l rs. lerbert Casanave, 917 .\adison Avenue, a sister of mrs. Sii m1on0s, stating that the .\licl ro was to sat ir tomt Matanit /.as ft', Philadel phia otn .ianiary '2nd. Captain Sitm Itois has taken his family with hiti on a number of [rills and they have visited nevarly every port inl thle world at vartious tines. llring tite timtie tie Mivl'ro .was b1rV the essel ndI tewtn't't Its seii annuial i2 iinsp'ctiot at the Cur itis Bay ('opper and Iron Works. It was while at thes' yards that unusttal mtth'tods wti'te pIlloYed itn making ril:airs to Ithe tanker. It was nlecessary to draw tit' tail-Olnd shaft, a14d therO wasln dry.\ docki available, so nt, forwardi taniks were 1i0il an)d tite sii was pull dowi by the lead in order to raist' ihe st r n1 out ot thIe water. * GtAV CO'IT NEIWS. Gray ('ou rt. )eb. 2. We have be'n havi ng, had weatiher for several days. Mssrs. IDlick Owiugs aitd ouston i1abb0 killed two very large hogs .\iot day Imtorinitii1. .r. J'tT Willis oft ('am-y Sevier, visii ed .\1rs. .ohn2 Wells'- Wednesday. \iss .ue (;ray. \lrs. in'lttie lleev's, and t'har!olt lipp of lIei, splnt We~dnes day w\ith) .\rs. It-eltonl Owenls. .\lessrs. W. 1). Ihveis and T. F. labb wer' tn Itsabuni sevllot \n W estlay. l I. I Iotlo on li abh and family sllsnt Sunday with Mr. and .\rs. b1et fonl Owens. .lis ' -thel W illis \isited her sister. Mis; Ritt Willis. of Gtreenville Satur day night. .iss ('ora Iolland. of Spar'lanhillg. visited -r. and .\l's. kiill Hiolland Su-111 dlay night. liss Marv Wells al I hobert Wells visited M.lisses Ilatrice litlallis and htothers of lar'kstale Saturday. .r.\lberi ;t ray Pell Satrurday night~it ini Gre'n'tville'. Miss Eli.abth,'iIt visitedI .\li. andi Mr's. Itolpit ts Owiinus Sun lday. Miss Ailie llbb anid fathler', and( Mir. W. I). Oveiis tinted wvtih .\v. anti .\lrt'.. Smiith Mart in .\londoay. 'Threet ('attflemet(n itt Floidtn ililet. Tia'imia, ["Ia., .ian. :io. - 'Thre' prom2) inn ('attl02een of Polk Ic ounty w'~iere killedt in at pitehetd battle ando a fouthi ca pt ttied .tnst lbef'ore 'mlidniight: last i ghIt nar ('iclora, in P'olk ('outy, by deputy siteriff's, wh cttrlaimu lthe'y caught ttheit int the ast of cuttling thte wIre tt ine surr'tounihng ths vast Itract of' phiiosphiat' land nit'losed't 'rc'ntly by te Amieitria Agr'iiituln (hieical Tlhe dead mien are( 'T. W'. Albr'itloin, a large ('attlt' owner, anst kntown as ''Tinkte r TIomi." itis broth er,' A. .3. u'"Shan")' Aibtitton anti Milam I). Al dlermtan,. a sonl-In-law of TP. W. Albr'it tori. .lt'sse Albr'itton, son of Tr. W. Al britton, 'was capit tred. Accoi'ding t) Debputy Sheriff's New toni it atchter anid Sam iW~ilIlims, the three men were killed in a hatl1e withi lthe two deptlies, when itt he lt oilleers surtpisetd thitem ini the act of Cutting tht( fence. Accordting to lihe atut thorit ies, J1esse Albrti t ttn tmadte a complIet e 0011fessin, statin itatl the ittsn killed last night fence wi'rng. Tihei'e htas beeni a fettti tin for years in several of the SothI bPloi'ida cotintIe)) bet'ween large 1lanti ow net's anrd free rane ur oattIleinen, who are lighting agalinst fenices on the ('attie ranges. ('ongress Iri e ott horse ltiitmt is W~ashington, ,ln. '.9. iteformt Core t's in ('ontgress ate tiuietly origaiz/intg t odayv foi' ani offentsivye aga insSt ost iracin g and1( gamblhiin g whltichi is exproe I t'd to tdrive thost' pastimes intlo the himbn o where lit1uor2 now lie'S. 'PTt' fight will not be sltrtedi In thte open'i til he reform fortes are'( cetain 'that ItIey htavye enough votes ptledged t) give thbemt v'ictory. Thte wr'k of lini iltg up tc votes Is in futll swing to 'AUINAL'S LETTER AROUSES DANCElRS Professors Send Delegation to Amnette in EfTort to lench (omprol$tse. 'aris, Jan. 24.-Cardinal Aniette's recent pastoral letter against modern lances which was read from the pul pits of all Catholic churches has 'aused a great Ilurry anong dancing professors. They have sent a delega lion to the cardinal to try and reach I Compromise with him. A bishop who recently received a telegation of dancing masters told them: "Modern daicing can be decent. \ly nieces are taking lessons, and I !ai assure you there Is nothing ob lectionable in the dances they are earning. It is up to you to find a lleanls of conlcliation." A iveckly newspaper Is of the opin on that the cardinal's letter was limed ifrincipally at the American lances such as the "Fox trot" nild nlunny H ug''. The dancing teachers aVe decided that Inasmuch as the abers lfrom tre osteal tIls little mnountai houbut with all the nletlanel (1hin she stands guard m over hi( age with a gun, and theo an hers were frightenedi away, kniow she shoots to kill. But nlot thei endlu of her troubitle thrililina story of the. Kentueli ist s. Prices: C "I have seer ever appeared chureh has condemued thig foX trot and other steps there Is nothing to do but to submit. They, therefore, decid ed to eliminnte a stop from: the tango and rename it the "Habancra." They have added a stop to the fox trot and called the dance the "Spanish Seliot tische." Some steps have beon modi lied, in the one step and it. has. been named the "American, poilca." 'Meanwhile dancing continues and the dance halls are crowdod: every e'vetning. Notlee Opening Hooks of Subserlptioin. Notice Is hereby given that. books of subscription to the capital stock of .lit ('ohl Comupany of Harris Springs will be o)ened at the oillces of Dial & Todd, I1aurens, S. C., at 10 Wclock A. .\M., Jan. 29th, 1920. Proposed capital 1$3,000. Par value of shares $100 each. The geleral nature of the business the compan;/ proposes to do is to man factuure, bottle and sell .\int Cola, Gin ger Ale, other soft di'inks and mineral atrs. 1-1. J..ONE'S, -1. .\lD. 110OOR1., CI 28- I Corporaumrs. THUR T In the thi following "Daddy I HEAF he city In girl's ot her r huerit 2. Adapted as they this Is In this :y feud hildren 15ct: 1 this picture and it is in." SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER, THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS '*ma, / =,sse THE P. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., - tIWAW, N. Y. .SDAY [-HE SAME. BELOVED lary Pickford rd Picture from her own Studio the Tremendous Success of .ong Legs" and "The Hoodlum" LT 0' THE HILLS from the Famous Story by John Fox, Jr. ,Including dls QL War Tax Adults 3 cts one of the best Mary Pickford has WILLIAM SWITZER, Manager