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ALL YIELDS MUST BE ON SAME BASIS food Administration Issues Important Regulations Regarding Cotton Seed and Oil Mills-Price of Seed Stabill. lized-All Expected to Conform to Regulation&. Clumbia.- -William Fillot t, food admruini:r.o: for South Carolina, has annonne1ICd, in a hulletin issued to sell ers. buw rs. ginnr a:A crush ers of cotton s d. hat tho Slat( of South Carolinai sh11ll onstitute one :eo, based ipon t:10 s:aitlized ptrgra ree oinmiend'd hy reresenttvus of cot ton wkil hrduers. wjith have lboen acceptetdi by ill Food Adinilstratlll. This moans that all yields foi: South Carolina shall bo ont tle salme2 basis, which is a., 1llows: k'13 gallonls.) Pounds vil . .................. .22a Pounbis m l ..................... 9-11) Pounds hulls ................ 490 Pipunds linters .................. 1,15 Pounds shrinkage ........... 102% Total .................... 2,000 (3G per cent protein.) The price of all reasonable sound seed, irrespective of the actual out turn yield, shall be: $72, car load lots; $69, wagon lots; f. o. b. any railway station in the State, the zone of origin of all cotton seed determ'ning the price. The price of seed at the landings on navigable rivers in which boats are actually operating shall be the same as the railroad basJs price for bulk seed, to which may be added the cur rent market value oP the bags in which such river good are packed. This cost of bags shall be added only when bags are furnished by party selling the seed. No dd(luction from the price will be pernmitted excelt for provenI d1antmaged or unsound sbd. Proof of stich dam aged or linSboltl qualitY uust he fur. nishil to mob No bldltib ions will he allowed for dirt or trash r:l' s a com :ani-I by% sworn ;at iae (or seller) h w ng i-u lwf. rh- of c" h dirt or 1:-ash talon froi each ca r .d )r wagtt l :i. anl thb na ne, of the ginner or d1-a!er siling su. h s2I. Tq conserve the us'A of frese -.a7t. cottonste'd may b hau 'l ft::. :he railroad -itatior.d to mil : :r A d toe seller may rb-ive a m4 tion for such hauling an ama e e;al to the rai'-oad freighN for !t sae distance. This cos: of hiaulng :o be treated by the purchaser es f.e~ght on seed. Seed from any point may be sold at the carload price, in quantities of 20 tons or more. for delivery by wagon within ten days. Additional regulations an the han dling of cottonseed will be found in Circular No. 40 issued from Washing ton under date of June 14, 1918. In handling this crop it is expected by the Food Administration that there will he a co-operative spirit ce the part of all interests to the end that waste may be eliminated and con servation itn every way be promoted. DREAD PRICE FIXED BY FOOD ADMISTRATION Columbia.-Maximum brend prices --for one poun md and oneo andi one-ihaif poundl loaves-h-iave beetn establishetd byy the Ibood Administrationt rThe maxizinm prite for the one pound louf is fixed at 10 b-enits. and ( of the one andi bone hlf lb unld libif at t5 coents. These nut'ixin pr'm'' aply btth to the eaht and1 b rry pini and the credit and dlblivery' ph-n. andb. as statetd in a telegram rlbvb tby \\Hiatm llliott, food admi r fItr Sni:bI ('artol-i4 fronm frh i r' vr. tbloial food( ad milnistao . non. art' based tion intob the turing and cost of bread. Furthermnor-e, it ,e; gat tion showvs 3. cent antd I :'elint whtol esaile prices in many sect ions. Tlhese wholesale prices, says theo Fool Administration, warrant a retail price of nine cents for a one-pound loaf and 14 cents for a one andi one-half pound loaf, cash and carry plan. EXCHANGE BASIS FOR -FA$MER AND TH E MIL.L *Columbia. - Concer-ning the ex. chang of cotton seed for meal, the fol lowing has boen agreed upon by the Advisory Conmmittee of Farms and Crushors, as announced by the Food Administration: A farmer caes exchiange meal for need and get the amount of meal non tained in the seed delivered, This is 940 pountds of meal to the ton of seed. The balance t~o be p~aid in money by the n-ill. The' mills will deliver pro rata additional meeI as they may &iae U.t BUY( FO:)R CA SH At Clardy & Wilson's WORK OR= FIGHT SALE The great law of the universe -is Progress. Old ideas must, of neces sity, be trampled in the dust by new ones, and as the wheels of progress are rolling around, and the boys over yonder fIghting for the rights of the common people, our government has advised that the commercial world get on a cash basis. Therefore, when you buy at Clardy & Wilson's for cash you not oIly conserve for yourself in dollars and cents, but you help place the commercial world on a cash basis. Ask your friends about Clar dy & Wilson's Work or Fight Cash Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, and Millinery. Be a Clardy & Wilson cash customer. A SALE OF TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN When you want Millinery for ladies and children don't fail to visit Clardy & Wilson's. Here you will find some real millinery values on our counters in ladies' and children's trimmed hats just ready to wear. Come yourself and bring the children while the picking is good. Fifty children's trimmed hats, worth $1.50 and $2.50, on sale at, each . $ .95 Twenty-five ladies' trimmed hats, worth $5.00 and $6.50, on sale at, each 3.95 Twenty-five ladies' trimmed hats, worth $6.50 and $8.50, on sale at, each 4.95 Twenty-five ladies' trimmed hats, worth $8.50 and $10.00, on sale at, each 7.95 LADIES' SILK DRESSES KID GLOVES LADIES'PLAID SILK SKIRTS Twenty-five silk dresses for ladies, Best you can buy---a genuine kid Twenty silk plaid skirts, this season' new Fall styles, black, navy, grey, on glove, black, white, navy and brown. styles and patterns, on sale at $4.95 sale at $14.95, $16.95, $19.95 and Price, $2.50 pair. $7.95 and $9.95. $24.95. Wool serge skirts, black and navy WOOLFLANELWhit andRed $9.95 and $12.45. BATH ROBING, By the Yard White wool flannel, for underwear, 2 pieces bath robing, grey and green 29c, 45c, 69c, 95c and $1.29 yard. BABIES' CRIB BLANKETS plaid, 75-cent value, on sale at 69c. Red wool flannel, good quality, 69c Babies' Crib Blankets, heavy cotton the yard. and 79c the yard. fleeced, large size, blue only, $1.50 HEAVY COTTON-FLEECED LADIES' UNDERWEAR value, on sale at $1.29 each. BLANKETS Ladies' heavy $1.50 vests and pants, DRESS GINGHAM Twny-ie ar otn-lecddo-1$1.29 the garment. Twenty-five pieces dress gingham, on TwLeny-iv pair ctofee voun sale at 22c. the yard; twenty-five ble bed-blankets, '$5.00 values, sale nd a, 29cce 45c, 69cs 95cham anh$.2cyrd priRe, $3.95 the pair. $ 1.00 quality, on sale at 85c the gar ment; 75 c ribbed vests and pants and stripes, on sale at 25c. the yard LADIES' UNION SUITS for sale at 69c the garment. LADIES' HOSIERY Two dozen fine ribbed union suits, BLANKETS Ladies' $2.00 silk hose, $1.69 pair. wtveHeavy cotton fleeced blankets for 1.50 silk hose, $1.29 pair. sale at 95c. the garment. for double beds, $5.00 values at 1.00 silk hose, 85c. pair. LADIES'Ladies'wool hosiery, 39c. and 69c pr LADIES' LONG COATSLadies' fine cotton hosiery, at 1c, 2 Good heavy warm, winter coats--- HEAVY FLEECED OUTING cts. and 45c. pair. black, navy, grey and burgundy, on Fifteen pieces heavy fleeced outings, Misses' and Boys' ribbed hose at 15c sale at $14.95 and $19.95. Igrey, blue and white, 33c. the v d. 25c, 35c and 45c per pair. LACE 12 1-2cUYd. CLARDY & WILSON amIen t.R 100 yards of imitation CHEVIOTard SHRiNrsid 29c hand crochet andrberseapa cluny laces oq sale at 12 1-2 LAURENS S.C vy cheviot shirtings on sale cents yard. O LA CE Tat 29cthe yard. "A GOOD LANKE T ADE