University of South Carolina Libraries
* Local and Personal :Ientlon. * * * * * * * * * a a e*?e.a * * . * , .r. Marle Ei'llcdge, of -Ware Shoals, was a visitor in the city Yesterday. Mr. G. W. ,Mooro, of Waterloo, was a visitor In the city Saturday. 31'essrs. W. C. Rasor, and J. H. Rasor, of Cross 11111, were visitors in 'the city Monday. 'Mrs. Iobert Wade and little daugh ter, iLols, and Miss Wade were shop ping in the city Thursday. Aliss Alary Ferguson leaves this week for Charlotte, N. C., where she will visit friends for some time. ir. C. E. tl'arker spent the week end in the city with As. Parker at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Richey. Mrs. -E. S. Biackwpll and little daugher have returnead from Colrim bla, where they have 'been for several weeks. Mir. and Mfrs. J. L. An. erson, of Co lumbia, spent the ,weefi&!nd with the former's .parents, 'Rev. and altrs. W. Ray Anderson. Sergt. Aajor Shell MDaniel is ex peeted to arrive in thecity in a few (lays from overseas, lie having sailed a short time ago. Mrs. L. S. Fuller OPent the week end in Greenville with her daughter, Aliss Mary Belle Fuller, twho is teach ing school there this year. Mrs. 'B. L. Jones, firA. W. H-. iDial and Miss Julia Irby left yesterday for itoch 'Hill to attend thelmeeting of the 'Stitte Federation of Women's Clubs. Mr. Boyce Clardy, wli6 recently re ceived his discharge, fi'on the navy, has taken up his old iwdrk in the dry goods department of the Davis-Rophr Company. Mrs. Y. S. Gilkersoq;4!%d Yancy, Jr., returned home Monday after spending several weeks in IGrpenville, Mr. Gilkersou went up Sund'ay to accom pany them back. 1Miss Grace Young entertained sev eral of her friends .Friday evening, the occasion being a delightful affair thoroilghly enjoyed by all ipresent. During the evening delightful refresh ments were served. liss Frances Thames spent the week-end in Greenville as a guest of bliss Lila Hart and other friends. She was accompanied by Miss Antoinette Mloore, the young daughter of 'Mr. and Lmrs. W. T. Moore. irs. Frank Tatum, of McColl, spent the week-eid in the city with Mir. and LlIrs. W. it lc ey, jr., stoplulj over on her way hone fronm Atlanta, where she had been in attendance upon the Grand Opera week. Information has been received by his relatives here that Licut. Clyde Fowler landed in New York Nlonday and that he is ex-pected home within a few weeks. lie is attached to the 35th i)ivision, comnposed mostly of westernil troops and will likely go to a western camp for demobilizat ion. Lieiut. L. S. 1olt, Jr., who arrived as a casual from France several iweeks ago, came up from Caip Jackson Sun day to spend the week-end here with his wife andI ot her' relatives. Lt. fBolt has been sumffering from a thi'oat af fetion which has causedi him much .\.iir. C. 11. Niloseley caime down yes terday froim Spatanbur1 g to spenld ser ciral dlays in the ('ity oni aiccounit of the seriiouis illnss of' hiis giandmoll~t her,. has becen sininig gm'adualily dihiring th iia'il fewi days aind fiears arl'eil intrtin .\i r .i . li runnind and family,'o F~outmiaini In . t S un'ii ittday wiith .\lr. Owuintgs, afflecttinaltly iil ledi '"Auni Fliliie". wsit at gust ionil th sant day. o ier i Sl. hfuil a i ttl it iala t otu i i hundreld. Thou (t ' tItll ll I'iii bodyll hlr o Ihi Iiji i titinb': S a'rday landt fo'tlear. yn rdanejoal ot i C10 1 WU sell I. wilh t he \V ti .\llh deht fb n t'i's i udat in \.l'y, te':.'l atl Me' lg (f 14itiC a 'iinn ho . LMin. 11roo a ewpgird to bel taday. fray diff l~erntl onuf Wien A diNay intiha tion irvs lan nooned. altob ('an t delete t i. Poneant. S a alrrlantmt. willea mlefalll deaye presnt. hc h ulci Inited eCu itrand WATTS MILLS CARNIVAL A IUGE SUCCESS Handsome Sum Realized and Every body had a Big TIne. Beniefit of the Library. "The earnival at Watts Mills was a howling success both in regard to fun and funds" Is the way a yoting lady described the carnival held at the Watts 'Mills village last Saturday af ternoon and evening. From all re ports, the graie)Ic description of the occasion, given by the young lady does it neither justice nor injustice, for all hands had one 'fine, jolly time, and as before intimated, the financial results were equally gratifying. From all accounts the fortune tell er, Madame La Tona was a headliner of the evening. Again quoting the young lady, "Mndame La Tona was all that could be expected.". Some of her customers were so gripped by the startling exposures of past, present and future lives that they "had it done over tbwo or three times," each time going away pleased but not content. The fish pond also proved a source of much merriment and profit, In this fish pond the principal amusement was centered around a goose and not a fish. The fish, it seemed, were on the outside feeding the goose twith dimes to the amount of quite a few dollars. There was some other fun about this than spending the dime, however, and everybody was pleased here too. In fact, as already said, they were pleased every-where they vent. The carnival was given by the peo ple of the village and the proceeds will be devoted to the community library. "RS. J. D. BOYD DEAD. Sister of Mrs. Lewis Meng Died in Hendersonville at the Age of 64 Years. iMrs. J. D. Boyd died at her home in Hendersonville on last Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clobk at the age of 64 years after an extended illness. Interment was made in Oakdale Thursday following services at the Methodist church by her pastor, Rev. M\. F. Moores. Surviving is her his band and the only dauhter, 'Mrs. Amos Bennett of this city. 'Mrs. Boyd before marriage was liss Sue Martin of Laurens, S. C., sister of Rev. W. S. ,Martin, w1ho owns a summer home here. She and Mr. Boyd came here 16 years ago from Spartanburg. MNrs. Boyd was a la1dy of sweet disposition and was faithful to her church, being closely identified with the organizations of the ladies in this church. She 'was in failing health about two ,ears ago 1n(d underwent an operation, whieb gave relief but she never fully recov cre(l from her troubles. During her last illness Mrs. Boyd's sister, mrs. L. Meng, and nephew . 'i. .leng and wife, of Laurens, and miss Theopa Parker, a close friend, of Spartanburg, in addition to the im mediate members of the family, were with hei.-Iliendersonvil le Citizen. OPEIIA 11O1'SE FiIIIIAY F'ree .idissioni o1 .\ll whlo ('arie to See Tihis WoniderifuI li Wr P'i(tutre, "Theli Pite of Peace" wVih hei shiown at the Opmra Iliouse this ('fming iFri (lIy to ll whoi cVi)(are to) see it. Actual 5i'ene&S of te Americtian forces in ac 11ion ini Fernete' and the othier hat lt tiolds on which thiov shiared their Lalfi-y for th~ is ounty. wililibe die rens in) the it res''t of' thle \'ieftVr I-oaif flr ic' ld Is thle Fji pi 'r t i jhe The1 horn li i h ihwin wil i I io - lil th! wi n r ul l'. I'ii' 't E mi f1 If l N \e(hii ' lina. \lr II. I T 'r: . who lj a n;t p: Ir ih 'lloinIi ham i Po Ii . whic bl u h hf' aif I (ik tf r olh ifon S fi hi lird tf a largjE farmf beinfg fopertf no ffw whlire he11:5 f irs t a dh-d a ho0 and fi llti - (ft thef rolef ()ver' f "Jar-hea''. l(lre, tihe paper~f saidi, the Dock~ery Albfn (Complany is opatinfIlg a farmi oif -l.000~ acretIs. hl~l f (of whIichI is plantIiOed in ('ot tffnf, a fourthI in corn and the freinderil~~ ini oflt' productsl~, inutdiing tobfa(co Mules to the numtiber' of 1:10 are~ uised to ('flitivatIe thle Iand1( and1( at least 1 ,50f haifl's ar eI (xpected fromi thle eot in (rot'. i(%N~I'TS OF" ) ILaureas Lodge No. 43 Willl meet nextdion (lday nIght gj>Wo'clock. Mem hev*~ire ur iged to at tqt'.'Visiting K(nights welcomf a. Work in third dlegr'ee. IR. W. IIRIGOS, C, C. J. F. TOLDIDRT. IK of RI. 8. Maj. Ii. It. Todd, first figure on the left, just after receiving from General Balley medal for meritorious conduct III battle. Entertained for Mr. 11111. The home of Aliss Onivia. Riddell was the scene of much gaiety and merriment, on last Thursday evening when sle delightfully entertained about fifty friends for Mr. Chas. E. Hill, of Rochester, N. Y. The hall and parlor had been prettily decorated for the occasion with potted plants and cut flowers. The guests -were met at the door by the hostess and ushered into the parlor where Misses Aille Mac and Belle Riddell received them and introduced them to the honor guest. Here they were .paired off in couples and enjoyed a guessing con test. The prize, a box of delicious home-made candy, was tied for by Misses Katherine Irby and Belle Rid dell. Drawing of straws gave it to Miss Riddell. The guests were then invited to the lawn where a pleasant time was spent in conversation. At a late hour the hostess served a delicious iced course. Misses 'Alberta Riddell and 'Katherine Crews furnishd music for the occasion. The out-of-town guests were Mr. Charles E. Hill, of Rochester, N. Y., Messrs. O'Shields, Reynolds and Tinsley, of Spartanburg Messrs. Caln, Jones and Woods, of Woodruff; Mlr. Jacks, of Clinton; Mr. Blizzard of Dillon and *Mr. Watkins of Ware Shoals. %liss Riddell was assisted in enter taining by 'ir. and MIs. W. P..iRiddell and Mrs. J. .\1. lea, of Charleston. Maisquerade Party. The Advertiser's news gatherer was yesterday handed the verse of poetry below with the request that it be print ed, the motive of it. being observed being mercenary. The Advertiser gen erally balks at printing poetry, but this was presented by the school girls and nobody ann very well get around them, so here goes: M\asquerade party for young and old, Come and get your fortune told, lee cream cones and iced tea, too; lNverything will just suit you! Blue Beard's wives hang by their hair A negro minstrel is also there; ThliIursdaiy night at half past eight. Come one aind all and don't he latIe. The admniission w'ill be 10 cen ts. At. the Armory. )unIcanII- Workmnani. invitat ions have beeni receivedl ini the (ity2 to thi' marriage of M\iss Corn elija Virin bi 1)inan, daiughter' of .\lr. and 211r44. Williamn Joshua114 Dulncan. of Whit 044i1. of ('liintoni. Thei'11. m aie will I ake lplace at I le home~ of theii bid'ils llmrenIts at W~uhtmire' this e'venIing at :: ook .\ir. Work man is a brother(' of \lr'. .1. 11. W'orkmlan, of1 thi1s 4) l I (4'o- <h .-i e n'a ma onI 4 It' (1 ' I: 4 it lIarr . Cit on.44 :. C. Annie OSwenr. Laures. 8. C. Zana YoungI 44. Laur1 ens, 8. C. 'opelauia School. ('aplt. W. It. 111i1chey. Jr4.. wh h4 4as re4' rI cenly re(t Irn'ed fromn Fram'ec. will 1' liver' a lec(ture' at the Coipeland school4, house' Wedne isday2, ight41, A pilI 2.0th at 9 O'c'k. The pubhli ic s cordilty in viled to4 attend. ('ottong i Advancl(imw. A hint to the( wise Is suflerient. Mian iifnetur iers~ of cotton44 goods have ad van4c'ed i'lcs 04n clothI 1 1 -2e to 3c a yard In thte last two wveeks. We urege our11 fri1end(s anld culstom14er's to huv~' lhir o eds ini ('loth no0w while onr huge stocks last. We bioughit on th~e lowest market. pie and( we" are 44(l1ing t hem on t he same low 1marIk't. prices. C(ot toll is advancing-goods wvill advance mlore. Come to J1. C. B1urns & Co., andl FULL LINE Old Hickory Porch Furniture Just Received MilhT R IM;n lM ~ ll TI::1V,!! r ',1q ulli l Mi!1M11111.M!! 111 :lin"li ?I fil1!!1!1 RRIE r Poor and Rich Alike Can Well Afford OLD, HICKORY FURNITURE because of its beauty, its durability, its reasonable price, its general usefulness. It is practically indestructible, and can be used for any purpose. It is particularly adapted to Lawns, Verandas, Bungalows, Sun Parlors, Golf Links, etc. Call and see the beautiful pieces we are now showing. Come in at once and make your selection while the line is complete S. . & E. H. WILKES & COMPANY Having the Goods You Want to Buy It's easy enough for any Merchant to have goods to sell; much harder to have the kind Men want to buy. *'~ If you want good style, all.. wool fabric, reliable tailor a~ ~I ing-.and we think you do, you'll find the here in Thr are~ many m~ Ky~ie ~~t to choose fromi; w:aist-seaml models, young men's sacks, ~? - more conservative styles for older men, in all sizes. We bought them to give you satisfaction. If they don't Jet us know; we'll make it right. Wharton Clothing Company CASH CLOTHIERS--"SUITS ME"