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FOOTER'S Cleaners and Dyers of Wearing Apparel and H se hold Furnishings of AlF Descriptions. WE DYE AND CLEAN Rvfr CLOTHES Parcel Post and Express Shipments Given Immediate Attention. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Cumberland,Md. - - - -- ~c20o Lbo. PLANTERS -_ _T L ZE - e p--ze-e - WHICH? A season's toil wasted on a soil deficient in plant food, or a lttle money invested in Planter's Fertilizer-and votir Truck, Cotton or Grain crop more than doubled? Make your choice now. Progressive Southern farmers long ago realized the necessity of supplying exhaust cd soils with Phosphoric Acid., Ammonia and Potash, which every crop necda. PLANTERSFERTIUZER DOUB.ES YOUR YgaE.D because it contains available Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash in the right proportions. Better place your order for Planter's right now and avoid delayed delivery. Ask any agent in your town for information, free advice, or prices, or write us direct. Every hag is stamped with our Giant Lizard Trade-Mark. Look for it-it's for your protection. Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. MANUFACTURERS CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA dr - 0)) - C -- and pesna o PP t i 4 you is WRIGLEY'S \\(~ \P ~in Its air - tight sealed package. - A goody that is worthy' of your lasting regard because of Its Three asting quality'. Treflavors to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get Sealed TIGht Kent Right The 7 Razvor Lasts * HOME DEMONSTRATION * * DEPAUTMENT. * By Miss Daisy E. Harris. * Just at this seacson of the year when eggs are so plentiful, I thought per haps a few recipes for use of eggs might -be helpful. Eg'gs should be cooked at a low tein perature if the greatest enjoyment and value of food are to be obtained from eating them. Cooking eggs at a low temperature will keel) them from be coming tough, -which state renders them less digestible. Sofit cooked eggs; Heat to boiling point sufficient water to cover eggs, remove from fire and piqce eggs in water. Cover and allow to stand 6 to 8 minutes keeping water at same tem perature. Tet stand for 30 minutes if hard cooked eggs are desired. Poached eggs; Allowing 1-2 table spoon, of salt. to a quart of water, have shallow pan 2-3 ful-i of boiling water. Break each egg separately and slip into water, cover and remove from 'fire. Cook until whites are firm and baste yolks to form a film ov er them. Take up carefully with skimmer. Tomato sauce-Poached eggs may be served with thefollowing tomato sauce. 2 cups of canned tomatoes, 1 stice of onions, 1-4 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of -pepper, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour. Cook tomatoes and onions twenty minutes, and strain, melt butter, let it brown, add dry ingredients, and strained tamatoes. Pour over poached eggs. Bread Omelet 4 eggs, 1-2 cup milk, 1-2 cup bread crumbs, 3-4 teaspoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon butter. Soak bread crumbs in milk, add beat en yolks and seasoning, and pour in beaten whites. Heat and butter ome let pan, pour in omelet and cook slow ly on top of range. When well "puf fed" and delicately brown underneath, place on rack to finish cooking top. If firm 'to touch when pressed, fold an( turn on hot platter. Du1itch Eggs 6 hard cooked eggs, 2 tblsp. but ter, 1-2 teaspoon salt, I cup milk, land 1-2 tablespoons flour, 1-2cup grated cheese, I cup sweet pepper. Melt, add dry ingredients and Nir Imitil smooth. Add heated milk slowly, stirring constantly, and allow to come to )oilillg 'point. Cut the eggs into (IarHiters and place about 1-4 of amount in baking dish. Cover this layer with he sauce and sprinkle- over it a layer of the cheese, then a few pieces of peppel'. Repeat until all Is used. S'lplinkle bread crumbs on top (lot with butt er and birown in hot oven. Baked Cnstard I linllt of milk. 3 eggs. 1-9 teaspoon 11ittmeg, 1--1 ,Cip sugarl, 1-8 teaispool salt. - I lent milk, mix eggs in bowl with su gar and salt. Add hot milk slowly. stiring. Strain in custard cups and bake iII mioderat ove n I'Il 111111 1u n 11ti u i Itar is firmii. C'ooked Salatd Dlressinig. I-i ta'blespoon mustard(, I--I table spoon1 salt, 2 tabl'espoons flour, I tabl' spoon1 sugar 3-.i ('ups sweet milk, 1 -X t eason 1)01(ayenneI I ilepper, 2 eggs, 2 t ablon '011 ut11tel', 1-2 ('up1 vi negar1. Rub toge'Ilber drly ind(red(ienlts, add beaten egg yo11ks, ime(lted butter, coldl ii milk anld hot v'ine galr in or'dei'r ned stIirinhg Unti11lo'erfectly 1smooth0 , 'ook slowl'y until1 thu iEed, stirIng (Oi stuntlhy. "THIOUGHI-T I I-tAD A PAVING, BRICK IN MY STOMACH Ileelari l''l I Spatan Sbur11g, S. 4" .111an, '"I oIt'll feltt likE I hall aI paving brick in1 111y stomach"'I', say3s this well kniownv manll who hats r'eslided atI 181 I 'ark Avenou II, Shpartanburg1i', S. '. fot thie paLst lourteenl years', .\lr'. I'. A. lIar "'\ly' stomachl wenlt oni'aI 8 itriko I think, for' nothinig I ate0 seemed1'( to di gest, buit just lalid thei'e. I was badI~ly const11i)ated;( my liveri wats iliactive; got sI) ner'lv('4us I cou1ldn't slecep, and dizzy.3 sp~ells would hit mec, and I'd hiavc to sit down'I r'igh t where I Was. IDret'' starited 1my3 bowels mov11'ing'at once', a ld all liy troub1les1 seemed''to fadeR away, and1( no(w I am als we})as I ever' was ill my13 life. I eat snything I crave, and it Iln fact I'm1 wel gain."' Tlo t hose wvli su1ffer' fromt stolmachi dlisoider's and1 thirI attendtant Itroubs Ies----const Iplation, s'luiggish liveir, etc., you are warnied to prlofit *lby the expel" i('ni(' of out's. D)on't. let these troui bles sail youmr 'omnfor't, health anid vi tatlit.y away. They twear the vietiml dlown~ untIl lhe gr'ows weaker every day, laying him 'open to the dilsease or' I seirious nature'. i'0very onme sho0uh11 kno1w ablouit Dreco, thle gr-eat herbafll re mle'dy, which haLs 1n0 11eer as5 a stoma~cl remedy(13, and1( re(l ief for conisi Piationl. (() today to y'our nearest dr'ug st(r''---they all sell Dr)meco and~ slar'i by3 The)1 lilurens Dr)lug Stole'. Colds Cause Orip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. 'I heto Is only one "Biromo Qulico." P, W. GROVR'S sialden on boa, 3in. * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * JONEIS NEWS. * * Jones, Miarch 29.-We recently met our venerable friend, Capt. J. B. Hum 1ert, of Princeton, who is 'in excellent health. AI'. Henry Freeman, of Canada, is visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freeman, of Princeton. Ar. Drayton Boggs, of North Caro lina, recently visited relatives and friends here. Mi'. Jas. Gray 'has a fine crop of oats. We recently met the following friends: Oscar Henderson, of Vir ginia; Frank .McGee and Ir. Kennedy, of Due 'West, Townes Mabry of Cokes bury, Mlasona Higgins of Hodges, Frank Mledlock of Laurens, Jas. Mar tin of Owings, W. Y. Baldwin and Alt McNinch of Ekom, Win. Thomas of An derson, Robert 'W4lliamson of Donalds Frank and Walter Jones were re cently in Greenwood. The road from %Ware Shoals via .lones, RItleys and Cokenbury, to (reenwood Is in good condition. The Sunday school books for the next quarter'are ready for distribution. .%r. George Jones has a one-horse farm to rent or work on shares. Mr. J1ohn Wesley Gambrell has pur chnsed a fine Cadillac car. Mrs. G. L. Graham irwas shopping in Greenwood recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Farris and Mr. Norwood Graham and son, Richard, were the recent puestq of Dr. Townes Jones and family. The friends of Mr. W. P. Williamson, of Donails, will be glad to hear that he has renovered from a recent spell of sickness. We enjoyed the article in the South ern Christian Advocate, by Dr. Charles Poster Smil It of the University of Wis consin, en the life of 'his lamented father, Rev. Ins F. Smith. Corns, Calluses Quit Quick! Two Drops of "lets-It" Wi0l Do It, 'Ever hand-carve your toe with a knife trying to get rid of a corn? Ev er use scissors and snip off 'part of the corn too close to the quick? Ever pack up your toe with "contraptions" antd plasters as though you were pack ing a glass vase for parcel post 1Ev goets-It" Put Vour Feet in Clover -It Ends Corns Qvickly. or use greasy ointment$ that rih of onl your sto('kiigs? 1r er use stick: tape that gets jerked off iwhel You pull yourl stocinlg off)7, find o' foollsll whein 2 or' 31 driops 'of ''oets-.Le on an: 'orn~ or' callus gives \p."iick, pain less, iieaicefl , deadlsig~ , funeral ! Wh: pultteri and snuiffer? "Gets-i t" stOp) cornP pains, it lets'you work, silie an 'danlce, even~ with ('orns. It's the coim mon-sense way, the only simple, eas; way-peels ('ornslfl 1 ike ai banai ipeol. 1 'sed by nil-l1ions.- i niever fallm ''Get s-It'', thei gitaraniteed, money back~l 'orni-r'eimover,' the on11y suri way, ('osts lbut a tri'fle at any dri store(.. 'T'd by3 E'. I1 awrence & Co (Chicago, ill. as th ii'world's best. corn'i remedyl3 b. l~urceka Drjug Co., 4 ianurens Drug ('o antd -Powe Driug Co. pub1)lications of tbe Extenisioni Seri''' are1. tiimly3 just nowV ini 'onnhectionl witi thle increa'use~d mand i ncrea~using int erues in all kinds( (of live stock in South Cai oilina anmd the red uct ion of the cot tol aereage-. Th'iese are l'~xtIenslon 1111lle tin 32, '"Foraige (crops in South ('are lina,'' and Ikxteinsioni lullet in 33, "Pea mianlent andiI ,Tiemuporai'y P'astui'es." Thle first of these contains instriui( t ions wich'l shouiidlidep to solve th stock feeeding prIoblemis of theo imi and to suggest the wise use of somec lhe landl left from r'edulction of cotto acreage. Duie c'onsideration is give in this bulletin to the double valuec the various legumes as forage cirop in furnishing excellent feedling value and in enriching the soil. The second publication deals wit the necessity~of good pasturies, soil ri (quiements, preparation, hoiw to plan and instructions how to securie bem r'esults in making pastures with thi sever'al p~astlure grasses. 11oth bulletins ai'e by WV. Ri. Elliot formerly a distr'ict agent of the Exter sion Sei'vice, who is an authority o such matters. They are free, as lonl asu they las't, to all wvho ask for thiem. 'EseTABE:.TSL LAL~ lNS lIlIIU CO.'I P RUNA FOR U AND CODS Isa Ivy ray, Fafrview, I Ever Kentucky, writes: "I -have talkenu Peua Sn ~aw mon'efor oughs a et14k ever saW I and that it alwa Miss Grays letter breathe alre a en a bhrtu Up hope to the aing. It in an in the ynte an spiratson to the sick and InArm. 3old Uverywhee irqAi or rablet Perm ' 72/1Orm lNo matter where ou buy it,Luzianne co ee is alw s the same high standrd of excellence. fEvey. pound is solcL in arf air-tight tin can. t Luzianne retains its full rich flavor. od -"Aiat grocer p1Tr*8rC jyvo91r rloney you paid for it. 1 coffee __. _ The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans You Profit. By Our Bigness Our size enables us to: Furnish cash markets for all live stock offered; Operate at minimum costs; Stay in business on a profit of only 2 cents on the dollar of sales; Eliminate waste: Get the surplus live-stock products from the West to the ipillions of consumers in the East. There is No Menace in Size: As long as we are in keen compe tition with other packers; , IAs long as there are hundreds of firms in the business; II! 1As long as we handle only about 12 per cent of the meat supply 22 per cent of the meat that is inspected by the Unfted States. Gover iment; As long,/as our bigness is used to your/fadvant'mge-as it is now L ~andas it iest be in the future I if ~e pi'e-fo do a profitable busi ~ n TJhe permanence of a v6ness depends on the good 1* c*~1 of those it serves. No large 'Ii business can prosper that is not KIrecognized as giving in exchange for its earnings an equivalent measure of helpful service. - Swift & Company, U.S.A. b 111 tDou 'o 1296 g roro i