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WIEN EVEIRY MOVE HURTS Iame overy 'niorning, achy and stIff all day, worse when It's damr or chil ly? Suspect your kidneys and try the re1Uedy your ieighbors used. Ask your nelighbor! Mrs. 10. 1L. RiddIle, 125 H olmes St., Lautrens, says: -lidney trouble got the upper hamnd of tue several years awo aid .1 felt iaiserable. Nly back and shouldere felt as if there was it leavy weight onl them, and aggra vaLing pains iok tle life and amiu Hol out of mI. I had1(1 blinding dizzy b'a'k before my eyes. Mornings I wa .40 laine vini sore I could hardly drs.When I ithtit over, I had to hold ol to som)iethilg, andit headaches soiuld ofivn < onie onl adil I thought my Zttl woulid !;plit. Aly kidneys din't act as they ho Ild. either. I got itnatn's Killney Pill't at1 tite Powe Drug C'o. and1( -they soon! ;11 Illy Idneiys it' e..1Ad cottlition. I continued itsing D ani's anitt ii 'tiorely (ured eit( of QUICK! STOP INDIGESTION Pain in Stomach, Soum ness, - Gases and Acidity relieved with "Pape's Diapepsinl" oI ! :l om:i h will keel IJi !( w It W 11-1 y(ou I mI ah; (Ion't nd % v aifrtbe:w en \- 111VI bele i~ 3 1hii 't I' S i s a ~~ ei Io \cin y u fe CIt bli l'im's nlo h .:oisn liilt. .,.t sy-11 of 110. lt 111R1t Caloda Cm(AlT ole oisgns * the 1' ha . l, :1 1 yonu i ' Sun- ti l;re hI is'> I N ., IIIh: b.s t and ml osthA :~amw. i nehtd boweb.. Chil it< 1. dIi "Li . ri ty tdsto on ulc iha A.itlti w1u bhnu lfear. i \ (~ah.-in NWOd 31i'tTALbrg 1hieoli.\c~ia: ASeOC .T. Fae Orkim(iz.At, ety 1 d89 ols. 0. ran Mnom tio.o ayl desire We. inaer.......ropetyoaains d-C MrCt.fI ioloy ...E, WIDgTOflS CR W. lT.INGartndd......Waero S.han her,..w.....Barearg S. C.ov a yu tat ::r1 thI.~e, Osaft. and. 2OurA Moiain st nOce!dt egud.larun Swrtaburg Thie yiesar:Gn.J Frser Con, 'rstColmS C..R enwod S.-C,.C DI ETOS WILSON AND BRYAN DIFFER ON LEAUE ti ti-- i (Coutinued froi Page One.) d America and the judgment of tle peo [I- is entered." Iiornier Ambassador Gerad: "The A ottry detmands that both sides get u togetier. that a compromise be made i and peace given the world." ( Formert Speaker Clark: "Democratic g aevointill ishntents during the last six yels ititie the party to 1a long lease 1 of llower." The host of I)eiocrats on hanid for I the dinln' had swamped tle available I accomtiino(lations of any onloN hotel In town and tle party was divided into t two dinners at twa'o separale hotels. a hlock apart. Nationali Chairman Cum Imings; piresided at one and Vice Chair nmnl Krkeer at the oth(r. The diinI g o0ms wer packed, tichets were at a < preininn11 an(d there were inany disa p poilted one,; s'who had to content tlein- I ses with straining theIr ears at the doors. Ilot i i n liiilers beg'ani with toasts drunk to tihe health of President Vii .on, the guests elevating goblets of Potolmae river water. At thev dinnler. where M~r. Cunnn111ings prt'sided, Vice President AlarhAftll was suated at the rigilt. and Secretary lant sing at tihte left. Two woinen. \l s. eCiorge Iass of (Colorado and l's. (Chares Tiffany, of New York, were at the speakers' t:bl. At tile dinner over wh-Iich .\r. Kremer11 Mrsde \rs. Poter. Ob-en of .\lnne:ota :mt .11 th10 T!e: m : Of 1.a:00 1 ad': 110h dil .' !.oing :' ni one to the lth r 1 ' arious rdlri< . .\: . ono ti:,I( na : st rn r 'ax.C Ollio: l \\ .t l d. \ litpi 'h a 'iir . .\ t--n i t lIr l Pil me I:;,t :4. ie n, nm tw' Pk1 lI iisc shill. Owen' 'n, \C li:vn .1. Bryan. ::'d l'r t' \\'i l onll illn-:wit w I t' It o th. I.iveryIot ly ait 11lth phile'' tiswas hu?%t1. i t' 1 with s pe1 i n k ' wial, lie idetu \\'b1 n t ida \it r bryn were 'i t say. Thre wPar rtimoisio a s 'lit i .iit! ient. hil twevet t ''1ed t l al it i 't him ser' y T ov : Ia Ive )(;I vec Ireaty v quelis tos ( 1 t a1ir o m fmt l t he Iull tof o I% of y . I I -I l .ll It it \\51' lik hii :n 'lunns in hi 0 i'nin1 :1 d1 e l - o ar Itd "Ilon ight w i k e imilite n r I iit I f AlndrO w oi lkcrIs. :-mdl at cantothr whe Ihe Ie. clated( Ihc D*emlorra loolod forward to thit 'u paini kl 1 20 w it Ihe uitmlost confid.-nce. Iwo b lleueena tit:o lieflin of th Alatoama, te (i s o 411d -' heIred is- char. 'llnt's IrIleInce t0 I tPrsid lt Wio 1111 " ws N -Ite r Ta he wa ' 1k) soultcil itt th'e big b1 ri (lmthieet s to icert s it e rin: a ti he ii ii r I ol~ehv to i e oih o~ nuFylit.ceaeay .oinall be itdy no. :u en 1h :act hef liil he112 g a t's tAll live"' wa u ng.dre IlILu0les. (lilfH n kahm x ost today was a matter foi\'Specula on, pending reports, offilcials of tile Yo states were trying to identify the Lsease and emPloy mleans for check ig its spread. Topeka, Kans., and .Muskogee, Okla.,f pparently were the worst suffereric ,t Topeka 200 cases had been report d and 'unoillcial estimatei placed the umb11ler at 1,000. Many sehiool clil ren were among those Ill. At Alusko ec there were about :300 cases. LNo fatalities were reported, at either, 'lace and ite death list from the imal (.y remnained at four, all at Sklatook, he little Oklahomiia town N' where it fit Pile prevaleit. The situation at sklatook was b elieved to be unldelr con rol, however. State he1alth departi'tv1lt inspectors ;cnt to Sklatook to investigate were xected to furnish information today hat -wold assist the aithoiities in lassifying tile epideilliC. Conferences of phyiianlls were held ast ight at Topeka and I'tskogee. Som1e of ti( doctors expressed the he lef that the mahi'dy was a form of lysentery. while others were of the )I)ini1on0 it was aI gnastric form of in e year y u stock, bond I t for ward to which I hai very optiri sales in cit3 were over iNr 1920 i1 I arn please values wou now will pi down. Ilb homes and you about SUIMMONS FO RUELIEF. State of South Caroinq, County of Laureii. COURT OF COMMON PjjI-As. Janie Bland, individually, and as ad mninistrator of estat) of Martin B. Poole, deceased, Plaintiff. I against SIelen .P. llanter, Lillian C. Bloom field, toy W. -unter. 'and his only child, whose nam'o Ia not knovn, but who is :?onetiies ?ailled 13111, Elu. gene S. liminter, Alinile B. Williman, Thelma Williinan. Andre Willimian, Franklin \YVilliman, Otoria \Villiman,i Maille HieW. 0. Hunter, Janie It. ilun t-i, 0lelen li tnter an1(d %lary lunter, Dfendants. To ithe Deendants abo%*e named Yol are hereby sum'.moned ani(d re <iuired to an nEr the complalit ii) tiii aireio't -rx h~licl a copy ia hei-r with servd 11))o you. 11and to serve a copy of you' answer' t. s1aid complaint ilon the sbcis at the office of Simpson. Cooper it& UBA.b, at Laurens, South Carolina, -within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the (lay t orSuch service; and If you fail to answer he complalnt within th( t imie ifj'resa1d, the Plaintiff in this octionl v:ill a)ply -O the Court for the re(lief demnutlded in (h. complaliut. 1t. (). prl10)y. DIAl4 & TODD. 31PSON, C000u1 & BABB, Plain iff's Attorneys. Daled November 21, A. 1). 1919. st close"' was the ba and insurance busi o my customers and as being still better re in Laurens and L stic over the future. real estate, farm EX ECT TO Ma d to refer to mylfor: Id increase, as they.: ofit by their -investr ave several good pi farm property that ..See me if you The Real ro Thelma Williman, Andre Williman, Franklin Williman, Otoria Williman, and Bill Hunter: You are hereby notiiled that you ire rquired to procire the appoint ment: of a Guardian ad Litem to ap pear and c(fend this action in your behalf, wl'.nin twenty days after the s9rvice of the V summons lireit up1)on you, and *' you fail to -procure such appointnient, the plaimuiff will, oi the twenty-flr11.ty aftor such service, apply to the Judge of Probate for said County at h'- office in Laurens, at ten o'clock in 'he forenoon. for an order appointitng 1ome competent antid sult able person tus GImardihn ad Lteui to apoi'etr an: deofend th said action In your behalf. It. 0. PURlh -DY. DIAL & TO). E11PON, COO11loAt &. IABtI, PlainwiftfI% Attorrneys. To the ab ent ) eudents, loy H1un tr Bill 11 inter, 'Th-411mai11 Villiman, Andre Willman an.1 Otoria Willi You will (1ake lotice tLt he Suni mons an-d o.mplatint herein were illed I the offi': of Clerk of Court of Comn 111011 Pleas for I aurueus County, at latrons C. HI., S. C., 4)., November 21, 1919, anid is now oil We therein. 11t. 0. PilltDuY, DIAL & TOD). SI.M P.ON, 300'011 & IJAIil, -Plain tiff's Attorn'eys. 2-1-3t-A nner year in my r ess, for which I am fniends. ie year than 1919. The %urens county causeE During the past ye , stocks, insurance V,0 \KE IT HALF A rner predictions thai Lhave, and that thos< nent. Real estate 'opositions in busin I will be pleased to want to sell, bi Estate Man TORPEDOED! on': blas;t your Liver and Bowels, but take 4 "Cascarets." You men and women who can't get Ieling right- -who have headache, Ioated tongue, bad taste and foul bireatl, dizzineltss, can't sleop, are bil ious, 1 ervio a ndapsAt, bothered with ii stlg..'. hree tOmTflh and1( Ao, yu ket-plug your liver and howvels celein with Casearets, or shock ing yoillr iiisides every fewr days with Caliomuel, iSalts. Oil and violent pill1? Casearets work whille you sleep; they cleanse the stomach, remove the wour, undigested, fermenting food anti Foul ases; take the excess bile from tle liver aid carry, out. of the system all the constiiated -wa.uto matter and pol;sn iln the bowels. (Cascarets nov er gripe, sickei or catise inconvon nece and Ca"carets ecst so little too. the Quinine That DOos Not Affect the tieaf of its tonic mid I~aative effect, LAXA. TINv- UROMO QUININIs better than ordinity (uiniue ni does not enuse nervousness not I '1ing in head. Reincbn'er ite full ntatne ntd ook for the cignature of L:. IV. GROVE,. 30c. eal estate, deeply ap 1920 1 look confidence me to feel ar my total and rents MILLION. :real estate Swho buy never goes ess houses, talk with ay of rent