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(1RUROI[ES APPROVE GIGANTIC BUDGET Calls for Expenditure of $1,880,000,000 in Next Five Years for Church Work. Atlantic City, N. J.,--The budget of the Inter-church world movement to be used in co-ordinating the energies of the protestant denominations for the evangelization of the world, was approved today at the conference of 1,400 church leaders here. The bnd got calls for the expenditure of $1, 330,000,000 in the next flve years. It provides for evangelistic work in American and the foreign held, pro per financing of hospitals and homes, liberal awards to struggling colleges, for the fighting of social and Indus trial unrest, and better wages to both ministers and missionaries. It is Specifled that no part of the budget shall be changed by a board of re view to be appointed with equal rep rosentation of all denominations, with out the consent of the denominational board directly affected. Three hundred and twenty millions are to be expended in 1920. Presby terians and Methodista joined in pro testing the original selection of the period between April 21 and May 2 as the time for the drive to raise this year's Iuota. 'Dr. Nolan R. Best, a. Presbyterian, complaine dthat these (ates would conflict -with the Presby terians' "every inember" canvass and moved that the drive be deferred to February 16-27, 1921. -Dr. David C. Downey of New York, a Methodist, called attention to a dec laration of the Methodits leaders that followers of that faith should partici Pate in no other drives until after liethodism's centenary fund of $112, 000,000 is completed. Dr. Downey said the world surveys of the inter-church world movement, which It was .proposed to use as a basis for the $320,000,000 drive, arc "incomplete and inconclusive." fLter considerable discussion the administration plan to have the eam palgn this year was adopted. IMethodists and (lresbyterian% as sorted that they could not be partici pating bodies without first gaining the consent of the ruling bodies of their denominations. Another discussion occurred over the manner in which the funds to he raised In the co-operative "ingather Ing" are to be apportioned. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., proposed that all .money received through the central Iroasury, aside from the severqI de nominational funds, be distributed among the various active denonina tions pro-rata. A substitute plan advanced by Dr. C. 4i. Patton of 'Boston, 'who present ed the report, proposed that the gen eral fund be apportioned on the basis of actual collections made by the de nominations. When a fight seemed Imminent on the (iuention it was re ferred to the general committee to be appointed later, -which is to rule 'upon all questions in conflict. iD OF eAPITALSTS GIVEN GOVERNMENT Vast Samas Were Spent by CapitilIstas to Aid Government in Making Ex plosives. Valuable Meerets 'were Al so Uncovered. New York, Jan. P.--A story of how American capitalists spent vast sums without expectation of return or pro fit to aid the government In its efforts to su1pply explosives for the war was told hero today to members of the house committee on expenditures in the war department. incidentally It deovelo[ped that the same men had put at the service of their country valu ale secrets learnedl from the Germans for the extraction of nitrogen from the air. The committee met to open an investigation in to the ex penditu res; of "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COLDI "That's Dr. King's New DIs covery for fity years a cold-breaker" roTHING but sustained qualitiq iiiand unfailing effectivenees can ''arouse such enthusiasm, Noth ing but sure relief from stubborn old cdaand onrushing new ones, grippe tbroat-tea ring cough and croup could Swe mado Dr. KigaNew Discovery e'nationally popular and standard rmedy It Is today. Fifty years old nda reliable. Good for the whmol . bottle in, 15e medicine cab means a short lived cold or' cough. 60c., and $1.20. All druggists, Give it a trial. Regular Bowels Is Health Bowels that move spasmodically free one day and stubborn tihe next 4ould be healthfully regulated by Dr. ing's New Life Pillls. In this way yo keep the Impurities of waste mat tr fronm circulating through the sys. tem b4 cleansing the bowels thorough. ~an promoting the proper flow of Mild, comfortable, yet alway relia. ble% Dr. King's Now Life Pills work wit precision without the constipation result of violent pugtives. 250. as usa1 at ali drugatg $84000,000 for two nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Frank 8. Washburn, president of the Americ i Cyanimid Company, which built one of the plants at Mus cle Shoals, informed the committee that the company had made no profit on over $89,000,000 worth of war work it had done for the government, The plant cost the government $62, 000,00, had produced 1,500 tons of ammonium nitrate -when the armistict was signed, and then ceased opera tion. Mr. 'Washburn said that his com paity had acquired the Anerican rights to the Cyanamid process ol getting nitrogen from the air fron the German Inventors in 1907 witli the Intention of using It in connectior -with extensive hydro-electric develop ments he had promoted in Alabama When the United States was about t< enter the war he said he offered the services of the company to the gov. ernment but they were not acceptce until after the government had start ed work on another air nitrate plani at Sheileld, Alabama, to use anothei process. This plant, according t( members of the committee, cost $22. 000,000 and was abandoned after I had produced fifty tons or ammoniun sulphate. -Mr. Washburn said the Musch Shoals plant would have "extraordi nary economic usefulness" for th( country eventually. DESTRUCTION OF MONEY THRILL IN FEATURE FIL. Spectacle of Man Burning Greenbacki Is Big Scene in Stewart Picture. The spectable of a person deliber ately burning up $2,000 in currenc3 presented in Vitagraph's current pro duction, "The Sins of the Mothers, brings forward an interesting ques tion of law. 'egal experts who passet on the picture are reported to hav declared that the deliberate act of de struction, even in the case where tht Persons owns the money, is againsl the law. It 'was further asserted that whet proof is given that a certain amoun of money has been destroyed the gov ernment stands ready at all times t( reissue that amount to the loser. "The -Sins of the Mothers" will b shown at'the Opera House on Monday Anita Stewart is the star, supporte< by a notable cast that includes Earl Williams, Paul Scardon and Jul, Swayne Gordon. Miss Stewart plays the role o Trixie Raymond, a girl who inherit the consuming desire to gamble fron her mother. The latter sends hei daughter to a convent for seven year. to cure her. On returning to the frivolous lifo of the outside worl Trixie soon plunges again into a whir of gambling. Marriage fails to curb her spirit Finally her husband, Norris Graham finding -her with $2,000 she had wor on the races after breaking solemi promises to cease betting, burns thi money i). 'Te destruction of the money f'orm: one of the most dramatic episodes o the picture. ABBREVILLE-MUTUAL . H[OLDS MEETIM% (ienerA Manager Blake Makes Anna Report Shmowinig Comnpany to be ii Most P'rosperous; (Oondition. Gireenwvood, .Jan. 6.-T'he annua meeting of the itoardi of Directors o the Abbeville-Grcenwoodi Mutual Fir Insurance Co., wvas held this morn lng in the parlors of the Oregon Hotel with Hion. J1. Fraser Lyon, -presiden of the company, presiding. The fol lowing compose the boardl of dlircC tors andl all wvere present for the meet ing this mor'ning: WV. C. Pates, Dhates burg; A. W. Youngbtlood, Hodges; W Hi. Wharton, Waterloo; R. E. Nichol son, Edgeneid; J. RL. Uhlake, Green wood; A. 0. Grant, Mt. Carmel; .1. M Gamibrell, Abbeville, and J. F. Lyon Columbia. All or the officers were re cected for the coming year. Mr. J. Rt. Blako, the general man ager of the company read his repor for the year, which showed the com pany to be in the most prosperodli condition. All claims have beer paidl promptly and all debts of th4 company have been paid. In addi. tion, the company has a handsome surplus on hand. The reports fr'or the various counties covered by thi company, were read and all -were ver) flatterIng. One-half million dollars o: insurance Is being written ever) month and tbe company Is growing b: leaps and bounds. Tile Abbeville-Greenwood Mutua Insurance Co., has its headquarter' in Greenwood and has agencies ii sixteen ceutdties In thIs section o: the state In all of s'-1ch they are do, ing ain excellent bi :ness, The com. pany has about nine mnilhon dollari of insurance now In force. Mr. J. RI Blake, the efficient general manager was highly complimented today tb) the directors for the excellent miannel in which the affairs of the company have been handled and was givet much credit for the fine showing foi the nast year. LAVA FROM VOLCANO FLOWING 20 MILEE Mexican Towns and Countryside It West Vera Cruz Blotted Out by Nov Crater. Mexico City, Jan. 10.-Flames art still being emitted by the new vol. cano at San Miguel In the westerr part of the state of Vera Cruz, accord. Ing to advices received here las1 night. It is stated volcanic lava h. flowing twenty miles east of the nem crater. Every village in that vicinitQ has been destroyed, while lava an( floods of contaminated water fron sOurces opened by the recent earth quakes are flooding the district neal the crater. Refigees from San liguel confirn earlier reports telling of numerou deaths from falling buildings and uols onous gases Rebels who had theli headquarters in that region have suf tered severely from casualties ann from loss of supplies, it Is stated. Reports from Teocelo by way o Vera Cruz, state a panic prevall. thero from the fear that the old volcan< near Cofre de Perote will become L M ''Ti The Picture of 1,000 Show S Pi tivo since cracks have appeared on ar I the sides of the mountain.. Iob First accurate news froin Couztlan, re, were carried last night in special dis- I patches from Palapa quoting Dr. Gar- sig cia Luna, who had just returned from cas Couztlan. lie stated lie had counted by seventy-two dead and 100 lnjuredI in be that village. me Palapa reports that other travelers arriving there say the vilage of Bar ranza Alta, near Couztlan was almost pa destroyed with numerous victims. In1 Su Palapa itself, 95 per cent of the build-lia ings were damaged. S kSIMPLE WARNINGS Ma OF LITTIE MOM ENT'' tiht Mexican Warning to Amerleins, Dis. tal regalrded, Nothing More than11 'lI WaMiver. d ie Washington, Jan. 9.-Warnings of Im r local authorities, disregard of which, IM .- reports to the Mcxheain interior de- the I partment declarod, resulted in the (CI killing of F. J. Roney and Earl Dales, Ca r Amerieans, in the Tampico regIon sev- as eral days ago, amounted in the opln- MI ) ion of oficials here to nothing more ca than the waiver which all Americans en Thursday ARY PI' In Positively Character Role< IEIIO Successor to "a LAW1 tarts at 2:00; 3:45, 5 rices: 1 5cts .(Including t compelled to sign before they can ain a Mexico vise for the Tampico ion on their passports. [his waiver, by which the person ning it agrees that no claims in ic of harm or death shall be brought his heirs or employers, has never m recognized by the state depart nt. nformation reaching the state de etmcnt today -was that the wound itained by Boles in the foot was de by a Mauser bullet. Carranza diers are known to be the only xlcans in that region armed with users, ofilcials Said. dvices given out in Mexico City it the two Americans were mis cen for smugglers of munitions to nuel Pelacz, the rebel chief, was credited by ollicials of the depart nt, 'who said that. it would be im osible for a vessel to land arms at point stated in the advices as that, 'ritory is in entire control of the rranza forces. Olicials also regard signilleant that Miguel Sierra, the lxiean who was with the two Amer I as when they were murdered, es pod without injury. Jan. 15th "Look out for t OKFOla the e Greatest of Her Career Idy Long Legs' :15; 7:00; 8:45 ai and 35( War Tax) To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take a Otab S The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealczs, safe and sure. Wedicinal virtues retaia ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. he Cops" D 3M" You'll say so, and more ad 10:30 :ts