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uaranteed offee Read the Luzanne Yuarantee. Stu it It is e broad est,airest coffee uar It, Mier ta antee ever writte u ire contents c, IlleY o nt dnlis to use the whole c'SI of Luzianne andthen et your money back 'F Tou are not thor satisfied. _1UZI NE coffee The Reily-Ta lor Company New Orleans THE COOK'S DELIGHT Takes Less Shortening, Less Soda, Less Baking Powder. Makes better Bread with Less Work and Vorry. FLavo Nature- Flavoredl F1.our )' :>.v ) >v 1__n e o nut-like la o of. theI" whieat berry. Try~ it-. you will thaink us.,. There i.s nothing, like it. Bram et-Babbillin ' Nn - -r - y16 ALL ou cAN ; N / W, IVJ IITO 9660 8-,)Io 7.0 59 8 9 01 7.0 6.01 . . .0 a 3. IT 'r. . . ... .. . MD I N K tF me ~ r o 120 11.00 to 9.00 8.50to 7.00 6.00 to 5./ .00 o 40 U ia C r ..c 9.00 8.50 to 7.00 . 0 to 5.25 5.0% 4.00 5.00 3. Palo d. to 7.00 6.75 to 5.75 5.00 to 4.00 3.% to .? MUS KRAT W in i 3.50 3.25 to 2.75 2.50 to 2.10 1.8r5 to I . 5 FriI 1.00S wa . o 2.75 2.50 to 2.25 2.00 to 1.60 1.50 to 1.25 1.50 to 0 These f gM;; prices are basel on the well-kncOVwn "SHUBER'."" liber radi: rd are quoted for imniediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, and otherwi: i:rior skins at highest market value. For quotations; on other 'Jomb iin[- a Furs, write for "le ebfmt 6ippe.' the oily re.. liable and acc - market report and price list of its kind published. It's FR ELG---Wuik fr it. A eiame o "SHUBERT" resn1M gin "mnoremoe"-q ce" "ir L. YA UR FURS DIRECT TO T HE LA .6EST /USE IV THE WORLD DEA/NG EXC LWS LY ,N AM ERICAN RAW 259- W Au n Ave. Dept.27C1icgo, U, J# 'I'll iA'l'Y IOPE)D FOR ll' Presutiltipthie of Otoiiat1 'Iiirolte Matkes Appeal i Belihalf of Own Peo ple. Conistantiliople, Dec. 3.-.Abdti \Ild jil l'Iffei1<ii, soil of foriti'r Sutilan Alt dliii \ziz, in1d lteir prestilliptive of lie Ottotai 1throte, ill tit ilit erview giv en the Associated 'ress today, ex pressei the Iope that the United States wotIld rttify the treaty of Ver saillics and itade an appeal in 0ihIalf of his own peopIle. "It is staLtel that the Turkish Ieace is being delayed because of the -atti tilde of the i'nited States," Abdul sMed jidl said. "It. shouldi be remembered that we have beeni warring for the last. tell years. \V are exhausted. Pity should be takel on us tanid on oli homioieless people who are living il In le itill ost inlisery. "It is a line opportunity that Ant vrica has to he 11us. It was nIot our 'atiIt if we got inato 'war, bit because Franc' atndl (Great liilaini sided with ItI ssia against Its. l'or centuries we lived on good teris. With the Fretiel and the Iritish, an:d also we soutght no q1utarrel with Itiussia. "I war'tieil ie l''renelL and the I'tnglish before the war that. they vere forcing uts to Gertnanys side. It would have beetn a shorter war o'or theim% with the :Dardatielies open, if I had been listened to. Also I real ized that a (lernan allianiee would ruin Its, as we already had had too 1utnY wars. What shotld hi l one to\w? It will be reimentbered that Al snae and l'orraitte were one of the cauises of tlte great war. Well, If Tur ley is partitioned it will nwake new probltil s of Ithe saine kind. o"i' the sake of the whole of hll mtanty lot Ithe litited States of Aintrtea contitl1 its Hiht for an hoit 'sI imace for all the world. Let the lnited States. wihpse hiontor is pledg eI in bhiialf of I Itibler peoples, comnlinue ti!-htingI unt1il I real viclory (I peac'i is achieved. If the liteild Sdintes ilcc iis x t it \v i i iill in an n011 1W di cct . iand also it mtav drag; her ili' I , v..cil 'I ; :I I -r ! ttw 1 v! I .i I ll st p :ic i wIh h iil s Prin e M .\dliii is n11in2 is 1if ivich yevar. -'Vwr ::: y r h was p lniir 1ind i" lat1 ic u tain .\bcdl dit a :b on Ih. heigi h .- itf part of i tcnc io : niiiuIi lirr cci 'i t''. icbi N' < y .: cindi cciiiI whi I.(. i d cclin i l ii h hl iI rope aan' .\ll w'U'Ticn ticTukih iw:it S l 'ii 11-: (' hWi . Ii'''cli " UlfV:S .MORE1 TIMEi ..\ ii ta li ' cI I! Eu i' ic i (1 l1 ( c if ~ 4. ' 'alis, cIi 'n j. The S1enc' co il il hI.; xid i'i di until ah-ceinbe r % tI ic iiinev allowed i0tunutnia to reply Ill thei ituell' ~ ini ic's notc .cc''c li iI.i' Ani offi(-ial noto of sp nah r arin' (h it lay, after reviewin4 thle lidtory of I h- relations with iuc n i'i i , "All those pati(I eff t-s retsullted ini ) n iiude cirh-iliatory i onlly, ))tit tIm.l."tive ill (&eds." The' c wt-' il decid d <,n Nov inh 1 r 1.7. to in ci' a ltic. appeal. as the 11un1o Hlln it 14 )r lninania's; anwekr expirod lI - coiulwor ". The R"11nu.1ni:1n rely, howe0Ver "T he noe ay.'wa nI inl conlferinity0 w-ih tha p4-ccld hy Ill- :Iii.p* pnc() . -ci ncjl. ver. re < utun -ih of he ov.parlia in''ut lite- 'a'',i \vas i cil -c o c. ci , ric \ins i -ch Ir. an.! .\l' <li cc\\ cciesdayi. c -cc' .~c ccin' l:nowcc'.;- ih Ic.icccii c thei (dar werce'i huci ci Im3 iai l di i cip ji jn cc. al icby onei iin.icn andi t w.c woinc'd. :ccd i c, w as 'evidi n ac c cari fron i - eie ill 'i ;cs it hac lini ''''' n c bc - al c 'rIhi~ r ii, itcc i ;i IcI lii ic - Ii c ccclccct-c'c i c'c.i ci a)~ Cr. hi 6 to 941 Dnhva rdt ncc . U .0~( Om 'an~ 2 - ii 'rc.icAi cc'. * * EK3o NEWIS. * * 5******* e e eo ee *ee... 10.koml, Dke. 4.-Thanllksgivinlg day was spent very <iuietly. *leire werie services hold at the Church on that day; also the two (lays previous, and all present said the sermon on all (ays were fine. The sunrise prayer sei-vie was held Siiday morning, and the teanms were on (uty ill (ay and report that our aPl)portiolient and a good deal over was raised. The lelt h of our tommnunity is fairly good at present. 'liss Myrtle Culbertson was at home and had as her guest :Aliss Alomoselle Blackman. Messrs. Jeff Brissey, J. W. Thoine and G. G. Moore spent Thanksgiving withI honiefolks. .\Itr. W. L. Cooper and family, Mr. A. it. TL'home and family, Mrs. Nell Aloore and ehildren and Miss Lula Mae Box spent Thursday with -\If. and Mis. Joel .loore. .\lrs. Dr. J. G. Cooper spent the week-end In Augusta with her brother, Mir. Arnold and family, and Mrs. Alat tie 1-. Cooper and family. The young people enjoyed a pound supper Thursday night. at the home of .\lr. and .Mrs. (ay Cooper. Mirs. Lou Culhertson Wishes to tiank the following friends fo' re e'tni kind favors: Messrs. T. J. and Ki ly Cooper, Mrs. 11. If. Pinson, Mrs. A. 11. Thome, Mr. and .\Mrs. C. C. Cald well, Mr. and M's. W. L. Cooper, Ali's. Nell Moore, Master Jack 11Iamilton and mnot her, and Mirs. .1ane 'Culbertson and .Mr. Walter Blrisse'. .\!rs. Allie Cuilhertson spent Sa tui' day with M.\r. EIdga r liur its and famiIly. .\lisses IMffie and .\1arselle Cook spelnt Snday with lisses E~velyn and I.(111 . Culbertson. Alisses ,Janie and .\largaret Ashe speni lt th(' week of h'lanksgivinug at their hoiime in MeConnel svilIe, being accompanied by Mr. tRyan lPinsoi, they ni-1ng the trip, in hi.' car. UFT OFF CORNS!. Apply fcv drops then lift sore; touchy coins off with fingers Doesn't hurt a h1t! Drop a little F'reezone oii an aching corn, Instantly that corn Stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! iny hottle of Freezone costs but a few Cents at any (r'uig store, but is [ullicint to 'emove (Ve(very hard coin, .-oft. (or-n. 91r corn betweein the toes, and the Calluses, without. sorienesi ( irritation. Freezonie is the sensational discov iry of a Vincinnaii:l g(eniuiis. It Is won derfro. KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOK OUT! Kidney troubles don't disappear of The housewifo of Holland would al. tese ' They grow slowly but most as soon be without food as with steadily, 'undermining health with deadly certainty, until you fall a vic. out her "Roal Dutch Drops," .as she tim to incurable disease. quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Stop your troubles while there is time. Oil Capsules. They restore strength Don't watt until little pains become big and are responsible in a great measure aches. Don't trilio with disease. To for the sturdy, robust health of the avoid future suffering begin treatment Hollanders. with GOLD M10DAL Haarlom Oil Cap sules now. Take three or four every Do not delay. Go to your druggist and day until you are entirely free from insist on his supplying you with GOLD pain. MEDtAL linarlem Oil Capsules. Take This well-known preparation has been them as directed, and if you are not one of the national remedies of lol- satisfled with results your druggist will land for centuries. In 1696 the govern- gladly refund your money. Look for ment of the Netherlands granted a the name GOLD M1EDAL on the box special charter a'uthorlzing its prepara- and accept no other. In sealed boxes tion and sale. three sizes. WHY PAY MORE? The Abbeville-Greenwood Insurance Associa tion will protect your property from Fire, Wind and Lightning for 50 cents per $100.00, or $5.00 on the thousand. The largest and strongest Mutual Insurance Association in the South. Twenty-seven years experience. See Z. L. M ADDEN, Local Agent rOFFICE---OLD ROBERTSON HO I El, LIVE DEALER WANTED FOR Colfte ae11Iro "8 An unusual opportunity for a man of initiative to sell this nationally ad vertised Automobile in Laurens County. Cothran & Putnam Distributors for Greenville, Pickens, Oconee and Laurens Counties Greenville, S. C. AM= ~~22I Ittc ' What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction-and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! E XPERTLY blended choice low-mildness of the tobaccos yet Turkish and choice Domestic taming the desirable "body." Camels tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi- are simply a revelation! You may nate bite and free them from any smoke themwithout tiring yourtaste! unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette Camels win instant and. permanent in the world at any price. Then, success with smokers because the you'll best realize their superior blend brings out to the limit the quality and the rare enjoyment refreshing flavor and delightful mel- they provide. R. J. RtEYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WinstorSalem, N. C.