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PRlOFITABLE SESSION OF BAPTIST WORKERIS Waterloo ibptist. Thurch Hosts of I'nhon 31veinar Saturdiay andl Sundany. Cross 11111, .\larch Il.--The unlionl inevting held it *Waterloo Baptist Churih Satillday a11d Sinday was a success in every way. The attend aive was fairly good. tle( spiril in which ,the several speakers entered t heir4 respective subjects was usu 11 a111 iy !IC Ven. .11nd the 111a11iniiy Vhi(Ih ;wrvllh-d all delihen11tiols vied with 11- '. wa in Cellowship for lrst pyhtect. Ta 1hri St11in's Praye r I Jfe. dI k ,Ssse W \Csr. \ t. \Vharfonl. T. Bt. Itrown andi Re4v. <'. 1:. \'ermilin 414 listed(( the1 I VLtfl 1e1e1n iI !4411 If 4'Veery'one1' 1451 ' I 1 d rkI4 )11 111' Ivi 1-yti1 (%1 as thes ::l ;r1 d t4)IIhe iihlical 1 l u. h a 1 i. 1-oillowing I thi "I V114 4Y ilpr41esive di0i t o n I i . iblity for the e-iy of a rs at Ibb ti I y Nbl rs .l. haQn.T S. 1an~sson, and R. d. A) v aI restlt of th1 11is d1is"cus ..(l thle folhwinig resohdlionl offeredl b-y W. 1.1 l rs. was intiniolis 'Y ad pted: Ilesolved. Tha It 1 ur 111. Ia[tist ciur-ch i . .1lbl 4 i nry fI v'ent ly te i Lor( to q-.111 Mi01' 1111 in1to the ("ospel niinistry n11d that t hey should 4nlarge their -sutpport to thiv 1inltry. The lin1ionl then adjoiiteied olie hour for dinnr. (ir1ing which tile every on114 Sui4ptlollsly enioyed tle hospi tallity f4 which 11hie Waterloo peopl are not-d. while they parvtook< of an abundantml s'pretd onl a1 able preparedl nearby. In the aftelnoonl Iwo other ilterest ing ton1ics vore considered. a splendid pace for wi ws sot inl tle devo tional -ercises conduc-ted by IPlastoP d. 0. Wilson. Thle first of Iles was. God's ('aim on One-SevenIll of Our Tine ail One Tenth of 0ur incoie, andi he speak 'ls Were John It. Finley al Iev. Jolhn 0. Wilson. .\S I Pesult of ihese dis eussions' a 1r0icilly unaninilou vote Wa. I1)14 4tke lia one-sevenIb of ouri* -lne 1141 d ni-tenth of oil11 in44on0i14 he hngs to lo L'ord an d Ills kingdom s r . iu' list I suhj44et fIor dirlus sion wa:4ra[Ih It i ee 1, 'lock. This was.' Thl lvelation of oilr Chiulch (o ('hristin Nducaitioit. Ti' speakers, \l'sss. Y. Y. ad V.'P. Culbertson, brouight forithi tie idea tlait tlie mis SiOn Of tile 01hur'li is to educate or1 tr1in inl Kingdom work as well as preach to 1te unsaved. That in fil filling tlis mIssion it muist 1 support any and all means for Christian edu cat Ion. On Sunday morning Just after Sun Ilay schotol, Mess's. J. C. Miller, W. C. Wharton and D. Y. Culbertson spoke on the subject, Business Men and IBus iness Methods in the Lord's Business, af'ter whic the iIission ary sermon was reahed y Ier. has 10Ver milionl, 0 f1. 1 Ns1115. Text. M.iIlI. 22:21. "li er n111t4 CaIiesar the thin that11 ar'i ( sar's :1i 1111to (oll file tl in 11 t arl Gid-.-' .\lmy wt V . <4 f11 4 iL11111,1 All.; 4 i 1i I I i s; atr,. uruI IL ' lollien 5er i'\ e4 Vf h :4. t a ,r lii 'll congrega 14nd4 wa:s wel II nd '4(di. Tlhe siiermon wVe pre4b(dib li vhey. .lhn (0. \\'[lson Iif Ihii i i tturh The soni s - Catotabs, the New Kindi of Cadl omel, D~oes thle Work Withoutl the Slightest Unpileasantness of D~an ger Yo41 u have alwa~ys1 thougtf~i of (,alometll .i Ite isI and44 .urie.t mi i nel1 ini the wVorld, tbut too4 14ause(atinig for you to t ake. That4 was4 the otit-style~ clol(t. Ntow sciencei has5L ( laken t stig (4ut. of 41alom)1l by5 remov4ingI its uidenlsant. and( 114 dangerous 414ual1it ies, am14 i has kopt aII im: good1 liver1-cleanusing and system putrifyling (1ffects4. Thew neix t timie you11 are blIus or4 (41on04 -1144(ited ask11 for ('ialotabs4, th4e ne4w LIausealess1 11 alomi14444 . Solldt on11lin (ori4 wvallow('(4 '4 of ate ,--tluit's4 al. NIo 11as11 , no 4' gipinig. no~ nalttsel, no( 14alts. 701l .'.ike 411p iii the( 1114'llill (feeling il44e, youri t'4 live ctive, your system'4I 14lIrified, and wth it ([LI rtyi a pi lle fo 404411 it444 4 r. I L ili.ha v4.44-1 44h' 44 no(li ger 44 i : al,.a :on. 14o m4ne b14 wk ni114 .v ' , 41 i b1.1 .\ . iih ('.14) ab4.. Iu v.) CHICESTR SPILLS H :44h 4 44a~e~ 'i n o i ian '6441Hi b 1 L't r l e . 0 1 rcli . . i'44i , sei IC i 4t (4u44 ibl2 e..~ i f rugit A 4for(ilO ls Re 95 ye(arskn4own4a4 1cat, I stAlway&s Ie10,4 -- SOLD BY DRUGMISTS EVERYMHERE T1HIRTIETH IEROES WARMLY WELCOMED (Continued from .Pago One.) As the troops passed up Main Street scores of them 'were recognized by peo)le standing along the curbing. Gtreetings were uttered in tones that could be heard above the tumult, but with eyes that looked dead ahead, the men marched on, only an occasional smile breaking out despite all military regulations. There was no break in the line of spectators though fathers and moth ers followed their sons for blocks withi their eyes. "if I'd known the whole State was going to turn out, to see I)ave when he came home, I dont.' think I would have objectel to his going in." said one farmer. "And I don't believe I'll shoot Ihe local boardi as I had abouit made tpi my mind to (1o," he Concluded. When the troops were passing and the eyV wl weary with seeing and the ears tired with hearing, a band comlie In view. Its drum major sighted le reviewing stand, and l his haton wav'ed vigorously. There was a tattle from the drum, aid then the Opening notes of DIxie hurst on the air. The crowd was elec trifled, and cheer after clier rent. the air that had become momentally (in iet. An old Confedeate veteran, with his hat in his hand, said. "That tunle, you can't beat it." Among those present on the review ing stand were: Brig. Gen. W. I'. Cole, commandor of Camp Jackson; Brig. Gnt. 1. 1). Tyson and wife, Corp. C. W. fatson. Llieut. .1. C. Dozier, Sergi.. (;atry I'. Foster. ]lelt. Col. T. B. Spratt, Mr. and Nirs. Christie Benet, Capt. E. WV. Sprinlgs, Senator M. -D. Smith, Governor Cooper and 'mrs. @ Cooper, Adj. Gen W. W. Moore, Sen ator and Mrs. N. 'B. Dial of Laurens, Congressman A. P. Lever, Congress man F. H. Dominick, Capt. Morris LumipkIn, Colonel Booker and Mrs. Booker, Mr. mid Mrs. F. S. iMunsell, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Robertson, W. A. Coleman, T. J1. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Barron, C. 0. ilearon, W. A. Cor mack, (Rio McKissick, Wil lank . Joe Sparks. Directly behind the last company canti the woiuded soldiers from Camp Jackson in automobiles driven by members of the Ied Cross motor corps. The men recelved a rousing recep tiont all along the line, itd zlIapelut k enijoyed the outing which ilthe parade afforded them. I After having passed up Mlain to Flimn wood Avenuei, thle columns111 1)atssed( down Sumter St reet and the moen vere. dismissed near Gervais. At onice file soldiers flocked to Main Street. where they were served with edibles at the booths aloig the th or oughfare. Last night Main street presentIed a seie of moveameniait aid color. Th' amiusemeit iplaces were crowded to t i doors mid restaurants and soda foum tains were full to capacity until Iate at night.-T-''he Slate. ('orporal Jtatson Kinwi Here. Corp. George liatson. Who occupiel a prominl at place in the ceremionlies in Colum ia Monday, being awarded the Dist: uished Service 'Cross, by General ' .soii, Is well known In Lau - rens where he has many friends. He is a brother of Mrs. R. H. Benchoff and has visited lier here on several occa - sions. Full line of best luality Aluminm Ware. S. M. & Il11. II.WILKl4. & CO. Will M /V -9m JUST ARRIVED CAR LOAD OF OAKLANDS The Sensible Six---Touring and Rtoadster. Also, the wonderful Jordan--Sport-marine. It's a beauty. See it. Agent for . #AXON-SIX Agent for Thae go'of riding Internationial BUICK 'ight Six. Ever Truck--A Truck Valve-in-Head notice the good for real service. Motors specification of Come in and see this little car? it. Full line of Tires and Accessories. ERNEST W. MACHEN Laurens, S. C. 108 Sullivan St. DUHtED r80-LAAY FROT LACED asure up to Your Expectations in Every Way! Their Best Guarantee is the fact that they have been given a prominent place in, the corset stocks of this country's foremost stores. Experi enced corsetieres have found the front lace principle perfected in F'rolaset Corsets, hence their greatly increasing popularity. ihmutIIif'uI mialIfls in 10(05 m ottl for e - / Switzer Company Laurens, S. C.