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LIMITATION OF 5 URGED Because of the fact that any news print -conservation mnehod is of di rect public Interest, ivery nowspa per in the south is asked to publish the following resolution adopted by the Southern Newspaper 'Publishers' association at a t pecial meeting of the association held at Birminghain, Ala., on Nov. 24 and 25, on the firs page of every newspaper, for the information of newspaper readers of the south. (Signed) JAS. II. ALLISON, Fort Worth Record, President. !". E. OS'IER, I loustonl Chrlonlicle, F'irst Vice Pl'esident. W. A. IINlIlAOTT, Jacks-oiville. Times Union, Second Vice P'eident WAU11-1it C. JOHINSON, Chattanooga News. IHxecutive Committee-V. II. Ilan son, elhirnan, IIrmingham .News; 3Irs. Lois K. N3yes, Pensacola Journ al; .1. 1. Mapes, Heatumon 1nter prise; C. L. 'Stevart, Lexington Iler ald; P. G. 1ell, Savanna'h News: 10. 11. Jeffi'ies, Greensboro News; M. K. Utnerson, Lyncliburg News; Elmer E. Clark, 1It tle 'Rock Demoerat; E. K. Gay lord, Oklaioman and News; 11). 1. Moore, New Orleans Times-lcayune; W. W. Holland, Spartanuirg Ierald; A. Pi. Sanford, Knoxville Journal-Tri h.une. The following i.4 tle resol ut fi tinanimously adopted Tuesday morn ing )y the I-. N. 1'. A. in session here at the Tutweiler iotel: Whereas, members of the S. N. P. A., having iit in extraordiinary ses Sioa to consiiler tle reort of its com Itt1ee on lthe shortage of lewsprint IIper-a shortage which menneingly and inumediately threatens Ilie life of some 11 souitier11 lewspapers and whileh vitally affects the publication of every nowspaper in Ameria,--finlding: That new.sprint is being usetl large ly In excess of product loll; that tile re servei' supply is Iiminislied below the acte danger level; that no sizeablo increase iln production 111011 a com1 mtercial basis in less than from one to Iwo years Is possible; that tile price of newsprint paper since tel prewar period has advaneed from about 105 to about -100 per cent; that pitblishers of newspapers ini their zeal to issue their newspapers negularly i such IEEIULICNI'AN OPEN QUADRENNIAL MEET The 11P20 Politial Pot was Started Bolling Vestierday at thu National Capital. Washington. liec. 8.--Te 1920 po litical pot was started boiling merrily as the leading figur1 es of tile llepublI ciali parly, gatlerilig iei a for the (pladr-eiliial mrwelng of IIe nat lonl I committee, to)k cotiunscl with one an 4ther On ciadles anid issuis of the coming caimipaigin. mitte teelento is to sel et t a timie iandi plae for neCxi year'' naional ('onlven tion, but in t heir (constanl y mtult iply ini;, (confrncesli( the c'ommliit tee mtem ber1s anid thleir1 gulest s ta ilkd ot alInuost evit ythng 'lse r'elitin;:, to 1920). Choice of' the conivention (t.3 wil~l b~e madeli Wednesday, with 1Ind4icat ions pointu to ('ithe'r ('hie'io o r St. Louis and wvih early .June ppai'eal ly :met IIid onl by3 thei leadersH as tli(. date. int adition1 14) th aii ilonail Commtitit Ileen 11rom every3 5 sa ic, thliieputib Iliean chai rmen a11llthavt. been Iinvited to lie here tii week andi a larg'te ntum lherI of' ediors of Repub)icn': newspa per1s iI are expeted( to alteund. Othewr parlty leaders al Iso have~ difted to Wash ingtIon in exchianlge vi ews andi Jet a1 share In I he prielhinaruiuiy man elivein that realy141 13 mar.1 ~h ie biegin-1 ning1 (of the na11ltioal (canttpaigni. Miany of the mo0t intfluiential had niot y41 arrived tonight, but by the titne thle mieetting (1pens1 formiahy3 (l on\'Wed ntesday the p arty inanart iIS xpect' lie ga terin to 1(1 ui'ont of ihtl most cOmit olete of Its liind In the hhialory of theo Rlepub)1lecan pat ty. Diseltssion of a cons ent~in city did not get. fiar todlay, lihe leaden,~ appar' en lyv14 t~ bein )to t ineest ed it otheri (lilestins t4) giv cit great attentIon. VTe St. ixm 1 del egaltont, whiiIchi arI r'ived yesterday was active durIng the daiy, hiowever,' antd the (bucatio loli ex - tieet'd to take ottnimoe interest to morriow onl th~e arilvl of the Chiengo bouosters5 hieadedC by M'ayor' Th'omtpson. They had planned to) comet Ona sptecialI trlaint, but tek lg irape that they had changed their plans because of the coal shortage. ChIcago's chanlfces wer'e helped dur Ing the (lay by an atnnouncemtent by Wmn. 1I. Crocker, the national com mitteeman for California, that San F'rancisco, mentioned as a contender for the honor, would not actively seek theo convention bit woutld throw its influncen for the Illinoin cliv VOLUME XXXV. LAURENS, SOUTH %AILINA WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1919. M PACE BY NEWSPAPERS size as lavishly to print the news of the world, with comment upon and Interpretation of It and also to pub lish Instructive and entertainiing mat-. ter dealing with every human- inte est, have brought. about an auction market for niews)rint paper which has carried its icle above the level of sanity; do therefore ,Resolve that the Southern Newspa per P bilishers' association, In spe cial r iiveition issembled, urges its mInembership to make an earn est ef fort to redule niewsprinit consum llptionl, beginn Iing i oice aid con tiniuing tirough I l, at a rate of at least 10 per cent, as (ompa reld with 1ie coiinmptloi for July, August, Sep tlliber anid October of tlhis year. The issociat ion ean'uest ly reCon[t Iineinds that all of the piblisli 's of the south it Oach competiti ve a co-operate to the frulieV possible extent to the eid that (v'ery practicail methiod osilserVa ti on of newsprint and all other papers maille from wood ptilp may be ei ployed. ''lhe aIssoca ltionl recogiizes he fact ilt the iiecessary coiservation cnn not. he aiclmplished except by the reduction of thIe Size of lewspa pers or a re(utieoni of (iruilatio. he assoc iationi recoiliends that con servationi be accoiplislised chiefly by a r-edllction in the numb1ii)er of pages printed, the nmliber of ('dit ior.; * '.led, the size of type, the space of niewa healds, speti for retading matter andI1 ilustrations, space for advertising nid pyraminhig advertising and in crease In advertisiig rates andll aniin eriease ini snbseript lli' rites withI a view to covering the Cost of white pa per anld thet expenlse of delivery. to (Ihe subscriber, 'Thte associatiol urges imimediate co-operallon Inl each competitive area in support of all tile efforts made by tie commitee oi cotiservation aid conciliation, representitng the Amerl Cai Newspaper PublIshers' associa tioll. The conservation aid coillia tion committee of thIs association i-; hereby directed to prepare a foirm of report to be sen t by the secretay's office t,, all tle members of tIii asso (intioun oi wliclh they are(% retuested to report weekly tlie efforts for conl servation ald t ie act ual results ahieved a suinmary of these reports to be r'i n ted inl the associations' brillIctins. ".11S BLE E I~-:N" 110.11INO. Oie of fli Seson S Sus ccesmes to be Shown it the Opera iIonse Mondatly. ".Miss Illtie l(yes," trie 'oimdy suc e'ss to be showi at tw Opera Ilouse ne(xt Mldaly nlight, ha lmade a decid ed hit with theatre got' l., accrdiig to noee.i. The lkoilowing, takenit frlo ml The Augusta Chronici, is oi( amonig sutil lotIces recetl 1 giveni this play: "\iss '111ue iy s" at thi ('i nd last niighit tproved to tie on e of th!;e nmos delight fi sttirprires oft the season, andu If the advantce~ nti(ces hadl giveni the pubtlic ani hIda iif whlat a really' high ('lass niittsical comenidy it wasC there'l v'.ottld hav e beeni a Iar r''ct au ii.ence. Tihe imusic is by SilIvio Ilci c antd has all otf the initoxicaiting "J.aizy" 'harm'ti, (harnaeteristic oif leli's muiisac. The boo11k by3 Geo'(rge I lobarit tfairl i 3 mr tkles' with eiclev'erness; the .omni j11'Is ani extrtemiely good one aunt th pwllay' Is will statgedh. Artch ie IFoiulk as idhgcon twio dlivorice lawyers wc:'c liuese, It Is har'd to see how lietter work'l could have beein donte in th~csc two iparits. ('enteCs Jensen was hea iutfitu anil fatscintintg as ".\iss Blte in3et;", anud lFratneis Alorton as "'Sylvita 11rnywise"' is oine (if thle best thatit tils beoen liei'e his season foi' slit ennr dInc and tii act niadi look hanidsomie, whichh Is tall one e' in ask Sitn a Inuisica 1Ol cedy. The miiitc litIs oif till show were "'I 1oney sice Inn;"11 b'ilts of harmony by .\Iss e'. Wettwor't, iiJamties antd OsbIorne; an rd ".\laud .\lli lr" 1i b M Als ,1 enser'i. 'Thetre wer e t hree'11iine spiail tIes in the seontd act, the (('(tie( danrce by by3 .\liiss K oodrich' an rd .\ir. I .amb (thle mtost itenisationial dlanecsts tnaitt have barItone tiolos iitrodluced by a sliger' whose n~uie was not on the priogr'ami. A nothuer char'm of "\MIss 1HI0 le yes," was that it was a perifect y clean show, withbout anl obijectioniable lIne or' Altogetherci the commonplace title (does1 not tlo just ice to a musical conm edly far' fromi commiionplace. E'veni the 'rubie constable," well acted by Clyie Long, did( not wear "chIn whisker's," wichO wasi a strik Intt pIece of uiliginality In a rutbe con statle In a show! 'rhe entIre cast was good, and If "MIss Blue E~yes" everi' cturn'ts she wIll be greeted biy a good house now that ahn Is known heorn_ ITA1LIA N STRIKElRS CAUSE WILD IOTS Eight lilled aid 82 Wounded in Se rious Disorders in City of Mantua. Troops Finally Estaltlish Order. Rome, Dec. 6.-Elight persons are (lead and forty-two others are known to have been wounded as a result of the wild rioting on Wednesday and Thursday at Mantua, where mobs tel rorized the city. '[hle rioters attacked the small gar rilson, cut telegraph and telephone clommunications, stopped railway tra. I!e, raided arms siops, burnt. Ibrisois, freed all sorts of criminals, and held the police and soldcir<: at bay until freih troops and carai.ineers arrived with machine guns and occupied the city militarily. The troops finalily es tabi isled order Th u rsday n iglt Tile Itoime lewspapers. ton ighti. print fill[ detlail of lie sitiatI ion at Ma l IIi. Tle (iorniale D'italia nays tlie M.iiia charti of labor aitliorized a1 itike witloui excesses. Tie disor1 -rs were b'giln by 500 'strikhers, who *pci'''lily were joiled by IIt' lawles.l elnalutider the( directionl of ex l eoi ist s. Tiie crowds stoirmcd the niilitary blrrack a antd firedI on the garrison. 'lt' soldie's's d (iscouiral'iged 1he1 attack by firing into 1he air. At the suggestioit of soile ofl 11he extremist leaders Ihie mob tv:)v(d oll lo the railway statio), an1(i (0zed the r'estalrant, Where tlhey feasted 111( l k wine. Those of 1the riotelris uilable to enter the res olirant vere inctenised when the Imna n eh) puilrd wi-Ite 4,11 the t l iloor of :hit' )les 'a1tan unil it flowed into till' ree. Thle radls weure town*; up1 to preventl rins fronii 'lltring or1 leavinA Ile tatitoll and the buii ling itself wa.s badly wre(cl. At the suggestion, "lI is lb(11-n the jail8. ald free the pr~ione,"'the illob moved to the -i'i.O. s over11m the gum-rds aid or id Ihe aslonilslud prisoners out, Ii'lltig thoeil a revoluiion had come 11ni they Were free. Tihe liel Ieleased wvere all beilig li i for cotliliion crimnes. 'I'llose ill ,.ble to obtaiin civilianu clothes turi ed St'ir' stri d utiolriiis illside ou1t So :,s )to be less colispieuou's. 'I'hey were i 11v1*narm seized from sohiliers or takenI from thev looted arms shops. Thle proprietor of one'. of thearm slops raided by the 11(ob took r'eflge in a room belinld tile shop aned was blirntle to devaih in tihe fire thlie ml)ob -1 after t akilng all lie revolvers, rifles and aIIIitnition In the store. L,1I'AMNGJ FIGU'RES ltepuiblleias lIady for National Com. mitee Sessioni. Washington, iOev. 7.--The leading figures of (lte lepuiblicanl party will he In Washlingtoil most of t his week for Ile meetilg of tile natilonal iepub livan committee which colvenes Wed nesdlay. Althougi hI seleCtio of a lahce and date for tht 1210 national 'O conivention 4s the only busiless formally before ihr collimitat, the gat'ing of party leaders is expleettd to bring out a. great deal of disclssion of carididates and policies with lil'elimilnary jockeying whIichl may have ani unportantf bearing on tile campaignl. Several embiliris of the committe and many oliers prooinlit iII lItepub licanl circles in thw var-iouls states al ready had arriveI ttoniglit, and St. Lous1111 hafts brokeii the ic of ilte light for the l oivelition by op'ning leil lllIarters. effort for selection as ith colvellion ,is tx!od'(ed to be ani toIpr eendlvi to f~orrow bytoa of ho': siers.ol hav Wtednesday at~ leator 11 andi-~tls daoitt oll headquarit ale eatldidio to bei'atbwoek. Th~iles. manage s 1or.\aj ta' Oin. l n leonard n\\' li ae sat( re d llation tyin. to lt ntheio nvlenlion I fr Chlie ('elo,~i tis e C'- to 11 oa iz of rov. legrak O.--owden i iendself Senator lat rdnglof O(ioae ndr ltood to el yolanning flI ak~e, advan clxge the' mieing antiv hadml Stomas Juot et nat Pinexer of \\u'. hintonI have t be activ herei~ ao s:t emin. SomI)er mebrs' theh fo ommitwt(ays Yhouhtee better, ~that' ain I~ nt liing eyeiinghtie and yp'lfee o e Cn veone Ihheanumily canl taest renlutindring the worke.ea~n it athe gentlyh ak n i formil'Iy egtabe g tv'r much benter tanhe of andhrshffca ofthecmitaeexrtdt r Must Be Discreet. Of course every uain ought to )-. 1i) cral with his wife, but there is no sense In giving her enough money to hire a divorco lawyer. Rudeness Unpardonabfe. A man has no more right to say an uncivil thing than to act one; no more right to say a rude thing to another than to knock ihun down.-Johnson. Power of Sympathy. There is a wonderful power in sym pathy to open and display the hidden richness of a mnan's own seemingly nar ow life.-PhillIps Brooks. t' it The White F -Ague Is Annually Taking a Deadly Toll of 150,000 Lives in the United States. It Is an Actual Menace to Your Home and Your Family and Yet Tuberculosis Is Preventable. T HE double barred cross is the emblem of the National Tuberculosis Association and one thousand affiliated state and local as sociations that are fighting the white plague. For centuries the gigantic figure of this dread disease has cast its shadow upon city and country alike. With your help it can be driven from your' state. The door marked with the double barred cross is not open to tuberculosis. Use and Buy Red, Cross Christmas Seals Every seal represents a penny', worth ofl cure and prevention. Enterprise National Bank,