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LETTERS FRO Froini .1 ohi TI. Patt ers~on. l ier. !. 1918 S. When yoll get IIie letter I Wrote oil IDoe. 'thI, gu.ess yott will thinl k I elosetl ratl her suddeily. i was called ()111 1 Ilove. W are 2 niles fronm the other hospital, wher k. I had 1iinlilips. Ai still in) a los Jdil but I a1 11not sick niow. \'We are n11. hi a In-oot stoli \aIIl with ir-oi -aes with a guarl at each gate. Near ly overythinig of ally iniportnlce inl l''r;nte has a slone wall arouild it. All Ih I owns and cit is have stone wa.Ilk ar:ouni enii ,nd fI I rt I lie i ns. "I h every rill iI owsilled inl soltil rune.It Iit)n wonider tlwe Ilit-h nvrSucCeeded ill overrunniling Ih is enun-ry0 aInd a.Lainl it is nll wolnier it "", _o n11.iny3 lives to retake anly part whichI thevy 14)s1. It w salrevady forli ihl.d. all the Germalls hald to do to ho it. llmises, bans, walls. driikinig 1 rob11S anld wash basins are stone. ih4 sanid railroads are e)ve-rvql with ston... Thie y vidently exp I-d Ihings in iast forever, but thi s- .\American 1 ruckjs and wagons soon w ore holes in lteir roads. !UnI .\r. Frenichinlan. loilh inlz daulllntn him. .utpatiently haulls 1m1:- stone and fills in ihe worni p w. ('s. Palm wantls to klnow\' about the enuntry. It is ralieru hilly lr e hut the hills are low, with long sloping sides. The tIrees and woods look nu-h like ours, except the piies aro miore of the siooli bark varelty. There is Omich oak, beech, willow and a trce that1 looks like our. S. C. poplars. Also one that looks like ou r syeaior-e and others I cannot name. The land is of a haek, sticky nature and looks as it i night be good -M feet deep. \ hen I 11 you it is rich you won-t begin to .a1v any ideat wh1a1 I mean iti is in 'he highe4t state of fertility and from i stif ick black niature and Ilhe 1 .a 1 d ( t o.-: d 1o n I ra i those I lo lods Sk- n a have in . ('.. it never washes. 1,k, a Ir 1 all ,har an I Id w here r. ar, nto twns w4 ir callips thll. wa I ()i d o it a thirsty iv i. 'I Tlw ii - I ro: aI re w a l rI a s.I:i;s. somelc r] ('h ? *o o's iot se m to do . xelI h .A, 4 r:11 the1 I -Oalks are ab4ut11 i anh ami mich of it IeVer' la ln thligh I have seen-4 )1 son44. pI' y -od -ars. It makes a OI l d or (f forago when I hey So w it. STETSON HAT NE A Snappj Men's ar It's time to selec we've got just what prefer the new forn conservative style, color and fabric yo) Life in every hine Boss', $5 to $15. Silk Simon Quality I rics and colors. S means the same th Come and look the $15.75 MODART CORSETS Always Front Lace M THE FRONT S llar ehets are grown a great deal, also tiviips, cabhage, beanls and Irish potatoes, all of t i n tliest quality. II fact alost all of the vegetalbIles grown in the l'nited States are grown here. There is also a plainl of a fiery red nature that resembles some of otir weld. It grows aboit 2 1-2 feet high and as thick as possible for it to stand. Whet I made the trip from Irest to lordeaix in Sept einber, I"Iey were harvesting it. They eit it with knives sinilar to o1r cane knives, hind it in bundles and shock it like wheat. In places the shocks were so thick Ihey alinost toliehied each other. It is lsed for stock feed and they can feed a lot of stock froni a small spot of groltul. They have a pecuii ia y ft working their fie' I They hlavc ni'row strii o(f fromt'4 to varis % ilt and inrhialps one 'alf lill ong. One stri!p of1 wheat k- '1At soWit, anl ither iti st ily a few inchie,. into' l . ankle hih and so )In wih strith of vv._-etables or grass In btween. (ve, bul I know I would not malwe my ro0Ws So long. lor hun 0(dreds of ilt es that is thie way yotu will see the fields witi herds of cattle grazing ill he 1ween the (e'ltivated strips. Why they don't make a break for those gardens is a Wonder to m11c. I have seln tihundreds of hulnehes of tat tle grazing t lis but have yet to see olle ill a garden. There is uisially a boy or gIit somewhere near, watching tem, but they are often farther from the cattle tlan the cattle are from the ral den -. They ilist ht eduleted caf lie. Tle farming methods are v''ry 'it ld hilt of eoliirse we have to uake allonalice for fit fact that thIs couin tV ha s been at war and have proh ably worn oiu most of their llaclini e ry. Itt for trtuck farming they are far in advancie of anything I have seen in old S. C. They do all of this I ruck fazmitig 'y dlitit of hard labot. They do nilt 5t'l'i to kiow anything abotit sades and forks. 4iv.. to work with blt lhe get 'suilts and that is the1 intin thilug afte all. That is where l. .linericanl armny won this war1, whenl 11h4y wenit ilo a ball he.ot 'esults ilatter' what it cost. So, nith It he .renehmlian inl his trli'k patIch. he gets resilts no malter how% mullch work he has to do. so hw Is sat si'd. Well. ri's loping I see you ail Our PRINb 4 For Ev r Line of the ad Boys' Suits t that new Spring suit, and you want. WXhether you i-fitting model or a more o'll Fmnd it here in the i want, with "Pep' and Men's, $12.50 to $50.00 Dresses )resses in all the new fab imon 's name in a dress ing as I18-Carat on gold. mn over. to $45.00 DAVP eal SOon. If however, I do not, Just reliemiiber 'tIs G'l's hand that is lead ins. so all Is w fl- . My regards to all relatives and nds. -4l1hn T. Pattesonl. .11A 1.\ 1)FN N I-: S. * * Mladden, .\larch 21.---The congrega tionl at Prospect was againl disappoint ed by absence of ot Ivell-liked ptiastor., Rev. Williams, Sunnday. ie was away at the funeral of .\Mr. Mart Poole at laangston chur tch. Editor It. Y. CI hertson was mtoderator and preacher, pro tent. One new Iember 'was re veived Into ite church. lie then in todited to tlt' congregaIt lion two lay inn. well known consecraled Baptists fro t ite Iirs Is au itrenis, Mr. Al. L. Sm itli and .\lr. W. I'. 'I'loimiason. They spok(e fervent ly of tlie need of awaken ing and inforinitig Baptist laymen of their dity towards the evangelizing of the World. These Iwo brethren had .iust before attended tie S. C. Iaiptist lhayien's meet inug at Green wood wihel was indeed a great umet Ing. U'ncle .lohn IFinley ani It. \V. Daven )or were also in attendance at Green wood and made shoirt speeches tot the benefit of t hose Who did 1101 go. Unele .lihn siut ted upl the goodt it did( him "It cost - $2.00 and I woildn't near take $5.t I'm it 150 per cent finan cially. I helped ie .physically. I foel good for 11) more years. And I know it beneflited me spiritually." So tle blessing was thiree-fold. Several visitor were in our midst. for Sunday. Miss Iaula Watkliis and brother, Hlenry. were gusts of Nliss Grace Finle1 y. .\Itr. and .'s. William !!yrd and sol, IIenry I'nwns, aceompan ied by Miss Sara 'i s'n. visited at I tic home fihiei" gram'ielietr, Mrs. IT. C. Cuni iini. Sundttay. Mi. and Mrs. Clauite P. Finley and childron and filh e. sirs. \Vlliamls wore od y "'11csis of .\r. and Nir S.11 T. 1,. Fileyo. 1.\iss .n1:1101ia Martin. who is travel inu in Teni'sse, l'nt fihe week w'ithI her par11entshr. 4 i ar t' tad to flite fac'es of sev oral of 1I1. Pleasant fritids Sun1th, nioni ih t I t's. M I obl tDaniiel. esrs. I. .\. Cunuinlhaim and Wade aind trank Williams. We are glaid to hi:ive ts' nlelih 'ors atil frieindr worship with uis. .Ii'. and i t-s. .1. Frank Miarlin had Big Store i IND SUP ery Memb Season's Newe Spring With all the newnes of colorings; real qjuality Stetsons. A style to sui Genuine John Ladijes' C( A\nother shipment ju serge in the new box c< styles; some trimmed in ty of pretty buttons. quick sales. $21.75 to 5-ROPEI Laurens' E (uite a faalily re-union at their home Sunday, when all their children 'were there. We were glad to have J. Roy .\larlin, 'whose hone is now in Ander sol, back at the old h6me church for servicus Sunday. Aliss Ozella \lurray and AIr. mid .\rs. ,I. ). Bryson were the guests of Alr. and .l rs. A. Lee 1angston Sunday. Aliss lottie VCuninghamn spent Sun Alay with her cousin, Mrs. Lena Brown. Friends and relatives of MArs. lirown will be glad to 'hear that she has taken it decided turn for (lie better. We ar( all hopeful that sjie will again ill her accuistoiled place In church. Aliss Alat.tIe Sue Woiford spent Fri llay night with her scloolnate, Miss ith Riddle. The eleventh grade, of which these two are members, cliap 'roned by their teacher, Allas Love, hadl a pleasant trip to Rlenn school lollse Qlriday night, an oyster supper indi hone inade candy were the attrae mions, after which the young people 'tripped the light fantastic toe" at tle lospita ble country home of Alr. and \rs. Bell near the school house. The Lauirens party 'were delighted and ap reciated the hospitality of Mr. and \l8rs. Hlvl. Two of the iaurens party, 11. K. llum lphries and Miss larriet II lighes, were the winners of the cake :it the "cake lwalk". Friends of Nfrs. J. S. alichen, of Laumrens, weird glad to greet lier at the wrvices Saturday afternoon. This is he home of her childhood and she is [iIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR air stiops fiviling olit antd gets thick, wavy, strong and beatutiful. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf y. abundant and appears is soft, hums rous and beautiful as a young girl's ftter a "Danderine Iair cleanse." .Just ry this-moisten a cloth with a little )anderine and carefully draw it hrough your haiir, taking oe small ;rind at a time. This will cleanse iair of dust, dirt alid excessive oil and n a few moments you have doul ded the bleaiuty of your haimr. Iiesides bleaulifying Iie hair at once, andiiler' ine dissolves I'etly pIrticle of Iindut'ff: cleaises, i ')rifles alld ilivig rates the scalp1, fn1er si atopping itCh 11.1 and141 falling har. t what will phige 1 1o most vill a aIftelr a few weks' use wheni you vill act uialy see new lai' -fie and lowniy at firsi --yes bit rei aly l nl' ' ew lai grlwilng all over Ilie scalp. If e for preity. sof halir and lots >. it. siur'ely get n small bot Ile of (nowlton's Danderine from any druig is or toilet Coun t er for a few cents. Chock Fu I MER R1 er of the, st Styles at P Hats s, snap, and richness that you find only in t every taste. B. Stetsons at S ts st in '1 all-wool rlavej wide bfsd with plen Popular priced for $37.75 1 COM] iest Store always sure of a welcome here. Martin, son or Mr. J. W. Martin. .31iss Nell Madden, a student of high ate gl to report all better aml 0 a( school at Greenwood, spent the week- PierCe was able to be at his p1 :e t end witli her mother here. Sunday she -whool ighdn Monday. was guest of the Misses (hampiuian of We trust that atI will a aii l. Cold Point. (0111ilbitoll for l1Oiiie and Porvi.11 Several children of this neighhdr- Missions, to Sunday school oil hoo(, have been sick. - Two of the lit- Ma1ch 30th. fie ones at the 'home of Mr. Coggins, Mr. J. If. Power, Miss Ora and M4 lruce Wofford, the baby boy at the kMary Allison attended the funeral or home of Mr. J. A. Wofford and Pierce I their uncle, Mart Poole, Sunday. l110Wl TlO SAVE AUTO( TlIRtE TlUBES. Vulcadize thenm, orl't scrap thea when they are full of puncture ipatche5 and b-iow-oult holes. We are just. ai * successful In vulcanizing iner tubei as oiter shoes, and t e toney sav Ing Is cothatratively as great. Thies are tire and tube saving days, and lisionsng our n ay will do It fo , yo.l. Jrop i'l and get our prices. MYllibe surrised at our results. IIAIINEA Ell-E("lILIC CO. Opposite Post Offlce. A WE HAVE a large selection and variety of clocks, suit ble for every purpose, and each guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. No matter w at your needs in the clock line may be bt'will pay you to see us. IN addition invguaranteeing you satisfaction we will save you money. ingaa ompratvel asgetIhs TH G It ' S o wa C) w d t I fJECLIPSE SHIRTS 10 ozou . Tie in Youelbeaurripdrticreesutf OWposee theyO last WECApEs an Dageslmcinand aieyo Spclloks ofi befo Caesvery puroseandsac gun.Ralales t $35.00,erfecaiacton I mayobeEteryllepayryou to.seemus.