University of South Carolina Libraries
SUITS FOR WEAR ON STORMY DAYS Leather. Waterproof Cl'th, Rub berized Material, Among the Favorites. RUBBER-SOLED ARMY BOOTS Burdensome Footgear Is Displaced Sou'wester Caps That Fishermen Wear, Some of the Innova. tions for Rainy Weather. New Yo(.rk.--WolIenl Siiuhl take tie rainiy aiy seriously. h'livy shtild not 1ave u 1 f- it : they shold prepare for It, tidvist's :I proillit-'l fitshical write-r. The " fai ll*'* ro s nmy siound w ise to 1hio1 phr1 1,;a 11 1 . : il i t in1-.1y .1p fiat tin Iinaiij-is when't (rani'itd ini IIr in f 1 i' i but whlien it ai mp i' s tIiI tI eL. the dh I' lo ) sophy and t lhe prni' tie I tre all w rnII-. ('a a y w N 1 an: .1 lswer th 1 e sI'-*t ion its to whty lhe shoiiilo twmX gr wor t .n a d:1y when I hi I eed' tI Iook her bi't ? \Iy dits sit' fl t h t I ,'viry pren-:sionl ill lift. retoi ireis a1 (.41rta lIn \ kirl 1f 1o tuI !1)1 . I -x I i ep (t d y of h : 11 wealbI II tvr? Thinikiniv alo(ng the( right track woubl ria hke (1w t:eitii h'iit that a sp-i. cial costilim' for a raiv dhy Is ax iee 'sisary as mli. for a iinier party. Tie Ii virageI w iIIa;in, iI fa't. I Iti vasI tia iIty 4f wiitiieli, will tell y1iu that thy wvear ouit their old elothtes whini tie iki's are gray, the sn iv ftlies,. nd tin rain soaks 11he at inisphtere and floods 0t struets. 'T'lere ire I ildividIi who aichleve in lift th distinctilon i f' weariny (it( I'lothes as we-ill as they id) lew ones; of investing arly costtlturne with it cer tain clie. Piut these are inmividuals, rare tiypes tinong wonen wlio are el. Viil b ill t e it hers ltil who Ire (I lihlel, thrugnih this in-rlsmnal ailievm rtientit. to) hi' eeoilori itie l if they so de sire. They are :I class apart, they are int tifimilils filt mit her iwItnii. NI one can init ate theta. An ext riurdiinary Ilistinctifonn in dress Is a gift, as lai'irry Lauder' says, Ilid Tiot a habit. Now. cut ting nit theste wollrnei who inay idii :niytling they phlia's iti th realmi of Irkss, fI m ii- is :I worl (tl of wtini'n to, be gitiduid, cunu :.- fil( clidied il lte kind i.' clotl s 11he-y save 1) fot :i l b m'weatle'r. It' itihet114's c:inot lit. w i'in inl th su i ni, I it s obvius thait thley arI ub?-nn(-nen efl otil if styit. Thwy Iiii'd iave irius ;icfcts, oir tim'y wouihi c i niti i hi r i i i i i in t it dark rtwr of, thle Chisel. atiol wien o t 4on ly 'lfor Il dar): k 9o r j of 11:1 th dty (lhl y 1 ann1 11 1w x vpIra rim . Y1t, hn: ttI'- IIinImf- : in.. i m I I d hi st i n r m 1'ai y da;ity that :m :'[M':a' ill the sl ljls. alit (li t do inty at t 111ui'imh'10on. And uh\ :tat is the risut? A \nni ii'ue:1 h1 t i thii im1:1n that hedi-Mi."s an hs isared ee thiriad undr a ry * v ii an v d finds hiiS lf m ini woo 'tis- , an invinj ioni toi lunch 4 iri druiloi in f r m n afiXro 11-:1 w ho'n t h un s lhiim .:, limtr- et Df anll ld i h WAr Br h I Beige-colored leather suit, with skirt opened and lapped at back. Um brella, knitted muffler and velours cap are In dark red. thon (it oilier fabiis thiain it' wourn in lwi'iw'(. Liiither.' fo ' i' nst animi. Wornien hiad nutii n i whlate viir tom doi wlth tiIhis faii'.in ixmept fiir shomes anil hindit h,,gs, unf tl' he ionstail usageL' ori ii byv solimrs oni tim' '-treeits uof (t. 1(es gaivt' :isi tom i-Old irouctin for' wor iu 'lontheis. '1'ii f~ritit ''wali'' 1 ti' wmmetll iowmn cenit inv'enimitI h iC int hu'an thne luni gIiN toI te w ld teLI )(St uniform prodin edi by the war, 1s 11 garinent that was taken up by wonien. Its uIsage' SIggested Ioa)ts tIu I were inoill fied editiolns of It. Ten' hather skirts were tarken up for sporils his1 year, aid they have beet rellained for rough weather i large cities. Leather has been worn In tan ind in blaek and there are coats of It nade of that shiny kil whleh On4e onve Siw oni pollleeInen. Rutiberized cloth was brought in by the watr. Klhtikl-(olored covert cloth id( g1baridine were returned to fash iot throigh tite war. Sheepskin collars andi cuffs can4e ahbiut through Its use Its a lining for British coats. I'xtra high leather boots have beein empha sized since America went Into the war, and now leatthter caps 111111 hitts with brims like the New England fisherimeni wear Wave conte linto fahilon. France brought out a host of new utuhi IzIs sillve the war, liecause the F1r11n0h woeini4 were compelled to walk. The nnajorIty ol' 1'arisienues put the hal weNthelr dowin to the war, IId there' were Attierientis who Ihiught 11l4n- lite smine chattu el ; II IIhv proh ablIe truth is that the l-'rich wot:4It, ;ven of 1114. piorl's't lass, is not Itse'd to walking Uhe streets in fatir or foul wveathr, and when the war coiptled Coat suit of rainproof dark-blue cloth braided with black shoelaces. Cal) of varnished bue straw. High leather boots reach up to the short skirt, and the high collar is of seal skin. het' bo it) 4 b is, throufi1gh fihl bitk of ttxiS a1 iii u44 44ne , she foului lat-ittir, oilskin aual utuil'brel I, nIee-v-ssary. Entire Leather Suit. OIn.''4 uninan turnsi lwrs-lf 44ut (on thei Str vel I Iv r h I r ruei el h r it -' l4:htr'visabb-I4, inl i 14wi!I-4o4lored' h4':4ther1 54uit to4:444h.' a spor4t4? ing goods htous'. I II I44 I *I v I 4 4 I( I I I.' 4 I '-( I4 II4I'I I T I i rt I s Ina4Irr1.4 )r w Ilid shII( I r t , let but444'1 4 4 lb i- iok t tls r ih sti ff :i ntfsa' t4'4nbr ' l' artnl t e k itd n ~ r wh4 4. . A la4 I4's 4 14aou 14he nt , nre4 - h . ., wit rubI - i h, aui l 4: wel. , are4''.4 tan in 4 444 4414- in 4i, 4bu in-avy4' brown.1 This ha a: shor 44 kirl4 : 'wail i telwd 144 4t'm b 14' n, 4 : 414"'he 4 tih isluse , u bi4b 4.a :il 144 .ine14 :14'oe 14444 r the:4 g4ho44 l .b- 4,444f1 4 : 1 441 a 4 'e:h '1hi 4'4'f the ihe t, :i has 44 4 ui h-r44 144 as ' 4444 a I 4wid 1 a 1 14'r. alii 144' hiI- 1141 414<v-k, When Old Clothes Are Used. toge4ther44. IIliit 44f 414i41 enlupeI44I thies' wonwn44-414 to s4 thlese clothes for urnbr44'4lhi 41b4ys, hu44 4144' 4444essity3 fe.r war4inth1I 444143 ''arnpe~l lhln-i t(o gel a storm14 ('4nt1 that 444ver4s all the sh~a4'bi ne4ss beneath411 alul4 pr'esents to. the (lilt unb w icIlIh t 5uggest th4at14i seinething nlew is ati hiand. Thei. best-' (of thise' sto~rmi ('4als is of ru bri zed'-iA44 ('loth, w.4 i ('141 to mat44ch. It Is madeI4 like ai ('hem44ise Iirock, wi'.th Iuniinens4e 14oc4kets 44. 1144 hills, a1 lurned up1) cuff it the( hem,4t and4( a1 w.ide, li-lu ('41lla'1r 44 tha t4ugs th'elbak of Iltyp g 4I fl)44d fastells a4(ross the'(14'. e ws t jh 44wo 1:leathr butt1onis. The4 high4-wa':istedo hel1t fastens In frnont w..i4it a leathe4r bu41t1441. Wha~l'.teve els' you1 4'lim4ite14 In your4 to h441!'H.'l'.-kages, :4444 war:io44 4'nou4gh to p~ro4tect 41he hanids, (Copyright, 4919. by the M4'(lure Newpa. P~e Syuuic du.A * S HAIIUN NEllWS. 11abun, .\larch 21. -The fil is agi ng in this part of tle county. AMr. Stewart Mahon and family, Mr. II. IL. alhion 'are sick with the liu. Mrs. tlRecca Owens had the mis fortune or losing a ite inilk vow last week from eating Ivy. Mrs. Uorge Ilabb,.Alrs. Smith Mar liii and little Aurora, vilslited 'Mrs. F'lorence Iveague Monday. Airs. Mary Holt. of Hlickory 'Paverni, visited Mrs. Melvina Abercromnble lasj week. A iuniher of Ihe liabun people heard Mr. l ichey, of 1411nurens, speak oi ile wa at Hlickory Tavern school hlouse Wvdnlesday nlight. M\Ir. and Mirs. (eor'ge i Iabb. .\Ir. ani .\Mrs. Chaude .\lahon visited Mr. anud .Mts. 1111l lollanid. of Ioban11on1 l1s Snday. or Pontitiain inn, visited Mrs. tlebec'v8 Owens Wedlesday. Mr. and .\riS. )uiik Kiight visited herparents inl lower part of the State )as1 week. Miss Martlha Wolff, of Shiloh. iV SAME GOOE FOR LESS MOI TW J. C. OPI Dry Goods, Dr Ladies' Ready-t< Towels, HandkE Boys' Suits, Mei Work Shirts, 0 Goods, Clocks, Powders, Stand; Laundry Soaps, Cannot Mentior SPE I Tinware, Glass, Paper, Chair St Ilands, Bleachi We are now and To come many Big Departmeni you need as our our motto is "U per cent in buyi Jec. TWO No. 1 Store 210 V MILLINER work rooms in]1 visitIng Mrs. Sloan Malion this week. .Mr. Charlie Babb and faitly visit ed Nlr. and Mrs. Bill H olland, of 1 i banon, Saturday i ght. .ir*. Cullen Pits was In ILaurens Salturday. liss Ilazel Bolt, Messrs. Culvert and Gillie Suimimerel took supper witi .Aliss '1dna Owens Saturday night. .\ir. George labb attended t.he Wood inein meeting at laebanon Saturday night. Alisses Ildna Owens, Cora League, and Ilazel Hl1t diled at Mr1. and Mrs. .1. M. Sununerel's home near Hickory Taverin Sunday. IIISIIOI' .1. II. 31'(OY .11410 F.Y NG \feled 3ethodi1st. Div11in4 has Visited in (Greei-nwood a Number of Times. I irmingham, Ala., March 22.--l;ish nJ -lames 11. McCoy, of the Met'hodist I-:6i(-opal (huchll , South, died at his hom, heivre (arly tonlight after a long illness. Bishop McUCoy was regarded as one Greai-'s Tasteless chill Tonic ru-tores vhality and energy by purifying and ei ri< hing the blood. You can soon feel Its Strength. -ning, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. >s iEY 0 BIG DEPAFR BURP SPR NIN ess Goods, Millinei )-wear Dresses, Shirt ,rchiefs, Suspenders, i's Palmbeach Suits, veralls, Work Pants, Watches, Jewelry, ird Medicines, Toba Matches, Blueing, Here. CIALS IN 0 Crockery and Enan ~ats, Curtain Poles, I ng, Ginghams, Shirt receiving d ily Summer w aria miles to buy your Sj :Stores in Laurens; huge stocks are nc nder Sell for Cash." ng your bill at BURlI BIG DEPA] lest Laurens Street; No. SLAURENS, SOli Y of the latest erea B~atimore, made in I of the greatest orators and ablest scholars III his denolliint ion. He Was born In Blount county, Ala., in 1817 and was elected bishop May 17, 1110. MUcI of his work as bishop has beenl done in Texas. I1 am Sincere! SI I Guarantee D Listen to m'! 'Calomel si day's work. If bil ha achy read Edcr lriggatin towe odyO u druggixt; 1111(1 ' s' ')Ol ( -lafist has noticed a gr : fal lii in the sale of enloiel. T l give the Saline reason. D i's Liver Tone is taking its place. 'Caloittel is(I dligeVrols and1( people I(J1ow it. whilo Iodsl's Liver 'Ponle is perfectiv sa fe and gives belt er re sults," said a proim1inient local driug gist. Dodson's ILiver Tone is per sonally guaranateed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle TMENT STOlF S &C ING G SI -y, Clothing, Hats, Waists, Skirts, Unde Men's Pants, Boy Straw Hats, Shirts Dress Pants, Notio Stationery, Toilet eco, Cigaretts, Wa md Hundreds of UR BASEME 1eled Ware, Windo, tugs, Staple Domes ings, Suit Cases, TrL the latest creati .apparel for 1\ d Children. PAY YOU ring Bill at J. C. Bu you can find very i w almost complete Quick sales you ca KTMENT ST 2 Store Northside of Sqa ITH CAROLINA tions is arriving w< 3altimore--worna eve No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with wortis have an uti Ikealthy color. which Indicates poor blood. and s i rule, thero Is mnoro or less stomach (IisturtbflIc. GROVE'S TASrELIs chill TONIC given regularly for two or threo weeks will enrich the blood. im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength cing Tonic to the whole system. Naturo wit I then throw offor dispel th worms, and the Child will be In verfect htealth. Pleanatit to take. hWc Per bottle. op Calomel! odson's Liver Tone ckens and you mdy lose a ious, constipated oii my guarantee. costs hut a few cents, and if it fal to give easy 'lief in every ca e of liver sluggishness and tiColl' ip.,1 oi, Voli have only to ask for your u1bol1e% back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pi -z:eI tasting, purely vegetable rnie, hafluness to 10111 Children and 1.01111. Take a spoonful at. nighit and waio ut1p feeling finle; no bilioutsness, sick headache, acid stomach or coiti pated bowels. It doesn't gripe all the next day like violent calomel. ORE GOODS SAME MONEY ES LLE Shoes, Oxfords, ,rwear, Hosiery, s' Knee Pants, , Collars, Ties, ns and Racket Soaps, Talcum shing Powders, Imall Items we NT Ar Shades, Wall tics, Plaids, Sea nks and Bags. on of Spring len, rns& Co.'s Two sear everything and remember n save 15 to 35 ORES re in Burns Block. sekly from our evwhere.