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SOUTH CAROLINIAN r WIiN'S 111G11 IKONOII Captalin Donaldson Second in Air i Riee. Native of Greenville. Mlincola, N. Y., Oct. 20.-South Caro linia captured second honors In the trans-continental air flight and re- I turn, when Capt. J. 0. Donaldson land Cd at Roosevelt lie dat 10:30 o'clock today, and Winner of the ariny air t race from this pilace to Sanrancisco and return having been Licut. 11. .1. Maynard, of Wake Forest, North Caro lina, who reached here Saturday aC telnotbn at 1:~>0 o'clock. Captain Donaldson, who Imado this 5,M ,* ,iile jolturney in a single sealed. airplane. is a native of Ureen vIlle. S. C. He Was in Europe 14 s Or/e Luziann aSouthe Souther Orleans and'Nev therepu, ingtheile in thel States.: IDEi.AN he Re ly-TAy C. ~ GUARANTE ' If, aftier - SOUTH C! STATE AT COLl Oct. 27th t l-: t t) v '('-:1 )t-'. l-:1St.'. T W(' k-:T. . ON IO Y (I i'iI Ire tl' iel I T(' -:lets. I g l t'.i \\'I, )ES,)\Y 1(uth1 (.1'*rli T settul)i The(sii Ie ('n \VlIo~ OINC I kr' V iiteents .Sale' iisyof P era Novet. Th , gratReshwidg see vin Suith Cartlin 'a Te ( shws Wonderf t iul free inets. 20lct,e a ti Reid<l'1 9 e will l slltt ubie anla ti onu~~ f 7tfIiS nuls.isc I brood 2oe I-h 40lo.500, ee bsh~elus et eor: c.0ks I I voie p s~lan tie (tuno it i disearrows Jult nd 7u itSmatttltll trro foot ~ lws sub-stl tiplows di Dolr . LU THr aduEro onawelejnp- frn SA/ IL 101 nonths as a member of the American ;eneral lcadquarters squadron and iso saw service with the British army e'ar Dunkirk. Captain Donaldson took part In sev n1 of the major operations of tihe wtnerleani armmy and whileflying over )oumai shmoily arler tihe Chateau lfhierry drive was attacked by three er.1manm planles. iv brouIiglt (own wo of them but was captured by the hird, later, however, escaping to Bel AimIm. Another of the Mysteries. One of tho mlystecrie-s (fif i howI. l(N ti aoorlsh 11man1 ('an1 keep right oni ohI ;erving th1e ways of gentien amnd mever aicqitre anIy of them for him elf.-Detroit Free Press. is Coiree e is distinctly Tn coffee for a people.New sitshome,sir, Orleanshas 'ationofmak >est coffee rhole United VERY POtiND S0.1 IN AN I)IDUAL AIR-I110111 TIN CAN coffee Aux %..'UxiZ~jdi~y reans untents of mr vrocer RO LNA FA.IR JMBIA to 31st. E -:NT. m \il I\'sts o h o I i rilli of I h1Y Mont h I lst Irea l's I. (,lil i t lil 1mI ' of1 finie ('at tle an 111Ilogs e'ver' ranss aggre~at jion of t wenty nal Property BOOZER ence Near Kinards winI pernl pr1,1 iopety :' 1() to 5.000 buindEles ofI fo~her; s; r'eaper' andi binder;'t 1 ood ~ bhiotrs; :3 5iemtloll hmarrows; 2 w:2 I wo-hor'se low~s, sinigl( ec euitaw~ay ilow~s, lot of it hert nmith 11ools)1, esiting ofi anvil, loun~.filicy wrenihs, i long's, etc.;in It'a(tgon' hrnegss t Ies horst ATI 10 O'CL(HIO(K. BOOZER INDIGESTION NOW BOTHERS WILSON President lind Slight Digestive Trou. lle Yesterday. Better Otherwise. Laitest. Dlevelopnent not Itegarded Serious. Washington, Oct. 19.-Ilaving oh tained relief from the prostatic glands, which .lr. Wilson was the victim of, he is now suffering with slight Indi gestion, Rear Admiral Grayson an noinced tonight, and said that his condition was uniichainged. Dr. Grayson issudlil tile following blletin from the White louise to night: "The President had a slight diges tive (list uirbance toilay. Otherwise his condition 4s unlchange, d. " 'lie President's general condition was, regardd as saltisfatory, notwith tianding the slight attack of id iges I ion. (ltil midday itr. Grayson and the physicians assisting him found inl t1 examination of tic i patient every evideice that Mr. Wilson was more than holdilng his own and tle (eVelop mc int after n1oon was 10 regarded as seious or as any indication that the Presideni's enera oidit ion :was It w : 1 i o'vec, 1hat any in'i <iont.11 laihur"1 tenth r to i c e s nervouts~.-r and to that extent re tairded I recovery. cd h! I:, i Ti- 'rsi t *h ii: p rUp e :o . i:. no c:-l.: . N11pod1 11,111:1 11A I W * !.- - -- 11 - (I I i -) I. I ' Mf 1:-Ii rN.!: A Sli " Il n' Chl Wh pouni ! " y I. rei< '1 d ic i l'' t :: v n 111i 1 i- l r. N' pa~ !i , . an l (lnaau fost, t 11 -ry inilitary be linal thiuv r d sh : ci I li I l . 1 1e - a no t ~llns. W(ITH' O7)NE DOSE "1Panle'' (cildt(ci imonul" teni breaiks up~ ai ('l in a lii hiours i. Iai I <cOcus instI int lyI. A\ douse takl Itar iwoJ huln I~ii thrIee dosis at- tIchen~ I. ia y r1'-:ths li : sevtet '(ohl and enris all the triappe misery. The ve'ry li h:at dse opn your clog .:'d-tii nostrils and the air passages in Iw hc:zui. stoph IIs(- runninl g, ]( - li. 4 11he le:c ct-h . dilh s f verish ImI .. 11'in llzin . :: rn 1 and st lfnness. Ihuc'c slity sI I l ii Id1-., QiIl bIowin Ig ald ::11ufliiing I'lear y.c1)r coo''(ested I od .Noina II inl the worb) Irives such11 proliupt it likef as ''Pape'si Cold ('Innincd." h~ch (ost .: oil'y a few cetI a. any drnl ::l r<. i acts with . * * * * * * * * - , P1 l',, \4 It i N. Ili t 11 HI l 1,1 I.'" N I-AIM. '11 11 11 it S I' -I N L4* * VS A Poplar Springs, Ot. 211.-- The school at this place openled this. morning wilh an 1 nroili:nt I f about iighcty puili is. .\liss .\larie .\i lelil, cu'f boncea Path, who has beenl ihe Icinciplat for thie past5 i.w() termils, wilt hold thle same( 11o sit ion this Itit' andi -.\'s. I I. 0. \\alk erI will havye (ha rge of thie iltermedl'( inte grades for the pre'csenlt and .\1 is '.\aic Il tedge', whoi( Iaught thlie Pimariy gr'adeus iast ter haii is tharige of thle saint dlepai'tmlent this timhe. We hope to make lthIs thle miost successful year in thle hi1st ory of onr1 s(cool, lbut if we do thceie will have to bc tlcor'ongh co-opceratbin amnong watronis, Iteneheirs aind punpils. TIhere wIlI hce ani all-day iceectinog at PlarLi Spriings church texI Sunday, iln the interest of the 75c ii on 'ami pa ign. Thle fol low ig thuch ies arie ex Peltd to take ipart: l'n ion Pilnec ton, .\t. Gacllaghier and .\i. Olive. We tru st the'se' li m'uc'hes will turn i'lOut and1( eo-opcerate ini this mi(eeting. O'I)clI werc' imari'ied tih' '.thi ist, at ice hiome (if it' bici' s ( iparIEnis, .\l r. and .\ti's. Ju'ti'r OOll. Th'Ie Ith . .las. P. (olemcani oieiated. Wc extendii oiir . I . A. Siicllions anl~ d f ditlil wtc-'e the' guets of, .\!rc. andc .\is. TI. TI. Wood 1untda y. .\larcgar'ct Abrcami' visildu. .\lr'. and1( .\lrs. .J. P'. Siininoiis -Sunrday. '.\ltssrs. .laiiicsc Nathaniii'~ie lcn latwis Iltavis sicenlct aurday ighcit ancd Snni dayc3 withi their' uncle ,\l'. .tas. I''. lDavis .\Iss .\ir y .\brm~icas visited hcer' brioh cir, .\lri, TI. (G. AbrIcamis, Siunday. 0O*.O -SEALE0 TINS ONLY SAT'hOUR~ GI2ocPRs MAXWiL HOUSE mvOFEE FRANKIENAN IlLMAST[RMAN OPERA. HOU'SE FRtIlAY, .\lSTitAI!.NS ARtE N-.\l? iEAl.I'TION PI 41t 114i f ria l4S (J1 l lCry "Taxaioniil Withotti Hlresenlionl.", .\elAuin, .ustralia, Oct. Is". CitizenIs oif flte no-rther terriltory ofi .\ustralial, en )I'inlaiin.a as dIid the11 .\!""':'h'.a '''l et 's of! "taxation wi1 1th j. t l( : 1rri' ril 4:1 v erlt ,:ment ei 14!1114h. 1Ti .1 :;.:-1 W Hit. :n. ; I4'i i - (of a 1.4 jI:4.'entative .gm - n 1114 lt aill the rightII to \,off.. The -c deelous were taken 1 a Ihz s' i'a1P r 11:rwin, IIe principal larlbi or (f 4 i4 - It rritory, at which a r4esolution wa S 4iopdl, (4 claiIn thit the systeim of admliira -4i had ifroved vaIi1lss. Th e i dei led Ihc I. un * - jio o()f .J Id e 4 v 1an a1141 of 11 -cre-lary di r14 41. 4 f 144 th , 1rrit y, I. J. 1-: 444. .\ m 1 r4'so414ltion4 r-welasted tho NL Iial to h a 1e 1h.- territ(ry by fth( fir't ,Itea4mer ill ordr "to avoi4d a revoluitionl." The i tien 4: :ol northerni'l terri I4ry ( 4 c4 . h1,4 1n a4. althoug1 1a1Y1n 4: Sis. I14I . . 1 vo44 Wi and n T - t 1rr y. . .sm: . : -#ttlvd l It I IllIrtern1 A\ stralia v. 44 . , . ..<\ r ,, ('Ia .,, I1ik (444 ,4 ; 1~ I t v r \ l s it Idlii, *oW V: d I I( ( l4 4I4Onw .tP h . t l -y 1. 1P i1. Iuitl ha.,; Since -n I i v I i(4 -d un:4d4141;5 r In1 IaIpo int1 ive r rr it ol IaI!I I a i i"Is ratI ionl. 'I'he :.ta l r ! "imns of the territoI'y have 4 t. ial cillate, blit ill the in 44-1erio is a table4 mand rising g'radial ly fr*ot 14 he oast 4o a4 heliht o4f abou0t 1,700 feel. l'artsM of this table 1land( and)4 thei white inhab11itants4 andt abotl one4-hallf of te r,(,(04o-a1boriginal popula41tion) ar e principa111' lly egaged Inl cat tle r'a1sing. IIOL I WE'ITVIL Si'E~AI)S. FlLshi, ('oltii~umia and Sumte'r. Clemson College, Oc't. I 1>.-DI)4'ng the last twvo wee~ks no boll weecvil maps14 have been41 1issued by th11e South ('arolin 14441 P l(4 est C'omm ission owling to) the4 fact that the( 111ne 'wVould( not have heen) good( after Itwenty-four1 hour Is. Rei enit s fr' ma1p1s, there4'(fore, have been answered by3 sending tc t hose ('lcrresponden't4 s t.hie vaiou'It4 points14 in the4 state( thlrough ,which01 thc( w4e1vil line passes54' accordin114g to 11h4 la:ist telegrlaph ic r'eport froml thle Inl The4 lin' 4.t this I time~ runs4 througe ('alhoun14 Falls, throu4J4gh4'a point41 abou4t1 t44en41( mile above Columbia111 and4( Smter. ' and4( 44o one, kntows how144 m4ilj furthe4(' 4 ths line will have41 ad(vanc4(ed by th<~ 1have4 been44414 the bes po4sible, duelt prin (444141ly to4 the~ factl Ithat ention41 stoppe4 friting~i4, 144r1 11ince the 544iares' formeno thie weev'44Il's pre'Cferred4 food1, 4411gratior) legan) 11n 5(earch' of 5(quare44s. Perits4 ror' thle shipmJnen 4ofJ seeo wide14 latitu41deI) inhe (eastern4 par1t 01 the( stat44. The ('0on4unIsslon fearst 4r go as nearl'41( Ih lIne a1s 1has heent 0us 4tmar'y 04n a4041nt (Jr the( grea1t ne(tivi 4 y of' thle p4(st and44 tho 'necessIty o: 41sin 4g (ev('ry pre'au4tion144 to4 pro(tec'(t fre< 4t('rr4itory3'W wichI wo(ubl4 not4 h~e teachiec by thIe we'evil 1thi1s ye'ar. 1t 18 for thi)4 reason01 that1 the( ('n0nissio h48(44Ias beer so ('n44rvti've in 40 f 1ssu1n1 11.er444Its fol shipmentsC4 to the11( mll1 in 41he n6rth-1 ern4 par t of lthe 81tate0. Te Itev. C. TI. Sqti reni will 14reacI ('ourlt, ne(xt ISabba)thIii afernoon0 ait o''lock1. 4acramn1t ofr the0 Lord's Stup. 44114 will h4( 41ulmblI'e al. I t The Story of a Turret Captain Promotion in the Navy comes quickly to those who qualify for higher ratings. In March 1899 A. P. Nilsson enlisted in the Navy as an Apprent Ice Seaman, 3rd class. In April 1907 ie was rated Chief Turret Captain. His pay today Is $165.76 per snonth. Aman's lif' eM Reelthemoff-'Rio",GibrAtar, Ceylon, Yokohama-all the great ports of the world-are they only places on thc map to you--or are they ports where you've gonc sail. ing in from the high seas with every eye along the shore turned admiringly on your big ship your ship! Every occan has a United States ship sailing for some port worth seeing. If you've any call in you for a full life-join, and color all your years ahead with memories of things worth seeing-with knowi edge worth having-with an inex haustible fund of sea tales and advertures picked up ashore and Enlist for two-yenrs. Excelle Four weeks holidays with pay landsightsat ports vhiited. and first uniform outfit free. full information from your ne not know whoro the neares Postmaster. He knows. Shove off U. S . 6,1 7 Maste3 Fetuig"R "The Master Man" all around features so far this season. Afternoon ..2: Night . . .6:4 ChidrenI 10c I neunin - among men! aflorat that will mnakec you a wel come man in any company. Work?-surc, and a man's work it is, among men. Play?-well, rather, witha bunch of men who know how to play. These comradcs of yours carry in their ears the sounds of great world cities, of booming guns, of swashing seas -sounds you will share with them and that will never die away. And when you come home, you'll face life ashore with level eyes for Uncle Sam trains in self relianco as well as self-respect. The Navy builds straight men no mollycoddles. nt opportunities for advancement' each year. Shore leave to see In r.lcn alway lenrning. Good fooA PaIy beg~ins the day you enlist. Get arest recruiting btation. If you do t recruiting etation is. ask your -Joln the hT 'his Week he 7Man" ANK KEENAN is one of the strongest placed on our program 15 P. M. to 6:45 P. M. 5 P. M. to 11:15 P. M. Adults 20c g W~ar Ta~x) mm m nu meam. q