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10000000000000000 An Airplane Love Story of Adventure in the African Jungle White By GEORGE AGNEW CHAMBERLAIN (The Most Fascinating and Exciting Story You Ever Read Read the First Install- i ment in This Paper Ooc0r0oE0o0000000Li DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets - dangerous Apply a little, don't rth, let it pene trate, and-good-by IInge! Same for external ache-, pain', strains, stiffness of joints or n iscle , laneness, bruises. Ilnstant reli i otit mussiness or soi ied clothing. Reliable-the higlest selling lininent 'ar after year. Eco nolliical ly reason of cllrI1llitls saleS. Keep a )ig bottle ready at all times. Ask your druiggist for Sloan's Lini ment. 35c, 70c, $1.40. Simvply raise lamp 2ndI tlpr 'rmovo~ eithe pantinable I: '-s restfu Rayo) Iamp; woni't smoke wick and ci better at am solid brass) r 3,000,000 ini Aladdin Securi - ST AN DA RI Wuahinton, D. C. Il Norfolk, Va. R ichmni.oo V. FOR IIELIENA U1110T 'lIIl of Cases (Arowilfug Out of lIteceit aie lotIts is Procee'ding lIapidly. 122 Indictments Have een Brought 'llelona, Ark., Nov. 3.-Trial of cas s growing out of the recent race dis Lurbances near dElaine, In the southern part of this county, which resulted in tle bringing of indictments against 122 1ersons, mostly negroes, proceed Od ra1-idly today1 inl Phillips8 countIy Arcuit court, ji es returning verdicts r~f guilty of first degree murder In.two eases, thereby causing six negroes to be selntencted to death by electroci ion. ividnlice brought out by tie prose ntiiion inl the two oses lieard today <iiowed tie existence or a post of the 'Progressive Farmers and I louselhold lnion of America," lie organization mditir which it is allegedl the IegIoes weIe landed for tite uprising at El int iear where thbe d ist i rba nces took dace the first week in October. re ;ulting in the death or five white per ,ois and a large number of negroes Ind tie wounding of others. Several witnesses for the state re ated how they joined tle Elaine post vithi in tenl days before tle distu rbane Is begani and wrt told to brin g arms o lin't'ti ig houses, he'eauis' tie tunion 'expected trouble if the wlites tried o break 111 its ilet1ing." That the un ion had a large follow g i tle iClailie ieighboliood was oughout out in ti' testiioniy of George ;reen, a nepro appearing for the state n tihe cas' of Frank Ilicks eiarged vith the killing of Clinton lee. (reen :aid lie allended he mleitting of the %In 'It il a teh1tireb.- Ile Ilight of Sept em er :.0 and saw thure "over a hundred lead" who, hto testified, all1 carrlied 'ilns. OH! EACH DAY A LITTLE MORE 1tut-ry! Iet "nderineli" Nil your hair ait iouilpe its bneauty. 9r To slop 'alli hair at ic' manl rI 1t' scalp of -ery parlitice of d'.n druflt, g t a SuI all hotte of tf u "'Iiaiderine" al any dititg 4)r loile counter for a few oents, pourl at lilth( inl your I ati ld and rubi it into t'itscalp Alier se-ver1al applient.,iions" the hail uist Ially stop. com ing L! ou ntild you calln' find any dMdrff 1)el your. hail .trow lonl,g, thick and s trong and( he cole soft. glossy and abiundaniit. ike a Gas Jet the gallery of a Itay o ly the mat(ch. D~on't r s;hade or chiimey. rtngs 8teady, coml ght wherever used I and economical. s last a lifetime :1 or sell-fill, re can readily. None ly price. Built of tickel plated. Over .18C. tyv Oil gives lbest results ) OIL COMPANY New Jeracy) A f.-TI MtOR. Cha.rtte, N. C. Mi I). Charestn, w. Vi. Chatrleson, . C.( AMPS BREAKS A COLD 'WA IN A FEW HOURS "PapeN's Coid fonmpoun d" instantly re lieves stniYlness and distress. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken evelry two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe Inisery. The very first dose opens our clog ge(-ujp nostrils and 'the air passages of the head; stops nose running; re lieves the headache, dullness, feverish ness, sneezing, sorentss and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the qiuickest. surest relief known and costs only a few Cents at drug stores. It aets without assistance, tastes nice, coiains no tIninine-Insist upon P'ape's! ter YOU eat-iawats take AT NIC - YOTOMA Instantly reliev H burnBtoat ed~assyey . food souring, re Land a~mach miseries. a nKOOP stomach .woet&W strong. IncreaseVItali aidPep. EAT0111lCasthobest romody. Tons of thou sands wonderfully benefited. only costs& coit ortwos da tousait. Poelvlyguarantid box 0o"ay o u wi se10 . s THI Light enough to The "Jack De It has won out ii, whether there were burns kerosene as pe We want you t, Write us for full desi SPART. SPARTANBURG, S. C. Paint "Save the Surface and you Save All" It was then an automobilo in which a small sheriff's posse was going to arrest a white man In the Elaine neighborhood, was stopped for repairs before a negro church, according to a statenielit Issued by the "committee of seven," authorized 'by Governor Cias. Brough, city and county authorities to investigate the trouble, that the dis orders sarted, the negroes in the building firing on the party, killing onei 'white man and wounding another. The 'first case caled today was that of Frank 1lticks, several witnesses for the state testified they saw 1licks ire the shots the( motting of October 1, that resulted in the death of Clin ton :lace, of this city, a former soldier, who was a member of one of the posses seti. to tl' section following receipt. of news of the attack on the sheriff's .posse, the previous night. The defense announced it had no wit nesses against which the state rested its case. (ourt ad.iouri ng until af terinoon as a mark of respect for Judge '11. C. Thweatt, oldest member of the local bar, whose son was buried here today. When court was recon vened argument s were waived and .Judge '.. .M. .Jackson instructed Ihe jiury, 'which, after eight minutes' de liberation, reti rneld a verdict of gullty in Irlst degree nmurider. Ilickis acted as leader, giving orders. The ecolld ease caled, iamied as defen (lelnt s Frank '.loore, Ed. Ilieks, .1. P0. Knox, 1'aul 11ail and EId Cole man, all iegroes charged .iointly with tle muttirder' of Clinton .ee. In this case the prosecution alttemipted to prove 1le fiv neg roes werv leaders of-thIle l'linij "sqIad". Witnesses for Ilhe sidte repeatedly testified that Mloore, Knox al lii icks actedt, as Iead ers giving orders and forming a Col umntiti of twos, marched toward lloop Spur wher' they had heard' shots. .(ohn .efferson. itegro, IestifIed Ihat I lick!s was presiden t of tile EKlainle [lost of the tnlioll an(d Knlox, Vice pres idelit. .lie also sai(I that Kiox who brought upl th11' real' of the colunii, said he woul d shoot anly deserters. Witnesses also testilled to the pres eince of Hall ail Coleman in the s(Ilad that moinitig. F01'RITEEN DIE AS STEIAMEiR IS S1'NI Six Others 3 isslng After Ship t loes lDown ii larbor at il Muskegon, 31ich. Mliskegon, Alich., Oct. 28.-With folrtel kilownl deal and six or iiore missing, only tilm' v':1 bring an1 aceitr at, count - ' thev toll of the great seas which ealIy this ilorniig bodily lifted tile ('rosby a5sselgT stealler .\uske goi, folniti-rly the (City of Hlolland. and Si l ld helr to piec S on thIle iers ;at the tran'e tlo M.\uskegol harbor. Th' list of dead is being add -(A to almosi hourly. Theil stimaSide-w l hlr, bound11I -froml .\lwallikvo. aIfter oultriding a, night of galo, mllule for the( harbor inl IIhe early mornin.: darknevss, but is said byv (Captain ldward'i .\i illetr to have struck the hiar at the entt'ticl. The whteel padidl's Jammedtl'( in the sandl, ('hec'(king hteadway. and Ithe( great ('ombers' threw ,the4 ship abouit and htlu lt hr oni to the plit'. There she hutng, momtietarily, jlouninig itto wreck'lage, antd t heln sI lpped off into the dccln chatnil, goinig downl in tifty feet of water, Tlhe vesse'l lies a s t'trm ltrn tattle of steel and splintered wvood, effe't ually blocking thel( hat'bor l"ifly VOr tihe 72 passengers anid c'rew, glided'( Ito salfety by a sinigle guard4(, w'~ere tnigthI kniown to1( have beeit save'd fionm the vessel. It was fe'ared'( several were r'augh t bet weeni de(('ks. SuittvI'or', imost of t hemo es (':a41041d nl t in1their nIght clothlintg, were'( bteing cared'( Cot' by thle lied Cross, whtile in the city morgues lie the bodi's tecoverted. Graphlic stor'ies oIf terr'or, sutffering atnd her'oismt wer'e toldl by s~trtvivors and( Ithe itrtavery of Capltain IEdwin Millet' andi his otllcers and1( crew, who r'emaIied at thlei' post1s to the last, w'as rec(outnted. Captain Millet', sens Ing disaster' as the vessel was dIriven toward( the pier, ordered all to leap fot' thtei' lives and the time-hallowed sea rule, "Women first.", .was followed. Only foutr women, one of whom was employedl on the boat, were tonight knowvn to have been lost. Tihie women, fearing to venture over the rail, wvete bravely led by 3l1rs. Fred L. .leerman, of Mtuskegon, who leaped fr'om the shiip. Other's jumiped or werec handed dlown ropes by men passenger's and crew. (Captain Miller', htard stricken by the d isasteri anid losts of lIIves, dleclar'ed the undi~er'town swtung hiis ship after sher strutck Itic liar. "I toldl thle cabin boys to wake bte panssenigrs and et'ew and order'ed( all over' the r'a Il," he said. hose .whto moved qutickly were 5faved, 'Tli onies who held hack lost teir lives.. 11es Cured In &to 14 Days Dogigltets recfund money if PAZO OINTMENT foltk to ~rcur tchlag, iBh n' Ie tcd.iig 6r Protrudlnai Piles, I nstadty rc~toven Itchlait PlIc' and you can etc p na',fi ttlna afent the tite- nnntila nu Dret U AS] Calomel sal acts like dyna caloniel come crashes into i1 Take "4 dson's Li If you feel bili us, hetidachy, con stipated and all nocked out, just go to your druggi 6pd get a bottle of Dodson's Liver one for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable sub stltuto for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful, and if it doesn't start your livet and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel LOOSE LEAF LEDGE1 ....FOR SA ADVER HART-PARR go anywhere; healvy enough mpsey" of the 1 every contest for the r Six or Twenty-Six Trac rfectly as other tractors : know about this won :ription, full tests and pr AN HARDWA G. S. HUTCl [lisurar Destruction of your pi dlestruction by decay a You are carrying fire: you against possible 1 fire Paint affords positive p against decay and deteric sides it increases the vah to its appearance. F or every surface that ne -or stained, you'll find a I Nwill give you lasting satisfi century of reputation f or Pee Gee Trademark. Ask us for FREE Paint Book ' for Color Cards, or write direci Peaslee-Gaulbert C LAURENS HAF Distributor, of PEE CE ANGEROUS ivates! It's mercury. Calomel nite on a sluggish liver. When s into contact with sour bile it causing cramping and nausea. ver Tone" Instead! and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and rcal!y for work or play, 1b is harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it. ,LE BY.... TISER PRINTING CO. --30 to pull anyt.hing 'ractor World oast sixteen months, tors in the field. It do gasoline. derful little tractor. ices. RE CO. IINS, Mgr. Implement Dept. LCC 'operty by fire is remote, irnd neglect is certain. nsurance, which protects ss, but does not prevent rotection and insures yotu ration by the elements, be te of your property and adds eds to be painted, varnished eCe Gee Paint or Finish that Iction at lowest cost. Half a highest quality is behind the 'Homes and hlow to Palnt 'Them" also to O.Incorporated. Louisville, Ky. ~DWARE CO. E Paint Products