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AUNT KATE SEI ICentinued from last week. I believe I left us in that inagiilleent building, the Library of Congr'ess. This 'was burned at the burnng of the cap ital by the British, but received a new start with tho puirehase of the libra ry of Thos. Jefferson. It Is the largest library in the Western I temisphere and the finest in the world. The build ing alone cost $6.500,000 and has a floor spac e of more than S acres. The building is of Concord granite on a framework of steel and the interior walls are wholly stucco and marble. So altogether beautiful it is I thought not irreverently of the "City not iade with hands" For half of that city's bright glory To mortal has never been told. Cottoran Art Gallery. You a (ind magni lieent steps when ever you eltecr any public building inl Washington and the art gallery was no exceptiol. except here was added inore magnificent, for great stoile lions guarded the steps. This building .contains works of art and was founded and en dowed by W'illiam Corcoran with a fund of $900,000. t may be of interet to add here that lie made great sums of money with the plac ing of governiien t loans during le mar with lexico. There are here College of Charleston FOUNDED 1785 A *- E a of highest standard, op Oi :0 2 'c and wOvmen. An inkmi n tiola ii erollincnt insures div i'nst rurc ion. Four years to to the llaehel or's De 'Ir:. T Pre-Mledical -ourinh a Harrison Randolph, Pre!., Charleston, S. C. BARB AT COLD POIl I will serve a Bai Saturday, August 9th big dinner and enjoy pool near by. Everyl Why not you? TOM Si Cold Po Farm F 213 acres goo< in high state Two and a h Laurens on goc AT T RACT Clyde T. at Farmers la CRIMSON CL I am glad to state th secure a price of 16 1-2 ce Crimson Clover Seed F. will be sold to farmers at be sent to me and they w Sleston and the seed will purchasers, Bill of Ladini Place your orders no M. D.r1 County Farm Laurer 3S WASHINGTON sen mnany reiarlkabe sculpltures an1d palitings. Of tue fortner "The reek Slave" and "ll ercles", the strong man of my theology will linger longest with mne. And a magnifleent paintintg reipreseiting a crowd of fish emlen heaing one of their number dead by drowning, along the shore. One of the remarkable things about this painting was that no matter 'where you stood 4.. feet of the dead man pointeid . y to you so exact Was the fooew,;. I tIought when nf r * , 'd. though not a D. A. 11. in. -!h, I want it understood I can be one and I intend to join) I'd have a whole lot to tell about the Continental liall-the D. A. I%. building. I went in the building and also saw it fron a sight-seeing buss and had the guidle megaphone in our ears this fact about it: "llere Is the magnificent bu iliing known as Continental Hall or the D. A. It. build ing. I 'Ianne-d by a woman arech itect and the whole back wall fell out in less than a year!" It will be a good place here to ptit in that all my pleasure was not inl seeing buildings. I saw two lAvurens coun ty men who are among "Who's \\'ho' in the capital. I spied in one of tle ha1s of tile Senate otlice build ing a famuuiliar fori well lnown about the l'Elt erprise -lank, "Ilillo! Alr. Laurens county mani. I jist stepped inl to see if you were at youril post of duty." and ol Sen. Dial gave elo tihe glad hanid. lie carriedl me into his outer olice and iitrodivcdi me to his oflec, force and as his secretary, Mr. I [or ton used to be a fine newspaper man I was doloubly glad to see htin! Ile car ried mne into his sanetuni and we had a lileasant. chat. I wonder if I'll be tell ivng tales out of school when I adul while thlore he gave somll(. S. C. 1)oy a linle 11twiliou and over tihe teleulphone, gaw(- t1) his employer ile finest recomn nnvdatioll I ever heard g ivevi. Th1a t ECUE 4T SATURDAY -berue at Cold Point, i. Come and have a the big swimming >ody else is coming. "ENCER int, S. C. or Sale Ifarming land of cultivation. df miles from d road. VE PRICE Franks [ational Bank OVER SEED at I have been able tor nts a pound on re-cleaned 0. B. Charleston. This that price. Orders should f ill be forwarded to Char. come out to 9:. ;.Hdual y attached. w before it is tee~ in 400RE Demonstrator Is .C. boy can't, after that, fall down on the job. I was glad to learn first hand that Sen. Dial Is not going on' the principle of rewarding friends and Ignoring those who opposed him, but is at all timnes willing to hep those deserving of help. .1 believe and I think this will prove the assertion that our Laurens county man is going to live up to expectations of his friends and as Senator do his full duty. In the Navy Building which, by the way, covers 12 acres of land, is an other Laurens county. man who is decidedly . .. ::" to,-Adiniral McG owan. 7V rA,.,:.- ct.' party an cx ceedingly : 41e. ?r.'fng. The walls of his sanctum &(o libtIrally covered with )hotC .' '_- -,-at in the navy. lie explained alt or them to us and I never in all my life saw as many Ad tnirals amid Rea-r Admirals. Verily "Satttume" I ecGowan is keeping Inighty fine Company. We went up on the third floor where the cafaterla is and we saw our first sight of the war work ers coming into lunch. The navy played a big part in the war and we'll not forget "it was the navy took them over, Alnd the navy brought. them back." When I returned home andi the farmer asked, "Did you see Samt Nicholls and Oscar llabb?" I had to say I didn't and lie looked at mue with an air that said, "Inll my opinion you failed in seeing Washington!" lThe ridc' et the sig~htsee'lng~ huess All visi tors to the capital take a sightseeing Car and we were no excep tiol to the rule. So the daughter who hald een so taithful pelt her party into one and lied home for test and sleep. iild faiti, she needed it! A dapper young fellow iegapionied tile import ant -places we passed. We rode up PIeinsvIvania Avenuce, where all great. parades take lplace--wihere the new pr('sidents ride down inl state to take lie oathi of ollice. We sa w the olo iord theatrC wh.e(. Litncolnt was shot. and the hoise ito1 which Ie was carrtied afew'vvards. We rode past the (;er tiati (nhasy wlete. by hlie way, tltere is "nobody at homue". We saw se(veral of the (illhassies an1id Ithe lionm es of Washingtol's rich. A senator's new hlotne julst completed (I think from New York) lannedl bey his wife cnd only one 'I'l e litio hoie (if one inillionaire that ha a lprivale tleatre that wild hol 2.0 people. ".And nio w"--- here lhe yelled a little lon ner "We eomcee to 'neSle Sam's pocke thook. The treaIsury wher lie keeps his ilinti . I.ookin. to the lft ' wo see that magitien'tt slatueti of (;,en. W. T. Shtrian miade ailos iy his tmar;i'tch itihrough (iioria aend] his dellijintio of Ohe word "war". I did not. leok it hie stattile but I looked at Ithe hoy and said: "ilohi on a milnte. you have ised Ithe wrong ad.i(etive --not tamous niotriOts you shoued Say. And if I wer' . yu.t of some recent marelees (if :iay m1iighty little tboit. ' 1 sea. As to this devnm. -.-.i "wai" I have no ran'' ' ily." lee r plited. "I ae meerely givttg isitory."' ".\nd I," I valnlv retoted, "atm cor r'ectinug it. It is best to) keep the recotrd sttraighi." (Te tbe ctn tied c.) ** * * *******....... . * * 31Alil-:N Nh'-:WS.* *S. . * e , ee ee * . S. vices closedl :et NcewVI Proisp c't, Sunday(1 nighit wi'th et accessionts to) thi chiuichl bcy baptlistm. - all gtowtt younig ttenl atnd womlent. TIhe evategelist, itev. .iir. .ulontgomnery, pre'sen teed tie ( osplel in~ tintilicity antd ('leatness, so car " 'thaet a w~ayfar'ing ttatt, heoitgh afo, ness "Th'lis (cie thIing I do"' imesed aell whoie heard himt. The prayetrs ands I(1dsceel of the soulIs at IProsIect. will focillow~ this bce'ovedl lecer wher'cevee lie goes, for' by Is techlitig theo) leave (atugh t a ne(w visiotn. 'The .eatII has bcee'n clarified and brtightened anr their faith strtengtheencei. Thle or'din. anti(e of halptistm will be admneisltee ne(xt Sutndayt afterneeon iche 2nd Setn. day) whIteti we htope to leave .\tr. Mont oeryi wvith lees fotr lice serviec's. We tre'grtel. to chtronie thIle fa(ct that two e'f out' best. memlebees were no able ect anecitnt eef sickess. to at antd .\lris. IAnat ItrtownI. We trutst hot I will seoon Ice restored 1 thleir' healtli aigaitn. 11thr to .\lr . ands Mrhs. (I. It. l'inclev a daughtter, Sata 'atherinte; ande ftc .\lrc. and Mrs. J1. 1. (Cuihcttson, danegbcIe'r, IliettleI Cu nninughamn. HothI mother e s acnd daughtlers arce do iny spclenideiy, I - ' -' tds will be gladt to hie', Mr'. aned 9 :. - hley and cil drecn, of - 'A . bcack hcome for the mi, ,- -. gutets ol I th eciothlert, Mr's. I 1. C2. Cui tnninghiamtt and eothetr relatives while here. Miss Elizabceth MartIn, lthe yountg~ dateughterci or M'. a nd Mr's. O lde Mar titn, oIf 'exIngton, N. C., is on a visli to her' gratndparetnts, Mtr. anid Mrse. . i. "inlhcy atnd her' tnuerous little cous ins hlere. ,iiss Julla, of Cross Ill, were pleas antly grected by many friends during tho meeting. Mr. L. C. Martin, of -Spartanburg, was among those who came back home to the shade trees and the "big meet ing" at Prosnect.- lie is always a Wel conie visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Finley, of Mt. Gallagher, and Mr. and -irs. C. P. Fin ley of Ekom, were visitors of friends and relatives here recently. We were glad to see the faces of several from Laurens during our re cent meeting. Among these were Mr. and Mrs. .1. H1. Uennett, Mr. and Mrs. Burkett Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Pitts Henry and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. lice Mart in, Mr. and Mrs. Iinwood Martin, Mr. and Mrs. L. I,. Moore and Mrs. Ella Moore and Miss Bess, Mrs. Pow er, Miss Fulle Power, Mrs. B. B. Blake Ily, 'Mrs. Camilla Hipp, Mr. Geo. Prof litt and dlaughters, Misses Bernie and Alice Profltt. and 'Mrs. MdiCravy and son, James McCravy. Messrs. Paul Montgomyc' and McCravy delighted the large congregation Sunday night with a duct rplendidly rindered. Mrs. Ophelia Milamn and children are guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Lang ston. Miss Williams, of Oakville, was the guest of Miss Joe Walker foi the nect Ing. Mr. Lyman, of Chestnut Ridge, and i1,r. Milt Latimore, of Ekoni, weIC guests Sunday of Mr. .1. A. Wofford(l. Mr. Latimore was oil his way lomle from the all-day singing at Laurens, MEN'S ANI The time has coi and we are goin to do it so fast w you'll not be dis prices and make just as early as y $18.50 Mohai: $17.50 Mohai: I$15.00 Mohai: $12.50 Mohai: I BO3 Palm Beach iOne lot Men's AC Af. where lie reported a fine day and good soon be herself again. ainging. Ire helped the choir here We were delightfed to see the faces Sunday night also. of our 3eaverdam, Lisbon and Mt. Mrs. Mlay Madden is not so well, her Pleasant friends during our recenk friends will regret to hear. .Dr. RI. . meeting. They too were pleased wif Walker was called to see her Saturday the splendid sermons of Mr. 'Mone, and we all feel ioleful that she wil gonery. Quaityl Goes Cear Thugh 1'r - TOURING CAR $925 VINCENT MOTOR CAR COMPANY Laurens, S. C. IDI ) BOYS' SUMMER SUITS ne to close out all Summer Clothing to do it quick. Fact is we are going e want you to come in early so that appointed. Take a look at these low a note of what you need and be here ou possibly can--it will pay you. r and Palm Beach cut to $13.99 r and Palm Beach cut to $12.99 r and Palm Beach cut to $12.49 r and Palm Beach cut to $9.99 'S' SHORT PANTS and Keep Kool at One-half Price SPECIAL Palm Beach, size 33 to 37 at $5.00 per Suit D PLACE TO TRADnE