University of South Carolina Libraries
I8 888 8 8 888 88 8 8 8 8 8 S Local and Personal Mention. 8 8 888 8 888888 R 9 R 8 R R 2 Geo. A. Browning, Jr., of Goldville. was a visitor in the city Monday. Mliss Mattle Brock, of Clinton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyd this week. Mrsa. Philips, of Chester, is spend Ing several days with her brother, Mr. Paul Cooper. Mrs. Royall and son, of Montgom ery, Ala., visited Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mc'Gowan last week. Misses Lola. Martin and Sallie and Fannie Browniec, of Gray Court, were in the city shopping Friday. Alsa Lizzie Parks, of Fountain Inn, spent the week-end in the city with her sister, Mrs. I. B. Kennedy. Misses Mabel and Estelle lHinshaw, of Winston-Salem, N. C., are visiting ir. and Mrs. 11. M. Wolff this week. L.ieut. William McGowan is spend Ing several days in the city with his parents;. M.r. and Mrs. P. P. Metiowan. Mr. a.J Mrs. William K arn and children, of Atlatita, were .4uests of Cant. a'-1 Mrs. .1. M. Philpot last week. .lrI. and 1r1s. W. .1. Moore aild famn ily, of Greeiwood, spent Suinday in tilie cit with Dr. and irs. W. H-. Dial. in a letter to home folks here, Theo ore Crew:s, who is attached to the rlefdieal branch of the,service, states! ,at he has arrived safely in Italy. Mr. Carl W. Martin, who has been conflned to his lione for several weeks, vas carried to the hospital Thuraday for treatment. .\MI. E. P. Minter and son, Gelder Minter, left Monday for Lake Juna luski, N. C., where the latter will join a party of canipers for the summer. Mrs. Annie Simpson, of Spartan hurg, has returned home after visit ing her sister, Mrs. Thad Sim)son, and o1::er rclatives in the county. Messrs. Thos. 'ii. Ray and Hal Moor man, who have been in government work . lopewell, Va., for several ionlths are at home on a visit for.a few days. Henry Martin returned last week from Charleston where he succeeded in eiteiiig the naval aviation service and winning all appointment as chief petty ollicer. Mr. J. H. IHenderson, who wan formerly in charge of tile city's road work, has acepted a position in the store of Mr. Johnll A. Franks and has already entered upon hisdue. .\irs. Marv Reid, whlio has been with her soil. Mr. WV. L. Held it 1ar liarksdale 1Station, came down last wekk " isi h er sols. .\iesi'. Ithet t 'fnd S. C. lleid, far awile. 'd-~iii. I :i'o ( r.d 0f 11111 Se vier, spent Sunday with his Illother, M.r.. Isla Crui pler, Who is a guest at tile hom11e of lieri sister, Mrs. 1). T. Kinard. nvar the city. .\l V. \'. '. ilhilak ly, the city bt:ilth ofileeri, vas < aied to the hc;;pital .\londay a'tei'llooni to uinide'go an op .(ration for appenldici:Is, hain tk ('1n sick the night before. ierimn S. lloyd, who is now in tlie kv:ii ser'vice ait in' i'tess .lonro'e1, ar' Ri. Dunk lloyd. ini the Tr'inity'-liidge .\larle Pil htm. left Sunday foi' Atlan I'i by aii-,1nnhile' to1 8pend~ severa:l daiys. .\irs. M. .1. .\ led loCk, .\h isseis Sit die OPERA HOUSE COMiNG WEEK m0iad 20e SATh''lt)AY.,h.i'l-Y 6th. 12th~ l~dsodle 0 "Til(E i' ll lE'N H Ni)" ~A Tiwo-'ReeI D ra ma of We:tern ILife, ind "A~I"IAIiJ Ti'O lE .\SE" A Comeiidy of lot am di 1iaughs Six hteel T':iln ):y. "Iiu 15e "F'AN YiTIt " A Triangle I' 'ati 'e in Five Parttr. Aliso 1 II .3 C'oredy. "ItallmRSiOl THENWT A Metrio Driamta of Inatense in te'rest. ,WM1UNE~SDAY. JUL~Y 10th. 1 0th Epiiode of Featuringr Helen Holmes10. Also Four ,her 'Reels. te and 15e TJiitmeD3"iAY, ,JULY 1 lth. "STOL1EN HION O1l" A F'ox Featuri' in Six Pai. ie anid 13e IH)OWS OFV Mrl'T. I (ln Tis Oe' F~r Your Unldanice Shoals, were visitors in the city Wed nesday, having brought home Mrs. T. D. Downdy, who had been visiting them for about ten days. Rev. C. T. Squires, pasi or of the First Presbyterian church, was un able to preach Sunday on account of sickness. le was confined to his bed Sunday and Monday, but was; able to sit up yesterday. Frank Reid, who has met with much succes2 with a large tobacco concern for the sast several years, has re signed iis position and come home for a short visit befare tii cng gov ernment service at Charleston. Messr-. 041e Anderson. We Nickels and A. C. Todd left Monday morning for Atainta, where they will attend a conference of Y. M. C. A. workers. Mr. Gus Habb accompanied them, though not a member of the commit tee. Dr. and Mrs. J. i. Marshall and Miss Julia Connor, of Greenwood, spent the week-end in the city with I)r. and .\rs. Dial. .\i-s. P. 11. Con not'. who -necom 'mn led Ihem. vlsiIed -t the h-itie of Mr. and .\tr'. (.ilkesoni wvhile here. \Mr. .\. S. W\ bb, I!. laurona, foat , : f"2d Wie Fii"y, colored, Idded C(t Inm l'loom'; ""muradar.' to th 11 list of those prilnted last week. .\l t of th(.e other bloomis ailne from IIIhe lo wr irirt of ti ecunuty, the 1loom that Wade Finley added was n-.;teng the first from the s;ction above Laur2ens. 3ore Cotton B1looms . 'ir. Roberts, who lives on NI rs. Caine's place near Mountville, and T. L. Sumerel, of Gray Couri, report more cotton blooms in addition to those noted last week. Mir. Roberts Is a North Carlinian and made his first effort at cotton plinting t his year and therefore has made an ius iial record. Fix Men for Siweial Training. The local exemption boa1( sent off six white men Monday morning to take special courses in varios me chanical lines at the training school condicted through the summ er' montis by the governa- '." the I'ni -,-er-ity of Scuth Car.i'Ina. In ntmilher we-re .lhn Gar'y Cunin.:;hln,1 Niles C. Clarke. Ulyses 'S. Illmore, iarrison F". Gtar'rett, Jino. C. Sea wr+ight and Wia. M. F.witzer. Sin i 1ost' llrned. .'he finl hous..e at the1 ileyd' .1111 plant of the Reedy Rih er Po.'er Con' Si'1:t anl(! di:c et'r wa-; not made i un ,!Il about re-'en] o'lockh Tullesday mr: ilg. 'I'h- pinniery Was owned by.", tIhe ;\Vir co'an, but h:d been operated (1d2urite; the pateason by 'its & Wood. Th' (riginl of 1te fire Is Itn 1:n n. T vod hous noare bywa ar'-oadm of "Wilkes Special" Stee!; .inust reve%(d. Theyarma 4'd1 a! pric(s thaut will v y01 11111y. S. f. & 10. 1. WI I l ldS & CO. Mr.~ ~ ..... .... __:tk S u d y As; 'tatert itn Thle Adivert bu-r' las: t'nited( St1ates Senate. W'ill Imiake a intlii ni1'Idr.m2 at1 th lii ourl t holulse Sat - 4 2 nd( hear im 2 outl ine hIs platf orm. 1e hn''d 4t :the gra2'd( s''hool I a l mLi: l'i':l t-: 422 2 mornig :1t 9::10 o'ilhot:...\'fe.!l at t emh~inie 1is re'p'''-t - .\!I ..i.t r::~' liell 1I iI bh See. A: ''u:.'ling of the i,:ari. li'r held 8.aturday13 it -was12 d1ecided to dis5 l4en2se with ai11lllny ('ases a2t the term12 (2f ~'h1onn I'lent: ('ourt which is to ('nene~tCi here nti .\londay(153 morin g. On t hat 22('01unt the li st of jurior's lsh!i'h ws' drawn on thbe 2;Ith has b~eeni withldra2wn and( onily a few ('(ltity' and11 1 4 alea Ic(ases will lie heardii. Th'le (courit w'ill hard'.e' lt,.;t over' 012e (day. En2t:ritaini for 1I'use Gu ests. .\iress I duey Veance andt Claudia Da.irli ngton enterIt aineid a fcw friends y'esteriday miorin g at a 1kn11t thlg party3 ini honor01 of the ir house guests, .\isses Margaret Warrten, of Allendale, and .\ iss Corinna Johnson, of lleidsville, N. C. After' spending some timhe in kntitting for the soldiers, i <dainty salad course was1 servedl and( theo rest of the miornting was5 give (1over' to muliisic. .2Lames It. Davis, who has been one of the efficient city mail carr'iei.., and W. .\lurph11llt, who has beent deliv cring the mails on Rloutu, Six regut Iarly fot' sever'al years, have exchanig ed 11ositions1, 420 that. the formert'i ser've' lhe farmers0i' anud thle Iatte cthle city folks. All attles concerne:d wvill no dlOubt soon1 becon.e romignedi to t hr ceban go. GIrovo's Tasteless clhil Tronic restores vitamiy and energy be p',rI(-'-' ''. co. aUching~ tlh blood. You can uouin 1stl i. aucuth aning. 'Lnvigoretind Efet. 9,ice mac COMPANY 1) IN FRANCE. Sergeatnt "Jap" Caldwell Writes to his M1other of hism Safe Arrival In France. The following lette" from Sergeant J. P. Caldwell, of Company D, 118th Infantry, was received by his mother, .\trs. W. M. Caldwell several lays ago, showing that the Lanrens company has arrived in France and is getting along well: "Somewhere in France" May 29, 1918. .My Dear Mother: I hope you received the eard I wrote you in New York. I would have written from here before now, biut I didn't know what my address was going to be. I had a file 0rip across, was a little sick for the first. day or two on sea. It was a real -runny sight to see nearly everybody on the ship siek and just to see anything to eat woild make you worse. .France is a beautiful country. All the flelds are so pretty and green. I guess you all are getting :lety cf vegetables oilt of the garden now. The gardens seem to be s,;tmvewhaI later here than they are in the "ta ite:. Now. Mother. p1lease don't worry a.': me rot I am h-intg a good time and am gettuig pleti to Vat. You all inmuist write to me real often. Give my love to a1ll. As ever, Youri' devoted son; J. P1. Caldwe'l. Address: Sergt. . 1 . Caldwell, Co. 1), 1 ith infantry, American E. +., via New York. Takes 31anaigement of OpCiI M1ouse. Mr. Gilbert M. Tyler. of Atlanta, air rived in the city last week to assume the management of the Opera Ilouse, 3ucceeding Mr. W. .\. S-witzer, who left .\Monday mol)rning 7 ' speclai training at the University of South Carolina before ent.cring the army. .ir. Tyler a oniving picture man withi Sou rteen years of experience and is wet litted to give the patrons of tle playhouse the best service to le had. Mlr. Switzei, before leaving Monday. asked that his thanks he express;ed :o his patronis and friends for their tipport of Ihe pictitre ;how in the past and asked for its continuaice in 'he future as to rt ill retatins the saime interest in it as he did before. The iciture show is owned by the Lee' I rot heres. .icowri's. Jas. P. iliar ney. a (1 W. .\. Switzer. .\r. Tyler is to act 's ntan tager for Ihe ow 11ers. Six Years Old4. .\aster Williamt toff celebrIah d his sixli hiiithday at his iolle on E:Ist li opton ltr Tuestyday af'terion by ha.vingp sevenlteenl of his young. frijend.; to joinl himl In a patrtY. Gamles of -everal kinds weve played aftri- which iC crteanitt an' (' Ike werte served. 'ni e aimor ih' gifts fm- 01wh or( . .Zion; was; a thift ";amp given.I himl by one (t the youtng hoys. Fire III Th ll rnue llhanue. Fire hc ori:."ia~d, it I., thensin, in cin" of thle gi l's r'oiints des rayed lie' iina' of' Peace at thew'Thorn well )m hanti;--.' at ' minion yt ''i'day, ent elling a loss of' a ',(itt $::.00n. .- itt 'P(4' ISe hiusedr a;; a dtor'initory byi Iji~mSu hir .ti luti. \. 3 \ - uta' - coivoi'(ui ''l oP ~ ~41 i in Ft ~ u:' ('hantei' No. tin. be_,wei;l it e '. a l M. L. S.\lIT'ii, II, l'. INSI'.AN(L: AMSOl.T'I'ON. I'lImOPElI'TY I NSU liED $j;2,500O,000. 4Igned~ foi' anly infloirinationl you miay iesii'e abouit our plati oif insurance. We insur'e yourli proper'ty against de struction by Fire, Winudstormt or Lighitning. And dto so chieaper t:,as. any insuranefltI ~otmmany in exIst ence. Rlememiber we are prtepar'ed to pirovec to you that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of inisur'ance known. Our association is now licensed to wrie insur iance in the counltieos of Ah beille, Greenwvood, .\cCormtick, Lau roels andl Edgetlteid. r.The oflicers are: GEN. J1. FIIASEli LYON. P'resiudenit. Onlumbia. S. C. 1. R. 11.k E, (Jon. Ant ., 4'(ey. A Tirenis. , treenwlod, S. C. DrrIrWCTOilS: A. 0. Grast. ..... ..Mt. C'armlel, 8. C. 5. M. Gatibieli . . ..Abbeviilie, H. C. lno. II. Childs.. .... Iladliey, H. C. A. WV. Younuglood . . . .Iliodgest. S. C. J. N. Chamberlain. .M('ormiek. 8. C. fR. It. Nicholson .. ..Edgetield, 8. C. . . 1Timmilermlain, PlIeaianlt Lane. S.. C. J. C. Martin .. .. .. .Princeton, S. C. WV. HI. Wharton .. .. ..Water'loo, S. C. J. It IIIakIl (Gen. AgI.. Greenwoon, 8. 0. MIc PITIRE FliDAV. Tieda Ilara in "The Hose of Blood". Lovers of motion pictures which in terest and enthrall will welcome the ,,lad news that Theda Bara 1. about to appear at the Opera, louse In her newest Williaml) Fox production, "The Rose of Blood." MisS Bara portrays a llussian hero inc. But Lisza Tapenka is different from every other Jeading lady of 2av Onli origin. -She is a RIussian who fights, made of the sane stuff which has formed the brave Legion of i)bath. 'Lsza allies herself with a band of revoliutionists who are seeking the freedom of the Empire. She is sue ecssful -in assassinating several per ;ions whose acts of oppression have made the lot of the people more mis erable. She signifies tile completion of her (edl" by drolpping a blood colord rose oin the body of each vi( tima. Finally her hand demand the death of her own husband. lie is the l1'1m0 Mlinisler, and his hand hears mere heavily that of an:. other. She had married him In his younger iam. before lie rose to so prominent a place. Fight ing bet weenl her. love f.r h1.i' and her desirc to fre the 11 dowrod: people, Lisza finially suieetuuh1 to right. She blows up a buildinig . which houses the Premier and all of his cabinet. 'I'le picture will play at the OQera louse for on3e day, Friday .1uiy 5th. All styles and sizes in Fruit .1ars. Jar Tops, Jar Rubbers and Jelily Glasses. S. M. & 1. H1. WLIES & CO, Met With Fall. irs. El'lizabeth Teague met wiltIi a painful aind very serious accident while visiting a cousin at ,anton, (a. Mrs. Teague, who is now 83 years of age, was starting out with her eons. in, who was also advanced in age, to visit friends and in attempting to turn in the floor stumbled and fell, break ing one of the bones of her hip. She :was given evry attention there, but sh" Preferred to conie home, so ac collpaniied b y her son, Mr. Albert I'eaguieiv, she arrived at Clinton Salue day afternoon and Was brought to the hospital here. She is suffering muc10h !ainl and tle injury is a seriou one considering her ape, but hopfes ara'e' held out for her recovery. A "1loosier" Kitchen Calbinet :m. mile' of teps, time and worry. See our33 display. S. M. & E. IT. WilikeF & Co. ITI (OJ I T.. '.nean-up Un We know the pr 'want to carry over e of Summer Prices tc COME EARLY AN Wli ll Sil' ' 'IilC'T ('CL.e('Cd, a (los' Ouat tro: $2.:h, Skirt........ liltl-:SS IJ00)0' Iti00 yardl.: of staiple (Cherk ( l10 pie'ces ''riec, uirganit e an3 Pr'''I'' wan'ted' niow for ((101 asim1 andi 2dc values............. .. NiillIN415 S 'titig of' all kIids in str' I.i :st the goods wated for' wa sh 311n1' wear 3. ATI (GO(OD OtLD Plt Don't wait until as the quantity is lin these prices. Come Let Us Save You Money on a Fine & STEEL RANGE Carload to Select From t izi d' i.4. MAJESTI ROUND OAK \ ilkes Special TOVES ai ' RANGES have been advan cing in rice alpdst weekly fQr nearly a year. W b ught this car in November, 1917. T actory was only able to make delivery last week, but at Last November Prices and we offer them to you the same way. This means a saving to you of from ten to twenty-five dollars on the range---if you buy before they are all sold. Come and see our display. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. SummerGoods In All ines ices are much hihr but as usual, we don't ny summer goods, so we have put the knife them. D BUY WHILE THE BUYiNG IS GOOD ,4 I l , andt blatk. at . (J4 of0 \\'a-th Silks;-. h;b . ... ................... di Volle; .Is Ih . ... ... ... ~ .5 - -, a:: low enIts, $2.3 to $-.00 vaIlt: * o~ Llos irts for sum'- ('1I1I,I11)IIsNIN'~I C~I' Irn fl th mae i for D) I;.AS b4)d ci' omer and Wa'l .Su' I('ES ' Ilo s Dr1 se and( ILagala \' ron. (': . these goods are sold and then come for them, iited and they cannot be produced againt at early and buy quick. L. TERRY4