University of South Carolina Libraries
Ehetbberttier #uhaeriptlon Price is $1,00 Per Year Payable in Advance. PubUshed by iDVERTISEI PRINTING COMPANY laurens, S. C. Advertising Itates on Application. Obituarles and Card of Thanks:'One Cent a Word. entered at the postoflico at Laurens, 6. C., as second class mail matter. LA UItE NS, S. C., A IIt11, 16, 1111). T'il VI'TOtY LOAN. The wir is 1ot over. A peace has not yet been signed. Americain sol diers are still in Prance and some of them in Gerimany. The fighting has stopped, we hlope permantently, httt ile expenises have not been met anti lor expenl itu res are being an1d must, he made, To imeet tihis wv are again called on to loal the govr'ine Il Int an1 apjreciable portion of our savings. The soldiers who w4ent . across have paid tlir part. some of tiem ire still payilig it all still otih ers paid their all. We, who didl not go, a expected to express our a itreciation of those who dild b 1ty match ing their iivestmtitiit in an vasier way. We mutiist pay for I hose who fought and wve !revn mu11ch (ft, asier. job. It will s rve II loan camji-tlil no good pur11pose to Ily to) denly .1n ap.1 thetic state of 110im4 anld fainil-hearlted nOSS towardA thel They exist an1d have to ie factd. They must hi' tvr come, There was worry and donht ov er Ohe oucome of aill the previous loalts. On each iasion sont' Special reason wlas advanted why the tiles 'ere not as propiiolls as I former loans, tit on 'ach of thel a suites: was imade. Inl this, the last of the laiberty I1.,1ans. w% :' tre again faced by a ditlicult tinlanicial situat0ion, but We are at least assured of a pre. sent peave al a proise of great pros perity. The itierest rate has ieen llmade hiih01 t'inoutgh to initerest evenl a conervtiv Soth('arolinla inoney lendr(I ad that is more, than coulbl it said of tist loans. We cannot in self respect fail to t1ak. a response to the apial of our government and at tihe, sameu) timile show to tIhose wlto have mnade th real light t1halt we are still ready to lefray the cost of ith aiis< uponA Which1 they' *emVlbarked. Su pmort the Iiherty Ianinl real (-a-ilest and heartten tilt th e m1tan who is i-ady to !:1ay "It al't Ie done." EN( LA N D'S P A lRT. IIntstSing ligure-1S compiled by En1 s-rn Walter Logan, 1'. S. N.. give an rigtio the tremen-ldouls assistance Ieidered I \ ngland in transporting Almerican Irotops to t lie ighting front. T.he figu ires are takel froin "Velvtt .oe's Almanat" an advertising book le! .gotten out lbyiti mnutfnturerlis oft \'blvet 'Tobaccto anti have bteen ari rantigedl by us fori purposet4s oif eompttai as t- .\merit-ans wvere iiaking the stand1( at (bateau 'lThieirry wich turn tid the- tide tif ite war and whe~n we were all wondering how many troopls ;'- had in Fr'anice, 'Etisigin Logan's fig itrits shiow i-u thai erite had bteeni trains im -iioliers. \httst of tis at ilut ltile itoa;:hit thuer. wer'ie not less flun hilt a miillion thort'. Duriiing the month previ otis thie ali ed ion dition01 had lie ('01t so Ii-etaiotis thati Somithling hadl to lit done in get thle Amieric'an reseive to F'i rne. It may weltl be cotnjec'(tured'i t hat tEng hai iiuubi' a de'spt'rait gami h1r on vii'itary uor udefiat a ndli i-tmed all ofi hert shiing11 away~ from (lt)hle sttarvi. I iuiii'diate ly t he~ efcits of lhter trioops triasprited by her it a single aoth lbhad beeni 7,t2f', we f id her Ii ranspoi'ting iln Aun prl 7,30t2 and in \May 1 33,7!i:, t'hit lattr nutm ber' being gi'eate'r than the U n it ed Stales ever I r'ansportedi inl a sinogle mntht. The figtres rose to I175,526 in ,luly and the total numttber of trloops triansportedl by her and the shirps she leased btet wen A pil 1st and Nov. IthI was~ !t3,37., the Ajnerleans tr'ansp'orting at the mni' lime 717,234, truily a prodigious nuimber itself. Of the 2,079t,880 tr'oops transported to France troughotut the wvar England transported In her own bottoms l,006,987 atnid in bottoms leased from 'Italy 68,246I or a total of 1,075,233, For all these troopls. lhe U nt ItolStates fuirn ihed 82 3l-4 p(' I'ent'0 t' thi 5scor'ts. Pubihlic Mreething. The Y. W. A., of Fri'endsiI lIa Itist church w-ei ll Ihold a puic t meetIng -u n - day nIght, Aprlil 20, beginnIng at 8:3 O'clotk. TIher'e will -be special mtusic and an addlress by .the pastor besides the regular program. The pub~c I cordially Invited to comec. TO TOUR THE STATE Will Demoiisrate how the iMonsters Went Over the Peoan Trenches on lie Western Front. Columbila, April 14.-The people of South Carolina have read a lot about the manner in which our boys "treated 'em rough". The time is at hand when we will have the opportunity at first hand to witness the destructive power of these imionsters that broke down the morale of the German army and con tributed so greatly to the final vic tory. Three of these great tanks will voiie to South Carolina. They will lbe shil ped dilet from Camp Meade, NAld., to Greenville, Columbia and Charleston. It is hoped that Southern fighters will be in charge of these tanks and it is expected that Lieu t. .\rIhur L'. Varnedov, commulandinig the( Iniks in this district, will be able to dilmonstrate on1 of them in South Carolina. A erew of two ien will operate each tan k and will take pars in parades and demlioistrationis. i.ach tank is l5 feet long, 7 feet wide and Caries a machine gun of great de strictlive iower: develi lops 10 horse power. and has a spied of 9 mile's anl hourl over .-ood grounld. The armor phl cannuol be pierei d by mlachinle --un or Hille hulletis. The wveight of, vach tank is G tolls ne0. The gunlierl sits inl a ,:ling and oper ales his gnu and gives direclions to his drivir. The only means of vision are small, vlt ut inl thll armlor 'plate :d in atal warfare l .the drivers al gunIieIs siffered insualties fromt the GN-erman.11 bullets multinlg from the It(re mniidouls hieat slittering through0 Ithese slits. ilmonstrationis winil be giveln to shiiow the gi'at adaptability of these wondtrifil niachiines: for instanCe in Cobiuhliia it is probtbi e t 1hat ti' talk will bit periltled to tumlble down a 1t,11 hiMa Wales G'ardens. de stroy ilm sim tie , s rap ed atoioholo:s, Slitd te'aillg up tro s ill its progr ss. Curies It. Geraid, Scretar'v for Soit! Carolina, annoiinces that he has eligaged l'ierre lazyck. the vetr an tirI 'a istorltatioll llan, to ollti lit' iree iak. in i ii 'omu of te .tate. iiThe takil in the uppi'r parl of the State will show at Ireenville on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Other towls in cluded in tlie itinerary are fielton, (" rieniiwood. 'I ,atit ron s, Spa rt anh ig, ;athiey, Blacksburg, York, Hoc Iill, laineaster, Chester. Clinton and other places. . is to le W etat t h'er. TI'l- 'Columllbia State .\onday mlor ing piblishe( the followiig from the Du1it 4h weatlher phophel: l'vidences are oi hand to substan liat Ihis foreast of Vtl hiary G, wheln it was predicted that thle remlainider of* ite wilite' ,would bring no killing frostS. Vegetable growth aboiid in fieshniss and vigor. The blosoinlug of dogwood is almost an infallible sign in nature that the winter is over' and fl-ost will not occur, and elit woods ari' full of blossoms, Tihe l at ist dan for' frost. ill Cotluibia andI vitinityv is a rounid AplrilI 20. A Shiandon citizen, W. P'. Iktchison, pickedc a miess of I'ngl ishi peas out of his garden Satuirday anid has I rishi po tnatoes ini thle blossominilg iieriod. lie too1k thie I )nItch Wenther1' lrolhet at li is wordI, lie says. .\ nteil iar'ity oh' tie st'ason is It' Int tha't It' noirth wind is as mil '(atreyStei'day enatm fromi the t('lep'atunre thrloulghtut the counitry Is aliso rtihtt' iihienomienal. 1)''ring sov teraIliipriods thr ouighou t I le 'in ltetr Fahri het registeoredi hiIgheri at thle iiiinimlum ini South Dankota by steveral ouit h ilakoht. Th'lis gioes to show that Ilt' iuiar'kabil'etcniditions which l'iophtil ini Tlhe IState in September, a96 are still ini existet'. The'year 1 919 ill nIiot bi' favorabile Capt. W. It. 'Itichecy, .Jr., who served as captaiiin withI thie 37 1st Inifantr iy ill Frianice, i'eceivetd a commission as ma joi' sevteral days ago firoii thie adjui mant genei'al's ofllee in Washington. Major .Richey, as his title runs now, was recommendled foi' i'omotion some' time -ago h~ut It took some time fOr' the detalla to be gone thr'oulgh with. He received his (dischiarge from the ariiy sceeral weeks ago upon his returin from France. The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Hlealth, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. OROVYE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blcod. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Qini no and Iron in. a form acceptable td the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel itu Stranath anIng. Iirting Efect. Gin. S* * S. * 5* 5 * I'* .*'. $ SPECIAL NOTICES. $ Iost-A little red /bob-tailed Durou pig about seven wceeks old. Lost Sat urday on HEast laih street In Brook lyn. Finider please notify John Chil dress, Laurens, S. C. 39-it For Sale-Sevqrpl' 'Fords, good as new. 1). It. Cotfits. 39-1t Why Pay More-When you can buy it for less at linson's Cash and Car ry Grocery. We have on sale this week 30e coffee at 25c; .40c coffer at 30c; full line of canned goods just arrived. A few more of those brooms left at the same price. We want one tit2sald dozen eggs this week; also tifty hens. 39-It-pd For Sail --New Ford touring car, run about 100 milles. Sece ilakely at Lmaurens National Ilanki. 39-it-spd Notice--I have a few young mules for sale, on tmy farm at Waterloo. At tractive prices. W. 11. Wharton. 39-2t For Sale-l Wilikes Special iange in first class (ondiliton. C111 or phone. T. .1. NICAlister ' at D1avis-lRoper Co. 39- 1t- pd iUadies' Slippers- -O1ne lot ladies' slippers just the th il to weatl around home. Get yo ur si'k while we have it, $2. 19. Wells Clardy 'o. 39-1 t For Sale-Several I wris. good as flew. 1). ii. Counts. 39-11 iberty lonls-P. A. Simpson will Imy your Ihiberty Ilionds a right pric VS. 1 39- 1t -pd Stocks----P. A. Simpson will sell you stocks Ithat will mtake you money. 29- 1i -pd( For S31t- -Finte young cow fr-esh in milk. 1'. 11. lla iley, Mt. :!. 39-- 11 -1)d For Sit Sugar 1)I ip Cane Seed at $:.10 per Ibushel, $1.00 per pewk. I'nsur passed for syrup or- forage. Cleveland and Coviiptgtonl -Toole Cottoil Seed at $1.00 per htunidred poounds. J.1. 1. Pow er, Gra Court, Rtoute 1. :19 -1 t-pId .iik--F~reshl puIke milk dlivered I wire daily. Phoi'e 161 or 27. IT. C. i-'leiing. i 39-5t For Sale T--iwo cows fresh in ilk, four to pick fromt. .\ll high bred Jer SetS. J. It. Young, .1alrents, Ilt. 5. IAhout two miles above town.) 39-It Ipd For Sale Reset, well rooted Toma to plntms ready next week. 24e p1er dozen. 4;0(. for I doz(1n. irimmer 30ec per dozent, !.Me for :00. W. S. Iolimes. 39-2t-pd For Sall- -Ioduge touring car, prac lically new, not In ovev 210 miles. Dlo not leed it. First check for $1,100 ges it. -tTo milt at Nar-niv. A. .. 11lilet t. 39-11t-1d I''or Siae-- -Svera'l Fords, good as I I w. I). . . Colluits. :I!)- It Hlorse Shoeding -Ont the job fIom 11;::"( A. \I. to 7:30 P. .\I. If you1 wait your horse shoeing, blacksmith and w heelwright dlone u p-to--date, call and see uts. Satisfaction imust he yours. All work strictly guaranteed. Shop On the depot lot near the cotton platform. .1. W. Williams and 11. T. Carpenter. 38-it-td Notice --.\Il iesons ar lereby for hiddei to giraze stock oil tile proper ly (Of Laur11enls schools; by or-der of the boart d of t rtt ste es. .1. T. SpOaIrs, Stli. 38-2t Cold Storaire --The atientiotn of ithe ftmi-ers of tlurenis couity and vicint ily is called to tle fact that we can iur yourIi moat regardless of weather i'iondiions at1 11y time of tle year, at Ohe rate of 2c per poudi for lirst 3 taysi. 50 pet' 100 lbs. eachl mon th lherea'fter. There is no use it carry ing your hogs over. This will save you a lot on your feed hill. Ask your cou ity em(Itontstrat or whit he ltinks ab1outl it: or call u2s onil phone 13, Clin ton. S. I--. Ilix lIe aid luel Co., 38-Stipd Nti e'--*We w isht to annou011nce that 411'ur it1121 sh aemr, Aarton lHrockmnan, has reei itis discha~irge fromt thle serice1 ~ .Wdis ready13 to ser ive you at our : 4)1u)1onl the btest leather antd rubil 1)4') heels oni the marcik(t, amnd (10 the netes1t't and1( btest shoe r'epairinig it te ('ity. Wl~ork done wh'lile y'ou wa2it. Prie es igt. lymn~ i Tl ur'y. 38-If ,For Servilc-hh' black Sptan ish .ia1k' ".\t 0az"' will be found1( with D r. ritot IIthe old .\lax . ermeek stablt1e. I'iiwters & W(Iffor'd. 38-5t- pd ('hirysainthletnum Platitt- -4or sale. I wenity3- Iiv t vaie 'I~ tieCs. 'Carr' ie St (d1 dar d, Owings, S. ('. 38-2t-lpd Forll Srdet'--On' of the best farms in the (outiy:3 illenty of wood, water, buildinigs, t111iber, pastur Ie and ( good itoute 1. 37-tf Nt) lc is hereby3 give'n that a1 4(24(h iriis 5:1atrith yimornting, .\lay 3rd, at1 .I.\S.. II. St"ltlal VAN, Cition or o ltt Iers of Adtlmiist ration. State oft South C'arolina, 113 0. G. Thomson, 50) Probat IcJ1udge: WhereI1as W. C. Whitmire mtadle suit to meW to gran1it himii Isetter's oIf Adimin istration01 or the h'state andt t'ffects of Willie iCchner'. Tlhese are therefore, to cite antd ad miil sh alt and singpilar thle k indr1edl anad cr'editors of the 'said W~Illie ICich bef'oreO mte, in the (-ourt of Priob'ate, to lbe hteld at 12aureins Cotw'rt House, Lanu rents, 'S. C., on1 tihe .dth dlay of Ap~ii , ..15) netx, after tlutblication hereof, at I i o'clock int 11h( forlentOOn, to show causie, if any t hey have, whty Ithe sid Administration should not .be granteod. Given utndler my hand this, 1 SthI day otf A pl)l Anno DIomini 1919. 0. 0. TT IiO.\PSON, 39-21-AJ. P. 12. (C. 1 2 HlOURl KODAK FINISIIINO All rolls dlevelopedi 10e); Iacks 20c lup; prints 2 1-2c, 4c, 5c; nothting but kodak finIshing. All wvorkl guiaranteedi to 'please. t~astman K~odaks, Filmns, Supplies. COLUMBIA PH10f0 FINISHING CO. 1111 Taylor Street Columnbia, S. C. 23..t9 GEILMINS MUST PAY TWENTY-FIVE BILLION (Continued from Page One.) affirm and Gerinany admits, responsi bility for all losses and damages of the Allied and Associated governments and their nationals from the unjusti flable .warfare ,waged by the enemy powers against the Allied and Asso ciated governments." . Then follows a provision for the commission on rPayments, and extend ed details of the operations of the coi) InIssioln. Orm-i's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and ci riching tlie blood. You can soon feel its Strength tuing, Invigorating Effect. Pric 60c. IS YOUR FARM FOR SALE I If you have any land for sale, either improved farms or uini mproved acre age,,we may be able to find you a pur chaser if you will list It with our Ilomeseekers Bureau. We are receiving a large number of inquiries about farming opportunities in this State and it is the purpose of the C. & W. C. Rilroad to prepare a comprehensive list of lands for sale located along its line, to he distribut ed among prospective settlers, and all persons having such property for sale are ur ged to co-operate with the un dersigned, in order that accurate and reliable data may be placed in the hands of lrosl)ectlve homeseekers making inquiry about farming oppor tunities in your community. A blank form will be mailed you, up on application, asking for the specific information desired. There is no charge for this service. W. W. CROXTON, Room 5, Terminal Station Dldg., 37-tf Atlanta, Ga. GOOD PIOTOGRAPHS Enlarged Portraits AND. Picture Frames Nichols' Studio Laurens, S. C. CORNELIUS OTTS AnnouneVS that from this date C. YATES BROWN will be associated with him in the practice of law. CIIAPMAN BUILDING SP1ARTrANBURG, S. C. AHjllEVjI LLE-GREEN WOOD MUTUAL INSURIANCE ASSOCIATION. Organiizedl 1892. PROPERTY INSURED) $1,268,300. W~RITE~ OR CALL on the undersign ed for any information you may desire about our plan of insurance. We Insure your property against (de struction by FIRE,,WINDSTOluM OiR IiOHT'1NI'NGi. and doe so chealyer than any company in existance. Rlemembe)r, we are pre'pared to prove to you that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of insurance known. Our Association is nowv licensed to wrnite Insurance in the counties of Abbevilie, G4reenwood, McCormicx, E'dgefield, Laurens, Saluda, Lexington, itichland, Caiihoun, andl Spartanburg. Thei officers aie: (Gen. J. Fraser Lyon, President, Columbia, S. C.; J. R1. illake, Cen. Agt., Secty. andi Treas., G regnwood, S. C. D)!RECTORIS: A. 0. Girant .......Mt. Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell .. .. Abbeville. S. C. .J. Ri. Blake .. ......( reenwvood, S. C. A. WV. Youngblood .. .. Hodges, S. C. .J. Fraser Lyon .. . . Columbia, S. C. R. IT. Nicholson . . . .Edgefield,S. C. W. II. Wharton .. .....Waterloo, S. C. WV. C. Bates.. .... ...atesbumrg, S. C. Gireenwioodl, S. (. ~TORAGEI OU1STORA IBATTERIES. are tho' rcesulj'of years of experience in battlery, inaking and improvement. Thley idr/without doubt the strongest most A'urable andi efficient batteries to be had anywhere at any price. We also recharge and repair batteries of all makes at reasonable rates. Starting batteries, lighing batteries or batteries for any or all purpoi)ses are hero awaiting yeou. IfARLNEY ELECTRIC 00, Opposite Post Office Lauens, S. C. DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE AND REASONABLE PRICES This exceptional combination is linked with every article we sell. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods is now about com plete, the best, in most respects we have ever shown. Will appreciate your inspection of our line--we shall be glad to show you through our line. NEW!---"Lady Sealpax" Athletic Underwear for Ladies. J. H. NANCE, Dry Goods Dep't. DEWEY NELSON, Manager "QUALITY FIRST" Cross Hill, S. C. GIN DAYS Our ginneries will run Friday and Saturday of this week and Saturday of next week, after which we will close for the season Laurens Oil Mill RUBBING MAKES THJ/M SLICK Why Let Your Suits be Rubbed with a Flat Iron When There 'Is a Steam Press Available? We have recently installed a Universal Steam Press, and an Up-to-date,,leaning Outfit. We Press, (not rub) Suits, Overco t5, Coat Suits and Ladies' Coats in'the latest, most scientific way, without cutting short the life of the garment. No matter how soiled, we will thoroughly clean and give new fin-. ish to any garment,if Dry Cleaned. We call for and deliver all goods. Give us a trial. Phone. No 60 Laurens Steam Laupidry S. R. Dorroh, Managi