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SHORTER WORKING DAY FOR COTTON MILLS Manufact u rers Association - Recom mends Fifty-flye llour Day for AM Cotton Mills in South Carolina. Spartanburg, Feb. 27.-A schedule of fifty-flvo hours of working time per week for the cotton mills of South Carolina. replacing the present sele dulo of sixty hours per week, was re coininiended in a resolution adopted )y the South 'Carolinia Manufacturers Assocition !in session here this after nioon. 'iThe new seheuitle is to begin oil 3ardth 17, and withot. doubt will be put in to effect in virtualy all t he mills of tle State onl that date. Sevelity-five cottol miiill imeni at tended ie imeetintg of tihe association, prsetin flour anmd one half imillion sindles, and learly all the cottoni ills of tiel State. '('lT e ieeting of the assojiation was held in the ball r. oml of the ('levelhind hotel, and ad jourtied at 7 o'clock, after which lu1nchelon was served, and manity of tle cotto n111 ill execlitives left for their hoiles tonibgh t. ''he meeting was exectitive, but 'ic for M. Montgomer'y, president of the associ tion, of Spait anhurg, gave otit a statement at the conclusion of the meeting relative to the business as transaeted. Three imiportant recoiiendations were made to the inembirs of the as soc(iation: First--The adoption of a fifty-five houri1 week; instead of the sixty 110111 week. Second--Tle re-employment of every returned soldier aud sailor to his uld position. Thilrd-Appropritson of $500 unso licited, to aid in ftirthering the move ment to reduce tle cotton acreage in South Carolina, and for the stabiliza tion of cotton prices. The text of the resolution for the fifty-five hour week reads as follo'ws: "Resolved that this association re Comlmen(s to the cotton mills of South Carolina a schedule of fifty-five hours pIer week, and not to exceed ten hours in any oiie day, begining March 17. 1919." The sixty-hour week has been inl ef feet for about eleven years. The change will cut nearly one lhour fr'om each working day in the cotton mills. No indication was given by the cotton1 mill men as to how this new plan will affect the pay of the eniployers. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. What will pl New Wash 4 Novelti Watch this Spa, NEGRO CONFESSES TO ROBBING VAULT Into Vault of Richland Treasurer. More Than $12,500 of Stolen Money Itecovered. Columbia, Feb. 24.-Odell Thomp son, negro Janitor at the Richland county court house confessed late this afternoon to robbing the vault in the ofilce of the county treasurer here yes terday when something like eighteen or more tiousand dollars were stolen. Thompson has been janitor at the court house about tiwenty-five years. lie says he was assisted by another iegro helper. Ilen ry Park, Nho Is also under arrest. 'lhe autIhorities immediately reeov ered more than $12,500. Of tiis amounat. $10,185 was Cound in pack ages under the si eps of tle court 1house ieth $2,000 was found in Iie baseienti of tle home of .1. Frost Walke r, clerk of court of IIl1iland couity where Thornpson lad placeud it, 'I'lomiqpsoni also being janitor at .llr. Walker's house. Park has thus far not divulged where he put hIs part of thc money. After punchling a hole through .1 brick wall four feet in thickness, rob bers gained entrance into the vault of the treasurer's office at the Rich land County court house some time hei ween Saturday afternoon at seven o'elock and saven o'clock this morn ing and procured between fifteen and eighteen thousand dollars in cash. rTe brick vault is in the office and how the robbers gained entrance or made exit cannot be determined as the one door to the officeo was locked this morning and the iron barred windows had not been tampered with. The aperture through the %wall ihroutgh which the robber erafwled into the vault was slowly battered with a heavy nail puller, made from an old buggy axle. The hole tlius drilled through the brick, mellow with years. was nearly two feet square. Ille manner in which the robbery was executed would' indieate that the party or parties were well acqualinte' with the arrangement. of the packages of money and interior structure of the vault. The opening 'was driven through tle wall at a place so as to miss entirely any obstruct io onl the itside. Also the robbers brought to tile oflice In the equipment a fish pole, with a loop oil the end, with which to lra oilt the packages of hills which were piled in Ihe vault. Tihe hills were mttade up it %500 packages. anid tlre were between thirty and forty of these packages. Will I Lt the many Nea pring Stock is 11 ease you most iu dies' Depar Coat Suits, Co lods Silks, Tri es. All Millinei LOTS )avis, :e Next- Week. ***.*** * *** ** *.** ** * LINES TO THE ADVERTISER. * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * ** ** I'ditor The Advertiser: We congratulate you on your promIpness to reach us every .week, and we see no reasons why you should be ashame to appear in any home, for we bear witness that you are clean and respectable and carry weekly iwell illied columns to delight and help the homes into which you go. You have a good class of reporters. We are glad to hope that Captain Lee will soon be home. Doubtless he will give us some of his trans-Atlan tic experiences. Although we are on the Sparian hurg side of the river, yet we are so lea l aureis that we caln't lelp like ing you m1uchI. Wllat a minstalke Lairenis made inl refusilig to meet the conlditiolns in the constriction of tile Elnorco .Ialnu1factiuring plant. It mitlgight have all heen ol the Laurens side, aid would niow be a good source of revenue for the county. We know liaureis woulrl be proud of EInoree, for IEnoree is not an ordinary place. One of the finest manufacturing plants in the state, well capitalized with a wise manaiigemient; men of large and liberal views, making rapid and substantial Improvements, over hauling the homes of the people, and bringing them ill) to (late. IAist year the company completed a school plant at a cost of twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars, modernly equipped, and furnished iwith a care of teachers second to none. A first class bank with a first class business man at its head, a good Drug store operated by an eflicient pharmacist of your own production. Our Merchants are men of good business qualifications and in tegrity. We have a splendid Church (should have two). 'Every thing is or derly and moving on without an apparent friction. We have a fine neighbor town (Lanford) two miles out in l4imurens, but you 'won't give Us any roads without plowing through the mud at the risk of one's life. Surely you don't want us to come to Laurens! Whenl you tired and care worn peo lle got hungry for mountain scenery an(l recrealion, gather ill) a crowd and come to the pictuiresque town of Kinoree and enjoy with ()oc tor Irby the romance of communing with nature. We are not wanting in pat riot ism, In tile chulrell is a beauti ful "iHonor Roll" showing forty-two ol forty-thiree nalelis: not Imi-aniy of them have reached home yet. W i 3Ag~ vGoods we ar LOt complete we arnety c the extremely: tent! itS, Dresses, mnmings and y on Dispb OF NIFTY H) Rope LAURE15 have a splendid Doctor here, but he has to go over into Laurens and other sections of the country to make u liv Ing. If you want to know anything more about Enoree, just indicate what it is and we will .be glad to serve you. Success to The Advertiser. "OCCACIONAL." 1Enoree, S. C. MAY THROW JElWIN INTO STRIKE TIitl0ES Soviets Inform Assembly of Disap. proval of Effort to Abolislh Work. men's C.onnieils, Berlin, Saturday, March I.-The next 48S hours are likely to determine wheth er Greater Berlin is to be plunged in to a general strike prinarily for po litical motives. The Greater Berlin soviots have adopted and telegrap)hed to the assembly at Weimar a resolu tion protesting against efforts to abol ish the soldiers' and workmen's coun cils and the general hostility encoun tered by the revolution among the state military and the municipal au thorities. The resolution calls for the soviets everywhere to fight for exist ence. At the meeting the convocation of a national soviet congress on March IS was demanded. That the political situation in Wel mar is anything but reassuring is am LOOK AT A CHILD'S TONGUE WHEN CROSS, FEVERISH AND SICK Take no chatices! Move poisons from liver and bowtls at once. Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs" because in a few hours all the clogged-up (waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply avill not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and they become tightly packed, liver gets slug gish and stomach disordered. Wht en cross, feverish, restless, scetf tongue is coated, hen give this ell Cious "fruit laxat e". Childr love it, and it enn no cause I ry. No difference what a is your ttle one if full of cold, o a so hroat, diar rhoca, stomach- lie ad breath, re member, a gen1 e nside cleansing" should always lie first treatment given. Full D ections for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are printed on each bottle. lleware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist. for a bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs", then look care fully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Iland back with cont empt any other fig syrul). reeabl e now showing, can offer for fc >f Early satisfactory pric Men's Men's Su the Newest ry as fast a %TS ON SALE is, s. C. ply reflected in the editorial com- drift of the Majority Socialists toward ments of the newspapers today #which the Left under pressure from the In are stimulated by a significant con- dependents munication in The Vorwaerts. This newspaper -prints prom Inently and frankly a warning to the Scheidemann cabinet that unless they are able to HOLDERS OF produce something better han nega tive results they had -better withdrawB DS unconditionally, leaving the -politicalI wreck as a legacy to the 'bouilgeoise are advised to hold them. If you parties." must sell, deal only with responsible The Socialists are charged 1with hav bankers. We ing grossly disappointed the hopes of Buy and Sell the workers by neglect to enact even the most elementary emergency legis- ERIY BONDS lation bearing on promised social re- A ll Alforms.ndDenii aios fo i'm S. Write us Yf inlterestedl. 'T'lhe Vossisehe Zeitung complains I that Germalny is drifting towards a TRUS MPANY OF GEORGIA heap of wr('ekagc while the speeches Capital and Surphis, $2,000,000 delivered at the Weimar assembly deal with the interior decorations of a house not yet built. ATLANTA, GA. Otth lie unsaers commesent of t ther SOLOMONHR SAYS No matter what you need in the Jewelry line, Graphophone Re cords, or your eyes fitted with proper glasses, come to me. I have been in Laurens ten years and have made more friends and satisfied customers than some peo ple that ha e lived here a life time. This have accomplished by giving evFrybody aRsquare deal. A word to sha wise is sufficient. W SOLOMON Reliable Jeweler Laurens, S. C. and h deoried satoniercutortn soep - pAerhatva elsvdhr ie y ilind ryoy al Gooredeas At wrd Boys' Sits sficn t Sprin SOLlMON A t rrivals NOW. npany. Watch for our big adl next week,