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e*9* * .**...e.... .. * * Local and Personal Mention. * * .Mr. Nat Kennedy left Sunday for New York whero ho expects to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mirs. James Harney spent several days last week In Henderson ville and Asheville, N. C. MNiss Lunette Barnett is visiting her brother and sister, Nir. and Mrs. I. P. Barnett, in Gaffney. .\ir. Ray Taylor left Sunday after noon to talmo up his new duties as a traveling salesman in Mississippi. Dr. James Watkins, of Columbia, is spending a few days in the city with his mother, taking his summer outing. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Iellams and two sons, Ralph and Edwin, of Gray Court, were visitors in the city yes terday. Alrs. S. P. Jessee, who has been vis iting her son, Mr. P". G. Jessee, since January, returnedl last week to her home in Bristol, Tenn. .\r. and 'Mrs. DeWitt King and lit tle girl, of Mt. Pleasant, arrived in the city last week to visit Mrs. L. C. Ful ler1 and other relatives. i ls I oiseI ilem iniig, of Greeniwoo(l, spent several (lays in the city last week with her brothers, Messrs. it. F. an1d H1. C. F'leinig. .\Ir. and M.\rs. John 11. Peterson an(1 three boys, of l)arlinigtoni, are qpenld ing a few days in the city with rela tives. .\Misses .mma Fiiney, o[I Atlanta, ail1 ''ainnel y Flinney, of Pickeins, are spending this week with Mrs. J. J. Tollisoni. .\iri. and Mrs. .1. M1oo. Mars and Mr. anl Mrs. Joe Smith, of Abbevill e, sint the Fourth in the city with Mr. and .\ls. E.. Hi. Wilkes. Mr. C. C. fleilbree and daughters, Alisses lester . and Selma Hembree, of Enoree, werc visitors in the city yes Ir day. I Aeuit. Dealns Crm Iiipler, receitly re -turne*d from Fralice, will spedI the wxek-endl with his aunt, lrs. 1). T. Eimardii, near the city. .\lMs. A. It. Christopiher and .\l iss Josie (Chiristyphiel'. (of At lt nii .I, are spending ";olln tLim'e with Dr. an( irs. A. J. Christopher. .\lrs. HIobt. 1lver and chil Idren, Pjbert and Douglas. of Atlanta, are spl)en(ing se'vr'al days with tle' fain 113' of Mr. '. al. M.s. W. T. Crews, and oIhei relativ's inl the city. tlr. Y. S. Gillrson has returnel to th ' cit.y after pwndling a 'eek's vaca tion in Greeiville, M.\rs. Gilker'son 111(1 the baly riemla ining in Greenville for soie tiiie. Miss Annie Gilkerson, who un(ler wexlnt an oeirationl at the hospital sev eral wceks ago, was well enough 'iiirslay to reiturn home where she is now able to sit up at times. mr. Edward Mc'Crady, who has been lcated at lIirmninghan since receiv ing his release from the ali' service, Spent se('eral (lays in the city last we kxwith friends. .\lir. and1( Ml's. W\. C. Waldrmop andl their guests. xir'. and Mirs. II. II. Burns, of ('arr'ollton, GIa., miotor'ed to 'Char lotte last week and sp'n t severial day13s .\lr1. Clah nc .'i(( \leo'.inniey, foi'me r suin'itenden'it of' the Lauriens; Oil Ml, hut iiowx holdingl a similar post ti' 1n 1 in '.uusta, 11 sin the week-Clnd In the ('i3'xy wih friends. f . mot .\lrs TI. .\. Nurris and chiii drI Iaf CEn)'trat arrii' ii the iy tives i ,1 I lw a' \ih !! ii3.Irof' t r<' ni'le, ICl ted .\tV \ft'' i''i i K ilhi near the c'ity siei cl day; in' week andwias Imnc~ tile who'nji'd hiind lii adenie dantcei r'iay evei. t ei t'o the ity~ 411 afte r ivling i' s is-i chirs fruio' ~tharmy ti' s welik he;i s'pen lt seveal days \ in West \l' (Irini .\13 lls Gladys /lprrtrndStr tdy fr .\not whrne xhehas teyn villii'iaii for Se t i She13 was1( ae-l 52(m anhi ho Itnile!'by Axlisses Anniuevt Wrtid 1tl111 and((: i Fra'ces T''ddtnao are now 'her'ii (f rstli'is. ghe.Ms Et lisa I.r'ainliv .\ y .lse ,w o i a - myet theJ w.ek-end atr home hein: WI! fThiile n mooed backyote 'd to esndn 5(mn. tand xith i. and ri's. ll vm tiiera tor ('Glenn 3 13 Sp ings he wti rtain fo:tehr sever al yndarhn ggo otnl to ilendersnnyfill, Aheve. Meeting of Garlington Camp. Garlington Camp No. 501, U. C. V., held a meeting at the ofilce of the Probate Judge on the 7th inst. Dole gates to the State reunion to be held at Greenwood, July 22nd and 23rd, and for the leneral reunion to be held in Savannah, Git., later on, were elect ed as follows: For State reunion-J. D. Mock and 'J.\ P. Caldwell; for Gen eral reunion-J. -1. Wharton and T. Y. Henderson. Delegates were em powered to name their alternates. Thoso in arrears for camp dues are reiuested to pay. Veterans or their families who con telliplato attending the Greenwood meeting are advised to call at Camp Headquarters for certifleate to present at It. R. ticket office so as to procure reduced raies. J. D. MOCK, Coin. J. P. CALDWELL, Adjt. Cooper-Jeans. Mrs. James 1t. Cooper announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Wallace to Mr. Paxie Chalmers Jeans, the marriage to take place at the home of the bride on Wednesday, July sixteenth. No cards.-The Augusta Chronicle. The bride is a grand-daughter of 1bhe late Col. Iturinside, of this city, anid her parents were residents here ror awhile. Mr. Jeais is a iother o' Mrs. Ilam1ip hunter, of this city, and has many otler relatives in the coun ty. loth youing people have many friends inl both states who are inter 1ste('d io this annaolun(ceient. Ians'it, Wilis Avain. I,;alrens won from the l'ion nine oii the Il'nion diamonid Satnrday after n00 by a score of 6 to 1. 'l'lTh gaille developed into a pif)ler's5 battle be t wevil Bhobo for ILau rens and (Cooper for I'nioni, 0obo gettinlg the (dte of tlhe arigu ment. In the ninth round he sIritek out three men in a pinch and relired tihe site wlien it looked as if his opponen ts wou Ill ('ertaily sco'e. Other features of tie gainle weire a slor-string catchI by ''loimpson. the i'nion right flider, anl a running caleh by flngwell foi Laiirvuren. Altrienlituiral F11rm1 Conrlse. The Interinational Iarvester Com painy, of ('hicago. is conducting two tueetings of an ede'ationial1 nature in lIs county hbis week and next week. 'I'l first lieeting was held at Cross 11111 yestrday and Ith e s'eoid meet ing is to be hlvid at. Gidy 'Court next Tuiesda y. Tn a(ition tp the display of farim machin ery, interestin g lec tures are made by experts on farim (opics and m11ov-'ing pictur1iies are shown. Thle public is invited to attend the eourse at Gray Court next. Tuesday. Bringing French Bride. Perhaps tie people of Laurens county, especially Alounitville and v'i cinity, will be glad to know that Cook Shack Crisp, who has been with the American E. F. for more than a year, has arrived at New York with his charming French bide. No doubt you will have the pleasur'e of seeing the happy couple in a few~ (lays. "An A. E. F. Buddy of Shack's." ",WIth the Colors," June 30, 1919. ('ox-Gaiirrison,. Tihe fr'i inds of Atli'. G eorgle B. Garri sa a native of Grlay ('ourit, blut now ('ng a!e tin bsinesatWstP <lnh W('e., baeio latn arsd ho his marrl~iat wi hih derrld .une is, sto (hiriso's many' frai'ends hire xteind ora lain the' negro who'I. !htis andr We. . \ndr rtt, of' (ray Court, w('r'e visitors in their city y'esteiday. - -. Charie C~p~i inS ny:/ the Kitchen Cctb*net that saves miles of steps,, 4N' .4~ . ............ -C - - -~~ IN - , t-I 6 6 .. .. 4 1.4. .4 EM?: -- -- - *Ir bn - PAr Ji (Y~.QIF .A. - ma, 1 n 1'ur -m a a nn. e son; cA vo. neayI c ny or-sa 2 *cnveni( ;ce:s, youl n< prep e:: and e .. up a. s~ .~: in nearly if tne .:u1 tune. And ou car vc the strength to enjoy tei hours you. gainj Ia Day Dre Dy du n m M h rD TPo C -'-~'-~~'~: -rm - u ~'~ tire bs n - jes eVe OeWe to enjoy the y, b* n 1 s tm labo--savc n - lfc Simn I ~ Pay FNE DOLL/ xwhen v 'ir is c Vred-the balance ]in :rnall 'we y p'4>Ia. uets, it'';~~rhooA r awaits you. come~ and see - n ~20K1 ? .L>t do it now'. 1 1- - ----- -* Il - 'n n.1.t-i s S. M.& E. H.WILKES & CO. Laurens, S. C. 77 Weloine Ser ilce it 31t. Olive. i tcI Of said Own for a term '1h4r will bie a ('welcolit I i of vv yeai? No. and a sernionl to the returlned soliers- o1win"al walwd ovt' aid lull (l)'i whol It,.s not been reg-i Ili Olive churh Siiday nit"-ning. : "t Jill", 1 th at 1 l o'clork. The public d lt t() aw b; Invite~d. 1 it'il.I ;i~s of, iPL' 1strat onl for- tit( regis XOTI('E OF ELE(TION. 'i o, C Ii ti Notice is hereby givel that an elcc- ltv of Itl .1 tion, u1ponl the (Ilitstionl of entering in- r :Iin (lci m tlll- 1 1 to t1 contrae with the Iteetvdy iliver ilv, 1919. it I l iuIiir of l'ower Co., for a period of five years I I II, 't I lie s;llle for the supplying of eloctric power to ho' ;lo d. the City of 1lauren 1or lighting and othcrpuoses, at. the rate of 2 1-2 I *i tie Board of c(till; Per- kcilowatt. hotr per* niontl, of I iiiict15 (olitt, vit hog with it iininuiin a'nienlt for lonth ! ol il ph ing oft thev lowest. amnount dule In anlY l11 IeHiis iionth of Ilr ;t six nitolths of contractoel, C i l I Il 1i, i a a con will be held '.n the City of Isaulrens on i 41't 1(i the 22nd day of J1ly, A. 1). 1919. F Ii iis vlilctjOO, The pollin'g lacesi and muanagers of ilpr)Iofr'sdlc flh etlectioll are as follows: wi I IinlIs )1 tle (y For Ward 01ne, ait thle Opera Ifouse; fl M~lip. ciw .\Ilanai'ers: Charles Hicks; John Smiththis 4itetj and the pity a id ; t ier 'yler. miio al IX ; vs, a AP ~l5u agatiitst huilli Il Gilbert Tyer lor Ward Two, at E. W. Martin's :I aid coticetable foi. the previous stbe:.lanliwers: P". W . Mlartinl, Johnl 1 V1111 u'inininghliami Il and .Jeff Chaney. hI ee For Ward Three, at Orr's Store; j ' 1:ito. flioir r.1irn as to thl -laniages: cott T'niplelton, lrikine ''i!a'Tt f to Iii CH, Volocil of 10lkely and XV. 1'. Powers. 1 , V of A lnilby law lPor Ward l'our, at F'inney Ilotel ; thii 1 171 Vt of .Juile, A. .\anagers: Gcorge Ikipkitns, J. M. VFinney anld .lohnl Lanlgst;on. C .DAil -or. Ward Five. at Ilieks' Stable; ' Mayor. :ianai is: h. M. Wolff, H-lenry Wright '. \ I~l' 'ii .\N, 11 E d Hlicks. iv C - a d 1 .".ItII!V IS For Ward Six, at the Clit l'ower Co.; ill, r : P'hi] Iluiff, T. M.\a Roper nid I-:sk in 'Todd. I'll I'olls n\ ill be o ilned at the houir of ei'ht o'clock in the forenoon and i(losed itt. the hour of four o'clock inp the afirnoon. V All iel'ors voting In favor of ei t'ring ilto such contract shall depositP in th hox provided therefor a ballot on1 whclh Ilhere sluill be printed orI Wittenl' the vords: "Shall the City of i c DO t I' lit Ilanrenls vitel' int.o the contract with%\,I ite Ile'dy lti'er PoweI Co. for tile Al purchasO of i:wer for lighting and [ ku' o( AttI m 'ak ia. olllr pturpose of said town for a teino j irs W in.i %cm as g'd of five years? Vees.".. ta W mak rcing A.\I electors! votingI ag.s entrin into such contract hl:0ul tdeposit it hal- - lot on whilh there hall be pr!nted or, DIS'OL'%T V) DUM1 Ill written the words: "'Shall the City of Laur'ls ('lter Into 1.he contract with the Reedy live~r Powver Co. for the. RIlrin&B o he Hcd~ Htvt' owerCO.for li~ 1815 Main St., Columbia S.. puwrcp s of powea fo lightwidg M I fdo ( 4' Dont let th em gel- it; Keep it safe in OurBank, If yon have money. much or little, you've found out that every time y a turn around there's some hand Out. Oh, it doesn't se ' much hero or there. but if those little sums were (J! in the bank they would make a big sum in a year. Not one of those hands would serve you in dis tress, but your money would. We add 4 per cent. interest. Make O'JR bank YOUR bank. The Enterprise National BanJ N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, -