University of South Carolina Libraries
OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science says th-t old age bogins with Swallow of water. The oil stimulates weaLkened kidneYS anld diges4tivo organs. Ittwo, kde Y action and enables the This being true, it is easy to believe organs to throw oft thn poisons which that Y keeping the kidnoys and di- causo premature old age. Now life and gotivr organs cleansed and in pr-opo strength increase as You continue the working order ol(l ago can be deferred treatment. When conpiotely restored and lifo lrolonged far beyond that en- contitue takn a aslo or two each JoYe4 by the average person. da.GL AMSlAL Hare OlCa suies will keep you in health and vigor Hor over 200 years OL! MIODAL and prevent a return of the disease. Harlen oil has <sai relieving the Do not wait until old ago or disease Weaknosc e and (Ilisability dua to ad- have settied down for goo. Go to your vancitag Years. It is a standard old- druggist, and get a box of GOLD time home remedy and needs no intro- Alg Ilanrem Oil Capsules. Money duction. GOI) MIODAL Ilaarlem Oil Is refunded If they (1 net help you. Three inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules sies. But reedber to a k for the containing about 5 drops each. Take origrial imported GOLD MaAL brand. them as you, would a pill, with a small In sealed packages. Eat without Fear of Indigestion! Instant Relief for Bad Stomachs When your meals hit back. When what youl cat turns sour, - forming acids, gases and indiges tion. Magic relief. No waiting I The moment Pape's Diapepsin reaches the ,stomach all the sour ness, acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia and indigestion ends. Upset stomachs feel fine. Costs so little-Any' drug store. UPSET? Pape's Diapepsin O awor asts SF6Nothing will lose its favor more 'uickly than cof fee when exposed t Rto air. Luzianne is sold onl in UUIANrE individuaf air It. after uasing~ the enltire contenti 01 call Iticrdin *m 4 11 stilistiviiit 1tight tin cans eu mener youl patfr t. the mniui voto pii for it. ~-r-n ever in bu lk. V ]mlA Ncoffee The Reily -Taylor Company New Orleans GRO WElGER CROPS T1he den andI~( thef coing yeair forI Cottonl, Corn, Griain, etc. will far <xceedj 1ihat of anyv recent year. 'The I hfalarved pmle of~ Europ e aire evein nowi crying~ out f r food aindI cloth ing. Anad thet worlad is de pe ni uon the. Farmers of Ame ric to Supjply it. You caInnot raise a 10 (it crop~ unless you we- a 10 r oil. Fert iaity is largely a attr ofI b~~aicd ouditionms of the soil. Phiosphoric Acid, Anuniasiit, and - . Potash mu:,t be pre:.eit in thc proper p roport in if humape r crops are to V be aaised. PLAlTERSFERTILZE DOUBLES YOUR YIELD beI~camie it conlains availdbe Phosphoric Acid, A mm onia and Potash in the light propo'rtions. FEvery bag is stamped with our Giant J.irard Trade-Mark. Look for t-it' for your protection, an better place your order for Planter's right now and avoaid delayed delivery. Ask ouar agent in your town for information, free advice, or prices, or arite s direct. Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. MANUFACTURERS CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA WELL SATISFIED WITH "FIND" Columbus Rejoiced Over Belief That Natives He Found in America Would Make Good ChriCtians. Colimibus landed on a sniil Islanq, " one of tile Luiyes, called In the In dian hngitage Guatinliuil," the Intrepid navigator aifterward wrote. Later the Island was calledl Stn ava(or, and now Is known as Watling's Island. There was discovered In Spain in 1825 the iinnuscript supposed to be Las Casas' abridgemlieit of Colutnbus' journal of his first voyage to Amerlca, and froini ti1s we have soie Interest Ing details of the actual circumstances surroundilg the discovery of tile new world. Tile people of the isind stralight wily collected together when Coluill bus laniided, according to this journal. lere follow Ils preclse words: "As I saw thtt they were very friendly to uis and pereelved that they could be mnuch more easily converted to our holy falith y gentle imeias than by force, I preselited thei witi some red calls andl(] strings of heiads to wear upon the neck (tild many other trifles of snall value, wherewith they were imuch delighted and beeitme wonder fully attached to us." Collimiblis colnliients that the people appeired to him to be very poor be clise they Went about iaked. Ile noted( that all the natives lie saw% were young, none being above thirty years, and that ill of them half lIne lhysique find short, straight hmir. Ile believed they were from the continent mnd was of the opinion that they would make good Christians, ats they appeared to have no religion at all. CORN CnBS FOUND OF VALUE Hitherto Waste Material May Be Util Ized to Good Advantage When the War In Over. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Corn cobs-a great waste product In the world's greatest corn-producing nation-have been made to yleld ad hesive gum and other useful sub stances lin quantities sufllclent to form the nucleus of a profitable and Impor tant industry. lin nddition to adhesive gum, experi ments have produced cellulose, and glucose, both of which have iany coim inercial uses. The glucose so produced crystallizes well, and it I8 believed can be used In the samne ways its crystal line glucose from starch. Manifac ture of alcohol by the fermentation of corn cob glucose appears practicable If sulphurle ield Is obtainable chepli1y. To utilize corn cobs comnercially a large and costly plant would he neces sary and the bureau of cliiistry of the federal department of agriculture does not advise aniy enterirlse of the sort lin vartine. New German Drying Process. The so-caIled Krayseska method, a new iieIIIIs of drying eggs, fruit juice and( blood, has beeni dielonstrated he fore 'the food nut horlties iI Iterlin3 and found worth exploiting to a large ex tent. The drying is done III i large Iron cylinde1r five ieter In dlih uineter, in wleh111 t pai of big metal wings are quickly rotating, driven by 1a steni turblae. ''lie flu4d Is lshed to foazm and1( dlried by t he a1id of'i Ia h3t (curret of -nlr th1at Is contttiuilyv pa~ssedt throuilgh thle cylI ider. Th'le d r id prod ilet is. in thet formu oIf a1 powlder, whlh willl keep for- a long (t3m1e andl enn lit most econitttiiulniy trans~iported(. .. The drll(ied roiduc~ts go thiroulgh no euilea I ter. I irying3!jiu lnts o(f i s t ype for lie ereeld shiori ly in I IerIn and111( War's Far-Flung Ruins. I1 ussl ian clhurchies In Alaiiskai have hardP( I tiies innkI ig both end'ils me'et si nce witr's urPinll I in Itusi stop1 3 pedl the lpaymen3tl (f moneyl'3 by th Inoilt her church to3ward' the' ulkeepT tif these flar away parishes. All the' chutrches in thait secition3 13re now31 beling supp'orited solely bty their suinull ('onlgregations. liin l' ai je'weled roesh'. Tni order 3to eke oulit hiis5~1 alary, onel membliler of~ th I hussitini clergy, Il ate A. 1'. T'ishevairt'ff, nrcb piest In (lharge' of t' IlusiIn chulrch at Juneaulit. 30ook ft'heost of Inspec'(tor3 of custon 11 at 3 Iil(Iden'l 11n1e, neaiir thlere, for the silttmer. No Mephistophelean Monopoly. The dlevl 11as no( m~onoptoly on the pitchfork. Iter. Willim Barnes Lowe'r, pastat of the( I holy Tr'inity Prelsblyt erian chuirch Or Logan i, Phliladlelph ia. rece'nt ly spenit h3is vinentioni wor3king on1 ai farm near Rehiweniksyllle, Pai., and~ sent ai mjessage to hIs congregaton. urgIng thie able-bodIed male mn'ebers to hielp fia-rmers harvest theIr croplls. "If we enn3 thrash grain in the field," wias hIs nmessalge, accordIng to the Phiuladelphina Iullet in, "we 03nn thrash the devIl In the front-line trenIchets lie Is hulldling 'roulndiou chuirches." - United 8tttes 1-imploy me'nt Ser'vIce illletinl. SpeakIng of Rumors. Actorinig tot an Amust ertdam iis ptchi It Is pe'rslstetntly btelng ru mloredl toat the kaIser Is losIng his Anmsterdamui migh1t fuirther '1ttle thei wvorld b1hy annningci33 a per psstent rmnou1r Itat there Is a wvar on Or atn'otIher rumor th3 liC3(hri ' tns daiy wlU. loline 1)n D(cemberI 3'P .'3 thisi year. Or a pmerdtent rumor that water Is vet. KHAKI SOLDIERS DIg NOT LET UP And te Nation Will Show That It Stands Behind Them in the Victory Liberty Loan Drive. More than a million of Uncle Sam's boys are "over there" looking after the coninion good of the world. And they will have to stay upon the job until it is done; until things are right ed again; until order Is brought out of chaos. While they are overseas they must he taken care of adequately; they must be clothed and fed and lodged comfortably. Uncle Sain estimate". that it costs $423.27 a year to equip and maintain a soldier in i,,urope. Part of the pr, eneds from the con ing Victory Libc !,y Loan will be de voted to Caring for the "doughboys." Part of it will go into the rehabilita ton fIn d fol. pu1tting the injured sol diers hack upon their feet. Part of it will go for insttrance claims. The rest of it will go to meet the htundred ,nid one other. demands for this great est of world emergencies since the dawn of civilization. EIvery miother's son of them did his part. helped insure liberty and justice for the world at large and restore Uncle Sam to his rightful position in th estimation of the nations of earth. They did their duty fully, these boys who won. They fought to the end. through fire and flood. They never talked about letting up. This is no time for Americans to think of letting up. The nation must stand by its guns, by its records; by Uncle Sam and must make the next loan another big success. THRIFTO GRAMS Glod helps those who help them. selevs.-Buy War Savings Stamps. Spend one penny less than thy clear gains. - Buy War Savings stamnps. Look before, or you'll find yourself behind.--Huy War Savings Stamps. if you would be wealthy, think of saving as well a getting.-Buy War Savings Stamps. Remember that money is of the prolifle, generating nature.-Buy War Savings Stamps. *~1 411 Resolved. That. peace will fial us back . ing 1UnCle Sam as sirongly as we backed him in war. That belween now.and April . we will lay every possible stone , * of the ground work for the Fifth . Liberty LoanR and leave no act undone which will tend to heep . alive and (ftickent tlie con Sseiousness of the na lion that . savings andl thrift are peace et sentials. *That we wilh 'eirt our efforts *'to stop tria fi-ckmg in honds of thte first four loanis ai will keep our War Sa viuns tamip. . ''Tat wec will c'arry tout outr 1War Sav ags pledge if that is < > uniulfillled. and makie( and kcee p new Saviniga iledgsi's vr.< , itail tromt n1w til ft last dav~ % *, of the April :!r' e to oversail- - .scribe that l,ihert. Loin. * T 1nat we wiull fin'ish nar job. U LFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore; touchy corns off with . fingers lDoesn't hturt a lilt! Drop a little l"reezonie on an aelting corn, inst antly I that coin st ops hutin 1g, thn you lift It tightt otut. Yes, mtagic! A tiny bofttle of Freezone (-osts but a ftew cent s at aniy drtug st orc, biut is 511fu~liiet Ito remo hve -evr htardi cotrn, soft ci'rn, or corit' bietwe -cthIIe toes, and thite call ines, withlout1 so :-eness5 or irritation. ,Freczoite is fte snsatIional d iscov try of a (Cincinnlati geius. It is won Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Drulgista refund money If PA7/.0 OINTMENT fall-i to cure Itchting, llid. Bleedifng or Protruding Ples. Instantl y relnoves ltching Pites, and( you can get restful a lenni nfter t he frstar unnotlnn Pawc nnae 14'4 CASH BASIS When sending for Meal and Hulls do not forget that we are selling for cash. Laurens Oil Mill * ERE - sealed wrappV .V tight inat rof W4 GEY ishgei adwoe sorne. Thegood that's god oryon an o ~ld. tight. fi~ook for thef _ (mC