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FAaLY MAIrALru u OLLi 1 y London Newspaper Tells of Strango Fate That Purmued Group Both in Life and Death. There lived at tyswichl inI Iie rein of Williamlu til I Ifanily known as the "odd1 familly," a most Itappropriate (' tni , 14 the following fict( pLrov. London Attawers states: Hvery evetit, good, hnad Or inidifer ent, Cate to thiat fatnily in -III oti'I C , or ain Ctd dy of ,he 110'h, av'] evTry 4erOon was ;dd in n (1.. 1 iha1viAor 01r ippeara lice. Even theic letters of teir ('hrlstian ninn mes Il IwnfsA amlotanted to tl odd num,1ber. The fnther iln molier were PIetfr and ltiahb; Ihiver soven childrei (al hoys) bore the iIamaes of David, E,:v ki'el, J11mes0, Jonas. Mantthiew, Ito--e and Soloton. rie iishn posIes(se 01137 one leg ainl his wife only on. firm; Solomon wnm blind in I lk t (-: eye attd Itoger lost hi it i n tI'r neeldent ; Jaiines 111d Iis left enr lo:. oft 1a a quarrel. Mattlww's left hatni had but three fingers. Jonas haid a .tump1111) foot, i)avid l hunphacked gttd ji'zekiel was G feet Intubes at the ige of nineteen. 1ver., oe @f the children had red hair. iot vftetanding the fact that tihe ftitth.1 hair Was Jet hMnck lind the m1other's~i wh.10e. trantige at birth, all died a-is si vnuge!y. The fnilher fell Into a -leep sawpli find wa kitled, (the wife diedt lve daoys atark froun stairvation. Mzekle i ntsi. ed. was wottld l in 23 places, bit re covered. loger, .ames, .lonas. David innd Matthew died in, 171 in, six air forent places on the sainie day; Solo mou and 1zektel wero drowned lit the 'lqmnes il 1'72N. RECALL LEGENDS OF HAWAII Two fdols, Recently Unearthed, Bring to Memory Folklore Tales Almost Lost to Memory. Of the iwo old IlIwatian Idols Inely fotInd coiteenled it the earlt at fi00k 1iiuPH. Paukilkiato, one, i fematle idol, I0 in a fairly good stale of preservation. '.ie Idol is suppose d to e t Itiat of K I hawalilne, the (Indine of Iaul myths. Ifor haunts are t(he springs at i'nuku kn1o, th6 Knunia ponmd, tiand the match less pools Inl the wooded I gIens areunad Pilholo, Malkawao. The legends ithout her compare with thase of the German fairy folklore, and roiutid the chatiins of her person ts she sits combing her wealth of golden tresses lit tite edge of some hathing pool Is woven many a half forgotten Matri folk tile. S 8 0110 of the latest on1es she Is roimtetj to have lured two hnoles at diftrent times ont a merry chase only to see her disapplear In one or another of the deep, clear-water pools among the wooded glens of P1lholo. One, a diietor, ended lis ainless wanderings to her glenwood Itaunts by becoming a paralytic. the other. a woodcutter, nevor ceased to describe the charms of this "wonderful woman with the gol den hair," always able to elude his em brace, but ever Ielconlng him on to her fair aiong lte vines and trees and pools and erligs of the glens about Pitholo.-Wniluku (I. I.) Times. The Cynical Actress. Maec bate Oscar IHaitmaerstein be-. lIewed that the nctresses should 10end a pe life, 'Tynical, disillus~ioned( aictresse tire no0 good," lie ('lCe said( at a dinner. "I rueember an oetress of mine some years ago whto fell diownt btadly In at part I'd giveni heri. " Lookc lier,' I sid the mtorning after shte fell down, 'til the critic" saty y(pi don't show halt"entoughi emotion In the scene where your hutsbatnd leaves you nteveri t' i-elturn.' "The cynical, disIllusIoned crenture gave a tart laught. "01h, I dlon't, donai't I?' she sneeredl. 'WtU, ilook heret, Mr. H-nmerstetin, I've had six huandots leave ite never to slun, and( 1 guiess I kntow htow mutch' emtionrt ontgt to be s'hiown in tsirdhl c'icumtane~i~ts as1 we'(ll as aniy Safe Light for Miners. rios a pneka~lge 'of electriclty abtoutl snaM itornige haittery atltached to the bedt of his bteli, and1( is connected by ai 0U11 wviithia linytI fastteed to the w~ a reflectorv, Itrows quilte a flood of kht Itt front of the miner, Inut its chief advantage Is aubsoluto safety. In olIkl days miners (who maust, of ces, have light) caried abont wIth thou opent-flamite hunaps. These aedittt timugh Ignitioni of coal dusat or gnses. 1%r Hutmphry D~avy's intvehtien of a saftety lamip whose flamtie wna protec'ted by a wire gauze tsaved til tmmtenise nmer of lives. it is it coitmmon use toting, buit thte electric mhine inmp Is Death Took Old and Young. 19eruing the war the LontdoinTimes, either wvittinmgly or uniwittigly, 1pub-1 liighed Innun i tribl e items about te ieny old mten and woment in (lie Birit !(h (mirei ' whto werQ dyiing of'. ' PTelir gteat itge, theItIr Ilongev it y, formedP~ n lng six mtht'iIIs in 191s, 3: prsn over ott hundredi ~iI i,'t t . 'ar (lied in thbe Iitzt i talesl, iut (t dlgures' of younttg nit on who f'ell dur ig I tat tim Inbeafort' tho gts of the (eemy andti whoI tied with~ ir''Kienzai iotedti toward a tmil lion. Not one o; the old, he~ it s;aid in ?1,tising, died fromt "ilu." REVENGE TAKEN BY ANIMALS Story on Record of Huge Mastiff That Killed Thoughtless Groom at First Opportunity. Careful observers have put on rec ord some very extraordinary instances of dogs and other animals which have remembered injuries put upon them, and have eventually retallated, says London Answers. There is a terrible story 6n record Of i dog, a huge inastif', kept as a watchdog by a Staffordshire gentle int. The great brute was kept chained In the stable yard, and during the very hot weather ono of the grooms, noticing the creature panting with heat, threw a bucket of cold wa ter over him. A week later the dog was loose when the sitie man entered the yard. le sprang tiponi hin and caiglot him by the throat and killed hii. A toniehing little episode happened a few yeatrs ago In a Worcester vil lage. A boy was the prouid owner of a very handsome pair of fox terriers, named Miek and Jerry. Jerry went off one day Into a wood nettr by and tackled a badger, whieh killed him. Iaymond, his master, went out to look for hin, but could not ind hieh. But two (Iys ifter Miek wias found mourn Ing over the (lead body of his coin panion. le wits brought back. One day he did not returi. Ills mutster :earched and found him laying dead, his teeth in the throat of the badger, which was also killied. An anmusiiig incident wis that of an Indian elephaiit whose revenge on a new imahout whom he took a dislike to was rathelr futitny. Ile pleked him up nnd deposited him in t lie branches of a it horni tree. NO NEED FOR FURTHER TALK Argument Had Convinced Man That Arctic Expedition Was Just the Place for Him. A middle-agedt nmn, wvith whatt ap peared to he a1 loiad on his inti, visit ed the itie si ii timer just before it started On tine expeditilon, anl seeied greatly interestesi in what he saw. "Say," lie said to file oilleer oil deck, "I'd like to go wit you on this ex pedition of yours." "It's awfully cold up there," re marked [lte otileer, discouragingly. "I don't care for that." "You have very little to eat, and you might starve to death." "Thit wouldi't be pleasant," ob served the visitor. "I should say niot," returned the officer. "And you might be eaten by your coirales." "And then," continued the olilcer, "you wouldn't see your wife for three years, and possibly longer. You know you can't take her with you." "Oh I" returned the would-be ex plorer, after P long pause, "then you can put my naie down on your books. Your last argutnent captures tme." France Seeks Mauritius. 'T'hero Is at movement in France to ask Great Britain for the return of Mauritius, the Beloved Isle of France, which wits lost in 1810. It Is contend ed that, in spite of being under Brit ish rule for over a hundred years, the island is still essentially 1rench, and that the peoplet desire uion with their mother country, Great Brtain has no particular rea son for keeping the Island, says the Newcastle Chronicle. It has no stra tegic or economic imp~ortanice, nor has It any sentimental associations, so far as Great Britain is concerned. For the Firencht, on the other hand, it is the place to whtleht many of their nobles emiigrated, and1( is the islantd which Bernardlin St. P'ierre immttortatlized in hkis byl, "Patti and1 Virginia." The lilanders gaive piroof of their feeling for France by seniing many of their sons to light int the [French army. Labor and Christenings. WA. Wailbace A lexitnd~etr, associated with the El kinis estate andi~ a leaitnitg light in the Orpheus clumb, at a camp fire gatherliing was humiioroiusiy de scribinag his t roiubles at a P'etnnsyl vania coai mine whieh he wats seeking to pit on it patying basis. "Thie miners were getting out coail two datys ai weekc-th le othier fIve (lays were devoted to chtristeniings. For every christenintg I the whole neighborhiood took a dlay to prepaire, 2. day to celebratto itndt ai daty to re cover. Fdinally the pirolemot was so~lvedl by hIring a brass hantd, arrniging a pa rade atnd having till the christetinags take pilace ont the sute mtagnificent, uproarious, welkin-ringing (lay. Who says a buisitiess itan has no need for thte creative imai~gination?-. Philadelphlia Public Lediger. Powerful Lens of English Make, Tho mtost piowerfuli lens utsedl in aerital photography duing the war, it is said, was tnde in Birmiingam, Entg land. It wats 0% inches ini diamneter and htad it focal letngth of 80 itnches. The power andi clear defintition of this lens were siuch thaitt when itsed Int an airlanite it gave good visiblili ty and detiailed infortntti on of whattt was http p'ening ive' mtiles below it, It is said that t he phtiogra pher ~ouldl oasi ly de tect the preseon'e of batrb'eol wire from I' hieigh of tree' mtilies, iando movemettnts of troops thatt hadt~ been effeotedl tndoer cover 0of arkness5 were liktwiso' t race abile by the experts5. iliriinghit11 tint m uifnetturel'o ftave ib~et en sot (sucessf'itl in making lenses lthat they bweloe tiley enn ciompet(? with (Gerimanty, whttlh let, iong hadto a mutiopoly of ig'n-grttde rannnineinreA of thtat kind. IADDEN NEWS. .Madden, .Jan. I3.---Two more days and half of January gone. Ilowever, though late it be, best wishes are ex tended The Advertiser force and to every reader. May 11920 be generous to each and all. - Rev. C. 10. Verminllion came to Pros cect as our pastor Sunday afternooni. .lle gave 11.3 a spleIldid key thought for ihe Mv Year. The thought that don 1 innted Paul as expressed In the words I "I ato ready not only to be bound butim also to die if needs be." "I am ready" were the words Ie used as a text. Mr. Il. Y. Culbertson gave a short improiptu and very informal adtir1ess or welcome on behalf of the church. B ro. Vermillion responded In like man- 1 I)(!r. We are hoping great things for the Iew fHeld. Mr. W. .l. Nash was here .londay doing some surveying for AIr. J. A. Woffor(d anI Mr. +,,. It. Coggins. .\r. Nash Is a great favorite lere and we can't understand why lie -was not sent Op Opportunitie, Cotton Mill k Thou my cu buyin have 1 activid get al your 0 sell st< Use ti be gla the n I am in cor not believe I WIL Poinsett Mill Anderson M: Darlington 1N Palmetto Bal Farmers Nati Laurens Nat Enterprise N GEO. S~Telephone lO the legislature. Laurens county vould have been honored. Well (igging is the order of the lay through here. Madden is getting letter, for once upon a time it was ieedless to try to get a well here, as hey usually struck quick sand. This ound strong wells have been placed in the farms of Mr. E. T. Watkins, 13. r. Culbertson and othlers are to be llade 800!1, 'he moving Is about finished. We velcoie ill iew CoImers in our 111dst ,Id we wish for those who have gone, irosperity. FINII SETTLEMENT. Tkeil(( 1ote that .n the 1211h day if Feebruary, 1920, I wlI render a lial tecount of my acts ald doings as uiardian -)f tlie esta'e of William A. hill, inl the oice of .1 udge of Probate or Laurens counly, at II o'clock A. M. All per)sonlS having --lemands against aid estate will )reseln them( onlr be ore said date. 0. (1. TIIOM0NPSON, Probate .Judge. lan. 7, 1920. 25-5t-A anumtief s Every Day 1 itocks. Others I oand of dollars istomers in the g cotton mill stq reaped a big p :ies alone. Th< kead in the wor loor. If you r ocks my office 1e telephone or .d to give any 1arket quotati< 1stant touch iv that Cotton P THEY ARE L BUY Is ills lills rk ional Bank :ional Bank ational Bank Cotton Mill ar 147 Adequate Fire Insurance arksdale & er Phone 409 Slippin g By ,aking Monek y to Make Money by Buying Vake Money Why Not You? have been made by past thirty days by )cks. In fact, some rofit from last week's %y are the people who Id. I can't bring it to 1ally want to buy or is a place of action. call personally. I will information daily of )ns. rith the large centers. Do 4il Stocks can't go higher. DOING IT I WILL SELL 2 Shares Ware Shoals 16 Shares Watts Mill---common 50 Shares Watts Mills 2nd pref. 50 Shares Mt. Vernon-Woodberry 28 Shares Toxaway 67 Shares Drayton Mills 25 Shares Buffalo, 2nd pref. 25 Shares Woodside 10 Shares Marlboro 20 Shares Gleenwood 10 Shares Laurens Cotton Mills 10 Shares Peoples Loan & Exc. Bank [ELL, Broker d Bank Stock Laurens, S. C.