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Eie bbertiser Subscription I'riee is $1.00 Per Year Ilaable In Advance. I Iul'ished by ADVERTIE'It l'IilNriN COMP.NY 1pancenst, i. C. AdTertisim; nawes on Appllcation. ObItuaries and Card of Thanks: One Cent a Word. 'tntored at ini- .ostoffice at Laurena, S. C., as si< oio class mail matter. L .\'Il.N , ., ('., 3 A 1('l 19, 1919. Now se' what .Mr. \le.\don has voln and don1 t1o oir stIreit folre. Lt us 1Iijo 1hal he lnw r skirts for w(uliinen u1n pro e a forerunner for pig-to insier for men. The! on evil i; :um i. If you didn't mak' your ilome tax r4turn last urday, better rak( up a good (x54n4 mi(d etl it in soo for 1'n1l1 Sani wE =1 pm "if you don't watchl out." Weathr papn-tapriedict a go Year for frliil .119. Let's ;ee who is going to 1., the first on4e to bring Tle Adve'rtis:r a C 1eek of peahes 14(. Cot ton bl34: . ; 4 don't in terest us nea as muiich as fruif. * *. * Th'lose w'IM ;1re thinkilng of welcom ing the Thkirt Vh Division at Charles ton or any oitelr Iort of deharkation should hear ini mind (ariy ilstru(ctiq4nS of tOhe war (epartIent that r(turning troops Canlin1 gr(,et relativ es and friends tint .1 1fi4r they have gone through the Quarantine camp4, whieh, ill this inlstanw1e. would Ie Caip Jack s0. It i: ikely that the troops landing at ileston will he load(e(] directly in!1 and :san whisked tway to Columbia. Ilowever, in view of the ChangeabClity of ariny (rders, little can be act':d on with certainty. In the absiee of a well de'filtd plan for road iuprioveient as velIl as un certainly all o4ver the stale as to what. policy should Io followed i) road im. PrOVeennt. Civ. ('oOper has taken the wIse step In ni' t callin g the le gislatu re into extra s5:n now. There is in deed a dellal froin all parts of th(e State foe "'! '':.ds, blut -ood roads have been advo(atid and wanted for a long thne. Th' iiflicutlty 1has hil. is and prohably would hei ariving (it a wise lolic'y. This is soling that cannot hev doneo ill feY days and it does not now appewar that a rational policy mwolld be adopted unless Chi people wer[ fClly a ettlailnted wi 3h fill. plans before a legislature should meet. We believe tll4 acrelige inl (On will he naterially treducd in this county, Ith1Il tllere is no likelihood of a: 33 1-3 1(1 (ent reduc-etion. Acreage reduction appe'ar s to be general throughlout th344 Soul t 34nd te effect 011 thle price wIll n4( do(llli be bieneficial 1(1 31he farmtiers and4 th144 buisins t men1(1 of the Soth1. If we.i consid4er 04ur dut41y as world (jiji.ons and4 not) sel'fish4 in dividutals w.e C h'41d 1not atttnt344 to create sutchl a shorta14g( inl (0ottn Chat the profits woul tbe abnlormlal and4 the price out~ ( o33f reaiCh oif those vast mn411 lituIdes alcro-s the waterls who are al readly dest513illt of clo1th ing aS well as food. O41r r'irelsmal .oC iaContribu1143 tions1. toi Ch 1: Ci 'C ros an ot1 if1 r' charitaballe CfundW woulid he0 but3 a mo44ik('ry if w' ti 1 l to 1get them44 biack foutr-foldl by raiing the4 pr4i(( 0(n the cllommoitie 1;wi' sell. A fair price shiouild hue all we ask for. 4: * * Wec (ifil n h-i r it sid:~ ' ".\y ('4on 541i1n(e woiuhIl h1rt4m lif If di (11 ucht a thing,"' 1414d "I coutldn't look my friends Itn thei eyi if I Cpulled (1ff such11 a deal4." 1)0411 (4ne dleserv'.e a gr'eat deal of (lredCit if the fear of hIS con selen(ce only pre'ivents1 him from doIng wrong? It. is a piretly qu43est Ion, but suchl an1 one( ennif be cete d most wIth ha4ving a clear col~iCence, for if he0 does right at te dlieate of 1hCs con science lhe bien(fits him'self as wvell as the possilile victimo. fIls own pangs of conisenCete would outweIgh thle pleasures lhe mi~ght otherwvise receIve from hIs wrongdoinlg. Thlen, If we lpay our debts to clear outr cnscience and to maIntaIn (4ur1 standing In the COml xnun'ity rallher thlan to dleal justly by our credItors, We aire creat ig ani asset of our1 own on whichl we expect to pro l~t then7 and~ 1n fthe fturte. It Is true that our crtedItfor benefits as well, but the fact that we have been extended credit proves that our honest.y in tihe3 past has been of r'eal valtue to us. WeI do not ar'gue, however, that because "honesty Is th4e best jiolley" that3 we should not he honest. rt is better to hle honest ftrom polley's sake than not to lhe honest at all. HTIGIT COSTI OF O~IFfAP R1OADtR. Our readersi, espeela~hlly those who drIve auttomyobiles, -wIll be interested in the report given The AdvertIser by an automob)Ile man from Ne0r York, who has been spending several weeks in our city. It seems that in his daily rounds lie was quite apt to pass by our repair garages and in passing would glance in to see the nature of the repairs being made. After several weeks of observation he concluded that the greatest percentage of repairs was oil the rear axle and differential. The reason for this, he explaw.'ed, was two-fold. The bad roads wear out the ears in this vital spot so that very frequently repairs were needed. An other reason given was the practice of starlng aid stopping Cars too sld denly. It seells that wlhtel a (ar' is started o tlddely as to give 1lh1 o: cuipaIlts a distinct jerk, the effect is tle same as would happen to a person, wer hl in ta Iike a suddln juip antd start off oil a fast ull inistad of go ila from I a stalti to a wl Ik ai( l Ithe lo a Iiul. It proof of his sI'ttelmet'1s we hav It to oberve that urll ' r 1ai ..1sh.,1ops are aways crowded wvith 0a .s and that lolng wail- arl. Stoluetl imes nu( ;i.Sary for rtpairs. In the niean ime thi.i revpair. bill is at part1 of thle staiggring prit e w'% * a for poor ral(s' 6, pir bill nlarnesses, hors is.i~ :aril an auoniohilv:... ('mod rasare bound to come vetull and the sooler the eliter. Alotlelr indictmen-it ag.Lainst our rl al i,_ if turt f::et lilt the nId11 :i!d 11111 holh s cius iel weazr ()n Oires. Thel sandi of tllis ire'giti onl art. vlry SimrpI'l and thl clays are xel'y Slippery. Ill wt weallie anl1d ill deep mu11d the wheel; slipi and skid, chains: arY nled id, and all these thiigs flar fe soft rubberCI raipidly. TlI IE 0 li) I I 7T 11. N1,aysohoss, Geormany, .lantuary 2-5,19, Ir. Editor and l'eople of IauIreIls County: We have bern over hee for thirtIeel mifonIhS an1dI have tdon1e our hit towartl winning thle warIf an11i :iow Ihewa is won and w! I re still at' We ha ve been through liany hardlslips, but wC I'efr 111oit awything of that so loll; 'is It. would (o any good, bu11t tIllre was SO ile'h to d1o that we collid not ste. JilsI at thI til im-, bilf it. was all for tile best. Wt have folight verty Ithard for 0111 loved ones it llmet' and we n(VtI' will re- grlet it. Mlany a night we we re sieep ingu onl the vol groun~d wh-)ile you all werl in a good clhaI bol, but it wa Jiust our 111hard1 iuC. I see a good deal ,n Ytmr1 aer abolt the Old H1ickory Divisionl, an1d it look., like the(y hanm fo r otie hile boys in tilo tainbow Di. vision. The peoplt of .Iarll-els cotlitl ate trying to get the Oltd iliHckory blaci iu tIlley neverl think of fite 1001 ill ninleers wh'il is a parl of the fortv seconld lviin-(nord.So dto wIAt you can for t' ll7th Engineer's an1d get. Is back to South Carit 'olIna, aind se how we h na hanged aftt this oldwr Yours- truly, PvI .Jhn it. ('hieek, Co. It, i7li1 h iEngillers, A. P. 0,7O . -,l A. I-:. F, h'let .\d\elrliser is ill reeipt of Itlt Obove 1(11ei' from a Iaillreis counlt y oy ill rant. I is of course witlh deep rogr! that we lear tIllhat some of the soldii's V. 't r's fe! 11tha Th Advertiser ant the people of Lalurns htave not shown aill proi' appreil''(iationl of their servier's. 'l Te Ad(Ivert iser has 110 doub)1't Iarieud more nlews of tile Tir tleth Di visio t~lIhaln oif any othier' iisionl in thle atrmly, bu(1t thle reCasons lilstd malor'le 'l ar t of Im 1 Caroina111 anly 0otir .division ill thle armly and11 to it fi'l li lth prileg'e, andh wet are sf1r'( if was 'our'i:li-red :I pri "iege, to haveXi been a'ig el t ne Ol( f thle mo(st splec'tauIlar' if not t he most tdiffleutlt theiy bee:(n giv~en tile 01pportunity, but1. tils privilege fell to the Tlhirltiethl and1( it muilst be admllittedl that thei facts: ill the ease, latheril than liti ality julstI fled mote ptibIlieily' from1 Sothi ('arlo linha per than1111I forl 0 lther dIiv isions. '1The Clngineer'ls of the armliy had a dif tleult role to pilay andt pllayedh it wel. Theio peoptle of t his Coulntry are prloud~ of thietm il ac~ounlt iof it andi awvait teir letur as w'll aW'Iis tihe retIulrn of all 0other Amelean units with a gen Iline and1 heai'rty 'welcome. Th'le Advertiset' has [not. printed all of tile dispatches r'eferr'ing to any of thle di visloons. It (old 1i not have dC(ont so for mfe('hanical r'easons. TI hlas trlied to prlit all of tile soldilers' letters seat to It, even 'when they wvere of btt a personal natulre. it. sl has a fewv whieh It will yet pulis1h. While we do not like to say so, some of them h~ave been left out beenuse thley wtere Illegible atnd (101me becaiuse they were not sggneid. None have been heft out On aceou~nt of a1 lack of news vailue, C!hauitaniua Inl May. Mr. L~. (. Iltlle received a letter sev eral days ago from the management of the Rledpath Chau tauiqual 1ur(1 l'lIln Chileago statIng that the Chlautaulqiu wold probatblyP open hlere tis season on May 9th, whIch the ('alendlar 'will showv tails on Friday. The letter dId not go into deotalls of tihe pr'ogram, but It was stated tihat represe'ntatives are now In Ti~lrope listing foreIgn talent and that the program this year prom. lsos to surpass any hitherto shown. STREET FORCE STRIKES. Street Workers Want Shorter Hours or More Pity. No Work on the Streets Yesterday. The street workers of the city, laid down the shovels and the hoes yester day and refused to pick them up again intil the City Fathers had met with their demands for better pay or short er working hours or both. The con sequences is that Supt. Wiss Riddle was out of a job yesterday and the streets went inkem ipt, unswept and unsung. What attitude the Council will take toward the strike has not yt been iIndited an( tile city many re main in the throes of the distirbane for some time to comei. The st rikit' wolkers went to the barnls as uslual yesterday morning ai1 hitched up prcepartory to going I( vokl. Wheln Supt. iiddle Came oil ihe seen e to start things arolling. he was advisc- in indefinite terms that a chai"o in vorking coidit ions wa: very niluch to be desired. Somethin wvas said aboit shot er hours alid itiore pay like tle imieni "on the rail road" atd that unless the demandl were met no work would be (one that day. Mr. Iiddle, being without 111 thority to make any advances, call off tle wyork for the day and the m put the teams back in the stalls. T' mien have been - workilv on 'a ten hout schedule at $.2t. per day. They have not stated exactly what t hev want in ile future. Charles 1hom ipson I'niversity Orator Charles Thompson, on of 'Mr. an' Mrs. it. M. Thompson. of this city, has beeni selected by tle committee oi judges at the University of Souith Carolina, to represeit the university at, the annual oratorical contest to be helid in GIeeniiwood in April. AIr Thoi pson hIs been promiinen I identilled with literary society work irl the university and is one of tle lead ing moln of the .unior class. Ii. friends he ae '-v highly gratified at his success and will he oi hand to chee him onl witn the speaking takes place i~enen's Meeting. There 1wil lee a special laymen's im-ing at New l irospect chriti-e next Suindayl- morning at 11 ocl ock. A ful' attendalce is desired. 11ev. .. It. Williams, Pastor. We are slowiing a splendid 0line o Baby Carzriages. S. .\M. & I. 1I. WvTmS & CO. Notice of Oleniig Hooks of Subscrip, tion. Notice is.- hereby given that pttrsuan1 'o a commission issut'd to ti- by lon orable W. lanks 'iove. Secretary of 4t atc.. dated 15th day of M.-lch, 1919 Ile undi terisigned as Board of Corpor lors Will open books of sibscription to the' capital stock of Iarris SpIngs (Company, at tle ofilees of the Laurem Nationial Blank, Lturens, S. C., at il o'(iO(l( A. . I. Thursday. .\arht 20th, 191 ( and at said time and jalace the slbscrilbrs 0 said capital stock wil Iieet l'or the/ i-oses of organization The ropios d apital stock is $20.000 divit- inic-< '1 f005lhares, of $100.00 ital valute enel.'. PTe coimpanty eroposes amtonig otifr- things to hottlie, sell amu ca rbon ize rinerictal wvat ers, to opierat< andit conduci(t. hotels or boarinlg hous 7e.. and iotlherwise d~eve4lop mineral spriings. WV. C. WIIAIIRTON, 1I. K. AIK EN, 11. I. .ION18, .101N A. FR ANKS, .\:'eli 17, 1919. 35-it-A AlIIIEVI,1,E.ORE-NWvooD .1ll'UAM INSI'I .ANCE ASSOCIA'I'oN. OlrIanized 189-d2 I'PE RT Y I NS U ItEI '$i,26S,300. WITI' Oil CA LL~ on the undt~ersign ed for- aniy in format ion you may desirc aibot ourti plan of inosturanec . We lnsure yotur liroplerty against dle stru-ct Ion by FIRHE. WIN I STOil .\ Oil LI (:1TNING, atnd (d0 so lhea pe'r t han al--l." i imanty ini ex istance. Remembelt lr, wte are prei pariedi to prove to youi that oturs is the safestt and cheapest plan of insturiance kniown. Our Association is nowv licetnsed to wite insuiranee in the cotunties o1 A bhtevill e, Grzeen wood, .\ eCoriciik i-dgefl(l, lti iurens, Sal ida, Lexington IIih iln td, (Ca lhoun, and Spart anburg, 'The ofiiers' are: Gen11.1J. icraser Lyon. Pr-esident. Columbnlia. 8. C.- .1 Rl Ilakec, (Gen. Agt., Sety. and Tireas., Greenwvood, S. C. DIRECCTORS: A. 0. Grant .......Mt. Car'mei, S, C. J1. .\. Gam broli . . . . Abeville. S. C, J. R. Bloke. .. .. .Greenwood; S. C, A. WV. Yontngbloodj .. .. -lodges, S. C, .1. Fraser Lyon - - -.- Columbiai S. C. ii. II. Nicholson . . ..-Edgeflolt'l C. WV. it. Whar-ton .. ....atorloo, S. C W., C. Bates .... ....Bateburg', S. C. Oz-e~wo~1 J. II, BLAKE, Oen. Agt GOOD PHIOTOGR A PUS Enlarged Por-traits Picture Frames Nichols' Studio Laurens, S. (C. $*$*$ 0 $ 11 V $ SPECIAL NOTICES. $ $ * '*FI See Me Quick if you want. to rent my farm at Barksdae Station for this year. Farmn has 615 acres Iin high state of cultivation, about 11 acres cleared only two years. Has nice flve-roomi cottage, large barn and all nevc i out -build ings. Party who has lease on this farm has to leave on account of financial reasons. There is about 20 acres sown In wheat and oats which will be turned over to party who rents for the price of the seed' ised. Rent very reasonable. A. D3. Putnam. at Post Office, lauens. 35-1t-pd Lost-Set of falso teih somewhere in I'aurens last week. Finder please notify "'N", care The Advertiser. 35-1t-p(l Ianited--Three roo ...Oidowti stairs for light house -keepin-. Call 215. 35-It Lost---Fither in tile cemetery or he t ween tlie cenetery and Dr. Pergu son's home. a brooch set owithI jade and -,)lId. IReward if reituirnLd to this of lice. -1)pd For Salt--Several barrels of nice t~ible syrup at 75 nti per gallon. Other rales down J.o--'' cents-all -ood values. Also aV few hags of seed Irish potatoes. NMachen Grocery Comn pan1y. 35-It For IRent for Leas--Improved two horse farm seveo miles West of Lai1-1 tens near AMcT)aT el's nill. Good out buildings and pa It rt Atiply to N. 11. 1irby. noree Dtbgr Company, of Mliss N1. IT. Irby, Wells Clardy Company. 15-1t Lost-Between oil mill and Arm strong's market last. Wednesday morn inu" long yellok pocket hook contain .i lonlg yellow pocketheek ---in turn to Advertiser and aet $5.0 re ward. or inail piockIet hook to Wade Finley, W. Hampton St., Laurens. 35-11-po For Sale-Cow fresh in milk. Pri-ice right. B. F. Simpson, Gray Coutrt. 35 -11 -pd For Sale-Eggs from my pure bred Thrred Plymouth Rocks and S. C. White Leghorn. $2.50 per setting of 15. host paid. I also have a few litce cockerels. G .C. Roper, Laurens. 'Route S.e . . 35-3t-id For 8000e-11 op-'I carriage and harness. N. U.- )ial. 35-1t Lost-etween City Market and Minter Company Sq:ltftuldayv afternoon, pocketbook containing $10.30 in sil ler and one dol I r hils: also receits. Finder please notify Iannie \\ illiatis, Laurens. Route 1. 33-11 - 1 For Sale- ggs from purebred White Leghorn's that have been in closed in walk all season. Seveit y live cents for fifteen. Ruth Todd, NEast. NIaini Stt'('', LaIIIIens. 35-it-pd For- Sal-Two bred registered lPerkshire sows, aid one registered lorkshire boar at sacrifice sale. ). I" Todl, Lat'rens. 35-1 t- pd For Sile--About t en bushliels of heavy y ielding elay peas, slightly mixed. ;o-I variety. Price $3.50 Per liushel. .1. 1). (raydon, Rtoute 1. GIay Cour.. 35 - I I-pdu Notlce---I will hee sonie seven weks' old pig.s up town SaturIi'day at I $5.0. Cross between Berkshire ;I I)uroc-.eJ'seVy. L. Ml. Beacham, Laui rents, S. C. 35-It Velterinary Sulpplies-W--e carry a coiplete line of fresh veterinary atn 4itoxinis and we use only the very best of d rugs in you r doctor's prescript Ions. Tieat your stock right. Call on Dr. 11. C. Owens and we wvIll do tle rest. Yours for prompt and courtouts ser ice. Putnam's )rutg Store. 35-2t-pd For Sale-Plenty of six-weiks4-old pigs. D~urc-Jer'sey-hierkshuire cross, at $5.00 eac'h. Better be sain~ than sorrty. L. M1. Henchiam at Toit Sha~w's farmn, Phone 85. 24t-2t-pid Eggs--Rhiode Island~ Reds that stay red. See my chickens before you hity. $1.50 pet' setting fr'omt Pen No. I; $1.00 from t'en. No. 2 EarlIy hatched c'hick ens5 tmake fall layers. WV. R. AleCuen. L ait tens. S. C. 33-5t- pd For Sale'--You Far'mers: Let mec sell you a Wester'n Electric lighititng plant wh'lich will make your' lights, furnIsh Power' for yout' wa ter wotks. lump tl)wa ter', sawv wood, gr'ind feed ,etc. I now htave t his agency, wich will fitrinishi more jioweri for the money than atny othet' 'otmpany. SWe ime at ILaturenis, S. 'C. Theodore B. Sunmerel. 27-cow-St -('hd r'oomts, mt~~oern(ti('l cn eices. i's. S. I). Young. 33-St-lpd Liberty Honds-If yott have them for sale, see inc. Clyde TI. lFraniks, at Plt rmer's Natilonal hantk. 32-5t For Sale'-i now have ini stocek a cult off woodI tawv, can be oper'atedI by two men. WillI citt any size of log and any IengthI from two Inches u p. Lumbher and cord( wood men see tie at baitriens, S. C. Theodor'e B. Sumerel. 27-eowv-5t-chdl Rtoomts-A ttract ive front r'oomns over J1. C. Shell & Coilny's store opposIte lostofiee; also fr'ont r'oomn over Clardy's. A pply phone 34i Gray Cour't, or J1. C. Shell or Wella Clardy. 31 5t ttInsure TI'res-insiure against punc tures by using Rapid Sealer, a pro paration of rubb~ler, gumts, etc., to Put into your tires, which will f1ll the cav ity as soon as nail is removed. No take-off. For sale by T. B. Sumierel, Laureons, S. C. 27-eow-5t-chd. Males-Another lot of fresh mules on 'hand. Come and see them at Bolt's old stable. W. II. Wharton. 30-tf Andersotn Car-We are now offering fotr sale the famous Andherson "6-40" A Little Higher In Price But-". Made in Rock 11111 where the famous Rock HIll buggies are made, of the very best material andl workmansip. No shoddy. Red Seal Conitinental motor. Real steel body and genine leather iupholster'ing. all or p~htone T. B. Sumercl at Farmers National Bank fot demntration. 27-cow-5it-chd CiiggALoNstiups Ii dic at Ant< yona' trugaS la X C tfche.'t er ' Inond Branm~~ gi akam nv-roF n ' SGID Y laME ERYMNERE City Opera House NEXT WEEK SPECIAL ATTRACTION Girls Glee Club of The Greenville Woman College Will give a re4tal that ifI"warrant the attendance of every per on e city of Laurens. This ag gregation of 1icians is one of the best known in the State and their program will be replete with Songs, Piano Numbers, and Violin Solos. Price 25 cents and 50 cents LEAE IT ro AUro EXPERTS Don't tlinker or experimen'I11t yourself with the delicately adjusted mechanism of your ear. Leave that to the men wfin know and understand. One fatal mistake and your motor, gears, trans mission, etc., may be ruined beyond re pair. See us flrst. 1IELIABLE GARAGE CO. Next to Wilkes & Co. SOLOMON SAYS No matter what you need in the Jewelry line, Graphophone Re cords, or your eyes fitted with proper glasses, come to me. I have been in Laurens ten years and have made more friends and satisfied customers than some peo ple that have lived here a life. time. This I have accomplished by giving everybody a square deal. A word to the wise is sufficient. W. SOLOMON Reliable Jeweler - Lauren., S. C. CASH BASIS When sending for Meal and Hulls do not forget that we are selling for cash. Laurens Oil Mill