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BUILDING MAT EMlAL RATES WILL BE' CUT Director 1ines Approves Pli to Stimulate Now Construction Work. Those who are interested in con struction work, especially as It atp plies to building, will read with inter est the following statemuent inl a Wash Ington palper: As a step towitrd increasing build ing activities throughout the country which Is the one imiediate hope of reducing unemployment, the United I States Railroad Administratlot will in a felw lays cut down the freight rates handling materials, 'all descrip tion, from the present high level to the pre-war staundard. The proposal, put forward by some of the leading econ - oimlics in the country, has met the ap proval of Walker 1). Ilines, .Director (enieral of 'Railroads. Th'le ctl will apply to material for general contstrictiont, in the hope that I private intrests will (eize the oppor tinily witll the opening of spritig to let contracts generally. Sich a cut would, of course, Iedu(ce 1hw price of lumbn her, bricks. veieitI and sructural steel. and would i he an inviltion to go alhead witl tlie work, that, inl turn-, wvould give, emp11)oymnt to 1. very 'large nitui' ber of inlechanies. i'lant Rute Now. Clemsonl College. Mhireh. 13.-Now us ilt- lime to plaill rape. whichi can not 11P OX0elled as a :-tazinig crop for. hogs. A patlch of rape planitldI now wvill furishIi tiore g'aziig for hos 1hanit any crop that can he plaidil now. l'apn- is also min, of thle besl c(rtp. - th,1i we plai Inow for givig al;s soen fiiw fe'ed for potr 113y. Riapc is a : real ('gg producerl, rape mlakes anl .x vtilei table sala. If you hatvel't aInythitg ini your garden to eat, now., by all metialns plani Soile rape, anild it Vonti he- int. about six weeks bI-fore y-ou witll htave something to bioin for d1inin er. It I lita rich land for ralle, so itf your. land isnl't extra rich, broadcasti heavily .otin' weill rolled lalte mi1anuri1e. Pre pare ilt, groutl will. as y0 \ot l for tiniips, mndti e ithii Iow broaltast or plili ill r-ows about I(1 - 21, iniche. apart If you tlanti n1 ill row"y w i nleed aboMl fourl are( fire, pounlds off sqed ter wro, ando if' you) phuul broad ('as( you will leed about sevent or Ii'll ii P tIr a i'r't. Intapet can hw plait' d titt ti l ti l att a 1 o1 f l ar h 11h1. ilt r thel it ter. tl inem tr that Ho.- ,vvrvt inlrl n g~ lr p is to hat:e a v-eil priared seetd id and have he hand broadcasted heavily With t stable ilanure. Th atti._ of seedinig is very (heat as 11lie '-ied only cost from 15 to 20 cents IIIrI plnid. P~lant nIow it will pay. I'''RFO EIET HEOHi , (Ili'( Six talion: of lrnth cons have of fored ih it live-s Ithat derniio,-n' : iiv . m l i lo h l '' n - .n a u woIX l A scllriced i t ~ei h fo alit. Irtide Io t'racnve for i his is N'ei0, T vl also an- inleluidt to Ier' ir, a inl int-stiiial aillnents disi-over' id by her peasants, whieh ii is riepor' crd hs .sald ('i iiiiy .\mertiicain lives andh a rionrs.' (W-. hI. .\ayr, fo1 rmany year's a trominentt ('hticago emitist, iltiportls Ilhe ittgt-ientIs anrd setliilit his remeidv undi 11t-i nai nie of' Mlayi's Wond'rf'ul lRmedty. rt is ft situtl e, harm'nless, m' ptnion that remiov'es te ('alarrh'l it1l1 moeu s fromt thle int estinal I ract' and1( allay.; Ih 1' iiinmmation which l'austit 01( prctently all I ivei' to itici t e.. One dtose will ('onvi i( or (I "toldh by3 Th'ie liartiens liug ('it. and 1)r' I gist l'veryw t'here. SttItte~ nt of t he ('on ditti of the Hlil Ol' .llOUNTILLE.: Locantel al ilout illei, %. C., att t' Ison n-s tni l ilncountts .. ..$ so,li6!7 O)veriria'ts. . . . . . 9i.-.71 ! tttnds anrd Sltoi-In Owne~d bty l'iurn:iturei and l ix liren .. l.2100 I )ii fr omi Ibaiks and taink Siilver andt Other Cin ... 287.2X ('lentks anid Cash [temts . ,738.00 TPot a( . . .1 . . ' $10II 1,t23.80 tattital Stlock f'aid l9' . .. 20.250.00) lin o ided ProflitsAess Ciur Duoe lit lHanks and Ilankers 5,178.50 individnil D~eposils Subilject. to Chieck .. ...$3 I,350.56 T'imell Cet-ifiientes of D~e ('ashier's (lhe'ks . 212.92 49,084.16 [tills Payable, Including Cer t-ifi'ntes for Aloney [Hor Stkate of Sout-h Caruolinua, County of Liauurens. Before me came C. M. 11'nller', Cash ier of the above named bank, whto, be i n- duly sworn, isays Ilta. the abiove antd foregoing st atemntl Is a truei conl dIit ion of 51aid bantk, as sho'wnt by the books of said bank. Swvorn to and1( suibscibed btefor'e moe thinsI lih (day of Mlarch, 1l919. I. Crisp, i 110W AN OCEAN LINER TOSSED ABOUT ON LAND Did you ever see an ocean linter as a section of an ocean liner-tossed about by a storm on dry land? Prob ably not. The proposition sounds foolish, doesnit it? Nevertheless, it has been done-and in this wise: Certain scenes in the William Far numn d luxe production, "The lan lilunter," are laid upon the deck of a liner. In pre-war days 'Frank Lloyd, director of the play, would have en gaged a regular ocean-going vessel for a day or two to make these scenes; but with Uncle Sam taking over everything that floats, Mr. Lloyd was compelled to eIther build a deck section of boat hinself Or leave it out of the play. As it was an essen tial part of tile )l'oduction h10 had no alternative save to erect it. It was a connecting link twith scenes ti: bad beeni taken on ,board the coast wise vessel The Governor on a trip from Los Angeles to San Frnacie Malany of these scenes on board The Governor were made lin rather rough weather. The vessel pitched and tossed--and this broighti about tihe 94A-. have J. W bpring *ored a Dresse and S, Foxa: Thorn ,patter Ren problom of making the constructed deck move. This iwns done In a novel way; in faot it was a creation of technical genius- and the effect was there to the liiit. It was on this (leek constructed oin land that Mr. Marnuin had one or the several fierce fights Ilp the picture; and -while the flght was in pro:.-ress 75 men were engaged In making the deck pitch for ward and aft and from port to star board. Expert Government shop officials visited the William Fox lot In Holly wood for the sole purpose of getting a line on the coistruction of the rock 1ng motion for the (leck. The scenes on this deck were taken at night and a host of people took part in them. "The Man Hlunter" will be shown at the Opera louse Friday of this week. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Live;, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents DAIR 0n ring Open We desire to infori opened our New St . Copeland Compa WE SHI Knox, Gage,, and Early Summer Sui al. Smart box Suits in nd elegantly trimmed. Klad and Betty Wales id Printed Georgettes in s and Waists made in s m "Gold Stripe" and G( >x. rid Duttenhofer Shoes. ssential. mn Shoes--The Shoes the pson's Glove Fitting anc rick Patterns--In peace e n. iember t he Dates i ADAIF Phon< MICKIE SAYS DAUIN' SK&NS ON PENC.S, AN' BARNS AN' SIDEWALKS MAN HAVE BEEN CON$SRfato ADVERTISINQ FORE THEN WUZ AN NEWSPAPG,!UT THEN'S NO excuse Pena SCH SITUNIS AN14 MORE , W-w -ris keRn GREAT PAMIL'- JOURNA\ COMWN OuT RELA.-1 MICRIE! ARE yOU TQVIN0 TO WOPK ME FOR A PAISe & SU! ing, Mar. 1 ,n our friends and ,th ore in the building f4 ny. iLL HAVE ON Regina, Holland, ts, Coats, Capes and Doln men's wear serge with c Also the new Blouse Suil Dresses in Georgette and all Spring shades./ Lout and regular sizes ini ~rdon Hose for Ladies. C Daintiness in footwear fe Kiddies like the most. I Gossard Corsets and Br Ls in war women everywli >f theOpening--Mai e 324. "The Ladiei CLINTON, S. C. HOW TO SAVE AUTO TIRE TUIES. 'Vulcanize them, don't scrap then when they are full of puncture patches and tylow-out holes. We are Just as successful in vulcanizing' inner tub'es as outer shoes, an'd the money say -ing comparatively as grest. These tire and tube saving days, and vulcanizing our way will do it for you. Drop In and got our 'prices. You'll be surpkrised at our results. , HAltNEY E'LlECTRIC 00. Opposite Post Oflice. Laurenis, S. C. Office 'Phone 213 Residence 'Phone 398 DR . C. OWENS Vinary Surgeon Laurens, S. C. I AM A T YOUR SERVICE OFFICE A T ANY HOUR PUTNAM'S DRUG STORE 9thand2Oth e trade generally that we yrmerly occupied by The DISPLAY and Hart Hats. ians of every new and timely letachable vests, excellently tail Es. Crepe-de-chine, Foulards, Taffe the latest styles. omplete line of Children's Hose r Spring and Summer will be the s issieres. ere rely on Butterick, the perfect '. 19-20. Don't Miss It. MEREL Store"