University of South Carolina Libraries
aiiitI ript ion it ricet is *1.00 Per Vear P'I~aoale ha Adt unae-, GC O. d sys: reason. .b hit;eeuio Cb JnuaryV or: uters ni l', Ie over ks thle valu ofu l i. ad vertising. LerI fro m doing. Study the pcople's wvants. Anic pate them. Make your store news timely, helpful and scasonable and keep advertisingly at it. People want what they want when they want if The people of liaiirens, while regret ting to lose Rov. .1. M. Steadman as lastor and citizen, are glad to kuWv of his appointment as Presiding 'iElder. .Ilis broad-Imindedness, cordiality and deep spirituality are appreciated by people both within and without his congrgaltion. The best wishes of all of it. go .with himan as he undertak es la rger responsibilities. 1His periodical vi: in thoe cou111se of his new duties wh Ok ! .-.0 , r--0 of pleasure.. M.\.. W. S. .\ANNING,. Th Syma311)ly of the niril e siate, 'alt tIov. anrd .l . l ing in the b1as eis b ir ia. ' i ie Yi41 on , wel t it lab lh uis hasft'((~ altei letaboulIt l~t rWdces frposibil" le 1I b~~lvh dangers fron thouuerlr'ie. It is prlem ~hat) will be) didicult to so The f .irs war ing (bfli a onflict1( btween redear se waconded t oter the .\m:.iennlFedr lo(8 of lbor wOl)'' epl ~ec~tyo ~h lht.1 "nlot itlOn hi. I hlanlll ito ead ,ine duru55thr ar in helaterd i wage;, betherco.h aiing. <ltseranidonrtr hotu".t he asant- tie thoeabiltyio hei Inresed withe thr advrnetii~ aner in nedily reurb1(ino partfiteri anromj-intf the hg cost of lwiv ingrto a gratial rommertithn sini laor to nth doutan the ailityore rea lonabwens ofa o to al ma a ini tan byaIe: at huodrisentleelt no of the abiutr oflsome~ acyt.a noreats'eduat. ias increasihelbo wage th eadne il wages 4ithoutg ato anlower. Waco a -paid the cost? Olorical help, unor ganized labor and tillers of the soil, mostly, the last named particularly. Wre differentiate iarticularly betaeen the farm laborer and the fari owner. The latter belongs partly to the c(il italistic or employing class and has eni.joyed a pa1rt of t blessinug of thi c41) ilry's prosperity. The farm labor Ir hw hired :I man, the sha e-1roppi th wom o,, 1ys an1d girlS 'who wolL t ers they haNve 4) S m14 :;'lten less ot of I .i' \\'Il1:I 14 v.0.1 ~ t , his o n , etcv., wil b I 4 I l'I 1 ' i I :I ront IP Ie.) bNV .-x 1 Ii s t1 h ir ownilra. I I (1141 1 .l. ilt m y at im e Itha t I have nit n w r :-dy. Tite onlly tin i lu u m INr' .ll elcar. to lint, is that it is" not faiv cither) to the ubi or to hOw - ers of tle railroads to leave the cities I ion ulnansiwered and that it will pre se'ntly become miy duity to retliii cont rol of the roads, evel before the expiration of the' statutory poriod, unl less there should appear some clear prospect. In the meantime of a soul tion, namely certainty and a quick stimliation of private initiative. I believe it will be serviceable for me to set forth as explicitly as pos sible the alternative courses that 11, open to our choice. We can simply re lease the roads and go back to the old coditions of private management un restricted; or lVe ean go to the Oppo sit(e extreme and establish complet' goVi Ill ment ownershlip; or we cal 1414)1p1 111 il rIl('( iie course of m(odi led co1trol. 111( r a 1110 r llileod al1 allirniative'.4 public4 regu.laionl andl uii n11 de41r u4 IaiI 'or it ion.; of the la w:1i' 44''rm1i t :4 S jein 4.:e114t ilon 1 1l -''4ib. .mm readv am'ax 'st rha 4h rodsfrm.he' rs all he' merelya prlgn the 1(period41 114 415 o'' donh11t and14 11nlcrtaily wichel is4 hrtfu [to 14ver'' y ilt)erest conlcerned'4. 'No li'ESTi .N0 PEA('E. 444' on1e4 who1 sulffers1 froml a1 badl~ back, 4 lidnaey l'ills. lie guided by lheir' ex .\lvs. I''. 1I. Rldile, 125 llolmes S-t., t.(l1rens,4 says: "'Kidney troule got the( upper~l hand1( oIf me several yes :'s I aigo and1( 1 felt. ise 5rable 4. My ba':k1 and1)4 shonuidors felt. as if there 1"an a hleavy weight on t hem and( aiggravat ing pains11 took thie life and amiltion1 ouit of mie. I had b)liding dizzy, splls and everytinlg would turni I bilpek hefor'e my~ ('y4". Morninog I wias so 11am1( and14 4101e 1 coulId hauirdlly d1ress WVhen I hellt over' I had t~o h101d (ontc somleting and headaches wvould of ten come Onl anld I thought my head wvould split. My kidneys dlidn't act as thIley should, either. I got Doan's Kid Sney Pills at tihe Powe Drug Co. am11 tthey soon put my kidneys In goodl con d1i1ion. I continued ulsin~g Doanl's an14 they entirely cured mfe." 60c at all dlealers. 11oster-MilburI j4o., Mfgras., Bfallo, N. Y. r1 ' "OW A NY 011f ('AN No 1il'lIs .HVE PitETTYI' EVE: - No girlW(prtty It' her eyes are red e. :'traiined or hlave . dark rIngs. ON WAV .\11withl tforC JLvopt Ik eye wasl dwIll brIghten le eyes anfd a week' 4' u1se will sur'lrrse you wIth Its iN .*(l ~~ CU0iLIC results. A sImall ob111l a I,avo1)tik often makes eyes healthl Ssparkling and ylivaciius. The r'uie: chmange will Iree you. Alulminut a oey cup di ..'.M ueka Drug Ce DEATH OF MR. JMEEMIAH STONE. WlI Knwn Citizen of the County Passed Away Last Weduesday. Princeton, Nov. :3o.-rhe community was saddened on last ,Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 27th, to learn of the suWen (Ith or Mi. .1v(ei-nliah Sto:'. le hadn't beeni so Well for the past 1e'w weveki, huut was never willing lah' hIs h.d ntil Just before the v'. camloe. whlich was cau1sed1 by sotmithin: like iciuti indi!cst ion. Then the on enom ~ ~ O cooad h v -epirit. of b111 cived }mww :iditer, Cath1--wm1 2 l ':'y :,.mv:e'ired. "' !~is well". l. mene' was 12: years oft ag one o I h'( mo;21t ar~rsiv 4\' 1' ers f Lares inmi. fu exc le a citiren, loyal ;:riend an1d patriot. tak all nelive illter(s i! tlhe sclool .1,:! ilurch l in the conmIlinty in which I li'eud, ani as ll in thea h 1igh(r: 4 wt(m by a61 who knew hint, I r nuihor of y. 1h: hw 11:d lived a he: int (hi:Tipu ;;e. trying t his I.)d da:: by day. ju't as his li Ir o'bl have h12v i do, and w .t lI ll il -l . .m. Mt l.f wa 1* rie:1 :o .\lii iLa K i ling:m rlth. of L; rcn. cewmuty, ainmint ;'." years 111o aw l :-ri;vi by his wile and fI'e foliOJ. ing chbiren: Dr. Diamond . Ni kols. of Gowga: .\I aber, il. .h army at Louishma: Patrick, in Francr: ilames 1'. ani the two youngest. .11 sph anld .\Marshal, of Prilnceton; AlM (s' Ilettie', ofr Mountville and Felici. of bimestOne college. Ilesides h wife and children, he leaves a hoo relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The remains were laid to rest on Friday afternoon, Nov. 29th, at Mt. Bethel church in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing frIens and relatives. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Ray Anderson, of baurens. May God's riehest blessing rest u pon each member of the famI in this hour of their sore bereavement. A Friend. SPANIS11 INFI;'I,-'NZd TIA N W Cw M.'. Lll Id TA I Ipirmie ( 'm~ .i(i Ilor I be Tha ( \mr lwa TT Bneatle. Ian t r\40 Oier, fCre t (ar 't oN ev4r."." - . I lii I giNe. lltu a11 r 1(0 i ToPr1i !esent urt'hr f, (ht .' . Tin18 apollig g(avne efor Enih o' t(eetl n f rst~a l hmi A r )ll h :'slget o 'l i S Ie kni ( :'4)b, ihai !"t>hr 4l. Soili ('hol la ryths l, .i4eh half hurli ort's.u t n y n'ouf (linedawpbah of Ce.A ioiti pulr, dhelic e rm biliedi.ii t u.rsa o y1our ofe troae anu i lon o dtheoying daym bfor leeiiav So'clock beIn w~p okenorl, ty ro n inrlI'ryol yorwIch (lracticalllia .to,(le in ein. ndpsese. mn Inhfsluenza(' yr wiu:llyb truent-ie (2, ventd (If el.e morb orfes to. wn (2(nt head (I, ('rthle. mo or ar I~ 1 10 of goatas, tay u i'mIn iipnej Kour l'1( ao' '1erio:(I sle:s cah, thle o: bf overal Prertys' wr. Laured. lriIli ('Vn"O. p casrsoi d( - wll brsoil Pii (Al e Rit110,01 STV etate of4(~1l otti (artoliea, f h ai Paref . . I Bell~A' and WIlNia t. urns2 rwnn asdminstratoi 4*e e@e * S@ e es. se e * OWIN4lS NEWS. * awings, Dec. 2.-Our community was shocked F'riday, Nov. 22nd, when it heard of the death of Mr. V.' A. White. lie was ill only about two holirs. ' At 4:30 Friday morning he :.voke loved ones and a physician was timmondet. All that loving hands and ;:iedieal 1kI! .ould 1(o was done./lbaI *rouleik va:; I lip PISe of 10s death. .\i \ 'hite Vas 6 year., old '11di t - h d sp-nt .-; tiir 111,. in) 1i1 conmilm ity. [it, I 1a 111al polIeemia an '111 ni intld I" ifainiet'. None were 10 poor hii She v~ulbefriond, i1' th14y wore ne1d('1h0m, noir01hhor could niol omlnil an! ai wiil uiiss h1lim. The ianera"l "ervive.- were ho td at! : heni~ce I Siuil4y a4'ftr10oon, Ntov. rd, e~l.'ueI' by an ol flirienl anW T1 oalofferiligs wlero- manyr )tiful. 14 I t i rial n' ik thI em trr a !lamonly. Tim. pol 11 n - r \ l . r, It. 0 . V. 1l',V' w . 0 * 411XIALM VT 1M. I Notltie-- -1igt with t ,us your houses, ot's and farm1-s, e 'Iter city or (01111try :roperty. \'e vill ariraIge a trade for you. L.aurenas TIrust Co. 20-5t Property Ow 'ners-Let us rent and collect your sents' for you. Mither itwn or couintry property. By the month or by the yeur. Let us do the worrying. LauienIs Trust Co. 20-5t T.-For Sale-1918 model Ford touring ar. Ii good condition. J. H. Nabers, at Farmers National Bank. 20-it Lost-One liver-colored Pointer bird dog, with white breas't. Answers to LARiVe of "Queen". The tinder please return to owner and receive $5.00 re ward. Dock IIII,' Watts Mill, S. C. 20-It Lost-At Laurens C. H., salesday, Onte calf skin pocket book containing :oIle paIpers alid about seven dollars. 1,leward if returned to .J. II. Cuilbertson. 20-It-pd For Sale-At once, some firsi. clasS 1.a rred Plynuut It Rocks. J. M. Si'nd mani .'ures 20-It-lid '1 les -1 v..an1t my frildlsii. a1d els rs 'I , to knom4w that;1 1 :111n back at tbb th i 'y ar 1 ilh a flne lot 1 c.: for . o-1 . (' 11 end ::( v thema. h11 . \\ . It. b . i 1:,) 4 1t - ra : ' I(o r . '.'. I I i To1 bu farm ofI!i Il hout I i* Li"N Ir il.aurens AdrerIt iser. 24-21-In i' Sirliyed -- (Herkshire shoat, oni Nov fa s ans lit. .5. 20-1t i-la Wa 1'iringr tm Tlrspatusers- -All per SOnls are1 heeb ('' warne.1 'I(d bp jon iienal1t3 - of the law~ against huntinug or othier wise trespa)ssinig upon~ myI3 lands. .lrs 44 I. O. C. Fleming. 19-2 More FEggs.-Mor(.2lggs 'Tonie maker '""your hiens h iy more eggs. Calli 01 -'write .\is. 1t. 11. Ken'Inedy and~ le'ar' Ith le way. Liaurens, 8. C., phone 1I. 19-2 . Fo r Sale( -Cook's ipr~oved1 H ij Shioll andl ('le'elandl liig 110ll (Collo supllity is e'xhauisted. WV. I. Knight TIrespnss Notile--AItll persons ar1 hieireby warned (( again1st hun11tig or' oth er'wise tre4spiaiss ig oii my Iands11. Thos04 dtisregarinlIg this warning will b proseeniecd to thle full extenlt. of thi 'sildes Want ed-We willI always giv V Ou the 11narkl{et price. TBring t hem It 11:. Moseley & Roland. 18-6 rt Notie -We do hemtitching an Spleot work. Satlsfaction guarantee( r, i Snger SewngMachine Co., Gr'eem1 mwood, .C 1(-5t-i) al Twenty-Five Elear Automobles an ,. th le LaurenCiis TerriIitory to the dele~ st who real izes t ho situatIon and cani I U nance automiobiles. Specifleations 13y fortyv hoise piowe r lied Seal (Continer 10 I 'il motor, iiorg & rfeck{ clutch, St ron Is brg CIarhrbutor, Iltotchk ips drive, Tin 1d k -n bearings, Stewart Vacuum, whlee 1(1 , - 1a' il, in., price $1 p75 F. 0. 11. fr< fu I ary. Klcar. Motori Sales Comipgn; il,-:111i0'fh'rn. Ulst riot O'1lee, 1502 Candi( ly jInl'dlng, Atlanf-a. Ga. 15-I SMoney to LendV-On improved tarnr 44- on most favorable terms, and at Io ms..~ interest 1-ate for long timo, repayabl in easy ,jnstallments, Loans clost promntly. Very eannna axns Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Du-Pree, Mr. and Mrs. It. 0. Hunt, Mrs. Margaret Du Pree, Dr. and Mlrs. J. W. DuPree and Misses Esther Todd and Alico Owings. Mrs. Mary Putnam and Miss Amanda Putnam wore guests last week of Mrs. Komper Henry, of Due West. While there they witelosed the mnatrriago of Allis Dernice Henry to Mr. Robert Me. Kenzie. AlIes lieuiry has visited here a hor ;ma ny friends Wish for t.he ha'ppy voltple it lontg, lappy anid prt.oi. ru t()U~fe. M. ( arrie Oln vee is visiting her l rs. iLeoia ( reshaim. \l.. and All".. IZ. '1'. W ilson were i, imraurenTs, Saturday. Reov. .1. A. !"rck Was the dinnewr IreK~ clossi a yeee.ful yar's work at diarmttonly and the latrntony pteopl hate to have him leave. Ie takes up werk in Aikeni. 'rer v nm h it .\lr. and AlMrs. .1. C. IDuitIrvee are leavilg Owil . ''hey will move to \\ooulnft. We will Is them inl lhe chutch, rocial andtl M)'1:iers!: fire of, H-*i plaewo. lDr. 1). C. Dneof Pl-'outainl Inn,) a binhis visitor here lMonday. T:"(. notic 11 1.hat oi the 1h (dy of )''i .' . 111A, I vill1 ren ,e a f0nat ofui of' our t an d doings; as Ad t'iiniJ ratIrs of1 t 4 ('slate of T mm1 C. .10ohn son deecased, ina the oilleo of the .l fe of Probate of LTauritens.ti count y, at. I I o'clock, a. im., anld oi the same day will apply for a final dischaigo from our truat as Administrators. Any person indehted to said estate is notifIed and required to make pay COA L! For Coun People Living in Gel C( Coal en for e Rico co" . * ~A 0 4.-1 -A t The Light thai No glare or harsh hr tct tesfied and reflect 1 1 whIte handage gaIzc I ~ low glow, clear an1 I. Lamp Light. - This lamp .scientifi gives kerosene light Istrain the eycs. S always dependable The Rayo does not is easy to light, cleatr Aladdint Security Oil givi dealer will gladly show y< STANDARD)OT (NewJe D ahimnore t Waishingit', D). C. Norfolk, 'vS. .Richmond, Vs. d LI mnmt on that date; and all perons having clains agalust said estate will present them on or before said date, iduly proven or be forever barre'd. HOMIN TRUST COMP-ANY, Administrators. Nov. 6, 1918.-1. mo.-A. 1i:'o of Sthiii Carolina, Conty o I..aurens.tJ ihii0ottt 1y 0. (". hoe llptoil, P(tlite uitdge: %l hero:, ; 1- tcargo llunior niado suit to ie to gr- I him L etters of Admlinirhftra te1 ofic o.I hto nad el . of Al1 0a-d -e ib::rd:'r 1, to im ad nl t it- .. O 111':' t i to C 0.) thi 3 the be ' - 1po - :( . -01 r p-illicalon ;-re o! 11i n'e ot~k in) th. , e o to I,. c'. A Tonic Laxative that will removo the bile from the Liver and cleoano the i t im TtROUGliLY without grlinug or (iturbiuig th stomach Is truly a Perfcot Lax ativo. SAX-POS WITH PEPSIN is tho unmoof a Reliablo and Perfect Larative wileh si-aelieves Sick Headache. 1)lzziness, Ih digetiol, Stomach Trouble. Gas and Pila caused by a Torpid Liver and Constipation. Always use a Rollable Laxativo in the treatment of Coldo, Grip and Influenza. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN Is a Liquid Digestive Tonto Laxativo excellent in its effect on ti e System, both as a tonic and as a laxative. It i lust as good for Children as for Adults. Pleasant to take. Children like it. 60c. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medicino Co. St. Louis Mo., manuuactlaega of Grove's Tasteless chill onic. COA L! try People the Country May la Now very boxdy-the best y CASH. Pleac *no rn coal as it.., MI AMPS.~ neverfail liiance to be/m iatc ts best-cn't noply designed smell or smoke; and rewick, as best reitls. Your L, COMPANY sey) , Md. Chasrlotte, N. C. Cha,.rleston, W. Via. Charleston, 8, C.