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E1Je Z(bbertiger 0aboeription Price Is $1.00 Per Year Payable In Advance. Published by OS)VERTISHR PI'INTING COMPANY Laursin., S. C. Advertislng Itates on Appeation. ituaries and Card of Thanks: One Cent a Word. L-ALered aL the postotflee at Laurens, S. C., as second class miail matter. fAURKNS, S. C., Alto. 2,1, 191's. Uncle Ad says: "Advertising Will Meet Every Business C on dition" The greatest feat. . e.' i"' ures of any motor car are power and flexibility. To have the power and to apply it as you need it and control it absolutely as you want to is wha;t makes an expensive car more valuable than an ordinary type-when you want service. So it is with advertising. It is the greatest business power and it is so flexible, that it can be made to meet any business condition. Apply advertising to your present businese problems The Advertiser thanks its friends. both in the city and at the different precincts, for their assistance in se ouring and tabulating the primary re Regardless of how the election would have come out yesterday, supporters of the Laurens candidatos in the sena borial and gubernatorial races would liave had nothing to regret in casting their lots with them. Both of themi conducted campaigns with which no one could find fault, unless it was that they were not aggressive enough. They discussed the issues of the day with out rancor :or ibittorness. yet with force and energy so that they must have #won the respect of their op)po inents and certainly hold a large fol lowing. L'or mechanical reasons The Adver tiser was forced to go tA )ress on its editorial page last night before the re turns were well in. However, at the early hour it Appeared that both the Laurens candidates for state offices were destined to win in the first pri mary. lion. -N. R1. lDial for the United tates Senate and Hon. R. A. Cooper for Governor of the state. Laurens is proud of tho distinction of having two such high officials elected on the same day from among Its citizenship -and we take the risk of congratulating them before the returns are complete. feeling that they are sure to win and that, after winning, they will reflect honor upon themselves and the city and county they come from. Probably too. much emph~lasis Is laid on the prior claims of the cotmmon schools over the colleges. [t may hi tru~e that the state and all states are niggardly In the support of the conmmotn schiools. We believe they are and we know Southb Carolina is. That ex 1)lain thIie dliflicult y of securciing good teachers. hut, In our hasty judgment O'e 0overlook the fact that-I he. colleges 01m1st be kept far enough in adlvanlce to pr ovid e t he teachers for the comn teaicher's cannot b~e mnade In the comn mon01 schools. HIighier ci rin ing is tneed etd and all those w ho at tend c oillege do nolt become I cacheris. We cantnot a f ford to be stin gy in providli ng fundsl for cither, buit we shioul d not become so zea lou a in ou r advocacy of .duntIion that we lon sight of ouri senise of fairness andi .inst ice. We should at - tempjt to give all classes of the people a fai.' ?.al. (.l'AHLTO)N WV. S.\ WYl El) E AI. WV:s P'repainer for a Dovre Hinnt and14 Wihile ('ler tg ills (uin. It A~cci Col umnbia. Autg. T. .-(ominp1troller' GleneralI (arllton W. Sawyer was acci (lent ally killed liere this afternoon, when he was examining a gunt pre paratory to going dlove hunting. Mr. Sawyer was in his room when the fatal accident occurred. Mr. Saw yer was at 1329 Senate street, the residence of M'rs. L. B. McGregor, w~here he had lived for the past twen ty years. ,3. W. 1{oon Appoilntetd Game Warden. Mr. J1. W. Koon, formerly deputy sherIff and later rural policeman of the county, has been appoInted as game warden by Gov. MannIng to serve tunder the county warden, Mr. (I. F. Little. Mr. rLttle's terrItory embrac (es all of Lauirens county and parts of allolning clountes, so tha~t ,he fe quires addItIonal help to look after the ntire tereiory SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS MEET HlUlE FRIDAY A Cordial Invitation is Extended to the Ofticers and Teachers of the City Schools to Attend the Meeting. Sunday school workers In the city of Laurens will be Interested in the County Sunday School Convention, which Is to be held in the First Pres byterilan Church of this city on Friday, August 30th. This meeting will be at tended by delegates from all sections of the county, representing all denom inations. It is expected that this will be one of the best conventions yet held by the county association. Prof. R. T. Wilson, of Owings, is president of the association. lie and his commitee have arranged a prac tical and helpful program of Sunday school methods, that v.%I prove of in terest to all who attend. In addition to several local workers, 'R. D. Webb, State General Secretary, of Spartan burg, and Miss Mlwee Davis, State ilieimentary F-uperintendent, with head quarlers also at Spartanburg, will be present and assist in the convention Awork. Iloth are well known In this city and county, and will be heard with much interest. A most cordial Invitation is extended to the neahers and officers of the city schut:s to attend this meeting. Because of the fact that the County Conventions are usually held in the county churches !i large number of the workers in !Lau rens have been unable to attend these meetings. The officers of the County Associa tion are as follows: President. Prof. I. T. Wilson. Ow ings: Vice-President, Graves L. Knight, Laurens: Seeretary-Treasu rer, James I. Sullivan, Laurens: DIvision Super intendents: liementary, Mrs. R. T. Wilson, Owings: Adult, R. A. Cooper, Laurens. District Presidents: No. 1, Rev. W. A. flaidwin. Gray Court: 'No. 2, George Cook. Fountain Inn: No. :1. R-1v. I. N. Kennedy, Ora; No. 4, Dr. I). .J. lBrimm. Clinton; No. 5, W. 'lv. Grif fin, Cross Hill; No. 6, J. C. Smith, Wa t-rloo: No. 7. R. R. Nickels, Laurens; No. ,. B1. U. Fuller. Mountville. Death of an Infant. Little Ruby L ee lloyd. infant daugh eir of .\lr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyd, of Spartanburg, died August 2Gth. and was huried at. t. IPleasant Tuesday. the funeral being condeted by 11ev. L. 1). Bass. uncle of the deccierd.,I leart felt sympathy is extended to the father and mothker and sorrowing relives. (nurse in -'Irst Aid, The' class in First Aid to be taught by Dr. W. ). Ferguson, will begin Tuesday, September 9th. 'The cl ass will meet at the Chamber of Commerce at five o'clock Tuesday and Friday af ternoons until the course is completed. NOTICE. Telephone Service to be kestricted on Suinday and at Night. After August ist, 191S. tho Central Office of the Laurens Teleplhone Co., will be closed on Sundays and also after 10 o'clock every night toI all butsiness and social talks and will be kept open oinly for long distantce cals, talks in case of siehttess, dealth, futn eral, accident antd matters of ('mert gency, or to gIve the alarm of fire on to report the comumishion of a crime. Aliiisteris of the Gospel and phtysliins will be allowed utnrfst ricted service. This action beconjes necessary for the reason thtat so inany pteople' make such freo use of their telephones on. Aunda i on~ Ot Operatort canmunot answer andl attendl to all the calls tnd the comt an y doces nOt feel .jit le~d itt emt laying extrta help to work on Suntuay W. it. RIl('IIEY, .\anua;er. August l4, 191S. --'.t llising Sun (ihapter No. 6. II. A. M. A. regutlari 't ~( con oti of Rlisia Sun Chanter No. 6. R. A. M1., will be held on Frida.y night, Aug. :30, 191I8, am '8:t0 o'clock. Thtere wijll iembelr-:,ar'e','irniesty r cituested to . ' pre.; n t anid visit ing brethrt en weli liy order of M1. L. SMll'iJ, Ii. I'. H, TEIbtRY, Sec. TH-E NEW CALOMEL. IS HA&RMLESS AND DELIGHhTFUL All Slekenthigmami Jlange'ot Qualitie's IimprOI ed. New Vairiety ('ailed "('alit Rcetence has given uts smokeless pow der,. color'less iodline andl tasteless clutnne-now conies nausealess calo maci, a new variety known as Calo tabs, that is wholely (delight ful in ef fect, yet more effective than the old style ealomel as a system-putrifetr and liver-c leanaser. Your doctor prefers calomel above all other medicines, as it Is the best and only sure remedy for~ biliousness indigestion and constipation. Now that calomel is delightful to take, ev ei'ybody Is asking for the new varIety, Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime, a swallow of water, that's all. No nau sea, no griping, no dangetr. Next morning you wake up feeling fine, your liver cleansed, your system purl fled. Eat what you [please-no reu'rlc lion of habIt or diet. Calotaba are sold only in original, sealed package, prico 'hirty-flvo cents, gni reist renommendsannd a r First Methodist Church Notes. The regular services at the First Methodist church will be resumed Sun day morning. The Greenville District Woman's Missionary Conference will meet, with the church on September 5th and 6th. A cordial invitation is.extended to all the ladies of the town to attend its sessions. To Improve Your Digestion. "For years my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried everything that I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and got a bottle of then did I flnd the right treatment. Since taking then my digestion is fine."--Mrs. Blanche Bowers, Indkina, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES. $ $ * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 For Sale--One bay mare, seven years old. Victor Weathers. Laurens. Route 2. 6-it-pd Wanted-To rent a farm, 2 or more plows, must be in a iublic place, and good house and outbuildings. State particularly in first letter. Address "X Y Z" care The Advertiser. 6-2t-pd Notlce-I am again opening my blacksmith shop belind lIen Madden's restaurant and Minter Company's store. Good work guaranteed. Special Ist on horse-shoeing. John S. Fowler. 6-5t -paI Laost--The starting crank dropped off of my Overland touring car late Sunday evening. August.18ti, on WNXVc Main Street. betweeir the railroad bridge and my house. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to me. W. R1. Richey. 6-It For ltent-Good two-horse farm In four miles of town on Spartamiburg. road. C. .D. Moseley. 6-It-pd For S./-t'-lght weeks old pigs. Cross bet ween Duroc and Berksltire. $6.01) to $10.00 each. 4lbert Dial. 6-3t laumber-Good seco d hand lumber, suItable for building )arns otithouses, etc., Some extra heavy heart pine. Al bert )Ial. 6-3t Notice-I have three yearlings that got into my crop Tuesday night. Own or can have same by paying damages. Ed Williants, 311 Fleming St., near Oil Mill. 6-It-pd mi-We have j ist received a c of lime. Write usior call on us for your needs. D. M. fribble & o., Clin ton,. S. C. 'L I t For Sale-Two-year old register'. Duroe-Jersey sow. Due to farrow flrst of November. Price $40.0o. J. 11. Wolff Gray Court. S. C. It. 1. -1 t-pd For Stle---190 acres good farnm le ' near Mountville, at a: bargain. J. Xr. Simmons, Mountville, S. C. NoIlei4- -Just arrived a car load of the well known Nissen Wagons, all sizes. Hetter come early to get one of these wagons as there is big demand and sIupply is limited. Counts & Wott. 6--It-pd For Sa-le- Registered Dtrroc-Jer sey pigs, $15.00 per pair. J. 1). Sulli man. 5-21-pd' For Sale or I'nt-Hlighly improved three-horse farm, about eighty acres In cult ivat ion, line pastire, good out buildings. near good school and chu1rch, between Moimtville and Crous 11 ill. Write or see J. M. Bryson. Momuntvllc, S. 0. 5-i-It-i For Sile- -Traf of laind. 9(I neret4. more or less, one-half mile from Ilarksdale. about '.20 acres 'heavIly wooded; part of the W. A. Garireet es tate. Persons intlerested may see I' GI. Cummings, Gra3 ('ourit 1. i. ) J. T. Garrett, Girienwood andl S. W. Garrett, Hlartsville, IExecutotrs. 4-5t He The two of modern tn to sing for you want tot -. The Victor brings thei voices to you, just as sweet -If the artists themselves sto< A strong statement to P'rove It for yourself. Come famous artists sing on the --- your part, .. . The Victor Is made in ,aeious ?t . 1,00. and easy uerme can be uumeaged For Sale Powe Drt * VAGRANT THOUGHTS. * * (By Rev. J. K. Steadman.) % The most precious passage in the Bible to the lazy man is, Sleep on now, and take your rest!" Trouble drowned in drink Is sure to rise again. Giving to God never bankrupts one. ie only lives who feeds on truth. Convictions are the roots of charac ter. God can tell what we are by what we ask Him for. Some )eople are more concerned' to know where the money they put in thte collection is going than they are to know where their souls are going. The devil is a lie incarnated. Watchfulness is the picket line of the soul. The scepticism of the man who sins and believes he will not be punished is far more dangerous than that of the man who denies the existence of God. The eharacter of the head Is not al ways indicated by the kind of hat that covers it. Bevarse an Eternal God never hI ries wt- are not to conclude that mortai man should not mako haste. Heathen nations that give up their heathenism for a materialistic civiliza tion- get only a rotation crop of Satan. Perfection is possible only to hint who is determined to get away fron self. IHatred or intolerance of evil in others will not atone for lack of love it our own lives. Wo can extend the kingdom of God far more rapidly by being religIous :han we can by talking religiously. Me who has lost the love of God from Itls heart has lot the only power that ctt produce a Christian life. Gbd's flittI for the development of His truth Is human life. God has revealed no religious truth that we cannot live. God blesses us it the closet hut we must not keep the blessing there. Girove* Tastele6s chil Tonic ieeroys the aierial germs which are transmitted o the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. 1'rce M W. M. NASH SURVEYOR Terracing :: Leveling Drainage NOTARY PUBLIC Gray Court. S. C. ar d Melba reatest smngers nes are ready rou whenever tear them. r actual living, breathIng and clear and true-to-life sa xi before you. make-but absolutely true. in itaytme and hear these Victor-no oh1gation on yies from $10 to $100; Vicuiole 515 we I desired. %1. iCo. A1 BilOUs Attack.. When You, have a bilious atthitrou*, NONOW'4W OREDlT ;. You, beconiv con8tated.. The- foodVierfll oplf~m istncUKM: All poisons 'Iolfg claims agalfist, c d t ftrments Ili youristonmac instVa h- th 'estite of- Sr. Mnihafy;.d~cesed ofi* digesting. Tlihj ifiames te stoWv are hereby nottited and required t;o aet nd'auses naU00ea-vOmng and' v Vrin theicnii proven:to 'the un t rigen ed on or bo're the 4th day f bcr19tits Tablets.. They will tole up tqteinber 1918 or be forever barred yNour* liver, clean out your stomachl J!Nu AHAFFIEY, and y-,*oub will e' be as well as ever. Adrnini trator. They only cost a quarter. A'gust' 140 1918 4-3t(A 0 PE RA n 0 USE Friday==This Week America's Favorite Actor WILLIAM FARNUM "TRUE BLUE" A story of an. American Cowboy King who srificed his right to a coro to aid his bro ther and win a girl. Admission Prices. Children . . . lOc Adults . . . . 20c OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Sept. 5th A Stupendous Picturization of ~ . Victor ,.~- Famous C' S tory "Lea Miserable.", the greatest epic and dramatic work of fiction ever created or conceived; the epic of a soul transfigured and redeemed, purified by heroism and glorified through suffering; the tragedy and comedy of life at its darkest and bright est---of humanity at its best and at its worst. One Day Only---Thursday, Sept. S Children 10c Adulta 25c