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ECZENA' flwi'e Guar is sfarcatto rlop 0 Juriro o r Trr r t II ur s anW ' ttr i y 1 01 l i t - ir tni rS lin ~Vo n tho bo. For sale ocally by Laurens Drug Co. tr you eat--iways take ATONIC Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Cassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repating, and all stomach miseries. Ase diestion and appe.ite. Keeps stoamch swet&Wstrong. Inereases Vltaltjv and Pep. EATOlWlC Inthe best;remedy .Tens of thou sand. wonderfully boni"'tod. Only cotaepe*t or twoa dayto uot. Positivelyguarant&d ~lea or wo wl iefuu4 riwlwy. G3etale todar YouwiUloco, Blackwell & Sullivan ATTORNEYS AT LAW P1romtpt Mietvion Giveni All llusinci 3 0 41ney i L 4a1 son Real Estate T'elhon 350' Oice' in Simm nons 11u1klig W. M. NASH SURVEYOR Terracigi : LeveI ig i NOTARY PUBLIC Gray Court, S. C. Thie Lumsoti Drug co., Laurein4 Sit i' Dr .L. Tim.,merman DENTIST Laurens, South Carolina Oflice in Veoples Baik linilding UNDERTAKING KENNEDY BROS., Undertakers and Embalmer Calls answered any hour day or nigli Simpson,Cooper & Babb i'8torneys at Law. Wili Practice in all State Courts Promipt t iit1nti Given All Busines "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COL "That's Dr. King's New Dit covery for fifty years a cold-breaker" N OTHTNG but sustained qual and nfatlllng eff'ectiveness cel arousse suchl enthusiasm. Not lng but sure relief from stubborn o colds5 and onrushing new ones, grlpp~ throat-teatring coughs, and croup cou have made Dr. K ing's New Discove1 the nationally popular and standa: rem~ It is todaiy. F1years old and always reliabl 000o1d r the wvhole faumily. A bottle the mnedicline caljinet mueansi a shaoi lIvedI cold( or cough. 00c. atnd $1. All druggists. Gilve it a trial. Regular B'owels Is Heali Bowels that move spasmodically free 0one da~y and( stubaborn the niext should be healthfully regulated by I King's New Lilfe Pills. In this w you keep the impIurities or waste mi ter from circulating through the sa temn by cleansing tho bowels thorous ly and promoting the proper flowv bile. Mild, comfortable, yet always rel ble, D~r. King's New Life Pills wc with precislon without the constipatl results of violent Iturgatives. 2Toc. usual at all dIruggista. ]aD6EI3RDTh ER5 BUSINE55 CAR Its established economy makes Dodge Brothers S Business Car a profit '' able investment. The haulage cost is un usually low. & Palmetto Auto & Accessory Co. 119 West Main St. Phone 200 JLaurens. 8. C. WORLD CONGRESS B ON COTTON FORMED Permanent Organization of World Cot- P ton Coniference Completed Yester day.. Ofticers Elected. New Orleans, Oct. 16.-The worldb totton conference came into permiall ent organization late today when a report submitted by the committee on organization was adopted. Sir A. I-er bert. Dixon, of, E~lnglauid, chairman of the British delegation to tile conference, was elected secretary and tile recomiei(lation was made Iat the niext coniferelice be held in Elngland in 1921. Other officers eIlected were: Generail secretary, Rufus E. P'ost,Ac* 1lostoll: asistalnt secretary, Frank Nasimitia, England; treasurer for Eurloleall llebliers, Filr . lames IIope Simpson; for the United States, V. Irvin I Ballard, loston; vice 1)resi dents for the UnIi.ed States: Fi',er I.". Call away, la Gran ge, Ga.; Er-gland, Edward It. Ormc1 and John Sm it hers; Iratnce. (teorge iUndern; D 1gium, Coatint .ea ie itmptilnnE; SZitz/er limtl, IlIerian linhier; Italy, Giorgiv .\lyliris. Tl.v reomdlliali. huh tioll by A l ericail uii-j1bers iof it,,- grollp on i'naiicini (or11n ce(ldis and xuports, that con ir(ss pla'-e It th1e d1ispmsal 1 ol the war linnc e coion urul iel t funlds li ;w oi t the co lporation Io x 1iiIil I' I(t f i f) It~l cf iiIt 1 1 . I Ii FtP Hilt Io'I C x otaillon of i I m i o I ale I ed iO ti h tiit hE governan1 had an lotol ;z ill n I ,I t i i , - nui of cril W 1t liI; 'f t xporit, ih I d1 utla- a1n. of 1i: - y.1w r financeh : corlporai o aItl, it TeIiVe'mt h'd 11 c illt t: t o fm ciI soe oriit. A a ai, bt1111e1s \w"I, Ih wouibned ane Bol l i l th s e 11try ill i rl I-r to al f rotll shol I trIall h illig gi 'oh ! isabili theratu of mxt ing in.o t amo of Illthe (- g- row reo ers. oo ig four-teen, points:. were v.ote l at.aintA in tIll objctio onl of I iin g:c til. to everal of th points. it was agreed inally, howevter, that the rl S he suslii e annd uit that points ; ilthe rower ' inmendation not previonluy killed -at the gener1l coth mitel meeling he voled ot. As a re Ilt all poins inl it growers' eao mnendtionl were a6dapted withk the ex teyption d those colndnin the 1al (of nltton o call, favoing gin com i Irrevssion, uendemining gambling in cot T lonl anll othtr icesshles, recommend ing thiat there should consist only of teul antual weight fe of the agging and ies of tle ha, and lrging loser co operation etiween the gro and a deal spinnor. S Forleinl spinners ohjeted to thle condemnation of the sale of otton on call, dlelaring it -was necessary that thevy Should hle allowed to purchlase their cnton in that way. The ginners group objected to the gin compression y reconrnndation. Becase "gambling" was not dealned the bankers' group vonteo against that feature of the d. commendation, explaining that the o finahen corton eutr ndorsetd.a Tngingofttac balues hadt otenae The11( alreofnedatonsr ofrge.ow . Ors'pomm ie-wiin byr gonn dt m osiaproembafrg ai ruesrcions Ii the rutl itlles folleaw: y ersicosti of oIctrops and.lwn n Storaate a aemn wareossugd Tuwev ore aritskelngaytes forh f ail.eTh reortendted. eegte Fom aio the boledia texport fiancingwa crrat endaorsed, lu whegn D..on Td of eahbii te nam -ancaddreat onl aroer urged. th hailment. ta oie , It' te Oppo trs eraiing tmbrgoan restrctn A- comnatien of thae.ow I thadn alvee praces or crttocv I ronm cotto sofoi product an oi conferencer all areement asn -hall Teoredory that tetilegmatn fromrErgan whadolted the eacn frlent dwa iaiircuater amoikng tilt delegarites, btir wia later. disproave planed tht y oaboulta oixof. inth )eightthree dgelngtsC hellf thC ___Pon te te r etannltrsl ELGIANS ENJOY '1 JORVINEY ACROSS it opnlalr Passenage's oil Mle George Wlahingftona. '; New York( Oct. -1--King Albert ad Queven Elizabeth, of Ilelgiumia, af r a aweek at sea,. on their way to merica hecame 'the linost. popular ersons oil board the Gevorge Washing 11, If It Is possible to CXecol that. t iiet, modest, likeable boy whom they all 'rince Leopold, heir apparent to he 1elgian throno. Faelh had sonie ersonal contact .ivith oflicers aIdI .1en, and inl every 11 blirter the opinioh ias Cx pr ssed I hat v, hi le maintaining hwitr official dignity they were, as One iou1thenIll .iackie (.x\prtessed it, "inighty :ood folks." One warmi aftcinoon tIhe king w ith Wlmiral Long, C'aptainl .\cCaley and I m1 ember of hIs siuito was liiaying 'dek tonnis." All iho men were ex lrits at tit' gaine, and thot pla) was -o clos the king manifesltd thr- < jp 'st interms. .\t lenIll it entinle the ing's mir i o sevt'e, and, lookna tJh114 I it-ll ov h Ie lw reImov(d his loul -.' of a lieultenlaml eenwr~li, and resuml play an ( flicial mhe iwra !,hmr wvas hany. Ind Ithe lit wat.- I VfA e r los QU 11 . ::li.da k1 s a ac-' onpl" h < ito :: ick . a n.11 vdii ImTin u y Iiho t o. ha:iae coni: 01 M all i rle 1 llin., \bleiI nel n Ienri lasli. It: nilt frniie 171 Itssi it-p IOe' Y, :m I niet bu d dia o i and r'itsi iih tat iatul S it m' t ihe :um ~ ~ ~ ~ 01q (In:s n 10- kn n 0 He all a umir of wI' )it 1ni w:1iiit'e L t ' I lie it apt' I iW l* ' da l 1 \\,s 111(t. t fr thell::innin ft the Owca 'ha 1the ir ln wa.< n 141 ap il a pron' i itily in tIe III w.-' it is, O it it i l 111.l0 ' li linOw n io ii hi 'tresdridt lie wbtat Sli' d(1he1 no par' tidenlarly edart for puielty of 1:14 ing i mte oal 1 aut sai d1 tid nmt hidehr sevlf. g'oing - 10lo .ar1 of thw 'hip and manife t in,- the liv iliesi ino.tilt -I in Ilhv sailoIrs and sohIll(iers. In comtpany with hl r lad in wait ing. Cote( Ca r-1111 u f'iy, vse visited Clhe siekamy, and exprmssed her, npatiy for the nwn wvho wrlill. Iler experience in tl welgian ios pitals during the ai told her t oick friba. as ideally ieuipped and splen didly conducted, and hIe cIongratiulat ed the med(ical force in char-ge. Ini her apartments thie queeo- nmaini tained tile altlosidere of er . hmne, and one of the oficers whato dlilne with the moya family said of it afterward s: "ee was just lidin, e wint the liome of anly oter well bred fassaily. The kin" and <Ilueen mlade ,ts fe.l aill ase, and i fiv minutes e wer all et tering away just as wel woul if we were at the table of one of our old( fIe ntds. To me it seemyed that ill ws royal peopl I te llaielgium were cultured and refinA and very human. I will remember that dinner as one of the saios pleasant exaperede at thy iliylTae." On a nborTnfigrhtvn Nmtuehs Remditain and~ nt Safern ofthen hoo. leas ulto Sythembi withog him ing.h dining roomIk aohedne.Gurnd Queenti Ilizth.t won theti heo, rsof rt aioras hen the aprd itjt ati'the tome otIn ihotnort of ther soni wearing Bilioaus oret Take Nature's Rmedy (s Betetradt Safe g;aThaniaelo. Cciloan's aOua Systema Wlopihout Criing. topeii Skt Hetorado ul uar tmaned.ait thiousI at-e'..:, cotyptat ion, saek tonrv otait eor laits~ptngL omi the aorl Natur's Remi d ' (NRk-s abletro i ta atn e, lier, I1 howe l:- a k .ie , Ih iipurpos eigto hging'r f l '" at heathy and aron t 0 nnt 1 :. 1 thei'aot o r an to titt~on ltand ru!:: int . 'etion. It at pr7y rInd 'thruh:' yetl sy rnuedly ast e'!y c t thi. isplnevete l:hteysaie]it. t tat o~ Rmedyn (NvRy dTabts h:lvo' ia h:N 'ini left upsonally entei:- bo:li!tio. ttauasnsimi l t tIp ion ii:0tnourish eti dred rom f'od, atho blo y a'ity' t. Ienichne, kitait wsie Id tAa.d: ithei Onacpo ylana get yolur bodyl ihs (plnId 'condetsmd yo nei It tI 'e 1 biniousnecrs i ad rcontiiatin thret. n111, (harugitha etngwl. 1 LAURENS D)JUJ Co. Be Than PLETs.' T ie of the little round white hats the ekIes like so well to wear in sum er. She had d taped it with a white il, bull through the g.auze thesilor Iw the tiark of their ranlk, and they (re innnien sely pelased. Prince lefopohil saV all 1 thre was. "o 1 v abot th( dhip. lie is, :;till a stu i-lt al Eiton, bull was- "'.venl leave inl rdeir tha he mi-&ht accompany his 110nts to Amliriea. lie is a qbtiet, right-ey(d boy of 1S, with a ila san I mile and a pflect condnaml of ion, sh. Ie is fond of atliehiles, bIt ad litt-d one diay. iwhile hllin with he ooespoiulents im deck. that he is 11 (xeltI inl nioe. His eyes sparkled h11,n1 aSkI ol what he mlost de-sir-ed to ce inl Amerien, and he promptly an wered tle "Rocky Mountains and the lelta of the .\hississippi." h'rinie IL-opold has no position inl h1e armiiy. otli Ilhan that of a privale :oldlir inl tH-- T w\e(Iflft Infantlry, thll ntiiformil of u hiclh he wears. Ilis bloune s ('ui to the regulation, and onl iis ;lerv(es is thle iiieral "12". When w( has com'-let-ed his elassical edhuca - ion inl l*n"! Id., it is und rso ih rill ent tit .-', ianI imilitary c!Ic:''. ftler i t h w.i be ci cib lto a onnui!.-i'm 1 I I 1 ih1n, however, he k~ "I'rivato. 1;h4 Ilnlo of !: ha LOOK FOR THIE RED BAL, TRADE MARK SShootngRih TAMt-1 IWe- N proof ror RW t ,~dS~!Ni 1 -~ / Hlusti Youi ~busy Men wi that .count these d of looking the There's real pei ?iotbes suits an men; dignifed t: ance giving qi IA G( I BAFI nn mS :-ur u 11 kI 1 S Or 11 g IN' .i ... .. .. . . ca o I. rs! t 10 are doing things iys know the value >art. -sonality in these m d overcoats. Zestful vpes for older men; iality that marks a d )OD PLACE TO T YOUR CHOICE OF A BATTIlIY is a lot to do with the eiliciency of 1mr car. If 'you choose it her, you vced have nlo doubt" i. 1o rosuU. . Our1 ae I-: r of a n!:y n :i ( -, rfill as can be iado and as lori! ast I I. We hmve tra- batteria for very possible use'. 11 ANEY ELE("'lTJlC CO. Opposite Post office. Lairens, S. C. ti :l\: ( 6 . asons e sw fbtet rn mod ls or oun inaltat as r ,4a4sa de. RAD